if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['lpdf-wid'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to lpdf-ini.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- It's about time to give up on media in pdf and admit that pdf lost it to html. -- First we had movies and sound, quite easy to deal with, but obsolete now. Then we -- had renditions but they turned out to be unreliable from the start and look -- obsolete too or at least they are bound to the (obsolete) flash technology for -- rendering. They were already complex constructs. Now we have rich media which -- instead of providing a robust future proof framework for general media types -- again seems to depend on viewers built in (yes, also kind of obsolete) flash -- technology, and we cannot expect this non-open technology to show up in open -- browsers. So, in the end we can best just use links to external resources to be -- future proof. Just look at the viewer preferences pane to see how fragile support -- is. Interestingly u3d support is kind of built in, while e.g. mp4 support relies -- on wrapping in swf. We used to stay ahead of the pack with support of the fancy -- pdf features but it backfires and is not worth the trouble. And yes, for control -- (even simple like starting and stopping videos) one has to revert to JavaScript, -- the other fragile bit. And, now that adobe quits flash in 2020 we're without any -- video anyway. Also, it won't play on all platforms and devices so let's wait for -- html5 media in pdf then. local tonumber, next = tonumber, next local gmatch, gsub, find, lower = string.gmatch, string.gsub, string.find, string.lower local stripstring = string.strip local settings_to_array = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array local settings_to_hash = utilities.parsers.settings_to_hash local sortedhash, sortedkeys = table.sortedhash, table.sortedkeys local report_media = logs.reporter("backend","media") local report_attachment = logs.reporter("backend","attachment") local backends = backends local lpdf = lpdf local nodes = nodes local context = context local texgetcount = tex.getcount local nodeinjections = backends.pdf.nodeinjections local codeinjections = backends.pdf.codeinjections local registrations = backends.pdf.registrations local executers = structures.references.executers local variables = interfaces.variables local v_hidden = variables.hidden local v_auto = variables.auto local v_embed = variables.embed local v_max = variables.max local v_yes = variables.yes local pdfconstant = lpdf.constant local pdfdictionary = lpdf.dictionary local pdfarray = lpdf.array local pdfreference = lpdf.reference local pdfunicode = lpdf.unicode local pdfstring = lpdf.string local pdfboolean = lpdf.boolean local pdfflushobject = lpdf.flushobject local pdfflushstreamobject = lpdf.flushstreamobject local pdfflushstreamfileobject = lpdf.flushstreamfileobject local pdfreserveobject = lpdf.reserveobject local pdfpagereference = lpdf.pagereference local pdfshareobjectreference = lpdf.shareobjectreference local pdfaction = lpdf.action local pdfborder = lpdf.border local pdftransparencyvalue = lpdf.transparencyvalue local pdfcolorvalues = lpdf.colorvalues local hpack_node = node.hpack local write_node = node.write -- test context(...) instead -- symbols local presets = { } -- xforms local function registersymbol(name,n) presets[name] = pdfreference(n) end local function registeredsymbol(name) return presets[name] end local function presetsymbol(symbol) if not presets[symbol] then context.predefinesymbol { symbol } end end local function presetsymbollist(list) if list then for symbol in gmatch(list,"[^, ]+") do presetsymbol(symbol) end end end codeinjections.registersymbol = registersymbol codeinjections.registeredsymbol = registeredsymbol codeinjections.presetsymbol = presetsymbol codeinjections.presetsymbollist = presetsymbollist -- comments -- local symbols = { -- Addition = pdfconstant("NewParagraph"), -- Attachment = pdfconstant("Attachment"), -- Balloon = pdfconstant("Comment"), -- Check = pdfconstant("Check Mark"), -- CheckMark = pdfconstant("Check Mark"), -- Circle = pdfconstant("Circle"), -- Cross = pdfconstant("Cross"), -- CrossHairs = pdfconstant("Cross Hairs"), -- Graph = pdfconstant("Graph"), -- InsertText = pdfconstant("Insert Text"), -- New = pdfconstant("Insert"), -- Paperclip = pdfconstant("Paperclip"), -- RightArrow = pdfconstant("Right Arrow"), -- RightPointer = pdfconstant("Right Pointer"), -- Star = pdfconstant("Star"), -- Tag = pdfconstant("Tag"), -- Text = pdfconstant("Note"), -- TextNote = pdfconstant("Text Note"), -- UpArrow = pdfconstant("Up Arrow"), -- UpLeftArrow = pdfconstant("Up-Left Arrow"), -- } local attachment_symbols = { Graph = pdfconstant("Graph"), Paperclip = pdfconstant("Paperclip"), Pushpin = pdfconstant("PushPin"), } attachment_symbols.PushPin = attachment_symbols.Pushpin attachment_symbols.Default = attachment_symbols.Pushpin function lpdf.attachmentsymbols() return sortedkeys(comment_symbols) end local comment_symbols = { Comment = pdfconstant("Comment"), Help = pdfconstant("Help"), Insert = pdfconstant("Insert"), Key = pdfconstant("Key"), Newparagraph = pdfconstant("NewParagraph"), Note = pdfconstant("Note"), Paragraph = pdfconstant("Paragraph"), } comment_symbols.NewParagraph = Newparagraph comment_symbols.Default = Note function lpdf.commentsymbols() return sortedkeys(comment_symbols) end local function analyzesymbol(symbol,collection) if not symbol or symbol == "" then return collection and collection.Default, nil elseif collection and collection[symbol] then return collection[symbol], nil else local setn, setr, setd local set = settings_to_array(symbol) if #set == 1 then setn, setr, setd = set[1], set[1], set[1] elseif #set == 2 then setn, setr, setd = set[1], set[1], set[2] else setn, setr, setd = set[1], set[2], set[3] end local appearance = pdfdictionary { N = setn and registeredsymbol(setn), R = setr and registeredsymbol(setr), D = setd and registeredsymbol(setd), } local appearanceref = pdfshareobjectreference(appearance) return nil, appearanceref end end local function analyzenormalsymbol(symbol) local appearance = pdfdictionary { N = registeredsymbol(symbol), } local appearanceref = pdfshareobjectreference(appearance) return appearanceref end codeinjections.analyzesymbol = analyzesymbol codeinjections.analyzenormalsymbol = analyzenormalsymbol local function analyzelayer(layer) -- todo: (specification.layer ~= "" and pdfreference(specification.layer)) or nil, -- todo: ref to layer end local function analyzecolor(colorvalue,colormodel) local cvalue = colorvalue and tonumber(colorvalue) local cmodel = colormodel and tonumber(colormodel) or 3 return cvalue and pdfarray { pdfcolorvalues(cmodel,cvalue) } or nil end local function analyzetransparency(transparencyvalue) local tvalue = transparencyvalue and tonumber(transparencyvalue) return tvalue and pdftransparencyvalue(tvalue) or nil end -- Attachments local nofattachments = 0 local attachments = { } local filestreams = { } local referenced = { } local ignorereferenced = true -- fuzzy pdf spec .. twice in attachment list, can become an option local tobesavedobjrefs = utilities.storage.allocate() local collectedobjrefs = utilities.storage.allocate() local permitted = true local enabled = true local embedded = true function codeinjections.setattachmentsupport(option) if option == false then permitted = false enabled = false embedded = true elseif not permitted then -- already dealt with elseif option == "internal" or option == true then enabled = true embedded = true elseif option == "external" then enabled = true embedded = false end end local fileobjreferences = { collected = collectedobjrefs, tobesaved = tobesavedobjrefs, } job.fileobjreferences = fileobjreferences local function initializer() collectedobjrefs = job.fileobjreferences.collected or { } tobesavedobjrefs = job.fileobjreferences.tobesaved or { } end job.register('job.fileobjreferences.collected', tobesavedobjrefs, initializer) local function flushembeddedfiles() if enabled and next(filestreams) then local e = pdfarray() for tag, reference in sortedhash(filestreams) do if not reference then report_attachment("unreferenced file, tag %a",tag) elseif referenced[tag] == "hidden" then e[#e+1] = pdfstring(tag) e[#e+1] = reference -- already a reference else -- -- messy spec ... when annot not in named else twice in menu list acrobat end end if #e > 0 then lpdf.addtonames("EmbeddedFiles",pdfreference(pdfflushobject(pdfdictionary{ Names = e }))) end end end lpdf.registerdocumentfinalizer(flushembeddedfiles,"embeddedfiles") function codeinjections.embedfile(specification) if enabled then local data = specification.data local filename = specification.file local name = specification.name or "" local title = specification.title or "" local hash = specification.hash or filename local keepdir = specification.keepdir -- can change local usedname = specification.usedname local filetype = specification.filetype local compress = specification.compress local mimetype = specification.mimetype or specification.mime if filename == "" then filename = nil end if compress == nil then compress = true end if data then local r = filestreams[hash] if r == false then return nil elseif r then return r elseif not filename then filename = specification.tag if not filename or filename == "" then filename = specification.registered end if not filename or filename == "" then filename = hash end end else if not filename then return nil end local r = filestreams[hash] if r == false then return nil elseif r then return r else local foundname = resolvers.findbinfile(filename) or "" if foundname == "" or not lfs.isfile(foundname) then filestreams[filename] = false return nil else specification.foundname = foundname end end end -- needs to cleaned up: usedname = usedname ~= "" and usedname or filename or name local basename = keepdir == true and usedname or file.basename(usedname) local basename = gsub(basename,"%./","") local savename = name ~= "" and name or basename if not filetype or filetype == "" then filetype = name and (filename and file.suffix(filename)) or "txt" end savename = file.addsuffix(savename,filetype) -- type is mandate for proper working in viewer local a = pdfdictionary { Type = pdfconstant("EmbeddedFile"), Subtype = mimetype and mimetype ~= "" and pdfconstant(mimetype) or nil, } local f if data then f = pdfflushstreamobject(data,a) specification.data = true -- signal that still data but already flushed else local foundname = specification.foundname or filename local attributes = lfs.attributes(foundname) if attributes then a.Params = { Size = attributes.size, ModDate = lpdf.pdftimestamp(attributes.modification), } end f = pdfflushstreamfileobject(foundname,a,compress) end local d = pdfdictionary { Type = pdfconstant("Filespec"), F = pdfstring(savename), -- UF = pdfstring(savename), UF = pdfunicode(savename), EF = pdfdictionary { F = pdfreference(f) }, Desc = title ~= "" and pdfunicode(title) or nil, AFRelationship = pdfconstant("Unspecified"), -- Supplement, Data, Source, Alternative, Data } local r = pdfreference(pdfflushobject(d)) filestreams[hash] = r return r end end function nodeinjections.attachfile(specification) if enabled then local registered = specification.registered or "" local data = specification.data local hash local filename if data then hash = md5.HEX(data) else filename = specification.file if not filename or filename == "" then report_attachment("no file specified, using registered %a instead",registered) filename = registered specification.file = registered end local foundname = resolvers.findbinfile(filename) or "" if foundname == "" or not lfs.isfile(foundname) then report_attachment("invalid filename %a, ignoring registered %a",filename,registered) return nil else specification.foundname = foundname end hash = filename end specification.hash = hash nofattachments = nofattachments + 1 local registered = specification.registered or "" local title = specification.title or "" local subtitle = specification.subtitle or "" local author = specification.author or "" if registered == "" then registered = filename end if author == "" and title ~= "" then author = title title = filename or "" end if author == "" then author = filename or "" end if title == "" then title = registered end local aref = attachments[registered] if not aref then aref = codeinjections.embedfile(specification) attachments[registered] = aref end local reference = specification.reference if reference and aref then tobesavedobjrefs[reference] = aref[1] end if not aref then report_attachment("skipping attachment, registered %a",registered) -- already reported elseif specification.method == v_hidden then referenced[hash] = "hidden" else referenced[hash] = "annotation" local name, appearance = analyzesymbol(specification.symbol,attachment_symbols) local d = pdfdictionary { Subtype = pdfconstant("FileAttachment"), FS = aref, Contents = pdfunicode(title), Name = name, NM = pdfstring("attachment:"..nofattachments), T = author ~= "" and pdfunicode(author) or nil, Subj = subtitle ~= "" and pdfunicode(subtitle) or nil, C = analyzecolor(specification.colorvalue,specification.colormodel), CA = analyzetransparency(specification.transparencyvalue), AP = appearance, OC = analyzelayer(specification.layer), } local width = specification.width or 0 local height = specification.height or 0 local depth = specification.depth or 0 local box = hpack_node(nodeinjections.annotation(width,height,depth,d())) box.width = width box.height = height box.depth = depth return box end end end function codeinjections.attachmentid(filename) -- not used in context return filestreams[filename] end -- Comments local nofcomments = 0 local usepopupcomments = false local defaultattributes = { ["xmlns"] = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", ["xmlns:xfa"] = "http://www.xfa.org/schema/xfa-data/1.0/", ["xfa:contentType"] = "text/html", ["xfa:APIVersion"] = "Acrobat:8.0.0", ["xfa:spec"] = "2.4", } local function checkcontent(text,option) if option and option.xml then local root = xml.convert(text) if root and not root.er then xml.checkbom(root) local body = xml.first(root,"/body") if body then local at = body.at for k, v in next, defaultattributes do if not at[k] then at[k] = v end end -- local content = xml.textonly(root) local richcontent = xml.tostring(root) return nil, pdfunicode(richcontent) end end end return pdfunicode(text) end function nodeinjections.comment(specification) -- brrr: seems to be done twice nofcomments = nofcomments + 1 local text = specification.data or "" if specification.space ~= v_yes then text = stripstring(text) text = gsub(text,"[\n\r] *","\n") end text = gsub(text,"\r","\n") local name, appearance = analyzesymbol(specification.symbol,comment_symbols) local tag = specification.tag or "" -- this is somewhat messy as recent local title = specification.title or "" -- versions of acrobat see the title local subtitle = specification.subtitle or "" -- as author local author = specification.author or "" local option = settings_to_hash(specification.option or "") if author == "" then if title == "" then title = tag end else if subtitle == "" then subtitle = title elseif title ~= "" then subtitle = subtitle .. ", " .. title end title = author end local content, richcontent = checkcontent(text,option) local d = pdfdictionary { Subtype = pdfconstant("Text"), Open = option[v_max] and pdfboolean(true) or nil, Contents = content, RC = richcontent, T = title ~= "" and pdfunicode(title) or nil, Subj = subtitle ~= "" and pdfunicode(subtitle) or nil, C = analyzecolor(specification.colorvalue,specification.colormodel), CA = analyzetransparency(specification.transparencyvalue), OC = analyzelayer(specification.layer), Name = name, NM = pdfstring("comment:"..nofcomments), AP = appearance, } local width = specification.width or 0 local height = specification.height or 0 local depth = specification.depth or 0 local box if usepopupcomments then -- rather useless as we can hide/vide local nd = pdfreserveobject() local nc = pdfreserveobject() local c = pdfdictionary { Subtype = pdfconstant("Popup"), Parent = pdfreference(nd), } d.Popup = pdfreference(nc) box = hpack_node( nodeinjections.annotation(0,0,0,d(),nd), nodeinjections.annotation(width,height,depth,c(),nc) ) else box = hpack_node(nodeinjections.annotation(width,height,depth,d())) end box.width = width -- redundant box.height = height -- redundant box.depth = depth -- redundant return box end -- rendering stuff -- -- object_1 -> <> >> -- object_2 -> <> >> -- rendering -> <> -- -- we only work foreward here (currently) -- annotation is to be packed at the tex end -- aiff audio/aiff -- au audio/basic -- avi video/avi -- mid audio/midi -- mov video/quicktime -- mp3 audio/x-mp3 (mpeg) -- mp4 audio/mp4 -- mp4 video/mp4 -- mpeg video/mpeg -- smil application/smil -- swf application/x-shockwave-flash -- P media play parameters (evt /BE for controls etc -- A boolean (audio) -- C boolean (captions) -- O boolean (overdubs) -- S boolean (subtitles) -- PL pdfconstant("ADBE_MCI"), -- F = flags, -- T = title, -- Contents = rubish, -- AP = irrelevant, -- sound is different, no window (or zero) so we need to collect them and -- force them if not set local ms, mu, mf = { }, { }, { } local function delayed(label) local a = pdfreserveobject() mu[label] = a return pdfreference(a) end local function insertrenderingwindow(specification) local label = specification.label -- local openpage = specification.openpage -- local closepage = specification.closepage if specification.option == v_auto then if openpageaction then -- \handlereferenceactions{\v!StartRendering{#2}} end if closepageaction then -- \handlereferenceactions{\v!StopRendering {#2}} end end local actions = nil if openpage or closepage then actions = pdfdictionary { PO = (openpage and lpdfaction(openpage )) or nil, PC = (closepage and lpdfaction(closepage)) or nil, } end local page = tonumber(specification.page) or texgetcount("realpageno") -- todo local r = mu[label] or pdfreserveobject() -- why the reserve here? local a = pdfdictionary { S = pdfconstant("Rendition"), R = mf[label], OP = 0, AN = pdfreference(r), } local bs, bc = pdfborder() local d = pdfdictionary { Subtype = pdfconstant("Screen"), P = pdfreference(pdfpagereference(page)), A = a, -- needed in order to make the annotation clickable (i.e. don't bark) Border = bs, C = bc, AA = actions, } local width = specification.width or 0 local height = specification.height or 0 if height == 0 or width == 0 then -- todo: sound needs no window end write_node(nodeinjections.annotation(width,height,0,d(),r)) -- save ref return pdfreference(r) end -- some dictionaries can have a MH (must honor) or BE (best effort) capsule local function insertrendering(specification) local label = specification.label local option = settings_to_hash(specification.option) if not mf[label] then local filename = specification.filename local isurl = find(filename,"://",1,true) local mimetype = specification.mimetype or specification.mime -- local start = pdfdictionary { -- Type = pdfconstant("MediaOffset"), -- S = pdfconstant("T"), -- time -- T = pdfdictionary { -- time -- Type = pdfconstant("Timespan"), -- S = pdfconstant("S"), -- V = 3, -- time in seconds -- }, -- } -- local start = pdfdictionary { -- Type = pdfconstant("MediaOffset"), -- S = pdfconstant("F"), -- frame -- F = 100 -- framenumber -- } -- local start = pdfdictionary { -- Type = pdfconstant("MediaOffset"), -- S = pdfconstant("M"), -- mark -- M = "somemark", -- } -- local parameters = pdfdictionary { -- BE = pdfdictionary { -- B = start, -- } -- } -- local parameters = pdfdictionary { -- Type = pdfconstant(MediaPermissions), -- TF = pdfstring("TEMPALWAYS") }, -- TEMPNEVER TEMPEXTRACT TEMPACCESS TEMPALWAYS -- } local descriptor = pdfdictionary { Type = pdfconstant("Filespec"), F = filename, } if isurl then descriptor.FS = pdfconstant("URL") elseif option[v_embed] then descriptor.EF = codeinjections.embedfile { file = filename, mimetype = mimetype, -- yes or no compress = false, } end local clip = pdfdictionary { Type = pdfconstant("MediaClip"), S = pdfconstant("MCD"), N = label, CT = mimetype, Alt = pdfarray { "", "file not found" }, -- language id + message D = pdfreference(pdfflushobject(descriptor)), -- P = pdfreference(pdfflushobject(parameters)), } local rendition = pdfdictionary { Type = pdfconstant("Rendition"), S = pdfconstant("MR"), N = label, C = pdfreference(pdfflushobject(clip)), } mf[label] = pdfreference(pdfflushobject(rendition)) end end local function insertrenderingobject(specification) -- todo local label = specification.label if not mf[label] then report_media("unknown medium, label %a",label) local clip = pdfdictionary { -- does not work that well one level up Type = pdfconstant("MediaClip"), S = pdfconstant("MCD"), N = label, D = pdfreference(unknown), -- not label but objectname, hm .. todo? } local rendition = pdfdictionary { Type = pdfconstant("Rendition"), S = pdfconstant("MR"), N = label, C = pdfreference(pdfflushobject(clip)), } mf[label] = pdfreference(pdfflushobject(rendition)) end end function codeinjections.processrendering(label) local specification = interactions.renderings.rendering(label) if not specification then -- error elseif specification.type == "external" then insertrendering(specification) else insertrenderingobject(specification) end end function codeinjections.insertrenderingwindow(specification) local label = specification.label codeinjections.processrendering(label) ms[label] = insertrenderingwindow(specification) end local function set(operation,arguments) codeinjections.processrendering(arguments) return pdfdictionary { S = pdfconstant("Rendition"), OP = operation, R = mf[arguments], AN = ms[arguments] or delayed(arguments), } end function executers.startrendering (arguments) return set(0,arguments) end function executers.stoprendering (arguments) return set(1,arguments) end function executers.pauserendering (arguments) return set(2,arguments) end function executers.resumerendering(arguments) return set(3,arguments) end