%D \module %D [ file=meta-imp-grid, %D version=2016.01.08, %D title=\METAPOST\ Graphics, %D subtitle=Grid Tracing, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. \startMPextensions color mfun_grid_lgc[] ; numeric mfun_grid_lgi ; mfun_grid_lgc[1] := red ; mfun_grid_lgc[2] := green ; mfun_grid_lgc[3] := blue ; mfun_grid_lgi := 1 ; \stopMPextensions \startuseMPgraphic{linegrid} % if unknown mfun_grid_lgi : % color mfun_grid_lgc[] ; % numeric mfun_grid_lgi ; % mfun_grid_lgc[1] := red ; % mfun_grid_lgc[2] := green ; % mfun_grid_lgc[3] := blue ; % mfun_grid_lgi := 1 ; % elseif mfun_grid_lgi = 3 : if mfun_grid_lgi = 3 : mfun_grid_lgi := 1 ; else : mfun_grid_lgi := mfun_grid_lgi + 1 ; fi ; draw image ( save f, t ; pair f, t ; f := (0,-2*LineHeight) ; t := (0, 2*LineHeight) ; for i=ypart f - eps step LineHeight/5 until ypart t + eps: draw (-EmWidth,i) -- (0,i) ; endfor ; draw f -- t ; draw (-EmWidth,0) -- (EmWidth,0) ; % ) shifted (-mfun_grid_lgi*EmWidth/3,0) withcolor mfun_grid_lgc[mfun_grid_lgi] ; ) shifted (-EmWidth/2,0) withcolor mfun_grid_lgc[mfun_grid_lgi] ; setbounds currentpicture to origin -- cycle ; \stopuseMPgraphic \unexpanded\def\showlinegrid{\dontleavehmode\smash{\useMPgraphic{linegrid}}} \continueifinputfile{meta-imp-grid.mkiv} \starttext \showlinegrid \input tufte \par \showlinegrid \input tufte \par \showlinegrid \input ward \par \showlinegrid \input ward \par \stoptext