if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luat-cod'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to luat-cod.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } local type, loadfile, tonumber = type, loadfile, tonumber local match, gsub, find, format, gmatch = string.match, string.gsub, string.find, string.format, string.gmatch local texconfig, lua = texconfig, lua -- maybe pick up from commandline: -- -- texconfig.interaction: 0=batchmode 1=nonstopmode 2=scrollmode 3=errornonstopmode 4=normal -- some basic housekeeping texconfig.kpse_init = false texconfig.shell_escape = 't' texconfig.error_line = 250 texconfig.expand_depth = 10000 texconfig.half_error_line = 125 texconfig.max_in_open = 1000 texconfig.max_print_line = 100000 texconfig.max_strings = 500000 texconfig.nest_size = 1000 texconfig.param_size = 25000 texconfig.save_size = 100000 texconfig.stack_size = 10000 texconfig.function_size = 32768 texconfig.properties_size = 10000 texconfig.fix_mem_init = 1000000 -- registering bytecode chunks local bytedata = lua.bytedata or { } local bytedone = lua.bytedone or { } ---.bytecode = bytecode lua.bytedata = bytedata lua.bytedone = bytedone local setbytecode = lua.setbytecode ----- getbytecode = lua.getbytecode lua.firstbytecode = 501 lua.lastbytecode = lua.lastbytecode or (lua.firstbytecode - 1) -- as we load ourselves again ... maybe return earlier function lua.registeredcodes() return lua.lastbytecode - lua.firstbytecode + 1 end -- no file.* and utilities.parsers.* functions yet local strip = false if arg then for i=-1,#arg do if arg[i] == "--c:strip" then strip = true break end end end function lua.registercode(filename,options) local barename = gsub(filename,"%.[%a%d]+$","") local basename = match(barename,"^.+[/\\](.-)$") or barename if not bytedone[basename] then local opts = { } if type(options) == "string" and options ~= "" then for s in gmatch(options,"([a-z]+)") do opts[s] = true end end if barename == filename then filename = filename .. (opts.autosuffix and CONTEXTLMTXMODE > 0 and ".lmt" or ".lua") end local code = environment.luafilechunk(filename,false,opts.optimize) if code then bytedone[basename] = true if environment.initex and not opts.initexonly then local n = lua.lastbytecode + 1 bytedata[n] = { name = barename, options = opts } if strip or opts.strip then setbytecode(n,code,true) else setbytecode(n,code) end lua.lastbytecode = n end elseif environment.initex then texio.write_nl(format("\nerror loading file: %s (aborting)",filename)) os.exit() end end end local finalizers = { } function lua.registerfinalizer(f,comment) comment = comment or "unknown" if type(f) == "function" then finalizers[#finalizers+1] = { action = f, comment = comment } else print(format("\nfatal error: invalid finalizer, action: %s\n",comment)) os.exit() end end function lua.finalize(logger) for i=1,#finalizers do local finalizer = finalizers[i] finalizer.action() if logger then logger("finalize action: %s",finalizer.comment) end end end -- A first start with environments. This will be overloaded later. environment = environment or { } local environment = environment -- no string.unquoted yet local sourcefile = gsub(arg and arg[1] or "","^\"(.*)\"$","%1") local sourcepath = find(sourcefile,"/",1,true) and gsub(sourcefile,"/[^/]+$","") or "" local targetpath = "." -- delayed (via metatable): -- -- environment.jobname = tex.jobname -- environment.version = tostring(tex.toks.contextversiontoks) -- traditionally the revision has been a one character string and only -- pdftex went beyond "9" but anyway we test for it if LUATEXENGINE == nil then LUATEXENGINE = status.luatex_engine and string.lower(status.luatex_engine) or (find(status.banner,"LuajitTeX",1,true) and "luajittex" or "luatex") end if LUATEXVERSION == nil then LUATEXVERSION = status.luatex_version/100 + tonumber(status.luatex_revision)/10000 end if CONTEXTLMTXMODE == nil then CONTEXTLMTXMODE = LUATEXENGINE == "luametatex" and 1 or 0 end if LUATEXFUNCTIONALITY == nil then LUATEXFUNCTIONALITY = status.development_id or 6346 end if LUATEXFORMATID == nil then LUATEXFORMATID = status.format_id or 0 end if JITSUPPORTED == nil then JITSUPPORTED = LUATEXENGINE == "luajittex" or jit -- "or jit" can go end if INITEXMODE == nil then INITEXMODE = status.ini_version end environment.luatexengine = LUATEXENGINE environment.luatexversion = LUATEXVERSION environment.luatexfunctionality = LUATEXFUNCTIONALITY environment.jitsupported = JITSUPPORTED environment.initex = INITEXMODE environment.initexmode = INITEXMODE if not environment.luafilechunk then function environment.luafilechunk(filename) local fullname = filename if sourcepath ~= "" then fullname = sourcepath .. "/" .. filename end local data = loadfile(fullname) texio.write("term and log","<",data and "+ " or "- ",fullname,">") if data then -- package.loaded[gsub(filename,"%..-$"] = data() end return data end end if not environment.engineflags then -- raw flags local engineflags = { } for i=-10,#arg do local a = arg[i] if a then local flag, content = match(a,"^%-%-([^=]+)=?(.-)$") if flag then engineflags[flag] = content or "" end end end environment.engineflags = engineflags end -- We need a few premature callbacks in the format generator. We -- also do this when the format is loaded as otherwise we get -- a kpse error when disabled. This is an engine issue that will -- be sorted out in due time. if not lfs.isfile then local attributes = lfs.attributes function lfs.isdir(name) return attributes(name,"mode") == "directory" end function lfs.isfile(name) local a = attributes(name,"mode") return a == "file" or a == "link" or nil end end local isfile = lfs.isfile local function source_file(name) local fullname = sourcepath .. "/" .. name if isfile(fullname) then return fullname end fullname = fullname .. ".tex" if isfile(fullname) then return fullname end if isfile(name) then return name end name = name .. ".tex" if isfile(name) then return name end return nil end local function target_file(name) return targetpath .. "/" .. name end local function find_read_file(id,name) return source_file(name) end local function find_write_file(id,name) return target_file(name) end local function find_log_file(name) return target_file(name) end local function open_read_file(name) local f = io.open(name,'rb') return { reader = function() return f:read("*line") end } end local function find_data_file(name) return source_file(name) end local open_data_file = open_read_file callback.register('find_read_file' , find_read_file ) callback.register('open_read_file' , open_read_file ) callback.register('find_write_file', find_write_file) callback.register('find_log_file', find_log_file) callback.register('find_data_file' , find_data_file ) callback.register('open_data_file' , open_data_file )