if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['anch-pgr'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to anch-pgr.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- This is a bit messy module but backgrounds are messy anyway. Especially when we want to -- follow shapes. This will always be work in progress as it also depends on new features -- in context. -- -- Alas, shapes and inline didn't work as expected end of 2016 so I had to pick up this -- thread again. But with regular excursions to listening to Brad Mehldau's Mehliana I -- could keep myself motivated. Some old stuff has been removed, some suboptimal code has -- been replaced. Background code is still not perfect, but some day ... the details manual -- will discuss this issue. local tonumber = tonumber local sort, concat = table.sort, table.concat local splitter = lpeg.splitat(":") local lpegmatch = lpeg.match local jobpositions = job.positions local formatters = string.formatters local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex local settings_to_array = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array local enableaction = nodes.tasks.enableaction local commands = commands local context = context local implement = interfaces.implement local texgetcount = tex.getcount local report_graphics = logs.reporter("backgrounds") local report_shapes = logs.reporter("backgrounds","shapes") local report_free = logs.reporter("backgrounds","free") local trace_shapes = false trackers.register("backgrounds.shapes", function(v) trace_shapes = v end) local trace_ranges = false trackers.register("backgrounds.shapes.ranges",function(v) trace_ranges = v end) local trace_free = false trackers.register("backgrounds.shapes.free", function(v) trace_free = v end) local f_b_tag = formatters["b:%s"] local f_e_tag = formatters["e:%s"] local f_p_tag = formatters["p:%s"] local f_tag_two = formatters["%s:%s"] local f_point = formatters["%p"] local f_pair = formatters["(%p,%p)"] local f_path = formatters["%--t--cycle"] local f_pair_i = formatters["(%r,%r)"] -- rounded graphics = graphics or { } local backgrounds = { } graphics.backgrounds = backgrounds -- -- -- local texsetattribute = tex.setattribute local a_textbackground = attributes.private("textbackground") local nuts = nodes.nuts local new_latelua = nuts.pool.latelua local new_rule = nuts.pool.rule local new_kern = nuts.pool.kern local new_hlist = nuts.pool.hlist local getbox = nuts.getbox local getid = nuts.getid ----- getlist = nuts.getlist local setlink = nuts.setlink local getheight = nuts.getheight local getdepth = nuts.getdepth local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes local par_code = nodecodes.par local startofpar = nuts.startofpar local insertbefore = nuts.insertbefore local insertafter = nuts.insertafter local processranges = nuts.processranges local unsetvalue = attributes.unsetvalue local jobpositions = job.positions local getpos = jobpositions.getpos local getfree = jobpositions.getfree local data = { } local realpage = 1 local recycle = 1000 -- only tables can overflow this local enabled = false -- Freeing the data is somewhat tricky as we can have backgrounds spanning -- many pages but for an arbitrary background shape that is not so common. local function check(specification) local a = specification.attribute local index = specification.index local depth = specification.depth local d = specification.data local where = specification.where local ht = specification.ht local dp = specification.dp -- this is not yet r2l ready local w = d.shapes[realpage] local x, y = getpos() if trace_ranges then report_shapes("attribute %i, index %i, depth %i, location %s, position (%p,%p)", a,index,depth,where,x,y) end local n = #w if d.index ~= index then n = n + 1 d.index = index d.depth = depth -- w[n] = { x, x, y, ht, dp } w[n] = { y, ht, dp, x, x } else local wn = w[n] local wh = wn[2] local wd = wn[3] if depth < d.depth then local wy = wn[1] wn[1] = y d.depth = depth local dy = wy - y wh = wh - dy wd = wd - dy end if where == "r" then if x > wn[5] then wn[5] = x end else if x < wn[4] then wn[4] = x end end if ht > wh then wn[2] = ht end if dp > wd then wn[3] = dp end end -- inspect(w) end local index = 0 local function flush(head,f,l,a,parent,depth) local d = data[a] if d then local ix = index local ht = getheight(parent) local dp = getdepth(parent) local ln = new_latelua { action = check, attribute = a, index = ix, depth = depth, data = d, where = "l", ht = ht, dp = dp } local rn = new_latelua { action = check, attribute = a, index = ix, depth = depth, data = d, where = "r", ht = ht, dp = dp } if trace_ranges then ln = new_hlist(setlink(new_rule(65536,65536*4,0),new_kern(-65536),ln)) rn = new_hlist(setlink(new_rule(65536,0,65536*4),new_kern(-65536),rn)) end if getid(f) == par_code and startofpar(f) then -- we need to clean this mess insertafter(head,f,ln) else head, f = insertbefore(head,f,ln) end insertafter(head,l,rn) end return head, true end local function registerbackground(name) local n = #data + 1 if n > recycle then -- we could also free all e: that are beyond a page but we don't always -- know the page so a recycle is nicer and the s lists are kept anyway -- so the amount of kept data is not that large n = 1 end local b = jobpositions.tobesaved["b:"..name] if b then local s = setmetatableindex("table") b.s = s data[n] = { bpos = b, name = name, n = n, shapes = s, count = 0, sindex = 0, } texsetattribute(a_textbackground,n) if not enabled then enableaction("contributers", "nodes.handlers.textbackgrounds") enabled = true end else texsetattribute(a_textbackground,unsetvalue) end end -- local function collectbackgrounds(r,n) -- if enabled then -- local parent = getbox(n) -- local head = getlist(parent) -- realpage = r -- processranges(a_textbackground,flush,head) -- ,parent) -- end -- end -- -- interfaces.implement { -- name = "collectbackgrounds", -- actions = collectbackgrounds, -- arguments = { "integer", "integer" } -- } nodes.handlers.textbackgrounds = function(head,where,parent) -- we have hlistdir and local dir -- todo enable action in register index = index + 1 realpage = texgetcount("realpageno") return processranges(a_textbackground,flush,head,parent) end interfaces.implement { name = "registerbackground", actions = registerbackground, arguments = "string", } -- optimized already but we can assume a cycle i.e. prune the last point and then -- even less code .. we could merge some loops but his is more robust local function topairs(t,n) local r = { } for i=1,n do local ti = t[i] r[i] = f_pair_i(ti[1]/65556,ti[2]/65536) end return concat(r," ") end local eps = 65536 / 4 local pps = eps local nps = - pps local function unitvector(x,y) if x < pps and x > nps then x = 0 elseif x < 0 then x = -1 else x = 1 end if y < pps and y > nps then y = 0 elseif y < 0 then y = -1 else y = 1 end return x, y end local function finish(t) local tm = #t if tm < 2 then return end if trace_ranges then report_shapes("initial list: %s",topairs(t,tm)) end -- remove similar points local n = 1 local tn = tm local tf = t[1] local tx = tf[1] local ty = tf[2] for i=2,#t do local ti = t[i] local ix = ti[1] local iy = ti[2] local dx = ix - tx local dy = iy - ty if dx > eps or dx < - eps or dy > eps or dy < - eps then n = n + 1 t[n] = ti tx = ix ty = iy end end if trace_shapes then report_shapes("removing similar points: %s",topairs(t,n)) end if n > 2 then -- remove redundant points repeat tn = n n = 0 local tm = t[tn] local tmx = tm[1] local tmy = tm[2] local tp = t[1] local tpx = tp[1] local tpy = tp[2] for i=1,tn do -- while and only step when done local ti = tp local tix = tpx local tiy = tpy if i == tn then tp = t[1] else tp = t[i+1] end tpx = tp[1] tpy = tp[2] local vx1, vx2 = unitvector(tix - tmx,tpx - tix) if vx1 ~= vx2 then n = n + 1 t[n] = ti else local vy1, vy2 = unitvector(tiy - tmy,tpy - tiy) if vy1 ~= vy2 then n = n + 1 t[n] = ti end end tmx = tix tmy = tiy end until n == tn or n <= 2 if trace_shapes then report_shapes("removing redundant points: %s",topairs(t,n)) end -- remove spikes if n > 2 then repeat tn = n n = 0 local tm = t[tn] local tmx = tm[1] local tmy = tm[2] local tp = t[1] local tpx = tp[1] local tpy = tp[2] for i=1,tn do -- while and only step when done local ti = tp local tix = tpx local tiy = tpy if i == tn then tp = t[1] else tp = t[i+1] end tpx = tp[1] tpy = tp[2] local vx1, vx2 = unitvector(tix - tmx,tpx - tix) if vx1 ~= - vx2 then n = n + 1 t[n] = ti else local vy1, vy2 = unitvector(tiy - tmy,tpy - tiy) if vy1 ~= - vy2 then n = n + 1 t[n] = ti end end tmx = tix tmy = tiy end until n == tn or n <= 2 if trace_shapes then report_shapes("removing spikes: %s",topairs(t,n)) end end end -- prune trailing points if tm > n then for i=tm,n+1,-1 do t[i] = nil end end if n > 1 then local tf = t[1] local tl = t[n] local dx = tf[1] - tl[1] local dy = tf[2] - tl[2] if dx > eps or dx < - eps or dy > eps or dy < - eps then -- different points else -- saves a point (as we -- cycle anyway) t[n] = nil n = n -1 end if trace_shapes then report_shapes("removing cyclic endpoints: %s",topairs(t,n)) end end return t end local eps = 65536 -- The next function can introduce redundant points but these are removed later on -- in the unspiker. It makes checking easier. local function shape(kind,b,p,realpage,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,fh,ld) local s = b.s if not s then if trace_shapes then report_shapes("calculating %s area, no shape",kind) end return end s = s[realpage] if not s then if trace_shapes then report_shapes("calculating %s area, no shape for page %s",kind,realpage) end return end local ns = #s if ns == 0 then if trace_shapes then report_shapes("calculating %s area, empty shape for page %s",kind,realpage) end return end -- if trace_shapes then report_shapes("calculating %s area, using shape for page %s",kind,realpage) end -- it's a bit inefficient to use the par values and later compensate for b and -- e but this keeps the code (loop) cleaner local ph = p and p.h or 0 local pd = p and p.d or 0 -- xmax = xmax + eps xmin = xmin - eps ymax = ymax + eps ymin = ymin - eps local ls = { } -- left shape local rs = { } -- right shape local pl = nil -- previous left x local pr = nil -- previous right x local n = 0 local xl = nil local xr = nil local mh = ph -- min local md = pd -- min for i=1,ns do local si = s[i] local y = si[1] local ll = si[4] -- can be sparse if ll then xl = ll local rr = si[5] -- can be sparse if rr then xr = rr end end if trace_ranges then report_shapes("original : [%02i] xl=%p xr=%p y=%p",i,xl,xr,y) end if xl ~= xr then -- could be catched in the finalizer local xm = xl + (xr - xl)/2 -- midpoint should be in region if xm >= xmin and xm <= xmax and y >= ymin and y <= ymax then local ht = si[2] -- can be sparse if ht then ph = ht local dp = si[3] -- can be sparse if dp then pd = dp end end local h = y + (ph < mh and mh or ph) local d = y - (pd < md and md or pd) if pl then n = n + 1 ls[n] = { pl, h } rs[n] = { pr, h } if trace_ranges then report_shapes("paragraph : [%02i] xl=%p xr=%p y=%p",i,pl,pr,h) end end n = n + 1 ls[n] = { xl, h } rs[n] = { xr, h } if trace_ranges then report_shapes("height : [%02i] xl=%p xr=%p y=%p",i,xl,xr,h) end n = n + 1 ls[n] = { xl, d } rs[n] = { xr, d } if trace_ranges then report_shapes("depth : [%02i] xl=%p xr=%p y=%p",i,xl,xr,d) end end pl, pr = xl, xr else if trace_ranges then report_shapes("ignored : [%02i] xl=%p xr=%p y=%p",i,xl,xr,y) end end end -- if true and n > 0 then -- use height of b and depth of e, maybe check for weird border -- cases here if fh then local lsf = ls[1] local rsf = rs[1] if lsf[2] < fh then lsf[2] = fh end if rsf[2] < fh then rsf[2] = fh end end if fd then local lsl = ls[n] local rsl = rs[n] if lsl[2] > fd then lsl[2] = fd end if rsl[2] > fd then rsl[2] = fd end end end -- for i=n,1,-1 do n = n + 1 rs[n] = ls[i] end return rs end local function singlepart(b,e,p,realpage,r,left,right) local bx = b.x local by = b.y local ex = e.x local ey = e.y local rx = r.x local ry = r.y local bh = by + b.h local bd = by - b.d local eh = ey + e.h local ed = ey - e.d local rh = ry + r.h local rd = ry - r.d local rw = rx + r.w if left then rx = rx + left rw = rw - right end if ex == rx then -- We probably have a strut at the next line so we force a width -- although of course it is better to move up. But as we have whitespace -- (at least visually) injected then it's best to stress the issue. ex = rw end local area if by == ey then if trace_shapes then report_shapes("calculating single area, partial line") end area = { { bx, bh }, { ex, eh }, { ex, ed }, { bx, bd }, } elseif b.k == 2 then area = { { rx, bh }, { rw, bh }, { rw, ed }, { rx, ed }, } else area = shape("single",b,p,realpage,rx,rw,rd,rh,bh,ed) end if not area then area = { { bx, bh }, { rw, bh }, { rw, eh }, { ex, eh }, { ex, ed }, { rx, ed }, { rx, bd }, { bx, bd }, } end return { location = "single", region = r, area = finish(area), } end local function firstpart(b,e,p,realpage,r,left,right) local bx = b.x local by = b.y local rx = r.x local ry = r.y local bh = by + b.h local bd = by - b.d local rh = ry + r.h local rd = ry - r.d local rw = rx + r.w if left then rx = rx + left rw = rw - right end local area = shape("first",b,p,realpage,rx,rw,rd,rh,bh,false) if not area then if b.k == 2 then area = { { rx, bh }, { rw, bh }, { rw, rd }, { rx, rd }, } else area = { { bx, bh }, { rw, bh }, { rw, rd }, -- { rw, eh }, { rx, rd }, -- { rx, ed }, { rx, bd }, { bx, bd }, } end end return { location = "first", region = r, area = finish(area), } end local function middlepart(b,e,p,realpage,r,left,right) local rx = r.x local ry = r.y local rh = ry + r.h local rd = ry - r.d local rw = rx + r.w if left then rx = rx + left rw = rw - right end local area = shape("middle",b,p,realpage,rx,rw,rd,rh,false,false) if not area then area = { { rw, rh }, { rw, rd }, { rx, rd }, { rx, rh }, } end return { location = "middle", region = r, area = finish(area), } end local function lastpart(b,e,p,realpage,r,left,right) local ex = e.x local ey = e.y local rx = r.x local ry = r.y local eh = ey + e.h local ed = ey - e.d local rh = ry + r.h local rd = ry - r.d local rw = rx + r.w if left then rx = rx + left rw = rw - right end local area = shape("last",b,p,realpage,rx,rw,rd,rh,false,ed) if not area then if b.k == 2 then area = { { rw, rh }, { rw, ed }, { rx, ed }, { rx, rh }, } else area = { { rw, rh }, -- { rw, bh }, { rw, eh }, { ex, eh }, { ex, ed }, { rx, ed }, { rx, rh }, -- { rx, bd }, } end end return { location = "last", region = r, area = finish(area), } end local function calculatemultipar(tag) local collected = jobpositions.collected local b = collected[f_b_tag(tag)] local e = collected[f_e_tag(tag)] if not b or not e then report_shapes("invalid tag %a",tag) return { } end local br = b.r local er = e.r if not br or not er then report_shapes("invalid region for %a",tag) return { } end local btag, bindex = lpegmatch(splitter,br) local etag, eindex = lpegmatch(splitter,er) if not bindex or not eindex or btag ~= etag then report_shapes("invalid indices for %a",tag) return { } end local bindex = tonumber(bindex) local eindex = tonumber(eindex) -- Here we compensate for columns (in tables): a table can have a set of column -- entries and these are shared. We compensate left/right based on the columns -- x and w but need to take the region into acount where the specification was -- flushed and not the begin pos's region, because otherwise we get the wrong -- compensation for asymetrical doublesided layouts. local left = 0 local right = 0 local bc = b.c local rc = bc and collected[bc] if rc then local tb = collected[rc.r] if tb then left = -(tb.x - rc.x) right = (tb.w - rc.w - left) end end -- Obeying intermediate changes of left/rightskip makes no sense as it will -- look bad, so we only look at the begin situation. local bn = b.n local p = bn and collected[f_p_tag(bn)] -- par if p then left = left + (p.ls or 0) right = right + (p.rs or 0) end -- local bp = b.p -- page if trace_shapes then report_shapes("tag %a, left %p, right %p, par %s, page %s, column %s", tag,left,right,bn or "-",bp or "-",bc or "-") end -- if bindex == eindex then return { list = { [bp] = { singlepart(b,e,p,bp,collected[br],left,right) } }, bpos = b, epos = e, } else local list = { [bp] = { firstpart(b,e,p,bp,collected[br],left,right) }, } for i=bindex+1,eindex-1 do br = f_tag_two(btag,i) local r = collected[br] if not r then report_graphics("invalid middle for %a",br) else local rp = r.p -- page local pp = list[rp] local mp = middlepart(b,e,p,rp,r,left,right) if pp then pp[#pp+1] = mp else list[rp] = { mp } end end end local ep = e.p -- page local pp = list[ep] local lp = lastpart(b,e,p,ep,collected[er],left,right) if pp then pp[#pp+1] = lp else list[ep] = { lp } end return { list = list, bpos = b, epos = e, } end end local pbg = { } -- will move to pending local multilocs = { single = 1, -- maybe 0 first = 1, middle = 2, last = 3, } -- if unknown context_abck : input mp-abck.mpiv ; fi ; local f_template_a = formatters[ [[ path multiregs[], multipars[], multibox ; string multikind[] ; numeric multilocs[], nofmultipars ; nofmultipars := %s ; multibox := unitsquare xyscaled (%p,%p) ; numeric par_strut_height, par_strut_depth, par_line_height ; par_strut_height := %p ; par_strut_depth := %p ; par_line_height := %p ; ]] ] local f_template_b = formatters[ [[ multilocs[%s] := %s ; multikind[%s] := "%s" ; multipars[%s] := (%--t--cycle) shifted - (%p,%p) ; ]] ] -- unspiked(simplified(%--t--cycle)) shifted - (%p,%p) ; local f_template_c = formatters[ [[ setbounds currentpicture to multibox ; ]] ] local function freemultipar(pagedata,frees) -- ,k -- if k == 3 then -- -- tables have local regions -- return -- end if not frees then return end local nfree = #frees if nfree == 0 then return end for i=1,#pagedata do local data = pagedata[i] local area = data.area if area then local region = data.region local y = 0 -- region.y -- local x = region.x local areas = { } data.areas = areas local f_1 = { } local n_1 = 0 local f_2 = { } local n_2 = 0 for i=1,#frees do local f = frees[i] local k = f.k if k == 1 then -- pag n_1 = n_1 + 1 f_1[n_1] = f elseif k == 2 or k == 3 then -- par n_2 = n_2 + 1 f_2[n_2] = f end end local lineheight = tex.dimen.lineheight -- page floats local function check_one(free1,free2) local temp = { } local some = false local top = (free2 and (y + free2.y + free2.h + (free2.to or 0))) or false local bot = (free1 and (y + free1.y - free1.d - (free1.bo or 0))) or false for i=1,#area do local a = area[i] local x = a[1] local y = a[2] if free2 and y <= top then y = top end if free1 and y >= bot then y = bot end if not some then some = y elseif some == true then -- done elseif y ~= some then some = true end temp[i] = { x, y } end if some == true then areas[#areas+1] = temp end end if n_1 > 0 then check_one(false,f_1[1]) for i=2,n_1 do check_one(f_1[i-1],f_1[i]) end check_one(f_1[n_1],false) end -- par floats if #areas == 0 then areas[1] = area end -- we can collect the coordinates first local function check_two(area,frees) local ul = area[1] local ur = area[2] local lr = area[3] local ll = area[4] local ulx = ul[1] local uly = ul[2] local urx = ur[1] local ury = ur[2] local lrx = lr[1] local lry = lr[2] local llx = ll[1] local lly = ll[2] local temp = { } local n = 0 local done = false for i=1,#frees do local free = frees[i] local fx = free.x local fy = free.y local ymax = y + fy + free.h + (free.to or 0) local ymin = y + fy - free.d - (free.bo or 0) local xmin = fx - (free.lo or 0) local xmax = fx + free.w + (free.ro or 0) if free.k == 3 then if uly <= ymax and uly >= ymin and lly <= ymin then if trace_free then report_free("case 1, top, right") -- ok end n = n + 1 temp[n] = { xmin, ury } n = n + 1 temp[n] = { xmin, ymin } n = n + 1 temp[n] = { lrx, ymin } n = n + 1 temp[n] = { lrx, lry } done = true elseif uly >= ymax and lly <= ymin then if trace_free then report_free("case 2, outside, right") -- ok end if uly - ymax < lineheight then n = n + 1 temp[n] = { xmin, ury } else n = n + 1 temp[n] = { urx, ury } n = n + 1 temp[n] = { urx, ymax } end n = n + 1 temp[n] = { xmin, ymax } n = n + 1 temp[n] = { xmin, ymin } n = n + 1 temp[n] = { lrx, ymin } n = n + 1 temp[n] = { lrx, lry } done = true elseif lly <= ymax and lly >= ymin and uly >= ymax then if trace_free then report_free("case 3, bottom, right") end if uly - ymax < lineheight then n = n + 1 temp[n] = { xmin, ury } else n = n + 1 temp[n] = { urx, ury } n = n + 1 temp[n] = { urx, ymax } end n = n + 1 temp[n] = { xmin, ymax } n = n + 1 temp[n] = { xmin, lry } done = true elseif uly <= ymax and lly >= ymin then if trace_free then report_free("case 4, inside, right") end n = n + 1 temp[n] = { xmin, uly } n = n + 1 temp[n] = { xmin, lly } done = true else -- case 0 if trace_free then report_free("case 0, nothing") end end end end if not done then if trace_free then report_free("no right shape") end n = n + 1 temp[n] = { urx, ury } n = n + 1 temp[n] = { lrx, lry } n = n + 1 temp[n] = { llx, lly } else done = false end for i=#frees,1,-1 do local free = frees[i] local fx = free.x local fy = free.y local ymax = y + fy + free.h + (free.to or 0) local ymin = y + fy - free.d - (free.bo or 0) local xmin = fx - (free.lo or 0) local xmax = fx + free.w + (free.ro or 0) if free.k == 2 then if uly <= ymax and uly >= ymin and lly <= ymin then if trace_free then report_free("case 1, top, left") -- ok end n = n + 1 temp[n] = { ulx, ymin } n = n + 1 temp[n] = { xmax, ymin } n = n + 1 temp[n] = { xmax, uly } done = true elseif uly >= ymax and lly <= ymin then if trace_free then report_free("case 2, outside, left") -- ok end n = n + 1 temp[n] = { llx, lly } n = n + 1 temp[n] = { llx, ymin } n = n + 1 temp[n] = { xmax, ymin } n = n + 1 temp[n] = { xmax, ymax } if uly - ymax < lineheight then n = n + 1 temp[n] = { xmax, uly } else n = n + 1 temp[n] = { llx, ymax } n = n + 1 temp[n] = { llx, uly } end done = true elseif lly <= ymax and lly >= ymin and uly >= ymax then if trace_free then report_free("case 3, bottom, left") end n = n + 1 temp[n] = { xmax, lly } n = n + 1 temp[n] = { xmax, ymax } if uly - ymax < lineheight then n = n + 1 temp[n] = { xmax, uly } else n = n + 1 temp[n] = { llx, ymax } n = n + 1 temp[n] = { llx, uly } end done = true elseif uly <= ymax and lly >= ymin then if trace_free then report_free("case 4, inside, left") end n = n + 1 temp[n] = { xmax, lly } n = n + 1 temp[n] = { xmax, uly } done = true else -- case 0 end end end if not done then if trace_free then report_free("no left shape") end n = n + 1 temp[n] = { llx, lly } end n = n + 1 temp[n] = { ulx, uly } return temp end if n_2 > 0 then for i=1,#areas do local area = areas[i] if #area == 4 then -- and also check type, must be pargaraph areas[i] = check_two(area,f_2) else -- message that not yet supported end end end for i=1,#areas do finish(areas[i]) -- again end end end end local function fetchmultipar(n,anchor,page) local a = jobpositions.collected[anchor] if not a then report_graphics("missing anchor %a",anchor) else local data = pbg[n] if not data then data = calculatemultipar(n) pbg[n] = data -- can be replaced by register -- register(data.list,n,anchor) end local list = data and data.list if list then local pagedata = list[page] if pagedata then local k = data.bpos.k if k ~= 3 then -- to be checked: no need in txt mode freemultipar(pagedata,getfree(page)) end local nofmultipars = #pagedata if trace_shapes then report_graphics("fetching %a at page %s using anchor %a containing %s multipars", n,page,anchor,nofmultipars) end local x = a.x local y = a.y local w = a.w local h = a.h local d = a.d local bpos = data.bpos local bh = bpos.h local bd = bpos.d local result = { false } -- slot 1 will be set later local n = 0 for i=1,nofmultipars do local data = pagedata[i] local location = data.location local region = data.region local areas = data.areas if not areas then areas = { data.area } end for i=1,#areas do local area = areas[i] for i=1,#area do local a = area[i] area[i] = f_pair(a[1],a[2]) end n = n + 1 result[n+1] = f_template_b(n,multilocs[location],n,location,n,area,x,y) end end data[page] = nil result[1] = f_template_a(n,w,h+d,bh,bd,bh+bd) -- was delayed result[n+2] = f_template_c() return concat(result,"\n") end end end return f_template_a(0,0,0,0,0,0); end backgrounds.fetchmultipar = fetchmultipar backgrounds.point = f_point backgrounds.pair = f_pair backgrounds.path = f_path -- n anchor page implement { name = "fetchmultipar", actions = { fetchmultipar, context }, arguments = { "string", "string", "integer" } } local f_template_a = formatters[ [[ path posboxes[], posregions[] ; numeric pospages[] ; numeric nofposboxes ; nofposboxes := %s ; %t ; ]] ] local f_template_b = formatters[ [[ pospages[%s] := %s ; posboxes[%s] := (%p,%p)--(%p,%p)--(%p,%p)--(%p,%p)--cycle ; posregions[%s] := (%p,%p)--(%p,%p)--(%p,%p)--(%p,%p)--cycle ; ]] ] implement { name = "fetchposboxes", arguments = { "string", "string", "integer" }, actions = function(tags,anchor,page) -- no caching (yet) / page local collected = jobpositions.collected if type(tags) == "string" then tags = settings_to_array(tags) end local list = { } local nofboxes = 0 for i=1,#tags do local tag= tags[i] local c = collected[tag] if c then local r = c.r if anchor ~= r then r = anchor end if r then r = collected[r] if r then local rx = r.x local ry = r.y local rw = r.w local rh = r.h local rd = r.d local cx = c.x - rx local cy = c.y - ry local cw = cx + c.w local ch = cy + c.h local cd = cy - c.d nofboxes = nofboxes + 1 list[nofboxes] = f_template_b( nofboxes,c.p, nofboxes,cx,ch,cw,ch,cw,cd,cx,cd, nofboxes,0,rh,rw,rh,rw,rd,0,rd ) end end else -- print("\n missing",tag) end end context(f_template_a(nofboxes,list)) end } local doifelse = commands.doifelse implement { name = "doifelserangeonpage", arguments = { "string", "string", "integer" }, actions = function(first,last,page) local c = jobpositions.collected local f = c[first] if f then f = f.p if f and f ~= true and page >= f then local l = c[last] if l then l = l.p doifelse(l and l ~= true and page <= l) return end end end doifelse(false) end }