if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['core-con'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to core-con.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- todo: split into char-lan.lua and core-con.lua --[[ldx--

This module implements a bunch of conversions. Some are more efficient than their counterpart, some are even slower but look nicer this way.

Some code may move to a module in the language namespace.

--ldx]]-- local floor, date, time, concat = math.floor, os.date, os.time, table.concat local lower, rep, match, gsub = string.lower, string.rep, string.match, string.gsub local utfchar, utfbyte = utf.char, utf.byte local tonumber, tostring = tonumber, tostring local P, C, Cs, lpegmatch = lpeg.P, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.match local context = context local commands = commands local implement = interfaces.implement local settings_to_array = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array local allocate = utilities.storage.allocate local formatters = string.formatters local variables = interfaces.variables converters = converters or { } local converters = converters languages = languages or { } local languages = languages converters.number = tonumber converters.numbers = tonumber implement { name = "number", actions = context } implement { name = "numbers", actions = context } -- to be reconsidered ... languages namespace here, might become local plus a register command local counters = allocate { ['default'] = { -- no metatable as we do a test on keys 0x0061, 0x0062, 0x0063, 0x0064, 0x0065, 0x0066, 0x0067, 0x0068, 0x0069, 0x006A, 0x006B, 0x006C, 0x006D, 0x006E, 0x006F, 0x0070, 0x0071, 0x0072, 0x0073, 0x0074, 0x0075, 0x0076, 0x0077, 0x0078, 0x0079, 0x007A }, ['slovenian'] = { 0x0061, 0x0062, 0x0063, 0x010D, 0x0064, 0x0065, 0x0066, 0x0067, 0x0068, 0x0069, 0x006A, 0x006B, 0x006C, 0x006D, 0x006E, 0x006F, 0x0070, 0x0072, 0x0073, 0x0161, 0x0074, 0x0075, 0x0076, 0x007A, 0x017E }, ['spanish'] = { 0x0061, 0x0062, 0x0063, 0x0064, 0x0065, 0x0066, 0x0067, 0x0068, 0x0069, 0x006A, 0x006B, 0x006C, 0x006D, 0x006E, 0x00F1, 0x006F, 0x0070, 0x0071, 0x0072, 0x0073, 0x0074, 0x0075, 0x0076, 0x0077, 0x0078, 0x0079, 0x007A }, ['greek'] = { -- this should be the lowercase table -- 0x0391, 0x0392, 0x0393, 0x0394, 0x0395, -- 0x0396, 0x0397, 0x0398, 0x0399, 0x039A, -- 0x039B, 0x039C, 0x039D, 0x039E, 0x039F, -- 0x03A0, 0x03A1, 0x03A3, 0x03A4, 0x03A5, -- 0x03A6, 0x03A7, 0x03A8, 0x03A9 0x03B1, 0x03B2, 0x03B3, 0x03B4, 0x03B5, 0x03B6, 0x03B7, 0x03B8, 0x03B9, 0x03BA, 0x03BB, 0x03BC, 0x03BD, 0x03BE, 0x03BF, 0x03C0, 0x03C1, 0x03C3, 0x03C4, 0x03C5, 0x03C6, 0x03C7, 0x03C8, 0x03C9, }, ['arabic'] = { 0x0627, 0x0628, 0x062C, 0x062F, 0x0647, 0x0648, 0x0632, 0x062D, 0x0637, 0x0649, 0x0643, 0x0644, 0x0645, 0x0646, 0x0633, 0x0639, 0x0641, 0x0635, 0x0642, 0x0631, 0x0634, 0x062A, 0x062B, 0x062E, 0x0630, 0x0636, 0x0638, 0x063A, }, ['persian'] = { 0x0627, 0x0628, 0x062C, 0x062F, 0x0647, 0x0648, 0x0632, 0x062D, 0x0637, 0x0649, 0x06A9, 0x0644, 0x0645, 0x0646, 0x0633, 0x0639, 0x0641, 0x0635, 0x0642, 0x0631, 0x0634, 0x062A, 0x062B, 0x062E, 0x0630, 0x0636, 0x0638, 0x063A, }, ['thai'] = { 0xE050, 0xE051, 0xE052, 0xE053, 0xE054, 0xE055, 0xE056, 0xE057, 0xE058, 0xE059 }, ['devangari'] = { 0x0966, 0x0967, 0x0968, 0x0969, 0x096A, 0x096B, 0x096C, 0x096D, 0x096E, 0x096F }, ['gurmurkhi'] = { 0x0A66, 0x0A67, 0x0A68, 0x0A69, 0x0A6A, 0x0A6B, 0x0A6C, 0x0A6D, 0x0A6E, 0x0A6F }, ['gujarati'] = { 0x0AE6, 0x0AE7, 0x0AE8, 0x0AE9, 0x0AEA, 0x0AEB, 0x0AEC, 0x0AED, 0x0AEE, 0x0AEF }, ['tibetan'] = { 0x0F20, 0x0F21, 0x0F22, 0x0F23, 0x0F24, 0x0F25, 0x0F26, 0x0F27, 0x0F28, 0x0F29 }, ['korean'] = { 0x3131, 0x3134, 0x3137, 0x3139, 0x3141, 0x3142, 0x3145, 0x3147, 0x3148, 0x314A, 0x314B, 0x314C, 0x314D, 0x314E }, ['korean-parent'] = { -- parenthesed 0x3200, 0x3201, 0x3202, 0x3203, 0x3204, 0x3205, 0x3206, 0x3207, 0x3208, 0x3209, 0x320A, 0x320B, 0x320C, 0x320D }, ['korean-circle'] = { -- circled 0x3260, 0x3261, 0x3262, 0x3263, 0x3264, 0x3265, 0x3266, 0x3267, 0x3268, 0x3269, 0x326A, 0x326B, 0x326C, 0x326D }, } languages.counters = counters counters['ar'] = counters['arabic'] counters['gr'] = counters['greek'] counters['g'] = counters['greek'] counters['sl'] = counters['slovenian'] counters['es'] = counters['spanish'] counters['kr'] = counters['korean'] counters['kr-p'] = counters['korean-parent'] counters['kr-c'] = counters['korean-circle'] counters['thainumerals'] = counters['thai'] counters['devanagarinumerals'] = counters['devanagari'] counters['gurmurkhinumerals'] = counters['gurmurkhi'] counters['gujaratinumerals'] = counters['gujarati'] counters['tibetannumerals'] = counters['tibetan'] counters['greeknumerals'] = counters['greek'] counters['arabicnumerals'] = counters['arabic'] counters['persiannumerals'] = counters['persian'] counters['arabicexnumerals'] = counters['persian'] counters['koreannumerals'] = counters['korean'] counters['koreanparentnumerals'] = counters['korean-parent'] counters['koreancirclenumerals'] = counters['korean-circle'] counters['sloveniannumerals'] = counters['slovenian'] counters['spanishnumerals'] = counters['spanish'] local decimals = allocate { ['arabic'] = { ["0"] = "٠", ["1"] = "١", ["2"] = "٢", ["3"] = "٣", ["4"] = "٤", ["5"] = "٥", ["6"] = "٦", ["7"] = "٧", ["8"] = "٨", ["9"] = "٩", }, ['persian'] = { ["0"] = "۰", ["1"] = "۱", ["2"] = "۲", ["3"] = "۳", ["4"] = "۴", ["5"] = "۵", ["6"] = "۶", ["7"] = "۷", ["8"] = "۸", ["9"] = "۹", } } languages.decimals = decimals local fallback = utfbyte('0') local function chr(n,m) return (n > 0 and n < 27 and utfchar(n+m)) or "" end local function chrs(n,m,t) if not t then t = { } end if n > 26 then chrs(floor((n-1)/26),m,t) n = (n-1)%26 + 1 end if n ~= 0 then t[#t+1] = utfchar(n+m) end if n <= 26 then return concat(t) end end local function maxchrs(n,m,cmd,t) if not t then t = { } end if n > m then maxchrs(floor((n-1)/m),m,cmd) n = (n-1)%m + 1 end t[#t+1] = formatters["%s{%s}"](cmd,n) if n <= m then return concat(t) end end converters.chr = chr converters.chrs = chrs converters.maxchrs = maxchrs local lowercharacter = characters.lcchars local uppercharacter = characters.ucchars local defaultcounter = counters.default local function do_alphabetic(n,mapping,mapper,t) -- todo: make zero based variant (initial n + 1) if not t then t = { } end local max = #mapping if n > max then do_alphabetic(floor((n-1)/max),mapping,mapper,t) n = (n-1) % max + 1 end local chr = mapping[n] or fallback t[#t+1] = mapper and mapper[chr] or chr if n <= max then return concat(t) end end local function alphabetic(n,code) return do_alphabetic(n,code and code ~= "" and counters[code] or defaultcounter,lowercharacter) end local function Alphabetic(n,code) return do_alphabetic(n,code and code ~= "" and counters[code] or defaultcounter,uppercharacter) end converters.alphabetic = alphabetic converters.Alphabetic = Alphabetic -- we could make a replacer local function todecimals(n,name) local stream = tostring(n) local mapping = decimals[name] return mapping and gsub(stream,".",mapping) or stream end converters.decimals = todecimals local lower_offset = 96 local upper_offset = 64 function converters.character (n) return chr (n,lower_offset) end function converters.Character (n) return chr (n,upper_offset) end function converters.characters(n) return chrs(n,lower_offset) end function converters.Characters(n) return chrs(n,upper_offset) end converters['a'] = converters.characters converters['A'] = converters.Characters converters['AK'] = converters.Characters converters['KA'] = converters.Characters implement { name = "alphabetic", actions = { alphabetic, context }, arguments = { "integer", "string" } } implement { name = "Alphabetic", actions = { Alphabetic, context }, arguments = { "integer", "string" } } implement { name = "character", actions = { chr, context }, arguments = { "integer", lower_offset } } implement { name = "Character", actions = { chr, context }, arguments = { "integer", upper_offset } } implement { name = "characters", actions = { chrs, context }, arguments = { "integer", lower_offset } } implement { name = "Characters", actions = { chrs, context }, arguments = { "integer", upper_offset } } implement { name = "decimals", actions = { todecimals, context }, arguments = { "integer", "string" } } local weekday = os.weekday -- moved to l-os local isleapyear = os.isleapyear -- moved to l-os local nofdays = os.nofdays -- moved to l-os local function leapyear(year) return isleapyear(year) and 1 or 0 end local function textime() return tonumber(date("%H")) * 60 + tonumber(date("%M")) end function converters.year () return date("%Y") end function converters.month () return date("%m") end function converters.hour () return date("%H") end function converters.minute() return date("%M") end function converters.second() return date("%S") end converters.weekday = weekday converters.isleapyear = isleapyear converters.leapyear = leapyear converters.nofdays = nofdays converters.textime = textime implement { name = "weekday", actions = { weekday, context }, arguments = { "integer", "integer", "integer" } } implement { name = "leapyear", actions = { leapyear, context }, arguments = { "integer" } } implement { name = "nofdays", actions = { nofdays, context }, arguments = { "integer", "integer" } } implement { name = "year", actions = { date, context }, arguments = "'%Y'" } implement { name = "month", actions = { date, context }, arguments = "'%m'" } implement { name = "hour", actions = { date, context }, arguments = "'%H'" } implement { name = "minute", actions = { date, context }, arguments = "'%M'" } implement { name = "second", actions = { date, context }, arguments = "'%S'" } implement { name = "textime", actions = { textime, context } } implement { name = "doifelseleapyear", actions = { isleapyear, commands.doifelse }, arguments = "integer" } local roman = { { [0] = '', 'I', 'II', 'III', 'IV', 'V', 'VI', 'VII', 'VIII', 'IX' }, { [0] = '', 'X', 'XX', 'XXX', 'XL', 'L', 'LX', 'LXX', 'LXXX', 'XC' }, { [0] = '', 'C', 'CC', 'CCC', 'CD', 'D', 'DC', 'DCC', 'DCCC', 'CM' }, } local function toroman(n) if n >= 4000 then return toroman(floor(n/1000)) .. " " .. toroman(n%1000) else return rep("M",floor(n/1000)) .. roman[3][floor((n%1000)/100)] .. roman[2][floor((n%100)/10)] .. roman[1][floor((n%10)/1)] end end converters.toroman = toroman converters.Romannumerals = toroman converters.romannumerals = function(n) return lower(toroman(n)) end converters['i'] = converters.romannumerals converters['I'] = converters.Romannumerals converters['r'] = converters.romannumerals converters['R'] = converters.Romannumerals converters['KR'] = converters.Romannumerals converters['RK'] = converters.Romannumerals implement { name = "romannumerals", actions = { toroman, lower, context }, arguments = "integer", } implement { name = "Romannumerals", actions = { toroman, context }, arguments = "integer", } --~ local small = { --~ 0x0627, 0x066E, 0x062D, 0x062F, 0x0647, 0x0648, 0x0631 --~ } --~ local large = { --~ { 0x0627, 0x0628, 0x062C, 0x062F, 0x0647, 0x0648, 0x0632, 0x062D, 0x0637, }, --~ { 0x064A, 0x0643, 0x0644, 0x0645, 0x0646, 0x0633, 0x0639, 0x0641, 0x0635, }, --~ { 0x0642, 0x0631, 0x0634, 0x062A, 0x062B, 0x062E, 0x0630, 0x0636, 0x0638, }, --~ { 0x063A }, --~ } local small = { "ا", "ٮ", "ح", "د", "ه", "و", "ر", } local medium = { "ا", "ب", "ج", "د", "ه", "و","ز", "ح", "ط" , "ي", "ك", "ل", "م", "ن", "س", "ع", "ف", "ص" , "ق", "ر", "ش", "ت", "ث", "خ", "ذ", "ض", "ظ" , "غ" , } local large = { { "ا", "ب", "ج", "د", "ه", "و","ز", "ح", "ط" }, { "ي", "ك", "ل", "م", "ن", "س", "ع", "ف", "ص" }, { "ق", "ر", "ش", "ت", "ث", "خ", "ذ", "ض", "ظ" }, { "غ" }, } local function toabjad(n,what) if n <= 0 or n >= 2000 then return tostring(n) elseif what == 2 and n <= 7 then return small[n] elseif what == 3 and n <= 28 then return medium[n] else local a, b, c, d a, n = floor(n/1000), n % 1000 -- mod(n,1000) b, n = floor(n/ 100), n % 100 -- mod(n, 100) c, n = floor(n/ 10), n % 10 -- mod(n, 10) d, n = floor(n/ 1), n % 1 -- mod(n, 1) return (large[4][a] or "") .. (large[3][b] or "") .. (large[2][c] or "") .. (large[1][d] or "") end end converters.toabjad = toabjad function converters.abjadnumerals (n) return toabjad(n,false) end function converters.abjadnodotnumerals(n) return toabjad(n,true ) end implement { name = "abjadnumerals", actions = { toabjad, context }, arguments = { "integer", false } } implement { name = "abjadnodotnumerals", actions = { toabjad, context }, arguments = { "integer", true } } local vector = { normal = { [0] = "〇", [1] = "一", [2] = "二", [3] = "三", [4] = "四", [5] = "五", [6] = "六", [7] = "七", [8] = "八", [9] = "九", [10] = "十", [100] = "百", [1000] = "千", [10000] = "万", [100000000] = "亿", }, cap = { [0] = "零", [1] = "壹", [2] = "贰", [3] = "叁", [4] = "肆", [5] = "伍", [6] = "陆", [7] = "柒", [8] = "捌", [9] = "玖", [10] = "拾", [100] = "佰", [1000] = "仟", [10000] = "萬", [100000000] = "亿", }, all = { [0] = "〇", [1] = "一", [2] = "二", [3] = "三", [4] = "四", [5] = "五", [6] = "六", [7] = "七", [8] = "八", [9] = "九", [10] = "十", [20] = "廿", [30] = "卅", [100] = "百", [1000] = "千", [10000] = "万", [100000000] = "亿", } } local function tochinese(n,name) -- normal, caps, all -- improved version by Li Yanrui local result, r = { }, 0 local vector = vector[name] or vector.normal while true do if n == 0 then break elseif n >= 100000000 then local m = floor(n/100000000) r = r + 1 ; result[r] = tochinese(m,name) r = r + 1 ; result[r] = vector[100000000] local z = n - m * 100000000 if z > 0 and z < 10000000 then r = r + 1 ; result[r] = vector[0] end n = n % 100000000 elseif n >= 10000000 then local m = floor(n/10000) r = r + 1 ; result[r] = tochinese(m,name) r = r + 1 ; result[r] = vector[10000] local z = n - m * 10000 if z > 0 and z < 1000 then r = r + 1 ; result[r] = vector[0] end n = n % 10000 elseif n >= 1000000 then local m = floor(n/10000) r = r + 1 ; result[r] = tochinese(m,name) r = r + 1 ; result[r] = vector[10000] local z = n - m * 10000 if z > 0 and z < 1000 then r = r + 1 ; result[r] = vector[0] end n = n % 10000 elseif n >= 100000 then local m = floor(n/10000) r = r + 1 ; result[r] = tochinese(m,name) r = r + 1 ; result[r] = vector[10000] local z = n - m * 10000 if z > 0 and z < 1000 then r = r + 1 ; result[r] = vector[0] end n = n % 10000 elseif n >= 10000 then local m = floor(n/10000) r = r + 1 ; result[r] = vector[m] r = r + 1 ; result[r] = vector[10000] local z = n - m * 10000 if z > 0 and z < 1000 then r = r + 1 ; result[r] = vector[0] end n = n % 10000 elseif n >= 1000 then local m = floor(n/1000) r = r + 1 ; result[r] = vector[m] r = r + 1 ; result[r] = vector[1000] local z = n - m * 1000 if z > 0 and z < 100 then r = r + 1 ; result[r] = vector[0] end n = n % 1000 elseif n >= 100 then local m = floor(n/100) r = r + 1 ; result[r] = vector[m] r = r + 1 ; result[r] = vector[100] local z = n - m * 100 if z > 0 and z < 10 then r = r + 1 ; result[r] = vector[0] end n = n % 100 elseif n >= 10 then local m = floor(n/10) if m > 1 and vector[m*10] then r = r + 1 ; result[r] = vector[m*10] else r = r + 1 ; result[r] = vector[m] r = r + 1 ; result[r] = vector[10] end n = n % 10 else r = r + 1 ; result[r] = vector[n] break end end if (result[1] == vector[1] and result[2] == vector[10]) then result[1] = "" end return concat(result) end -- local t = { 1,10,15,25,35,45,11,100,111,1111,10000,11111,100000,111111,1111111,11111111,111111111,100000000,1111111111,11111111111,111111111111,1111111111111 } -- for k=1,#t do -- local v = t[k] -- print(v,tochinese(v),tochinese(v,"all"),tochinese(v,"cap")) -- end converters.tochinese = tochinese function converters.chinesenumerals (n,how) return tochinese(n,how or "normal") end function converters.chinesecapnumerals(n) return tochinese(n,"cap") end function converters.chineseallnumerals(n) return tochinese(n,"all") end converters['cn'] = converters.chinesenumerals converters['cn-c'] = converters.chinesecapnumerals converters['cn-a'] = converters.chineseallnumerals implement { name = "chinesenumerals", actions = { tochinese, context }, arguments = { "integer", "string" } } -- this is a temporary solution: we need a better solution when we have -- more languages function converters.spanishnumerals(n) return alphabetic(n,"es") end function converters.Spanishnumerals(n) return Alphabetic(n,"es") end function converters.sloviannumerals(n) return alphabetic(n,"sl") end function converters.Sloviannumerals(n) return Alphabetic(n,"sl") end converters['characters:es'] = converters.spanishnumerals converters['characters:sl'] = converters.sloveniannumerals converters['Characters:es'] = converters.Spanishnumerals converters['Characters:sl'] = converters.Sloveniannumerals converters.sequences = converters.sequences or { } local sequences = converters.sequences storage.register("converters/sequences", sequences, "converters.sequences") function converters.define(name,set) -- ,language) -- if language then -- name = name .. ":" .. language -- end sequences[name] = settings_to_array(set) end implement { name = "defineconversion", actions = converters.define, arguments = { "string", "string" } } local function convert(method,n,language) local converter = language and converters[method..":"..language] or converters[method] if converter then return converter(n) else local lowermethod = lower(method) local linguistic = counters[lowermethod] if linguistic then return do_alphabetic(n,linguistic,lowermethod == method and lowercharacter or uppercharacter) end local sequence = sequences[method] if sequence then local max = #sequence if n > max then return sequence[(n-1) % max + 1] else return sequence[n] end end return n end end converters.convert = convert local function valid(method,language) return converters[method..":"..language] or converters[method] or sequences[method] end implement { name = "doifelseconverter", actions = { valid, commands.doifelse }, arguments = { "string", "string" } } implement { name = "checkedconversion", actions = { convert, context }, arguments = { "string", "integer" } } -- Well, since the one asking for this didn't test it the following code is not -- enabled. -- -- -- This Lua version is based on a Javascript by Behdad Esfahbod which in turn -- -- is based on GPL'd code by Roozbeh Pournader of the The FarsiWeb Project -- -- Group: http://www.farsiweb.info/jalali/jalali.js. -- -- -- -- We start tables at one, I kept it zero based in order to stay close to -- -- the original. -- -- -- -- Conversion by Hans Hagen -- -- local g_days_in_month = { [0]=31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 } -- local j_days_in_month = { [0]=31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 29 } -- -- local function div(a,b) -- return math.floor(a/b) -- end -- -- local function remainder(a,b) -- return a - div(a,b)*b -- end -- -- function gregorian_to_jalali(gy,gm,gd) -- local jy, jm, jd, g_day_no, j_day_no, j_np, i -- gy, gm, gd = gy - 1600, gm - 1, gd - 1 -- g_day_no = 365*gy + div((gy+3),4) - div((gy+99),100) + div((gy+399),400) -- i = 0 -- while i < gm do -- g_day_no = g_day_no + g_days_in_month[i] -- i = i + 1 -- end -- if (gm>1 and ((gy%4==0 and gy%100~=0) or (gy%400==0))) then -- g_day_no = g_day_no + 1 -- end -- g_day_no = g_day_no + gd -- j_day_no = g_day_no - 79 -- j_np = div(j_day_no,12053) -- j_day_no = remainder(j_day_no,12053) -- jy = 979 + 33*j_np + 4*div(j_day_no,1461) -- j_day_no = remainder(j_day_no,1461) -- if j_day_no >= 366 then -- jy = jy + div((j_day_no-1),365) -- j_day_no = remainder((j_day_no-1),365) -- end -- i = 0 -- while i < 11 and j_day_no >= j_days_in_month[i] do -- j_day_no = j_day_no - j_days_in_month[i] -- i = i + 1 -- end -- jm = i + 1 -- jd = j_day_no + 1 -- return jy, jm, jd -- end -- -- function jalali_to_gregorian(jy,jm,jd) -- local gy, gm, gd, g_day_no, j_day_no, leap, i -- jy, jm, jd = jy - 979, jm - 1, jd - 1 -- j_day_no = 365*jy + div(jy,33)*8 + div((remainder(jy,33)+3),4) -- i = 0 -- while i < jm do -- j_day_no = j_day_no + j_days_in_month[i] -- i = i + 1 -- end -- j_day_no = j_day_no + jd -- g_day_no = j_day_no + 79 -- gy = 1600 + 400*div(g_day_no,146097) -- g_day_no = remainder (g_day_no, 146097) -- leap = 1 -- if g_day_no >= 36525 then -- g_day_no = g_day_no - 1 -- gy = gy + 100*div(g_day_no,36524) -- g_day_no = remainder (g_day_no, 36524) -- if g_day_no >= 365 then -- g_day_no = g_day_no + 1 -- else -- leap = 0 -- end -- end -- gy = gy + 4*div(g_day_no,1461) -- g_day_no = remainder (g_day_no, 1461) -- if g_day_no >= 366 then -- leap = 0 -- g_day_no = g_day_no - 1 -- gy = gy + div(g_day_no, 365) -- g_day_no = remainder(g_day_no, 365) -- end -- i = 0 -- while g_day_no >= g_days_in_month[i] + ((i == 1 and leap) or 0) do -- g_day_no = g_day_no - g_days_in_month[i] + ((i == 1 and leap) or 0) -- i = i + 1 -- end -- gm = i + 1 -- gd = g_day_no + 1 -- return gy, gm, gd -- end -- -- print(gregorian_to_jalali(2009,02,24)) -- print(jalali_to_gregorian(1387,12,06)) -- -- more efficient but needs testing -- local escapes = characters.filters.utf.private.escapes -- local function do_alphabetic(n,mapping,chr) -- local max = #mapping -- if n > max then -- do_alphabetic(floor((n-1)/max),mapping,chr) -- n = (n-1)%max+1 -- end -- n = chr(n,mapping) -- context(escapes[n] or utfchar(n)) -- end -- local lccodes, uccodes, safechar = characters.lccode, characters.uccode, commands.safechar -- local function do_alphabetic(n,mapping,chr) -- local max = #mapping -- if n > max then -- do_alphabetic(floor((n-1)/max),mapping,chr) -- n = (n-1)%max+1 -- end -- safechar(chr(n,mapping)) -- end -- local function lowercased(n,mapping) return characters.lccode(mapping[n] or fallback) end -- local function uppercased(n,mapping) return characters.uccode(mapping[n] or fallback) end -- function converters.alphabetic(n,code) -- do_alphabetic(n,counters[code] or counters.default,lowercased) -- lccode catches wrong tables -- end -- function converters.Alphabetic(n,code) -- do_alphabetic(n,counters[code] or counters.default,uppercased) -- end local ordinals = { english = function(n) local two = n % 100 if two == 11 or two == 12 or two == 13 then return "th" else local one = n % 10 if one == 1 then return "st" elseif one == 2 then return "nd" elseif one == 3 then return "rd" else return "th" end end end, dutch = function(n) return "e" end, french = function(n) if n == 1 then return "er" end end, } ordinals.en = ordinals.english ordinals.nl = ordinals.dutch ordinals.fr = ordinals.french function converters.ordinal(n,language) local t = language and ordinals[language] return t and t(n) end local function ctxordinal(n,language) local t = language and ordinals[language] local o = t and t(n) context(n) if o then context.highordinalstr(o) end end implement { name = "ordinal", actions = ctxordinal, arguments = { "integer", "string" } } -- verbose numbers local data = allocate() local verbose = { data = data } converters.verbose = verbose -- verbose english local words = { [0] = "zero", [1] = "one", [2] = "two", [3] = "three", [4] = "four", [5] = "five", [6] = "six", [7] = "seven", [8] = "eight", [9] = "nine", [10] = "ten", [11] = "eleven", [12] = "twelve", [13] = "thirteen", [14] = "fourteen", [15] = "fifteen", [16] = "sixteen", [17] = "seventeen", [18] = "eighteen", [19] = "nineteen", [20] = "twenty", [30] = "thirty", [40] = "forty", [50] = "fifty", [60] = "sixty", [70] = "seventy", [80] = "eighty", [90] = "ninety", [100] = "hundred", [1000] = "thousand", [1000^2] = "million", [1000^3] = "billion", [1000^4] = "trillion", } local function translate(n) local w = words[n] if w then return w end local t = { } local function compose_one(n) local w = words[n] if w then t[#t+1] = w return end local a, b = floor(n/100), n % 100 if a == 10 then t[#t+1] = words[1] t[#t+1] = words[1000] elseif a > 0 then t[#t+1] = words[a] t[#t+1] = words[100] -- don't say 'nine hundred zero' if b == 0 then return end end if words[b] then t[#t+1] = words[b] else a, b = floor(b/10), n % 10 t[#t+1] = words[a*10] t[#t+1] = words[b] end end local function compose_two(n,m) if n > (m-1) then local a, b = floor(n/m), n % m if a > 0 then compose_one(a) end t[#t+1] = words[m] n = b end return n end n = compose_two(n,1000^4) n = compose_two(n,1000^3) n = compose_two(n,1000^2) n = compose_two(n,1000^1) if n > 0 then compose_one(n) end return #t > 0 and concat(t," ") or tostring(n) end data.english = { words = words, translate = translate, } data.en = data.english -- print(translate(11111111)) -- print(translate(2221101)) -- print(translate(1111)) -- print(translate(1218)) -- print(translate(1234)) -- print(translate(12345)) -- print(translate(12345678900000)) -- verbose spanish (unchecked) local words = { [1] = "uno", [2] = "dos", [3] = "tres", [4] = "cuatro", [5] = "cinco", [6] = "seis", [7] = "siete", [8] = "ocho", [9] = "nueve", [10] = "diez", [11] = "once", [12] = "doce", [13] = "trece", [14] = "catorce", [15] = "quince", [16] = "dieciséis", [17] = "diecisiete", [18] = "dieciocho", [19] = "diecinueve", [20] = "veinte", [21] = "veintiuno", [22] = "veintidós", [23] = "veintitrés", [24] = "veinticuatro", [25] = "veinticinco", [26] = "veintiséis", [27] = "veintisiete", [28] = "veintiocho", [29] = "veintinueve", [30] = "treinta", [40] = "cuarenta", [50] = "cincuenta", [60] = "sesenta", [70] = "setenta", [80] = "ochenta", [90] = "noventa", [100] = "ciento", [200] = "doscientos", [300] = "trescientos", [400] = "cuatrocientos", [500] = "quinientos", [600] = "seiscientos", [700] = "setecientos", [800] = "ochocientos", [900] = "novecientos", [1000] = "mil", [1000^2] = "millón", [1000^3] = "mil millones", [1000^4] = "billón", } local function translate(n) local w = words[n] if w then return w end local t = { } local function compose_one(n) local w = words[n] if w then t[#t+1] = w return end -- a, b = hundreds, remainder local a, b = floor(n/100), n % 100 -- one thousand if a == 10 then t[#t+1] = words[1] t[#t+1] = words[1000] -- x hundred (n.b. this will not give thirteen hundred because -- compose_one(n) is only called after -- `n = compose(two(n, 1000^1))`. elseif a > 0 then t[#t+1] = words[a*100] end -- the remainder if words[b] then t[#t+1] = words[b] else -- a, b = tens, remainder a, b = floor(b/10), n % 10 t[#t+1] = words[a*10] t[#t+1] = "y" t[#t+1] = words[b] end end -- compose_two handles x billion, ... x thousand. When 1000 or less is -- left, compose_one takes over. local function compose_two(n,m) if n > (m-1) then local a, b = floor(n/m), n % m if a > 0 then compose_one(a) end t[#t+1] = words[m] n = b end return n end n = compose_two(n,1000^4) n = compose_two(n,1000^3) n = compose_two(n,1000^2) n = compose_two(n,1000^1) if n > 0 then compose_one(n) end return #t > 0 and concat(t," ") or tostring(n) end data.spanish = { words = words, translate = translate, } data.es = data.spanish -- print(translate(31)) -- print(translate(101)) -- print(translate(199)) -- verbose handler: function converters.verbose.translate(n,language) local t = language and data[language] return t and t.translate(n) or n end local function verbose(n,language) local t = language and data[language] context(t and t.translate(n) or n) end implement { name = "verbose", actions = verbose, arguments = { "integer", "string" } } -- These are just helpers but not really for the tex end. Do we have to -- use translate here? local whitespace = lpeg.patterns.whitespace local word = lpeg.patterns.utf8uppercharacter^-1 * (1-whitespace)^1 local pattern_one = Cs( whitespace^0 * word^-1 * P(1)^0) local pattern_all = Cs((whitespace^1 + word)^1) function converters.word (s) return s end -- dummies for typos function converters.words(s) return s end -- dummies for typos function converters.Word (s) return lpegmatch(pattern_one,s) or s end function converters.Words(s) return lpegmatch(pattern_all,s) or s end converters.upper = characters.upper converters.lower = characters.lower -- print(converters.Word("foo bar")) -- print(converters.Word(" foo bar")) -- print(converters.Word("123 foo bar")) -- print(converters.Word(" 123 foo bar")) -- print(converters.Words("foo bar")) -- print(converters.Words(" foo bar")) -- print(converters.Words("123 foo bar")) -- print(converters.Words(" 123 foo bar")) -- -- local v_day = variables.day local v_year = variables.year local v_month = variables.month local v_weekday = variables.weekday local v_referral = variables.referral local v_space = variables.space local convert = converters.convert local days = { -- not variables.sunday "sunday", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", } local months = { -- not variables.january "january", "february", "march", "april", "may", "june", "july", "august", "september", "october", "november", "december", } local function dayname(n) return days[n] or "unknown" end local function weekdayname(day,month,year) return days[weekday(day,month,year)] or "unknown" end local function monthname(n) return months[n] or "unknown" end local function monthmnem(n) local m = months[n] return m and (m ..":mnem") or "unknown" end implement { name = "dayname", actions = { dayname, context.labeltext }, arguments = "integer", } implement { name = "weekdayname", actions = { weekdayname, context.labeltext }, arguments = { "integer", "integer", "integer" } } implement { name = "monthname", actions = { monthname, context.labeltext }, arguments = { "integer" } } implement { name = "monthmnem", actions = { monthmnem, context.labeltext }, arguments = { "integer" } } -- a prelude to a function that we can use at the lua end -- day:ord month:mmem -- j and jj obsolete local function currentdate(str,currentlanguage) -- second argument false : no label local list = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array(str) local splitlabel = languages.labels.split or string.itself -- we need to get the loading order right local year = tex.year local month = tex.month local day = tex.day local auto = true if currentlanguage == "" then currentlanguage = false end for i=1,#list do local entry = list[i] local tag, plus = splitlabel(entry) local ordinal, mnemonic, whatordinal, highordinal = false, false, nil, false if not tag then tag = entry elseif plus == "+" or plus == "ord" then ordinal = true elseif plus == "++" or plus == "highord" then ordinal = true highordinal = true elseif plus == "mnem" then mnemonic = true end if not auto and (tag == v_year or tag == v_month or tag == v_day or tag == v_weekday) then context.space() end auto = false if tag == v_year or tag == "y" then context(year) elseif tag == "yy" then context("%02i",year % 100) elseif tag == "Y" then context(year) elseif tag == v_month or tag == "m" then if currentlanguage == false then context(months[month] or "unknown") elseif mnemonic then context.labeltext(monthmnem(month)) else context.labeltext(monthname(month)) end elseif tag == "mm" then context("%02i",month) elseif tag == "M" then context(month) elseif tag == v_day or tag == "d" then if currentlanguage == false then context(days[day] or "unknown") else context.convertnumber(v_day,day) -- why not direct end whatordinal = day elseif tag == "dd" then context("%02i",day) whatordinal = day elseif tag == "D" then context(day) whatordinal = day elseif tag == v_weekday or tag == "w" then local wd = weekday(day,month,year) if currentlanguage == false then context(days[wd] or "unknown") else context.labeltext(days[wd] or "unknown") end elseif tag == "W" then context(weekday(day,month,year)) elseif tag == v_referral then context("%04i%02i%02i",year,month,day) elseif tag == v_space or tag == "\\ " then context.space() auto = true elseif tag ~= "" then context(tag) auto = true end if ordinal and whatordinal then if currentlanguage == false then -- ignore else context[highordinal and "highordinalstr" or "ordinalstr"](converters.ordinal(whatordinal,currentlanguage)) end end end end implement { name = "currentdate", actions = currentdate, arguments = { "string", "string" } } implement { name = "rawdate", actions = currentdate, arguments = { "string", false } } implement { name = "unihex", actions = { formatters["U+%05X"], context }, arguments = "integer" }