%D \module %D [ file=mtx-context-compare, %D version=2015.07.14, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Extra Trickry, %D subtitle=Compare Files, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. % begin help % % usage: context --extra=compare [options] file-1 file-2 % % example: context --extra=compare file1.pdf file-2.pdf % % end help \input mtx-context-common.tex \starttext \starttexdefinition unexpanded ShowBoth #1#2#3 \startTEXpage[width=21cm] \startoverlay {\externalfigure[#1][page=#3,width=21cm]} {\externalfigure[#2][page=#3,width=21cm]} \stopoverlay \stopTEXpage \stoptexdefinition \starttexdefinition unexpanded ShowPage #1#2 \startTEXpage[width=21cm] \externalfigure[#1][page=#2,width=21cm] \stopTEXpage \stoptexdefinition \startluacode local report = logs.reporter("compare") local fileone = document.files[1] or "" local filetwo = document.files[2] or "" if fileone == "" or filetwo == "" then report("provide two filenames") os.exit() end if not lfs.isfile(fileone) then report("unknown file %a",fileone) os.exit() end if not lfs.isfile(filetwo) then report("unknown file %a",filetwo) os.exit() end local function check(name) local fig = figures.push { name = name } figures.identify() figures.check() local used = fig.used figures.pop() return used end local one = check(fileone) -- can crash local two = check(filetwo) -- can crash if not one then report("invalid file %a",fileone) os.exit() end if not two then report("invalid file %a",filetwo) os.exit() end local n_one = tonumber(one.pages) local n_two = tonumber(two.pages) if not n_one or n_one ~= n_two then report("files have different nofpages (%s vs %s)",n_one or "?",n_two or "?") end if n_one > n_two then for i=1,n_two do context.ShowBoth(fileone,filetwo,i) end for i=n_two+1,n_one do context.ShowPage(fileone,i) end else for i=1,n_one do context.ShowBoth(fileone,filetwo,i) end for i=n_one+1,n_two do context.ShowPage(filetwo,i) end end \stopluacode \stoptext \endinput