if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['math-ext'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to math-ini.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- if needed we can use the info here to set up xetex definition files -- the "8000 hackery influences direct characters (utf) as indirect \char's local utf = unicode.utf8 local texsprint, format, utfchar, utfbyte = tex.sprint, string.format, utf.char, utf.byte local trace_defining = false trackers.register("math.defining", function(v) trace_defining = v end) mathematics = mathematics or { } mathematics.extrabase = 0xFE000 -- here we push some virtuals mathematics.privatebase = 0xFF000 -- here we push the ex local families = { tf = 0, it = 1, sl = 2, bf = 3, bi = 4, bs = 5, -- virtual fonts or unicode otf } local classes = { ord = 0, -- mathordcomm mathord op = 1, -- mathopcomm mathop bin = 2, -- mathbincomm mathbin rel = 3, -- mathrelcomm mathrel open = 4, -- mathopencomm mathopen close = 5, -- mathclosecomm mathclose punct = 6, -- mathpunctcomm mathpunct alpha = 7, -- mathalphacomm firstofoneargument accent = 8, -- class 0 radical = 9, xaccent = 10, -- class 3 topaccent = 11, -- class 0 botaccent = 12, -- class 0 under = 13, over = 14, delimiter = 15, inner = 0, -- mathinnercomm mathinner nothing = 0, -- mathnothingcomm firstofoneargument choice = 0, -- mathchoicecomm @@mathchoicecomm box = 0, -- mathboxcomm @@mathboxcomm limop = 1, -- mathlimopcomm @@mathlimopcomm nolop = 1, -- mathnolopcomm @@mathnolopcomm } mathematics.families = families mathematics.classes = classes classes.alphabetic = classes.alpha classes.unknown = classes.nothing classes.default = classes.nothing classes.punctuation = classes.punct classes.normal = classes.nothing classes.opening = classes.open classes.closing = classes.close classes.binary = classes.bin classes.relation = classes.rel classes.fence = classes.unknown classes.diacritic = classes.accent classes.large = classes.op classes.variable = classes.alphabetic classes.number = classes.alphabetic -- there will be proper functions soon (and we will move this code in-line) -- no need for " in class and family (saves space) local function delcode(target,family,slot) return format('\\Udelcode%s="%X "%X ',target,family,slot) end local function mathchar(class,family,slot) return format('\\Umathchar "%X "%X "%X ',class,family,slot) end local function mathaccent(class,family,slot) return format('\\Umathaccent "%X "%X "%X ',0,family,slot) -- no class end local function delimiter(class,family,slot) return format('\\Udelimiter "%X "%X "%X ',class,family,slot) end local function radical(family,slot) return format('\\Uradical "%X "%X ',family,slot) end local function mathchardef(name,class,family,slot) return format('\\Umathchardef\\%s "%X "%X "%X ',name,class,family,slot) end local function mathcode(target,class,family,slot) return format('\\Umathcode%s="%X "%X "%X ',target,class,family,slot) end local function mathtopaccent(class,family,slot) return format('\\Umathaccent "%X "%X "%X ',0,family,slot) -- no class end local function mathbotaccent(class,family,slot) return format('\\Umathbotaccent "%X "%X "%X ',0,family,slot) -- no class end local function mathtopdelimiter(class,family,slot) return format('\\Uoverdelimiter "%X "%X ',0,family,slot) -- no class end local function mathbotdelimiter(class,family,slot) return format('\\Uunderdelimiter "%X "%X ',0,family,slot) -- no class end local escapes = characters.filters.utf.private.escapes local function setmathsymbol(name,class,family,slot) if class == classes.accent then texsprint(format("\\unexpanded\\xdef\\%s{%s}",name,mathaccent(class,family,slot))) elseif class == classes.topaccent then texsprint(format("\\unexpanded\\xdef\\%s{%s}",name,mathtopaccent(class,family,slot))) elseif class == classes.botaccent then texsprint(format("\\unexpanded\\xdef\\%s{%s}",name,mathbotaccent(class,family,slot))) elseif class == classes.over then texsprint(format("\\unexpanded\\xdef\\%s{%s}",name,mathtopdelimiter(class,family,slot))) elseif class == classes.under then texsprint(format("\\unexpanded\\xdef\\%s{%s}",name,mathbotdelimiter(class,family,slot))) elseif class == classes.open or class == classes.close then texsprint(delcode(slot,family,slot)) texsprint(format("\\unexpanded\\xdef\\%s{%s}",name,delimiter(class,family,slot))) elseif class == classes.delimiter then texsprint(delcode(slot,family,slot)) texsprint(format("\\unexpanded\\xdef\\%s{%s}",name,delimiter(0,family,slot))) elseif class == classes.radical then texsprint(format("\\unexpanded\\xdef\\%s{%s}",name,radical(family,slot))) else -- beware, open/close and other specials should not end up here --~ local ch = utfchar(slot) --~ if escapes[ch] then --~ texsprint(format("\\xdef\\%s{\\char%s }",name,slot)) --~ else texsprint(format("\\unexpanded\\xdef\\%s{%s}",name,mathchar(class,family,slot))) --~ end end end local function setmathcharacter(class,family,slot,unicode,firsttime) if not firsttime and class <= 7 then texsprint(mathcode(slot,class,family,unicode or slot)) end end local function setmathsynonym(class,family,slot,unicode,firsttime) if not firsttime and class <= 7 then texsprint(mathcode(slot,class,family,unicode)) end if class == classes.open or class == classes.close then texsprint(delcode(slot,family,unicode)) end end local function report(class,family,unicode,name) local nametype = type(name) if nametype == "string" then logs.report("mathematics","%s:%s %s U+%05X (%s) => %s",classname,class,family,unicode,utfchar(unicode),name) elseif nametype == "number" then logs.report("mathematics","%s:%s %s U+%05X (%s) => U+%05X",classname,class,family,unicode,utfchar(unicode),name) else logs.report("mathematics","%s:%s %s U+%05X (%s)", classname,class,family,unicode,utfchar(unicode)) end end -- there will be a combined \(math)chardef function mathematics.define(slots,family) family = family or 0 family = families[family] or family local data = characters.data for unicode, character in next, data do local symbol = character.mathsymbol if symbol then local other = data[symbol] local class = other.mathclass if class then class = classes[class] or class -- no real checks needed if trace_defining then report(class,family,unicode,symbol) end setmathsynonym(class,family,unicode,symbol) end local spec = other.mathspec if spec then for i, m in next, spec do local class = m.class if class then class = classes[class] or class -- no real checks needed setmathsynonym(class,family,unicode,symbol,i) end end end end local mathclass = character.mathclass local mathspec = character.mathspec if mathspec then for i, m in next, mathspec do local name = m.name local class = m.class if not class then class = mathclass elseif not mathclass then mathclass = class end if class then class = classes[class] or class -- no real checks needed if name then if trace_defining then report(class,family,unicode,name) end setmathsymbol(name,class,family,unicode) -- setmathcharacter(class,family,unicode,unicode,i) else name = class == classes.variable or class == classes.number and character.adobename if name then if trace_defining then report(class,family,unicode,name) end -- setmathcharacter(class,family,unicode,unicode,i) end end setmathcharacter(class,family,unicode,unicode,i) end end end if mathclass then local name = character.mathname local class = classes[mathclass] or mathclass -- no real checks needed if name == false then if trace_defining then report(class,family,unicode,name) end setmathcharacter(class,family,unicode) else name = name or character.contextname if name then if trace_defining then report(class,family,unicode,name) end setmathsymbol(name,class,family,unicode) else if trace_defining then report(class,family,unicode,character.adobename) end end setmathcharacter(class,family,unicode,unicode) end end end end -- needed for mathml analysis function mathematics.utfmathclass(chr, default) local cd = characters.data[utfbyte(chr)] return (cd and cd.mathclass) or default or "unknown" end function mathematics.utfmathstretch(chr, default) -- "h", "v", "b", "" local cd = characters.data[utfbyte(chr)] return (cd and cd.mathstretch) or default or "" end function mathematics.utfmathcommand(chr, default) local cd = characters.data[utfbyte(chr)] local cmd = cd and cd.mathname tex.sprint(cmd or default or "") end function mathematics.utfmathfiller(chr, default) local cd = characters.data[utfbyte(chr)] local cmd = cd and (cd.mathfiller or cd.mathname) tex.sprint(cmd or default or "") end mathematics.entities = mathematics.entities or { } function mathematics.register_xml_entities() local entities = xml.entities for name, unicode in next, mathematics.entities do if not entities[name] then entities[name] = utfchar(unicode) end end end -- helpers function mathematics.big(tfmdata,unicode,n) local t = tfmdata.characters local c = t[unicode] if c then local vv = c.vert_variants or c.next and t[c.next].vert_variants if vv then local vvn = vv[n] return vvn and vvn.glyph or vv[#vv].glyph or unicode else local next = c.next while next do if n <= 1 then return next else n = n - 1 local tn = t[next].next if tn then next = tn else return next end end end end end return unicode end -- plugins local hvars = table.tohash { --~ "RadicalKernBeforeDegree", --~ "RadicalKernAfterDegree", } function mathematics.scaleparameters(t,tfmtable,delta,hdelta,vdelta) local math_parameters = tfmtable.math_parameters if math_parameters and next(math_parameters) then delta = delta or 1 hdelta, vdelta = hdelta or delta, vdelta or delta local _, mp = mathematics.dimensions(math_parameters) for name, value in next, mp do if name == "RadicalDegreeBottomRaisePercent" then mp[name] = value elseif hvars[name] then mp[name] = hdelta * value else mp[name] = vdelta * value end end t.MathConstants = mp end end table.insert(fonts.tfm.mathactions,mathematics.scaleparameters)