% language=uk \usemodule[art-01,abr-01] \starttext \subject {About performance} If you use \PDFTEX, \XETEX\ and \LUATEX\ you will notice a difference in speed. Don't draw conclusions too easily from simple tests like: \starttyping \dorecurse{1000}{test\page} \stoptyping or (also tests the file system): \starttyping \dorecurse{1000}{\input tufte\blank} \stoptyping The wide engines \XETEX\ and \LUATEX\ have more work to do than \PDFTEX, because the input is \UTF\ and \UNICODE\ fonts are used. Of course running \PDFTEX\ on extensive \UTF\ input will compensate it a bit. Comparing \XETEX\ and \PDFTEX\ (using \MKII) and \LUATEX\ (using \MKIV) is kind of useless anyway because the \LUATEX\ with \MKIV\ combination is not only doing more advanced things, which costs time, but at the other hand has more efficient alternatives, like for instance using \MPLIB, which gains a lot. So, it's best to compare speeds with a mixed content document: multiple fonts, text and math, images, \METAPOST\ graphics, structural components, tables, etc. On the average \PDFTEX\ is the fastest, but offering less functionality, while \LUATEX\ with \MKIV\ is often faster than \XETEX\ with \MKII. On complex products like the \METAFUN\ manual or when processing complex \XML\ files a \LUATEX\ is much faster than a \PDFTEX\ run. There is some startup time involved which is normally not that much, and initial font loading is also not really a burden, but of course for a few page document it brings down the number of pages processed per second. Normalizing the input takes a bit but applying \OPENTYPE\ font features takes much more. If you find unacceptable bottlenecks just let me know (but better first check performance in the other engines). Of course inefficient coding of styles (massive font switches where a simple one could do) are no reason for a complaint. Keep in mind: flexibility comes at a price. A lot of time went into making sure that \CONTEXT\ runs efficiently on \LUATEX\ and we keep improving the performance. This is not so much an engine issue but more one of the macro package. Of course what is true for \CONTEXT\ \MKIV\ can be different for other macro packages but comparing with them makes no sense because the differences in functionality. There are many features in \CONTEXT\ \MKIV\ that demand analysis of the text stream and when a spot is found where that feature has to be applied some actions takes place. Most such features don't have an impact on overall performance (due to the analysis) unless they are used. Of course font processing has the largest impact, but they are also the most flexible and extensible feature, especially when you use dynamic features. And font processing is always enabled. Speed has been improved over time and we're currently at a point that further speedup makes not much sense and would only make the code more complex. This is not to say that we cannot improve performance in the future. Hans Hagen \crlf Hasselt NL \stoptext