%D \module %D [ file=typo-tal, % spac-cha (2012.06.08) supp-ali (2000.04.17) %D version=2013.10.04, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Typesetting Macros, %D subtitle=Character Alignment, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. \writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Typesetting Macros / Character Alignment} %D This module replaces the \MKII\ character alignment code which hooked into %D table mechanisms but used parsing. In fact, this might be one of these cases %D where a \TEX\ based solution is faster, but a \LUA\ one a bit more robust. %D Anyway, as I had to fix something (to fit the newer table mechanisms) I %D decided to go the mixed route, a rather easy going effort in the aftermath of %D the 2013 \CONTEXT\ meeting. \unprotect \registerctxluafile{typo-tal}{1.001} \definesystemattribute[characteralign][public] %D This mechanism is mostly meant for tables: %D %D \startbuffer %D \starttabulate[|l|g{,}|r|] %D \NC test \NC 1.234.456,99 \NC \NC test \NR %D \NC test \NC 234.456,9 \NC \NC test \NR %D \NC test \NC 234.456 \NC \NC test \NR %D \NC test \NC 456 \NC \NC test \NR %D \NC test \NC \bf whatever \NC \NC test \NR %D \stoptabulate %D \stopbuffer %D %D \typebuffer \blank \getbuffer \blank % D \startbuffer % D \bTABLE % D \bTR \bTD[aligncharacter=yes] € 1,1 \eTD \eTR % D \bTR \bTD[aligncharacter=yes] € 11,11 \eTD \eTR % D \bTR \bTD[aligncharacter=yes] € 12\punctuationspace111,11 \eTD \eTR % D \bTR \bTD[aligncharacter=yes] € 12 111,11 \eTD \eTR % D \bTR \bTD[aligncharacter=yes] € 1.234.451,22222 \eTD \eTR % D \bTR \bTD[aligncharacter=yes] € 234.451,2 \eTD \eTR % D \bTR \bTD[aligncharacter=yes] € 234.451 \eTD \eTR % D \bTR \bTD[aligncharacter=yes] € 451 \eTD \eTR % D \bTR \bTD \bf some text \eTD \eTR % D \eTABLE % D \stopbuffer % D % D \typebuffer \blank \getbuffer \blank \unexpanded\def\signalcharacteralign#1#2{\attribute\characteralignattribute\numexpr#1*\maxcardminusone+#2\relax} % 0xFFFF \unexpanded\def\setcharacteralign #1#2{\clf_setcharacteralign#1{#2}} \unexpanded\def\resetcharacteralign {\clf_resetcharacteralign} \unexpanded\def\nocharacteralign {\attribute\characteralignattribute\attributeunsetvalue} %D Mostly downward compatible: %D %D \startbuffer %D \startcharacteralign %D \checkcharacteralign{123.456,78} %D \checkcharacteralign{456} %D \checkcharacteralign{23.456} %D \checkcharacteralign{78,9} %D \stopcharacteralign %D \stopbuffer %D %D \typebuffer \blank \getbuffer \blank %D We have (currently) two modes: \type {text} and \type {number}. The handler tries %D to determine the mode automatically. When using periods and commas as separators %D the \type {number} mode is chosen. If you use for instance a \type {-} as %D separator, \type {text} is chosen, but you can enforce \type {number} with \type %D {number->-} (as with other mechanisms, the arrow indicates a methot to apply). %D %D One can use \type {\nocharacteralign} to disable this mechanism, for instance in %D a table cell. \def\alignmentcharacter{,} \unexpanded\def\typo_charalign_pass_one {\advance\scratchcounter\plusone \setbox\scratchbox\typo_charalign_pass} \unexpanded\def\typo_charalign_pass_two {\advance\scratchcounter\plusone \typo_charalign_pass} \def\typo_charalign_pass {\hbox\bgroup\signalcharacteralign\plusone\scratchcounter\let\next} \unexpanded\def\startcharacteralign {\dosingleempty\typo_charalign_start} \def\typo_charalign_start[#1]#2\stopcharacteralign {\bgroup \edef\m_temp{#1}% \ifx\m_temp\empty \else \let\alignmentcharacter\m_temp \fi \setcharacteralign\plusone\alignmentcharacter \begingroup \scratchcounter\zerocount \let\checkcharacteralign\typo_charalign_pass_one \settrialtypesetting #2\relax \endgroup \begingroup \scratchcounter\zerocount \let\checkcharacteralign\typo_charalign_pass_two #2\relax \endgroup \resetcharacteralign \egroup} \let\stopcharacteralign \relax \let\checkcharacteralign\gobbleoneargument \def\setfirstpasscharacteralign {\let\checkcharacteralign\gobbleoneargument} \def\setsecondpasscharacteralign{\let\checkcharacteralign\firstofoneargument} %D We need fonts to provide tabular digits that is, the digits need to have the same %D width. %D %D \startbuffer %D \startbuffer[demo] %D \switchtobodyfont[pagella] %D \setupTABLE[column][1][alignmentcharacter=.,aligncharacter=yes] %D \bTABLE %D \bTR \bTD 11.111 \eTD \bTD 11.111 \eTD \eTR %D \bTR \bTD 2.2 \eTD \bTD 2.2 \eTD \eTR %D \bTR \bTD 444.444 \eTD \bTD 444.444 \eTD \eTR %D \eTABLE %D \stopbuffer %D %D \start inlinenumbers: \crlf \addfeature[inlinenumbers] \getbuffer \stop %D \start tabularnumbers: \crlf \addfeature[tabularnumbers] \getbuffer \stop %D \start oldstylenumbers:\crlf \addfeature[oldstylenumbers] \getbuffer \stop %D \stopbuffer %D %D \enabledirectives[typesetters.characteralign.autofont] %D \typebuffer \blank \getbuffer \blank %D \disabledirectives[typesetters.characteralign.autofont] %D \typebuffer \blank \getbuffer \blank %D \enabledirectives[typesetters.characteralign.autofont] \definefontfeature [system:tabnum] [tnum=yes, lnum=no] \newconditional\c_tabl_ntb_char_align_auto_font \settrue\c_tabl_ntb_char_align_auto_font \installtexdirective % yes or no ? {typesetters.characteralign.autofont} {\settrue \c_tabl_ntb_char_align_auto_font} {\setfalse\c_tabl_ntb_char_align_auto_font} \def\m_font_feature_auto_tabnum{system:tabnum} \unexpanded\def\typo_charalign_adapt_font_indeed {\let\m_font_feature_asked\m_font_feature_auto_tabnum \font_feature_reset_add_indeed} \def\typo_charalign_adapt_font % slow but seldom used (expanded in preamble) {\ifconditional\c_tabl_ntb_char_align_auto_font \typo_charalign_adapt_font_indeed \fi} \protect \endinput