if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['lang-ini'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to lang-ini.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- needs a cleanup (share locals) -- discard language when redefined -- 002D : hyphen-minus (ascii) -- 2010 : hyphen -- 2011 : nonbreakable hyphen -- 2013 : endash (compound hyphen) --~ lang:hyphenation(string) string = lang:hyphenation() lang:clear_hyphenation() -- todo: no foo:bar but foo(bar,...) local type, tonumber = type, tonumber local utfbyte = utf.byte local format, gsub = string.format, string.gsub local concat, sortedkeys, sortedpairs = table.concat, table.sortedkeys, table.sortedpairs local utfbytes = string.utfvalues local context = context local commands = commands local implement = interfaces.implement local settings_to_array = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array local trace_patterns = false trackers.register("languages.patterns", function(v) trace_patterns = v end) local report_initialization = logs.reporter("languages","initialization") local lang = lang local prehyphenchar = lang.prehyphenchar -- global per language local posthyphenchar = lang.posthyphenchar -- global per language local preexhyphenchar = lang.preexhyphenchar -- global per language local postexhyphenchar = lang.postexhyphenchar -- global per language local lefthyphenmin = lang.lefthyphenmin local righthyphenmin = lang.righthyphenmin local sethjcode = lang.sethjcode local uccodes = characters.uccodes lang.exceptions = lang.hyphenation local new_langage = lang.new languages = languages or {} local languages = languages languages.version = 1.010 languages.registered = languages.registered or { } local registered = languages.registered languages.associated = languages.associated or { } local associated = languages.associated languages.numbers = languages.numbers or { } local numbers = languages.numbers languages.data = languages.data or { } local data = languages.data storage.register("languages/registered",registered,"languages.registered") storage.register("languages/associated",associated,"languages.associated") storage.register("languages/numbers", numbers, "languages.numbers") storage.register("languages/data", data, "languages.data") local nofloaded = 0 local function resolve(tag) local data, instance = registered[tag], nil if data then instance = data.instance if not instance then instance = new_langage(data.number) data.instance = instance end end return data, instance end local function tolang(what) -- returns lang object if not what then what = tex.language end local tag = numbers[what] local data = tag and registered[tag] or registered[what] if data then local instance = data.lang if not instance then instance = new_langage(data.number) data.instance = instance end return instance end end function languages.getdata(tag) -- or number if tag then return registered[tag] or registered[numbers[tag]] else return registered[numbers[tex.language]] end end -- languages.tolang = tolang -- patterns=en -- patterns=en,de local function validdata(loaded,what,tag) local dataset = loaded[what] if dataset then local data = dataset.data if not data or data == "" then return nil elseif dataset.compression == "zlib" then data = zlib.decompress(data) if dataset.length and dataset.length ~= #data then report_initialization("compression error in %a for language %a","patterns",what,tag) end return data else return data end end end local function sethjcodes(instance,loaded,what) local l = loaded[what] local c = l and l.characters if c then local h = l.codehash if not h then h = { } l.codehash = h end local s = tex.savinghyphcodes tex.savinghyphcodes = 0 for l in utfbytes(c) do local u = uccodes[l] sethjcode(instance,l,l) h[l] = l if type(u) == "number" then -- we don't want ß -> SS sethjcode(instance,u,l) h[u] = l end end tex.savinghyphcodes = s end end local function loaddefinitions(tag,specification) statistics.starttiming(languages) local data, instance = resolve(tag) local definitions = settings_to_array(specification.patterns or "") if #definitions > 0 then if trace_patterns then report_initialization("pattern specification for language %a: %s",tag,specification.patterns) end local dataused = data.used local ok = false local resources = data.resources or { } data.resources = resources for i=1,#definitions do local definition = definitions[i] if definition == "" then -- error elseif definition == "reset" then -- interfaces.variables.reset if trace_patterns then report_initialization("clearing patterns for language %a",tag) end instance:clear_patterns() elseif not dataused[definition] then dataused[definition] = definition local filename = "lang-" .. definition .. ".lua" local fullname = resolvers.findfile(filename) or "" if fullname == "" then fullname = resolvers.findfile(filename .. ".gz") or "" end if fullname ~= "" then if trace_patterns then report_initialization("loading definition %a for language %a from %a",definition,tag,fullname) end local suffix, gzipped = gzip.suffix(fullname) local loaded = table.load(fullname,gzipped and gzip.load) if loaded then -- todo: version test ok, nofloaded = true, nofloaded + 1 if sethjcodes then -- for now sethjcodes(instance,loaded,"patterns") sethjcodes(instance,loaded,"exceptions") end instance:patterns (validdata(loaded,"patterns", tag) or "") instance:hyphenation(validdata(loaded,"exceptions",tag) or "") resources[#resources+1] = loaded -- so we can use them otherwise else report_initialization("invalid definition %a for language %a in %a",definition,tag,filename) end elseif trace_patterns then report_initialization("invalid definition %a for language %a in %a",definition,tag,filename) end elseif trace_patterns then report_initialization("definition %a for language %a already loaded",definition,tag) end end return ok elseif trace_patterns then report_initialization("no definitions for language %a",tag) end statistics.stoptiming(languages) end storage.shared.noflanguages = storage.shared.noflanguages or 0 local noflanguages = storage.shared.noflanguages function languages.define(tag,parent) noflanguages = noflanguages + 1 if trace_patterns then report_initialization("assigning number %a to %a",noflanguages,tag) end numbers[noflanguages] = tag registered[tag] = { tag = tag, parent = parent or "", patterns = "", loaded = false, used = { }, dirty = true, number = noflanguages, instance = nil, -- luatex data structure synonyms = { }, } storage.shared.noflanguages = noflanguages end function languages.setsynonym(synonym,tag) -- convenience function local l = registered[tag] if l then l.synonyms[synonym] = true -- maybe some day more info end end function languages.installed(separator) return concat(sortedkeys(registered),separator or ",") end function languages.current(n) return numbers[n and tonumber(n) or tex.language] end function languages.associate(tag,script,language) -- not yet used associated[tag] = { script, language } end function languages.association(tag) -- not yet used if type(tag) == "number" then tag = numbers[tag] end local lat = tag and associated[tag] if lat then return lat[1], lat[2] end end function languages.loadable(tag,defaultlanguage) -- hack local l = registered[tag] -- no synonyms if l and resolvers.findfile("lang-"..l.patterns..".lua") then return true else return false end end -- a bit messy, we will do all language setting in lua as we can now assign -- and 'patterns' will go away here. function languages.unload(tag) local l = registered[tag] if l then l.dirty = true end end if environment.initex then function languages.getnumber() return 0 end else function languages.getnumber(tag,default,patterns) local l = registered[tag] if l then if l.dirty then if trace_patterns then report_initialization("checking patterns for %a with default %a",tag,default) end -- patterns is already resolved to parent patterns if applicable if patterns and patterns ~= "" then if l.patterns ~= patterns then l.patterns = patterns if trace_patterns then report_initialization("loading patterns for %a using specification %a",tag,patterns) end loaddefinitions(tag,l) else -- unchanged end elseif l.patterns == "" then l.patterns = tag if trace_patterns then report_initialization("loading patterns for %a using tag",tag) end local ok = loaddefinitions(tag,l) if not ok and tag ~= default then l.patterns = default if trace_patterns then report_initialization("loading patterns for %a using default",tag) end loaddefinitions(tag,l) end end l.loaded = true l.dirty = false end return l.number else return 0 end end end -- not that usefull, global values function languages.prehyphenchar (what) return prehyphenchar (tolang(what)) end function languages.posthyphenchar (what) return posthyphenchar (tolang(what)) end function languages.preexhyphenchar (what) return preexhyphenchar (tolang(what)) end function languages.postexhyphenchar(what) return postexhyphenchar(tolang(what)) end function languages.lefthyphenmin (what) return lefthyphenmin (tolang(what)) end function languages.righthyphenmin (what) return righthyphenmin (tolang(what)) end -- e['implementer']= 'imple{m}{-}{-}menter' -- e['manual'] = 'man{}{}{}' -- e['as'] = 'a-s' -- e['user-friendly'] = 'user=friend-ly' -- e['exceptionally-friendly'] = 'excep-tionally=friend-ly' function languages.loadwords(tag,filename) local data, instance = resolve(tag) if data then statistics.starttiming(languages) instance:hyphenation(io.loaddata(filename) or "") statistics.stoptiming(languages) end end function languages.setexceptions(tag,str) local data, instance = resolve(tag) if data then instance:hyphenation(string.strip(str)) -- we need to strip leading spaces end end function languages.hyphenate(tag,str) -- todo: does this still work? local data, instance = resolve(tag) if data then return instance:hyphenate(str) else return str end end -- hyphenation.define ("zerolanguage") -- hyphenation.loadpatterns ("zerolanguage") -- else bug -- hyphenation.loadexceptions("zerolanguage") -- else bug languages.logger = languages.logger or { } function languages.logger.report() local result, r = { }, 0 for tag, l in sortedpairs(registered) do if l.loaded then r = r + 1 result[r] = format("%s:%s:%s",tag,l.parent,l.number) end end return r > 0 and concat(result," ") or "none" end -- must happen at the tex end .. will use lang-def.lua languages.associate('en','latn','eng') languages.associate('uk','latn','eng') languages.associate('nl','latn','nld') languages.associate('de','latn','deu') languages.associate('fr','latn','fra') statistics.register("loaded patterns", function() local result = languages.logger.report() if result ~= "none" then -- return result return format("%s, load time: %s",result,statistics.elapsedtime(languages)) end end) -- statistics.register("language load time", function() -- -- often zero so we can merge that in the above -- return statistics.elapsedseconds(languages, format(", nofpatterns: %s",nofloaded)) -- end) -- interface implement { name = "languagenumber", actions = { languages.getnumber, context }, arguments = { "string", "string", "string" } } implement { name = "installedlanguages", actions = { languages.installed, context }, } implement { name = "definelanguage", actions = languages.define, arguments = { "string", "string" } } implement { name = "setlanguagesynonym", actions = languages.setsynonym, arguments = { "string", "string" } } implement { name = "unloadlanguage", actions = languages.unload, arguments = { "string" } } implement { name = "setlanguageexceptions", actions = languages.setexceptions, arguments = { "string", "string" } } implement { name = "currentprehyphenchar", actions = function() local c = prehyphenchar(tolang()) if c and c > 0 then context.char(c) end end } implement { name = "currentposthyphenchar", actions = function() local c = posthyphenchar(tolang()) if c and c > 0 then context.char(c) end end }