if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['typo-tal'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to typo-tal.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- I'll make it a bit more efficient and provide named instances too which is needed for -- nested tables. -- -- Currently we have two methods: text and number with some downward compatible -- defaulting. -- We can speed up by saving the current fontcharacters[font] + lastfont. local next, type = next, type local div = math.div local utfbyte = utf.byte local splitmethod = utilities.parsers.splitmethod local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph local glue_code = nodecodes.glue local fontcharacters = fonts.hashes.characters ----- unicodes = fonts.hashes.unicodes local categories = characters.categories -- nd local variables = interfaces.variables local v_text = variables.text local v_number = variables.number local nuts = nodes.nuts local tonut = nuts.tonut local tonode = nuts.tonode local getnext = nuts.getnext local getprev = nuts.getprev local getid = nuts.getid local getfont = nuts.getfont local getchar = nuts.getchar local getfield = nuts.getfield local getattr = nuts.getattr local setfield = nuts.setfield local setattr = nuts.setattr local setchar = nuts.setchar local insert_node_before = nuts.insert_before local insert_node_after = nuts.insert_after local traverse_list_by_id = nuts.traverse_id local dimensions_of_list = nuts.dimensions local first_glyph = nuts.first_glyph local nodepool = nuts.pool local new_kern = nodepool.kern local new_gluespec = nodepool.gluespec local tracers = nodes.tracers local setcolor = tracers.colors.set local tracedrule = tracers.pool.nuts.rule local characteralign = { } typesetters.characteralign = characteralign local trace_split = false trackers.register("typesetters.characteralign", function(v) trace_split = true end) local report = logs.reporter("aligning") local a_characteralign = attributes.private("characteralign") local a_character = attributes.private("characters") local enabled = false local datasets = false local implement = interfaces.implement local comma = 0x002C local period = 0x002E local punctuationspace = 0x2008 local validseparators = { [comma] = true, [period] = true, [punctuationspace] = true, } local validsigns = { [0x002B] = 0x002B, -- plus [0x002D] = 0x2212, -- hyphen [0x00B1] = 0x00B1, -- plusminus [0x2212] = 0x2212, -- minus [0x2213] = 0x2213, -- minusplus } -- If needed we can have more modes which then also means a faster simple handler -- for non numbers. local function setcharacteralign(column,separator) if not enabled then nodes.tasks.enableaction("processors","typesetters.characteralign.handler") enabled = true end if not datasets then datasets = { } end local dataset = datasets[column] -- we can use a metatable if not dataset then local method, token if separator then method, token = splitmethod(separator) if method and token then separator = utfbyte(token) or comma else separator = utfbyte(separator) or comma method = validseparators[separator] and v_number or v_text end else separator = comma method = v_number end dataset = { separator = separator, list = { }, maxafter = 0, maxbefore = 0, collected = false, method = method, separators = validseparators, signs = validsigns, } datasets[column] = dataset used = true end return dataset end local function resetcharacteralign() datasets = false end characteralign.setcharacteralign = setcharacteralign characteralign.resetcharacteralign = resetcharacteralign implement { name = "setcharacteralign", actions = setcharacteralign, arguments = { "integer", "string" } } implement { name = "resetcharacteralign", actions = resetcharacteralign } local function traced_kern(w) return tracedrule(w,nil,nil,"darkgray") end function characteralign.handler(originalhead,where) if not datasets then return originalhead, false end local head = tonut(originalhead) -- local first = first_glyph(head) -- we could do that once local first for n in traverse_list_by_id(glyph_code,head) do first = n break end if not first then return originalhead, false end local a = getattr(first,a_characteralign) if not a or a == 0 then return originalhead, false end local column = div(a,0xFFFF) local row = a % 0xFFFF local dataset = datasets and datasets[column] or setcharacteralign(column) local separator = dataset.separator local list = dataset.list local b_start = nil local b_stop = nil local a_start = nil local a_stop = nil local c = nil local current = first local sign = nil -- local validseparators = dataset.separators local validsigns = dataset.signs local method = dataset.method -- we can think of constraints if method == v_number then while current do local id = getid(current) if id == glyph_code then local char = getchar(current) local font = getfont(current) -- local unicode = unicodes[font][char] local unicode = fontcharacters[font][char].unicode or char -- ignore tables if not unicode then -- no unicode so forget about it elseif unicode == separator then c = current if trace_split then setcolor(current,"darkred") end dataset.hasseparator = true elseif categories[unicode] == "nd" or validseparators[unicode] then if c then if not a_start then a_start = current end a_stop = current if trace_split then setcolor(current,validseparators[unicode] and "darkcyan" or "darkblue") end else if not b_start then if sign then b_start = sign local new = validsigns[getchar(sign)] if char == new or not fontcharacters[getfont(sign)][new] then if trace_split then setcolor(sign,"darkyellow") end else setchar(sign,new) if trace_split then setcolor(sign,"darkmagenta") end end sign = nil b_stop = current else b_start = current b_stop = current end else b_stop = current end if trace_split and current ~= sign then setcolor(current,validseparators[unicode] and "darkcyan" or "darkblue") end end elseif not b_start then sign = validsigns[unicode] and current -- if trace_split then -- setcolor(current,"darkgreen") -- end end elseif (b_start or a_start) and id == glue_code then -- maybe only in number mode -- somewhat inefficient local next = getnext(current) local prev = getprev(current) if next and prev and getid(next) == glyph_code and getid(prev) == glyph_code then -- too much checking local width = fontcharacters[getfont(b_start)][separator or period].width setfield(current,"spec",new_gluespec(width)) setattr(current,a_character,punctuationspace) if a_start then a_stop = current elseif b_start then b_stop = current end end end current = getnext(current) end else while current do local id = getid(current) if id == glyph_code then local char = getchar(current) local font = getfont(current) -- local unicode = unicodes[font][char] local unicode = fontcharacters[font][char].unicode or char -- ignore tables if not unicode then -- no unicode so forget about it elseif unicode == separator then c = current if trace_split then setcolor(current,"darkred") end dataset.hasseparator = true else if c then if not a_start then a_start = current end a_stop = current if trace_split then setcolor(current,"darkgreen") end else if not b_start then b_start = current end b_stop = current if trace_split then setcolor(current,"darkblue") end end end end current = getnext(current) end end local entry = list[row] if entry then if not dataset.collected then -- print("[maxbefore] [maxafter]") local maxbefore = 0 local maxafter = 0 for k, v in next, list do local before = v.before local after = v.after if before and before > maxbefore then maxbefore = before end if after and after > maxafter then maxafter = after end end dataset.maxbefore = maxbefore dataset.maxafter = maxafter dataset.collected = true end local maxbefore = dataset.maxbefore local maxafter = dataset.maxafter local before = entry.before or 0 local after = entry.after or 0 local new_kern = trace_split and traced_kern or new_kern if b_start then if before < maxbefore then head = insert_node_before(head,b_start,new_kern(maxbefore-before)) end if not c then -- print("[before]") if dataset.hasseparator then local width = fontcharacters[getfont(b_stop)][separator].width insert_node_after(head,b_stop,new_kern(maxafter+width)) end elseif a_start then -- print("[before] [separator] [after]") if after < maxafter then insert_node_after(head,a_stop,new_kern(maxafter-after)) end else -- print("[before] [separator]") if maxafter > 0 then insert_node_after(head,c,new_kern(maxafter)) end end elseif a_start then if c then -- print("[separator] [after]") if maxbefore > 0 then head = insert_node_before(head,c,new_kern(maxbefore)) end else -- print("[after]") local width = fontcharacters[getfont(b_stop)][separator].width head = insert_node_before(head,a_start,new_kern(maxbefore+width)) end if after < maxafter then insert_node_after(head,a_stop,new_kern(maxafter-after)) end elseif c then -- print("[separator]") if maxbefore > 0 then head = insert_node_before(head,c,new_kern(maxbefore)) end if maxafter > 0 then insert_node_after(head,c,new_kern(maxafter)) end end else entry = { before = b_start and dimensions_of_list(b_start,getnext(b_stop)) or 0, after = a_start and dimensions_of_list(a_start,getnext(a_stop)) or 0, } list[row] = entry end return tonode(head), true end