if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['supp-box'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to supp-box.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- this is preliminary code, use insert_before etc local report_hyphenation = logs.reporter("languages","hyphenation") local tonumber, next, type = tonumber, next, type local lpegmatch = lpeg.match local tex = tex local context = context local nodes = nodes local implement = interfaces.implement local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes local disc_code = nodecodes.disc local hlist_code = nodecodes.hlist local vlist_code = nodecodes.vlist local glue_code = nodecodes.glue local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph local nuts = nodes.nuts local tonut = nuts.tonut local tonode = nuts.tonode ----- getfield = nuts.getfield local getnext = nuts.getnext local getprev = nuts.getprev local getboth = nuts.getboth local getdisc = nuts.getdisc local getid = nuts.getid local getlist = nuts.getlist local getattribute = nuts.getattribute local getbox = nuts.getbox local getdir = nuts.getdir local getwidth = nuts.getwidth local takebox = nuts.takebox ----- setfield = nuts.setfield local setlink = nuts.setlink local setboth = nuts.setboth local setnext = nuts.setnext local setbox = nuts.setbox local setlist = nuts.setlist local setdisc = nuts.setdisc local setwidth = nuts.setwidth local setheight = nuts.setheight local setdepth = nuts.setdepth local flush_node = nuts.flush_node local flush_list = nuts.flush_list local copy_node = nuts.copy local copy_list = nuts.copy_list local find_tail = nuts.tail local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id local list_dimensions = nuts.dimensions local hpack = nuts.hpack local listtoutf = nodes.listtoutf local nodepool = nuts.pool local new_penalty = nodepool.penalty local new_hlist = nodepool.hlist local new_glue = nodepool.glue local setlistcolor = nodes.tracers.colors.setlist local texget = tex.get local texgetbox = tex.getbox local texsetdimen = tex.setdimen local function hyphenatedlist(head,usecolor) local current = head and tonut(head) while current do local id = getid(current) local prev, next = getboth(current) if id == disc_code then local pre, post, replace = getdisc(current) if not usecolor then -- nothing fancy done elseif pre and post then setlistcolor(pre,"darkmagenta") setlistcolor(post,"darkcyan") elseif pre then setlistcolor(pre,"darkyellow") elseif post then setlistcolor(post,"darkyellow") end if replace then flush_list(replace) end setdisc(current) if pre then setlink(prev,new_penalty(10000),pre) setlink(find_tail(pre),current) end if post then setlink(current,new_penalty(10000),post) setlink(find_tail(post),next) end elseif id == vlist_code or id == hlist_code then hyphenatedlist(getlist(current)) end current = next end end implement { name = "hyphenatedlist", arguments = { "integer", "boolean" }, actions = function(n,color) local b = texgetbox(n) if b then hyphenatedlist(b.list,color) end end } -- local function hyphenatedhack(head,pre) -- pre = tonut(pre) -- for n in traverse_id(disc_code,tonut(head)) do -- local hyphen = getfield(n,"pre") -- if hyphen then -- flush_list(hyphen) -- end -- setfield(n,"pre",copy_list(pre)) -- end -- end -- -- commands.hyphenatedhack = hyphenatedhack local function checkedlist(list) if type(list) == "number" then return getlist(getbox(tonut(list))) else return tonut(list) end end implement { name = "showhyphenatedinlist", arguments = "integer", actions = function(n) -- we just hyphenate (as we pass a hpack) .. a bit too much casting but ... local l = languages.hyphenators.handler(tonode(checkedlist(n))) report_hyphenation("show: %s",listtoutf(l,false,true)) end } local function applytochars(current,doaction,noaction,nested) while current do local id = getid(current) if nested and (id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code) then context.beginhbox() applytochars(getlist(current),doaction,noaction,nested) context.endhbox() elseif id ~= glyph_code then noaction(tonode(copy_node(current))) else doaction(tonode(copy_node(current))) end current = getnext(current) end end local function applytowords(current,doaction,noaction,nested) local start while current do local id = getid(current) if id == glue_code then if start then doaction(tonode(copy_list(start,current))) start = nil end noaction(tonode(copy_node(current))) elseif nested and (id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code) then context.beginhbox() applytowords(getlist(current),doaction,noaction,nested) context.egroup() elseif not start then start = current end current = getnext(current) end if start then doaction(tonode(copy_list(start))) end end local methods = { char = applytochars, characters = applytochars, word = applytowords, words = applytowords, } implement { name = "applytobox", arguments = { { { "box", "integer" }, { "command" }, { "method" }, { "nested", "boolean" }, } }, actions = function(specification) local list = checkedlist(specification.box) local action = methods[specification.method or "char"] if list and action then action(list,context[specification.command or "ruledhbox"],context,specification.nested) end end } local split_char = lpeg.Ct(lpeg.C(1)^0) local split_word = lpeg.tsplitat(lpeg.patterns.space) local split_line = lpeg.tsplitat(lpeg.patterns.eol) local function processsplit(specification) local str = specification.data or "" local command = specification.command or "ruledhbox" local method = specification.method or "word" local spaced = specification.spaced if method == "char" or method == "character" then local words = lpegmatch(split_char,str) for i=1,#words do local word = words[i] if word == " " then if spaced then context.space() end elseif command then context[command](word) else context(word) end end elseif method == "word" then local words = lpegmatch(split_word,str) for i=1,#words do local word = words[i] if spaced and i > 1 then context.space() end if command then context[command](word) else context(word) end end elseif method == "line" then local words = lpegmatch(split_line,str) for i=1,#words do local word = words[i] if spaced and i > 1 then context.par() end if command then context[command](word) else context(word) end end else context(str) end end implement { name = "processsplit", actions = processsplit, arguments = { { { "data" }, { "command" }, { "method" }, { "spaced", "boolean" }, } } } local a_vboxtohboxseparator = attributes.private("vboxtohboxseparator") implement { name = "vboxlisttohbox", arguments = { "integer", "integer", "dimen" }, actions = function(original,target,inbetween) local current = getlist(getbox(original)) local head = nil local tail = nil while current do local id = getid(current) local next = getnext(current) if id == hlist_code then local list = getlist(current) if head then if inbetween > 0 then local n = new_glue(0,0,inbetween) setlink(tail,n) tail = n end setlink(tail,list) else head = list end tail = find_tail(list) -- remove last separator if getid(tail) == hlist_code and getattribute(tail,a_vboxtohboxseparator) == 1 then local temp = tail local prev = getprev(tail) if next then local list = getlist(tail) setlink(prev,list) setlist(tail) tail = find_tail(list) else tail = prev end flush_node(temp) end -- done setnext(tail) setlist(current) end current = next end local result = new_hlist() setlist(result,head) setbox(target,result) -- setbox(target,new_hlist(head)) end } implement { name = "hboxtovbox", arguments = "integer", actions = function(n) local b = getbox(n) local factor = texget("baselineskip",false) / texget("hsize") setdepth(b,0) setheight(b,getwidth(b) * factor) end } implement { name = "boxtostring", arguments = "integer", actions = function(n) context.puretext(nodes.toutf(texgetbox(n).list)) -- helper is defined later end } local function getnaturaldimensions(n) local w, h, d = 0, 0, 0 local l = getlist(getbox(n)) if l then w, h, d = list_dimensions(l) end texsetdimen("lastnaturalboxwd",w) texsetdimen("lastnaturalboxht",h) texsetdimen("lastnaturalboxdp",d) return w, h, d end interfaces.implement { name = "getnaturaldimensions", arguments = "integer", actions = getnaturaldimensions } interfaces.implement { name = "naturalwd", arguments = "integer", actions = function(n) getnaturaldimensions(n) context.lastnaturalboxwd(false) end } interfaces.implement { name = "getnaturalwd", arguments = "integer", actions = function(n) local w, h, d = 0, 0, 0 local l = getlist(getbox(n)) if l then w, h, d = list_dimensions(l) end context("\\dimexpr%i\\scaledpoint\\relax",w) end } local function setboxtonaturalwd(n) local old = takebox(n) local new = hpack(getlist(old)) setlist(old,nil) flush_node(old) setbox(n,new) end interfaces.implement { name = "setnaturalwd", arguments = "integer", actions = setboxtonaturalwd } nodes.setboxtonaturalwd = setboxtonaturalwd local function firstdirinbox(n) local b = getbox(n) if b then local l = getlist(b) if l then for h in traverse_id(hlist_code,l) do return getdir(h) end end end end nodes.firstdirinbox = firstdirinbox local doifelse = commands.doifelse interfaces.implement { name = "doifelserighttoleftinbox", arguments = "integer", actions = function(n) doifelse(firstdirinbox(n) == "TRT") end } -- new (handy for mp) .. might move to its own module do local flush_list = nodes.flush_list local copy_list = nodes.copy_list local takebox = nodes.takebox local texsetbox = tex.setbox local new_hlist = nodes.pool.hlist local boxes = { } nodes.boxes = boxes local cache = table.setmetatableindex("table") local report = logs.reporter("boxes","cache") local trace = false trackers.register("nodes.boxes",function(v) trace = v end) function boxes.save(category,name,box) name = tonumber(name) or name local b = takebox(box) if trace then report("category %a, name %a, %s (%s)",category,name,"save",b and "content" or "empty") end cache[category][name] = b or false end function boxes.found(category,name) name = tonumber(name) or name return cache[category][name] and true or false end function boxes.direct(category,name,copy) name = tonumber(name) or name local c = cache[category] local b = c[name] if not b then -- do nothing, maybe trace elseif copy then b = copy_list(b) else c[name] = false end if trace then report("category %a, name %a, %s (%s)",category,name,"direct",b and "content" or "empty") end return b or nil end function boxes.restore(category,name,box,copy) name = tonumber(name) or name local c = cache[category] local b = takebox(box) if b then flush_list(b) end local b = c[name] if not b then -- do nothing, maybe trace elseif copy then b = copy_list(b) else c[name] = false end if trace then report("category %a, name %a, %s (%s)",category,name,"restore",b and "content" or "empty") end texsetbox(box,b or nil) end local getwhd = nodes.getwhd function boxes.dimensions(category,name) name = tonumber(name) or name local b = cache[category][name] if b then return getwhd(b) else return 0, 0, 0 end end function boxes.reset(category,name) name = tonumber(name) or name local c = cache[category] if name and name ~= "" then local b = c[name] if b then flush_list(b) c[name] = false end if trace then report("category %a, name %a, reset",category,name) end else for k, b in next, c do if b then flush_list(b) end end cache[category] = { } if trace then report("category %a, reset",category) end end end implement { name = "putboxincache", arguments = { "string", "string", "integer" }, actions = boxes.save, } implement { name = "getboxfromcache", arguments = { "string", "string", "integer" }, actions = boxes.restore, } implement { name = "directboxfromcache", arguments = { "string", "string" }, actions = { boxes.direct, context }, -- actions = function(category,name) local b = boxes.direct(category,name) if b then context(b) end end, } implement { name = "directcopyboxfromcache", arguments = { "string", "string", true }, actions = { boxes.direct, context }, -- actions = function(category,name) local b = boxes.direct(category,name,true) if b then context(b) end end, } implement { name = "copyboxfromcache", arguments = { "string", "string", "integer", true }, actions = boxes.restore, } implement { name = "doifelseboxincache", arguments = { "string", "string" }, actions = { boxes.found, doifelse }, } implement { name = "resetboxesincache", arguments = { "string" }, actions = boxes.reset, } implement { name = "lastlinewidth", actions = function() local head = tex.lists.page_head -- list dimensions returns 3 value but we take the first context(head and list_dimensions(getlist(find_tail(tonut(tex.lists.page_head)))) or 0) end } end