if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luat-run'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } local next = next local format, find = string.format, string.find local insert, remove = table.insert, table.remove -- trace_job_status is also controlled by statistics.enable that is set via the directive system.nostatistics local trace_lua_dump = false trackers.register("system.dump", function(v) trace_lua_dump = v end) local trace_temp_files = false trackers.register("system.tempfiles", function(v) trace_temp_files = v end) local trace_job_status = true trackers.register("system.jobstatus", function(v) trace_job_status = v end) local trace_tex_status = false trackers.register("system.texstatus", function(v) trace_tex_status = v end) local report_lua = logs.reporter("system","lua") local report_tex = logs.reporter("system","status") local report_tempfiles = logs.reporter("resolvers","tempfiles") luatex = luatex or { } local luatex = luatex local synctex = luatex.synctex if not synctex then synctex = table.setmetatableindex(function() return function() end end) luatex.synctex = synctex end local startactions = { } local stopactions = { } local dumpactions = { } local pageactions = { } function luatex.registerstartactions(...) insert(startactions, ...) end function luatex.registerstopactions (...) insert(stopactions, ...) end function luatex.registerdumpactions (...) insert(dumpactions, ...) end function luatex.registerpageactions (...) insert(pageactions, ...) end local function start_run() if logs.start_run then logs.start_run() end for i=1,#startactions do startactions[i]() end end local function stop_run() for i=1,#stopactions do stopactions[i]() end local quit = logs.finalactions() if trace_job_status then statistics.show() end if trace_tex_status then logs.newline() for k, v in table.sortedhash(status.list()) do report_tex("%S=%S",k,v) end end if quit then if status.setexitcode then status.setexitcode(1) if type(quit) == "table" then logs.newline() report_tex("quitting due to: %, t",quit) logs.newline() end end end if logs.stop_run then logs.stop_run() end end local function start_shipout_page() synctex.start() logs.start_page_number() end local function stop_shipout_page() logs.stop_page_number() for i=1,#pageactions do pageactions[i]() end synctex.stop() end local function report_output_pages() end local function report_output_log() end -- local function show_open() -- end -- local function show_close() -- end local function pre_dump_actions() for i=1,#dumpactions do dumpactions[i]() end lua.finalize(trace_lua_dump and report_lua or nil) -- statistics.savefmtstatus("\jobname","\contextversion","context.tex") end local function wrapup_synctex() synctex.wrapup() end -- this can be done later callbacks.register('start_run', start_run, "actions performed at the beginning of a run") callbacks.register('stop_run', stop_run, "actions performed at the end of a run") ---------.register('show_open', show_open, "actions performed when opening a file") ---------.register('show_close', show_close, "actions performed when closing a file") callbacks.register('report_output_pages', report_output_pages, "actions performed when reporting pages") callbacks.register('report_output_log', report_output_log, "actions performed when reporting log file") callbacks.register('start_page_number', start_shipout_page, "actions performed at the beginning of a shipout") callbacks.register('stop_page_number', stop_shipout_page, "actions performed at the end of a shipout") callbacks.register('process_input_buffer', false, "actions performed when reading data") callbacks.register('process_output_buffer', false, "actions performed when writing data") callbacks.register("pre_dump", pre_dump_actions, "lua related finalizers called before we dump the format") -- comes after \everydump if LUATEXFUNCTIONALITY and LUATEXFUNCTIONALITY > 6505 then callbacks.register("finish_synctex", wrapup_synctex, "rename temporary synctex file") callbacks.register('wrapup_run', false, "actions performed after closing files") else callbacks.register("finish_synctex_callback", wrapup_synctex, "rename temporary synctex file") end -- an example: local tempfiles = { } function luatex.registertempfile(name,extrasuffix,keep) -- namespace might change if extrasuffix then name = name .. ".mkiv-tmp" -- maybe just .tmp end if trace_temp_files and not tempfiles[name] then if keep then report_tempfiles("%s temporary file %a","registering",name) else report_tempfiles("%s temporary file %a","unregistering",name) end end tempfiles[name] = keep or false return name end function luatex.cleanuptempfiles() for name, keep in next, tempfiles do if not keep then if trace_temp_files then report_tempfiles("%s temporary file %a","removing",name) end os.remove(name) end end tempfiles = { } end luatex.registerstopactions(luatex.cleanuptempfiles) -- filenames local types = { "data", "font map", "image", "font subset", "full font", } local report_open = logs.reporter("open source") local report_close = logs.reporter("close source") local report_load = logs.reporter("load resource") local register = callbacks.register local level = 0 local total = 0 local stack = { } local all = false function luatex.currentfile() return stack[#stack] or tex.jobname end local function report_start(left,name) if not left then -- skip elseif left ~= 1 then if all then -- report_load("%s > %s",types[left],name or "?") report_load("type %a, name %a",types[left],name or "?") end elseif find(name,"virtual://") then insert(stack,false) else insert(stack,name) total = total + 1 level = level + 1 -- report_open("%i > %i > %s",level,total,name or "?") report_open("level %i, order %i, name %a",level,total,name or "?") synctex.setfilename(name) end end local function report_stop(right) if level == 1 or not right or right == 1 then local name = remove(stack) if name then -- report_close("%i > %i > %s",level,total,name or "?") report_close("level %i, order %i, name %a",level,total,name or "?") level = level - 1 synctex.setfilename(stack[#stack] or tex.jobname) end end end local function report_none() end register("start_file",report_start) register("stop_file", report_stop) directives.register("system.reportfiles", function(v) if v == "noresources" then all = false register("start_file",report_start) register("stop_file", report_stop) elseif toboolean(v) or v == "all" then all = true register("start_file",report_start) register("stop_file", report_stop) elseif v == "traditional" then register("start_file",nil) register("stop_file", nil) else register("start_file",report_none) register("stop_file", report_none) end end) -- start_run doesn't work -- luatex.registerstartactions(function() -- if environment.arguments.sandbox then -- sandbox.enable() -- end -- end)