if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luat-fmt'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to mtxrun", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- The original idea was to have a generic format builder and as a result the code -- here (and some elsewhere) is bit more extensive that we really need for context. -- For instance, in the real beginning we had runtime loading because we had no -- bytecode registers yet. We also had multiple files as stubs and the context.lus -- file specified these. More than a decade only the third method was used, just -- loading luat-cod, so in the end we cpould get rid of the lus file. In due time -- I'll strip the code here because something generic will never take of and we -- moved on to luametatex anyway. local format = string.format local concat = table.concat local quoted = string.quoted local luasuffixes = utilities.lua.suffixes local report_format = logs.reporter("resolvers","formats") local function primaryflags(arguments) local flags = { } if arguments.silent then flags[#flags+1] = "--interaction=batchmode" end return concat(flags," ") end local function secondaryflags(arguments) local trackers = arguments.trackers local directives = arguments.directives local flags = { } if trackers and trackers ~= "" then flags[#flags+1] = "--c:trackers=" .. quoted(trackers) end if directives and directives ~= "" then flags[#flags+1] = "--c:directives=" .. quoted(directives) end if arguments.silent then flags[#flags+1] = "--c:silent" end if arguments.errors then flags[#flags+1] = "--c:errors" end if arguments.ansi then flags[#flags+1] = "--c:ansi" end if arguments.ansilog then flags[#flags+1] = "--c:ansilog" end if arguments.strip then flags[#flags+1] = "--c:strip" end if arguments.lmtx then flags[#flags+1] = "--c:lmtx" end return concat(flags," ") end -- The silent option is for Taco. It's a bit of a hack because we cannot yet mess -- with directives. In fact, I could probably clean up the maker a bit by now. local template = [[--ini %primaryflags% --lua=%luafile% %texfile% %secondaryflags% %redirect%]] local checkers = { primaryflags = "verbose", -- "flags" secondaryflags = "verbose", -- "flags" luafile = "readable", -- "cache" texfile = "readable", -- "cache" redirect = "string", binarypath = "string", } local runners = { luametatex = sandbox.registerrunner { name = "make luametatex format", program = "luametatex", template = template, checkers = checkers, reporter = report_format, }, luatex = sandbox.registerrunner { name = "make luatex format", program = "luatex", template = template, checkers = checkers, reporter = report_format, }, luajittex = sandbox.registerrunner { name = "make luajittex format", program = "luajittex", template = template, checkers = checkers, reporter = report_format, }, } local stubfiles = { luametatex = "luat-cod.lmt", luatex = "luat-cod.lua", luajittex = "luat-cod.lua", } local suffixes = { luametatex = "mkxl", luatex = "mkiv", luajittex = "mkiv", } local function validbinarypath() -- if environment.arguments.addbinarypath then if not environment.arguments.nobinarypath then local path = environment.ownpath or file.dirname(environment.ownname) if path and path ~= "" then path = dir.expandname(path) if path ~= "" and lfs.isdir(path) then return path end end end end local function fatalerror(startupdir,...) report_format(...) lfs.chdir(startupdir) end function environment.make_format(formatname) local arguments = environment.arguments local engine = environment.ownmain or "luatex" local silent = arguments.silent local errors = arguments.errors local runner = runners[engine] local startupdir = dir.current() if not runner then return fatalerror(startupdir,"the format %a cannot be generated, no runner available for engine %a",name,engine) end -- now we locate the to be used source files ... there are some variants that we -- need to take care local luasourcename = stubfiles[engine] if not luasourcename then return fatalerror(startupdir,"no lua stub file specified for %a",engine) end local texsourcename = file.addsuffix(formatname,suffixes[engine]) local fulltexsourcename = resolvers.findfile(texsourcename,"tex") or "" if fulltexsourcename == "" then return fatalerror(startupdir,"no tex source file with name %a (mkiv or tex)",formatname) end -- this is tricky: we normally have an expanded path but when we don't have one, -- the current path gets appended local fulltexsourcename = dir.expandname(fulltexsourcename) local texsourcepath = file.dirname(fulltexsourcename) if lfs.isfile(fulltexsourcename) then report_format("using tex source file %a",fulltexsourcename) else return fatalerror(startupdir,"no accessible tex source file with name %a",fulltexsourcename) end -- we're getting there, that is: we have a file that specifies the context format; -- in addition to that file we need a stub for setting up lua as we start rather -- minimalistic .. local fullluasourcename = dir.expandname(file.join(texsourcepath,luasourcename) or "") if lfs.isfile(fullluasourcename) then report_format("using lua stub file %a",fullluasourcename) else return fatalerror(startupdir,"no accessible lua stub file with name %a",fulltexsourcename) end -- we will change tot the format path because some local files will be created -- in the process and we don't want clutter local validformatpath = caches.getwritablepath("formats",engine) or "" if validformatpath == "" then return fatalerror(startupdir,"invalid format path, insufficient write access") end -- in case we have a qualified path, we need to do this before we change -- because we can have half qualified paths (in lxc) local binarypath = validbinarypath() report_format("changing to format path %a",validformatpath) -- lfs.chdir(validformatpath) -- if dir.current() ~= validformatpath then if not lfs.chdir(validformatpath) then return fatalerror(startupdir,"unable to change to format path %a",validformatpath) end -- now we can generate the format, where we use a couple of flags, -- split into two categories local primaryflags = primaryflags(arguments) local secondaryflags = secondaryflags(arguments) local specification = { binarypath = binarypath, primaryflags = primaryflags, secondaryflags = secondaryflags, luafile = quoted(fullluasourcename), texfile = quoted(fulltexsourcename), } if silent then specification.redirect = "> temp.log" end statistics.starttiming("format") local result = runner(specification) statistics.stoptiming("format") if silent then os.remove("temp.log") end -- some final report report_format() if binarypath and binarypath ~= "" then report_format("binary path : %s",binarypath or "?") end report_format("format path : %s",validformatpath) report_format("luatex engine : %s",engine) report_format("lua startup file : %s",fullluasourcename) if primaryflags ~= "" then report_format("primary flags : %s",primaryflags) end if secondaryflags ~= "" then report_format("secondary flags : %s",secondaryflags) end report_format("context file : %s",fulltexsourcename) report_format("run time : %.3f seconds",statistics.elapsed("format")) report_format("return value : %s",result == 0 and "okay" or "error") report_format() -- last we go back to the home base lfs.chdir(startupdir) end local template = [[%primaryflags% --fmt=%fmtfile% --lua=%luafile% %texfile% %secondaryflags%]] local checkers = { primaryflags = "verbose", secondaryflags = "verbose", fmtfile = "readable", -- "cache" luafile = "readable", -- "cache" texfile = "readable", -- "cache" } local runners = { luatex = sandbox.registerrunner { name = "run luatex format", program = "luatex", template = template, checkers = checkers, reporter = report_format, }, luametatex = sandbox.registerrunner { name = "run luametatex format", program = "luametatex", template = template, checkers = checkers, reporter = report_format, }, luajittex = sandbox.registerrunner { name = "run luajittex format", program = "luajittex", template = template, checkers = checkers, reporter = report_format, }, } function environment.run_format(formatname,scriptname,filename,primaryflags,secondaryflags,verbose) local engine = environment.ownmain or "luatex" if not formatname or formatname == "" then report_format("missing format name") return end if not scriptname or scriptname == "" then report_format("missing script name") return end if not lfs.isfile(formatname) or not lfs.isfile(scriptname) then formatname, scriptname = resolvers.locateformat(formatname) end if not formatname or formatname == "" then report_format("invalid format name") return end if not scriptname or scriptname == "" then report_format("invalid script name") return end local runner = runners[engine] if not runner then report_format("format %a cannot be run, no runner available for engine %a",file.nameonly(name),engine) return end if not filename then filename "" end local binarypath = validbinarypath() local specification = { binarypath = binarypath, primaryflags = primaryflags or "", secondaryflags = secondaryflags or "", fmtfile = quoted(formatname), luafile = quoted(scriptname), texfile = filename ~= "" and quoted(filename) or "", } statistics.starttiming() local result = runner(specification) local runtime = statistics.stoptiming() if verbose then report_format() if binarypath and binarypath ~= "" then report_format("binary path : %s",binarypath) end report_format("luatex engine : %s",engine) report_format("lua startup file : %s",scriptname) report_format("tex format file : %s",formatname) if filename ~= "" then report_format("tex input file : %s",filename) end if primaryflags ~= "" then report_format("primary flags : %s",primaryflags) end if secondaryflags ~= "" then report_format("secondary flags : %s",secondaryflags) end report_format("run time : %.3f seconds",runtime) report_format("return value : %s",result == 0 and "okay" or "error") report_format() end return result end