if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['publ-dat'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "this module part of publication support", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- todo: strip the @ in the lpeg instead of on do_definition and do_shortcut -- todo: store bibroot and bibrootdt -- todo: dataset = datasets[dataset] => current = datasets[dataset] -- todo: maybe split this file --[[ldx--

This is a prelude to integrated bibliography support. This file just loads bibtex files and converts them to xml so that the we access the content in a convenient way. Actually handling the data takes place elsewhere.

--ldx]]-- if not characters then dofile(resolvers.findfile("char-utf.lua")) dofile(resolvers.findfile("char-tex.lua")) end local lower, find, sub = string.lower, string.find, string.sub local concat, copy, tohash = table.concat, table.copy, table.tohash local next, type, rawget = next, type, rawget local utfchar = utf.char local lpegmatch, lpegpatterns = lpeg.match, lpeg.patterns local textoutf = characters and characters.tex.toutf local settings_to_hash, settings_to_array = utilities.parsers.settings_to_hash, utilities.parsers.settings_to_array local formatters = string.formatters local sortedkeys, sortedhash, keys = table.sortedkeys, table.sortedhash, table.keys local xmlcollected, xmltext, xmlconvert = xml.collected, xml.text, xml.convert local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex -- todo: more allocate local P, R, S, V, C, Cc, Cs, Ct, Carg, Cmt, Cp = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Carg, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.Cp local p_whitespace = lpegpatterns.whitespace local p_utf8character = lpegpatterns.utf8character local trace = false trackers.register("publications", function(v) trace = v end) local trace_duplicates = true trackers.register("publications.duplicates", function(v) trace = v end) local trace_strings = false trackers.register("publications.strings", function(v) trace = v end) local report = logs.reporter("publications") local report_duplicates = logs.reporter("publications","duplicates") local report_strings = logs.reporter("publications","strings") local allocate = utilities.storage.allocate local commands = commands local implement = interfaces and interfaces.implement publications = publications or { } local publications = publications local datasets = publications.datasets or { } publications.datasets = datasets local writers = publications.writers or { } publications.writers = writers local tables = publications.tables or { } publications.tables = tables publications.statistics = publications.statistics or { } local publicationsstats = publications.statistics local loaders = publications.loaders or { } publications.loaders = loaders local casters = { } publications.casters = casters -- local sorters = { } -- publications.sorters = sorters -- -- local indexers = { } -- publications.indexers = indexers local components = { } publications.components = components -- register components local enhancers = publications.enhancers or { } publications.enhancers = enhancers local enhancer = publications.enhancer or utilities.sequencers.new { arguments = "dataset" } publications.enhancer = enhancer utilities.sequencers.appendgroup(enhancer,"system") -- private publicationsstats.nofbytes = 0 publicationsstats.nofdefinitions = 0 publicationsstats.nofshortcuts = 0 publicationsstats.nofdatasets = 0 local privates = allocate { category = true, tag = true, index = true, suffix = true, specification = true, } local specials = allocate { key = true, crossref = true, keywords = true, language = true, comment = true, } local implicits = allocate { category = "implicit", tag = "implicit", key = "implicit", keywords = "implicit", language = "implicit", crossref = "implicit", } local origins = allocate { "optional", "extra", "required", "virtual", } local virtuals = allocate { "authoryear", "authoryears", "authornum", "num", "suffix", } local defaulttypes = allocate { author = "author", editor = "author", publisher = "author", page = "pagenumber", pages = "pagenumber", keywords = "keyword", doi = "url", url = "url", } local defaultsets = allocate { page = { "page", "pages" }, } tables.implicits = implicits tables.origins = origins tables.virtuals = virtuals tables.types = defaulttypes tables.sets = defaultsets tables.privates = privates tables.specials = specials local variables = interfaces and interfaces.variables or setmetatableindex("self") local v_all = variables.all local v_default = variables.default if not publications.usedentries then function publications.usedentries() return { } end end local xmlplaceholder = "\n" local defaultshortcuts = allocate { jan = "1", feb = "2", mar = "3", apr = "4", may = "5", jun = "6", jul = "7", aug = "8", sep = "9", oct = "10", nov = "11", dec = "12", } local space = p_whitespace^0 local separator = space * "+" * space local p_splitter = lpeg.tsplitat(separator) local unknownfield = function(t,k) local v = "extra" t[k] = v return v end local unknowncategory = function(t,k) local v = { required = false, optional = false, virtual = false, fields = setmetatableindex(unknownfield), -- this will remember them types = unknowntypes, sets = setmetatableindex(defaultsets), -- new, but rather small } t[k] = v return v end local unknowntype = function(t,k) local v = "string" t[k] = v return v end local default = { name = name, version = "1.00", comment = "unknown specification.", author = "anonymous", copyright = "no one", categories = setmetatableindex(unknowncategory), types = setmetatableindex(defaulttypes,unknowntype), } -- maybe at some point we can have a handlers table with per field -- a found, fetch, ... method local function checkfield(specification,category,data) local list = setmetatableindex({},implicits) data.fields = list data.category = category local sets = data.sets or { } for i=1,#origins do local t = origins[i] local d = data[t] if d then for i=1,#d do local di = d[i] di = sets[di] or di if type(di) == "table" then for i=1,#di do list[di[i]] = t end else list[di] = t end end else data[t] = { } end end return data end local specifications = setmetatableindex(function(t,name) if not name then return default -- initializer end local filename = formatters["publ-imp-%s.lua"](name) local fullname = resolvers.findfile(filename) or "" if fullname == "" then report("no data definition file %a for %a",filename,name) return default end local specification = table.load(fullname) if not specification then report("invalid data definition file %a for %a",fullname,name) return default end -- local categories = specification.categories if not categories then categories = { } specification.categories = categories end setmetatableindex(categories,unknowncategory) -- local types = specification.types if not types then types = defaulttypes specification.types = types end setmetatableindex(types,unknowntype) -- local fields = setmetatableindex(unknownfield) specification.fields = fields -- local virtual = specification.virtual if virtual == nil then -- so false is valid virtual = { } elseif virtual == false then virtual = { } elseif type(virtual) ~= table then virtual = virtuals end specification.virtual = virtual specification.virtualfields = tohash(virtual) -- for category, data in next, categories do categories[category] = checkfield(specification,category,copy(data)) -- we make sure we have no clones end -- t[name] = specification -- return specification end) publications.specifications = specifications function publications.setcategory(target,category,data) local specification = specifications[target] specification.categories[category] = checkfield(specification,category,data) end function publications.parenttag(dataset,tag) if not dataset or not tag then report("error in specification, dataset %a, tag %a",dataset,tag) elseif find(tag,"%+") then local tags = lpegmatch(p_splitter,tag) local parent = tags[1] local current = datasets[dataset] local luadata = current.luadata local details = current.details local first = luadata[parent] if first then local detail = details[parent] local children = detail.children if not children then children = { } detail.children = children end -- add new ones but only once for i=2,#tags do local tag = tags[i] for j=1,#children do if children[j] == tag then tag = false end end if tag then local entry = luadata[tag] if entry then local detail = details[tag] children[#children+1] = tag if detail.parent then report("error in combination, dataset %a, tag %a, parent %a, ignored %a",dataset,tag,detail.parent,parent) else report("combining, dataset %a, tag %a, parent %a",dataset,tag,parent) detail.parent = parent end end end end return parent end end return tag or "" end function publications.new(name) publicationsstats.nofdatasets = publicationsstats.nofdatasets + 1 local dataset = { name = name or "dataset " .. publicationsstats.nofdatasets, nofentries = 0, shortcuts = { }, luadata = { }, suffixes = { }, xmldata = xmlconvert(xmlplaceholder), details = { }, ordered = { }, nofbytes = 0, entries = nil, -- empty == all sources = { }, loaded = { }, fields = { }, userdata = { }, used = { }, commands = { }, -- for statistical purposes citestate = { }, status = { resources = false, userdata = false, }, specifications = { -- used specifications }, suffixed = false, } -- we delay details till we need it (maybe we just delay the -- individual fields but that is tricky as there can be some -- depedencies) return dataset end setmetatableindex(datasets,function(t,k) if type(k) == "table" then return k -- so we can use this accessor as checker else local v = publications.new(k) datasets[k] = v return v end end) local function getindex(dataset,luadata,tag) local found = luadata[tag] if found then local index = found.index or 0 dataset.ordered[tag] = index return index else local index = dataset.nofentries + 1 dataset.nofentries = index dataset.ordered[index] = tag return index end end publications.getindex = getindex do -- we apply some normalization local space = S(" \t\n\r\f") -- / " " local collapsed = space^1/" " local csletter = lpegpatterns.csletter or R("az","AZ") ----- command = P("\\") * Cc("btxcmd{") * (R("az","AZ")^1) * Cc("}") ----- command = P("\\") * (Carg(1) * C(R("az","AZ")^1) / function(list,c) list[c] = (list[c] or 0) + 1 return "btxcmd{" .. c .. "}" end) ----- command = P("\\") * (Carg(1) * C(R("az","AZ")^1) * space^0 / function(list,c) list[c] = (list[c] or 0) + 1 return "btxcmd{" .. c .. "}" end) local command = P("\\") * (Carg(1) * C(csletter^1) * space^0 / function(list,c) list[c] = (list[c] or 0) + 1 return "btxcmd{" .. c .. "}" end) local whatever = P("\\") * P(" ")^1 / " " + P("\\") * ( P("hbox") + P("raise") ) -- bah local somemath = P("$") * ((1-P("$"))^1) * P("$") -- let's not assume nested math ----- character = lpegpatterns.utf8character local any = P(1) local done = P(-1) -- local one_l = P("{") / "" -- local one_r = P("}") / "" -- local two_l = P("{{") / "" -- local two_r = P("}}") / "" local zero_l_r = P("{}") / "" * #P(1) local special = P("#") / "\\letterhash " local filter_0 = S('\\{}#') local filter_1 = (1-filter_0)^0 * filter_0 local filter_2 = Cs( -- {{...}} ... {{...}} -- two_l * (command + special + any - two_r - done)^0 * two_r * done + -- one_l * (command + special + any - one_r - done)^0 * one_r * done + ( somemath + whatever + command + special + collapsed + zero_l_r + any )^0 ) -- Currently we expand shortcuts and for large ones (like the acknowledgements -- in tugboat.bib) this is not that efficient. However, eventually strings get -- hashed again. local function do_shortcut(key,value,dataset) publicationsstats.nofshortcuts = publicationsstats.nofshortcuts + 1 dataset.shortcuts[key] = value end -- todo: categories : metatable that lowers and also counts -- todo: fields : metatable that lowers local tags = table.setmetatableindex("table") local function do_definition(category,tag,tab,dataset) publicationsstats.nofdefinitions = publicationsstats.nofdefinitions + 1 if tag == "" then tag = "no-tag-set" end local fields = dataset.fields local luadata = dataset.luadata local hashtag = tag if luadata[tag] then local t = tags[tag] local d = dataset.name local n = (t[d] or 0) + 1 t[d] = n hashtag = tag .. "-" .. n if trace_duplicates then local p = { } for k, v in sortedhash(t) do p[#p+1] = formatters["%s:%s"](k,v) end report_duplicates("tag %a is present multiple times: % t, assigning hashtag %a",tag,p,hashtag) end end local index = getindex(dataset,luadata,hashtag) local entries = { category = lower(category), tag = tag, index = index, } for i=1,#tab,2 do local original = tab[i] local normalized = fields[original] if not normalized then normalized = lower(original) -- we assume ascii fields fields[original] = normalized end -- if entries[normalized] then if rawget(entries,normalized) then if trace_duplicates then report_duplicates("redundant field %a is ignored for tag %a in dataset %a",normalized,tag,dataset.name) end else local value = tab[i+1] value = textoutf(value) if lpegmatch(filter_1,value) then value = lpegmatch(filter_2,value,1,dataset.commands) -- we need to start at 1 for { } end if normalized == "crossref" then local parent = luadata[value] if parent then setmetatableindex(entries,parent) else -- warning end end entries[normalized] = value end end luadata[hashtag] = entries end local f_invalid = formatters[""] local function resolve(s,dataset) local e = dataset.shortcuts[s] if e then if trace_strings then report_strings("%a resolves to %a",s,e) end return e end e = defaultshortcuts[s] if e then if trace_strings then report_strings("%a resolves to default %a",s,e) end return e end if tonumber(s) then return s end report("error in database, invalid value %a",s) return f_invalid(s) end local pattern = p_whitespace^0 * C(P("message") + P("warning") + P("error") + P("comment")) * p_whitespace^0 * P(":") * p_whitespace^0 * C(P(1)^1) local function do_comment(s,dataset) local how, what = lpegmatch(pattern,s) if how and what then local t = string.splitlines(utilities.strings.striplines(what)) local b = file.basename(dataset.fullname or dataset.name or "unset") for i=1,#t do report("%s > %s : %s",b,how,t[i]) end end end local percent = P("%") local start = P("@") local comma = P(",") local hash = P("#") local escape = P("\\") local single = P("'") local double = P('"') local left = P('{') local right = P('}') local both = left + right local lineending = S("\n\r") local space = S(" \t\n\r\f") -- / " " local spacing = space^0 local equal = P("=") ----- collapsed = (space^1)/ " " local collapsed = p_whitespace^1/" " local nospaces = p_whitespace^1/"" local p_left = (p_whitespace^0 * left) / "" local p_right = (right * p_whitespace^0) / "" local keyword = C((R("az","AZ","09") + S("@_:-"))^1) local key = C((1-space-equal)^1) local tag = C((1-space-comma)^0) local category = C((1-space-left)^1) local s_quoted = ((escape*single) + collapsed + (1-single))^0 local d_quoted = ((escape*double) + collapsed + (1-double))^0 local reference = P("@{") * C((R("az","AZ","09") + S("_:-"))^1) * P("}") local r_value = reference * Carg(1) / resolve local balanced = P { [1] = ((escape * (left+right)) + (collapsed + r_value + 1 - (left+right))^1 + V(2))^0, [2] = left * V(1) * right, } -- local unbalanced = P { -- [1] = left * V(2) * right, -- [2] = ((escape * (left+right)) + (collapsed + 1 - (left+right))^1 + V(1))^0, -- } local unbalanced = (left/"") * balanced * (right/"") * P(-1) local reference = C((R("az","AZ","09") + S("_:-"))^1) local b_value = p_left * balanced * p_right local s_value = (single/"") * (unbalanced + s_quoted) * (single/"") local d_value = (double/"") * (unbalanced + d_quoted) * (double/"") local r_value = P("@") * reference * Carg(1) / resolve + reference * Carg(1) / resolve local n_value = C(R("09")^1) local e_value = Cs((left * balanced * right + (1 - S(",}")))^0) * Carg(1) / function(s,dataset) return resolve(s,dataset) end local somevalue = d_value + b_value + s_value + r_value + n_value + e_value local value = Cs((somevalue * ((spacing * hash * spacing)/"" * somevalue)^0)) local stripper = lpegpatterns.stripper value = value / function(s) return lpegmatch(stripper,s) end local forget = percent^1 * (1-lineending)^0 local spacing = spacing * forget^0 * spacing local assignment = spacing * key * spacing * equal * spacing * value * spacing local definition = category * spacing * left * spacing * tag * spacing * comma * Ct((assignment * comma^0)^0) * spacing * right * Carg(1) / do_definition local crapword = C((1-space-left)^1) local shortcut = Cmt(crapword,function(_,p,s) return lower(s) == "string" and p end) * spacing * left * ((assignment * Carg(1))/do_shortcut * comma^0)^0 * spacing * right local comment = Cmt(crapword,function(_,p,s) return lower(s) == "comment" and p end) * spacing * lpegpatterns.argument * Carg(1) / do_comment local casecrap = #S("sScC") * (shortcut + comment) local bibtotable = (space + forget + P("@") * (casecrap + definition) + 1)^0 -- todo \% -- loadbibdata -> dataset.luadata -- loadtexdata -> dataset.luadata -- loadluadata -> dataset.luadata -- converttoxml -> dataset.xmldata from dataset.luadata -- author = "al-" # @AHSAI # "," # @SHAYKH # " " # @AHMAD # " Ibn " # @ZAYNIDDIN -- author = {al-@{AHSAI}, @{SHAYKH} @{AHMAD} Ibn @{ZAYNIDDIN}} function publications.loadbibdata(dataset,content,source,kind) if not source then report("invalid source for dataset %a",dataset) return end local current = datasets[dataset] local size = #content if size == 0 then report("empty source %a for dataset %a",source,current.name) else report("adding bib data to set %a from source %a",current.name,source) end statistics.starttiming(publications) publicationsstats.nofbytes = publicationsstats.nofbytes + size current.nofbytes = current.nofbytes + size if source then table.insert(current.sources, { filename = source, checksum = md5.HEX(content) }) current.loaded[source] = kind or true end current.newtags = #current.luadata > 0 and { } or current.newtags lpegmatch(bibtotable,content or "",1,current) statistics.stoptiming(publications) end end do -- we could use xmlescape again local cleaner_0 = S('<>&') local cleaner_1 = (1-cleaner_0)^0 * cleaner_0 local cleaner_2 = Cs ( ( P("<") / "<" + P(">") / ">" + P("&") / "&" + P(1) )^0) local compact = false -- can be a directive but then we also need to deal with newlines ... not now function publications.converttoxml(dataset,nice,dontstore,usedonly,subset) -- we have fields ! local current = datasets[dataset] local luadata = subset or (current and current.luadata) if luadata then statistics.starttiming(publications) -- local result, r, n = { }, 0, 0 local usedonly = usedonly and publications.usedentries() -- r = r + 1 ; result[r] = "" r = r + 1 ; result[r] = "" -- if nice then -- will be default local f_entry_start = formatters[" "] local s_entry_stop = " " local f_field = formatters[" %s"] for tag, entry in sortedhash(luadata) do if not usedonly or usedonly[tag] then r = r + 1 ; result[r] = f_entry_start(tag,entry.category,entry.index) for key, value in sortedhash(entry) do if key ~= "tag" and key ~= "category" and key ~= "index" then if lpegmatch(cleaner_1,value) then value = lpegmatch(cleaner_2,value) end if value ~= "" then r = r + 1 ; result[r] = f_field(key,value) end end end r = r + 1 ; result[r] = s_entry_stop n = n + 1 end end else local f_entry_start = formatters[""] local s_entry_stop = "" local f_field = formatters["%s"] for tag, entry in next, luadata do if not usedonly or usedonly[tag] then r = r + 1 ; result[r] = f_entry_start(entry.tag,entry.category,entry.index) for key, value in next, entry do if key ~= "tag" and key ~= "category" and key ~= "index" then if lpegmatch(cleaner_1,value) then value = lpegmatch(cleaner_2,value) end if value ~= "" then r = r + 1 ; result[r] = f_field(key,value) end end end r = r + 1 ; result[r] = s_entry_stop n = n + 1 end end end -- r = r + 1 ; result[r] = "" -- result = concat(result,nice and "\n" or nil) -- if dontstore then -- indeed else statistics.starttiming(xml) current.xmldata = xmlconvert(result, { resolve_entities = true, resolve_predefined_entities = true, -- in case we have escaped entities -- unify_predefined_entities = true, -- & -> & utfize_entities = true, } ) statistics.stoptiming(xml) if lxml then lxml.register(formatters["btx:%s"](current.name),current.xmldata) end end statistics.stoptiming(publications) return result, n end end end do local function resolvedname(dataset,filename) local current = datasets[dataset] if type(filename) ~= "string" then report("invalid filename %a",tostring(filename)) end local fullname = resolvers.findfile(filename,"bib") if fullname == "" then fullname = resolvers.findfile(filename) -- let's not be too picky end if not fullname or fullname == "" then report("no file %a",filename) current.fullname = filename return current, false else current.fullname = fullname return current, fullname end end publications.resolvedname = resolvedname local cleaner = false local cleaned = false function loaders.registercleaner(what,fullname) if not fullname or fullname == "" then report("no %s file %a",what,fullname) return end local list = table.load(fullname) if not list then report("invalid %s file %a",what,fullname) return end list = list.replacements if not list then report("no replacement table in %a",fullname) return end if cleaned then report("adding replacements from %a",fullname) for k, v in next, list do cleaned[k] = v end else report("using replacements from %a",fullname) cleaned = list end cleaner = true end function loaders.bib(dataset,filename,kind) local dataset, fullname = resolvedname(dataset,filename) if not fullname then return end local data = io.loaddata(fullname) or "" if data == "" then report("empty file %a, nothing loaded",fullname) return end if cleaner == true then cleaner = Cs((lpeg.utfchartabletopattern(keys(cleaned)) / cleaned + p_utf8character)^1) end if cleaner ~= false then data = lpegmatch(cleaner,data) end if trace then report("loading file %a",fullname) end publications.loadbibdata(dataset,data,fullname,kind) end function loaders.lua(dataset,filename) -- if filename is a table we load that one local current, data, fullname if type(filename) == "table" then current = datasets[dataset] data = filename else dataset, fullname = resolvedname(dataset,filename) if not fullname then return end current = datasets[dataset] data = table.load(fullname) end if data then local luadata = current.luadata -- we want the same index each run for tag, entry in sortedhash(data) do if type(entry) == "table" then entry.index = getindex(current,luadata,tag) entry.tag = tag luadata[tag] = entry -- no cleaning yet end end end end function loaders.buffer(dataset,name) -- if filename is a table we load that one local current = datasets[dataset] local barename = file.removesuffix(name) local data = buffers.getcontent(barename) or "" if data == "" then report("empty buffer %a, nothing loaded",barename) return end if trace then report("loading buffer",barename) end publications.loadbibdata(current,data,barename,"bib") end function loaders.xml(dataset,filename) local dataset, fullname = resolvedname(dataset,filename) if not fullname then return end local current = datasets[dataset] local luadata = current.luadata local root = xml.load(fullname) for bibentry in xmlcollected(root,"/bibtex/entry") do local attributes = bibentry.at local tag = attributes.tag local entry = { category = attributes.category, tag = tag, -- afterwards also set, to prevent overload index = 0, -- prelocated } for field in xmlcollected(bibentry,"/field") do entry[field.at.name] = field.dt[1] -- no cleaning yet | xmltext(field) end entry.index = getindex(current,luadata,tag) entry.tag = tag luadata[tag] = entry end end setmetatableindex(loaders,function(t,filetype) local v = function(dataset,filename) report("no loader for file %a with filetype %a",filename,filetype) end t[filetype] = v return v end) local done = setmetatableindex("table") function publications.load(specification) local name = specification.dataset or v_default local current = datasets[name] local files = settings_to_array(specification.filename) local kind = specification.kind local dataspec = specification.specification statistics.starttiming(publications) local somedone = false for i=1,#files do local filetype, filename = string.splitup(files[i],"::") if not filename then filename = filetype filetype = file.suffix(filename) end if filename then if not filetype or filetype == "" then filetype = "bib" end if file.suffix(filename) == "" then file.addsuffix(filename,filetype) end if done[current][filename] then report("file %a is already loaded in dataset %a",filename,name) else loaders[filetype](current,filename) done[current][filename] = true somedone = true end if kind then current.loaded[current.fullname or filename] = kind end if dataspec then current.specifications[dataspec] = true end end end if somedone then local runner = enhancer.runner if runner then runner(current) end end statistics.stoptiming(publications) return current end end do function enhancers.order(dataset) local luadata = dataset.luadata local ordered = dataset.ordered for i=1,#ordered do local tag = ordered[i] if type(tag) == "string" then ordered[i] = luadata[tag] end end end function enhancers.details(dataset) local luadata = dataset.luadata local details = dataset.details for tag, entry in next, luadata do if not details[tag] then details[tag] = { } end end end utilities.sequencers.appendaction(enhancer,"system","publications.enhancers.order") utilities.sequencers.appendaction(enhancer,"system","publications.enhancers.details") end do local checked = function(s,d) d[s] = (d[s] or 0) + 1 end local checktex = ( (1-P("\\"))^1 + P("\\") * ((C(R("az","AZ")^1) * Carg(1))/checked))^0 function publications.analyze(dataset) local current = datasets[dataset] local data = current.luadata local categories = { } local fields = { } local commands = { } for k, v in next, data do categories[v.category] = (categories[v.category] or 0) + 1 for k, v in next, v do fields[k] = (fields[k] or 0) + 1 lpegmatch(checktex,v,1,commands) end end current.analysis = { categories = categories, fields = fields, commands = commands, } end end function publications.tags(dataset) return sortedkeys(datasets[dataset].luadata) end function publications.sortedentries(dataset) return sortedhash(datasets[dataset].luadata) end -- a helper: function publications.concatstate(i,n) if i == 0 then return 0 elseif i == 1 then return 1 elseif i == 2 and n == 2 then return 4 elseif i == n then return 3 else return 2 end end -- savers do local savers = { } local s_preamble = [[ % this is an export from context mkiv @preamble{ \ifdefined\btxcmd % we're probably in context \else \def\btxcmd#1{\csname#1\endcsname} \fi } ]] function savers.bib(dataset,filename,tobesaved) local f_start = formatters["@%s{%s,\n"] local f_field = formatters[" %s = {%s},\n"] local s_stop = "}\n\n" local result = { s_preamble } local n, r = 0, 1 for tag, data in sortedhash(tobesaved) do r = r + 1 ; result[r] = f_start(data.category or "article",tag) for key, value in sortedhash(data) do if not privates[key] then r = r + 1 ; result[r] = f_field(key,value) end end r = r + 1 ; result[r] = s_stop n = n + 1 end report("%s entries from dataset %a saved in %a",n,dataset,filename) io.savedata(filename,concat(result)) end function savers.lua(dataset,filename,tobesaved) local list = { } local n = 0 for tag, data in next, tobesaved do local t = { } for key, value in next, data do if not privates[key] then d[key] = value end end list[tag] = t n = n + 1 end report("%s entries from dataset %a saved in %a",n,dataset,filename) table.save(filename,list) end function savers.xml(dataset,filename,tobesaved) local result, n = publications.converttoxml(dataset,true,true,false,tobesaved) report("%s entries from dataset %a saved in %a",n,dataset,filename) io.savedata(filename,result) end function publications.save(specification) local dataset = specification.dataset local filename = specification.filename local filetype = specification.filetype local criterium = specification.criterium statistics.starttiming(publications) if not filename or filename == "" then report("no filename for saving given") return end if not filetype or filetype == "" then filetype = file.suffix(filename) end if not criterium or criterium == "" then criterium = v_all end local saver = savers[filetype] if saver then local current = datasets[dataset] local luadata = current.luadata or { } local tobesaved = { } local result = structures.lists.filter({criterium = criterium, names = "btx"}) or { } for i=1,#result do local userdata = result[i].userdata if userdata then local set = userdata.btxset or v_default if set == dataset then local tag = userdata.btxref if tag then tobesaved[tag] = luadata[tag] end end end end saver(dataset,filename,tobesaved) else report("unknown format %a for saving %a",filetype,dataset) end statistics.stoptiming(publications) return dataset end if implement then implement { name = "btxsavedataset", actions = publications.save, arguments = { { { "dataset" }, { "filename" }, { "filetype" }, { "criterium" }, } } } end end -- casters do publications.detailed = setmetatableindex(function(detailed,kind) local values = setmetatableindex(function(values,value) local caster = casters[kind] local cast = caster and caster(value) or value values[value] = cast return cast end) detailed[kind] = values return values end) local keywordsplitter = utilities.parsers.groupedsplitat(";,") casters.keyword = function(str) return lpegmatch(keywordsplitter,str) end writers.keyword = function(k) if type(k) == "table" then return concat(p,";") else return k end end local pagessplitter = lpeg.splitat(P("-")^1) casters.range = function(str) local first, last = lpegmatch(pagessplitter,str) return first and last and { first, last } or str end writers.range = function(p) if type(p) == "table" then return concat(p,"-") else return p end end casters.pagenumber = casters.range writers.pagenumber = writers.range end