%D \module %D [ file=math-fou, %D version=2001.04.12, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Math Macros, %D subtitle=Fourier Specials, %D author={Michel Biovani \& Hans Hagen}, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright=\PRAGMA] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. % see end of file for todo \unprotect \startmathcollection [fou] \definemathsymbol [Gamma] [alpha] [mi] ["00] \definemathsymbol [Delta] [alpha] [mi] ["01] \definemathsymbol [Theta] [alpha] [mi] ["02] \definemathsymbol [Lambda] [alpha] [mi] ["03] \definemathsymbol [Xi] [alpha] [mi] ["04] \definemathsymbol [Pi] [alpha] [mi] ["05] \definemathsymbol [Sigma] [alpha] [mi] ["06] \definemathsymbol [Upsilon] [alpha] [mi] ["07] \definemathsymbol [Phi] [alpha] [mi] ["08] \definemathsymbol [Psi] [alpha] [mi] ["09] \definemathsymbol [Omega] [alpha] [mi] ["0A] \stopmathcollection \startmathcollection [fou] \definemathcharacter [+] [bin] [sy] ["80] \definemathcharacter [=] [rel] [sy] ["81] \definemathcharacter [<] [rel] [sy] ["82] \definemathcharacter [>] [rel] [sy] ["83] \stopmathcollection \startmathcollection [fou] \definemathsymbol [leqslant] [rel] [sy] ["84] \definemathsymbol [geqslant] [rel] [sy] ["85] \definemathsymbol [parallelslant] [rel] [sy] ["86] \definemathsymbol [thething] [ord] [sy] ["87] \definemathsymbol [vDash] [rel] [sy] ["88] \definemathsymbol [blacktriangleleft] [rel] [sy] ["89] \definemathsymbol [blacktriangleright] [rel] [sy] ["8A] \definemathsymbol [nleqslant] [rel] [sy] ["8B] \definemathsymbol [ngeqslant] [rel] [sy] ["8C] \definemathsymbol [parallel] [rel] [sy] ["8D] \definemathsymbol [nparallel] [rel] [sy] ["8E] \definemathsymbol [nparallelslant] [rel] [sy] ["8F] \definemathsymbol [nvDash] [rel] [sy] ["90] \definemathsymbol [intercal] [bin] [sy] ["91] \definemathsymbol [hslash] [ord] [sy] ["92] \definemathsymbol [nexists] [ord] [sy] ["93] \definemathsymbol [varsubsetneq] [rel] [sy] ["93] \stopmathcollection \startmathcollection [fou] \definemathcharacter [(] [nothing] [mr] ["28] [ex] ["A1] \definemathcharacter [)] [nothing] [mr] ["29] [ex] ["A2] \definemathcharacter [91] [nothing] [mr] ["5B] [ex] ["A3] % [ \definemathcharacter [93] [nothing] [mr] ["5D] [ex] ["A4] % ] \definemathcharacter [/] [nothing] [mr] ["2F] [ex] ["B1] \definemathcharacter [124] [nothing] [sy] ["6A] [ex] ["AF] % | \definemathcharacter [92] [nothing] [sy] ["6E] [ex] ["B2] % \ \stopmathcollection \startmathcollection [fou] \definemathsymbol [Vert] [nothing] [sy] ["6B] [ex] ["B0] \definemathsymbol [vert] [nothing] [sy] ["6A] [ex] ["AF] \definemathsymbol [VERT] [nothing] [sy] ["98] [ex] ["93] \definemathsymbol [Downarrow] [rel] [sy] ["2B] [ex] ["C4] \definemathsymbol [backslash] [nothing] [sy] ["6E] [ex] ["B2] \definemathsymbol [rangle] [close] [sy] ["69] [ex] ["AE] \definemathsymbol [langle] [open] [sy] ["68] [ex] ["AD] \definemathsymbol [rbrace] [close] [sy] ["67] [ex] ["AA] \definemathsymbol [lbrace] [open] [sy] ["66] [ex] ["A9] \definemathsymbol [rceil] [close] [sy] ["65] [ex] ["A8] \definemathsymbol [lceil] [open] [sy] ["64] [ex] ["A7] \definemathsymbol [rfloor] [close] [sy] ["63] [ex] ["A6] \definemathsymbol [lfloor] [open] [sy] ["62] [ex] ["A5] \definemathsymbol [dblbrackleft] [open] [sy] ["99] [ex] ["85] \definemathsymbol [dblbrackright] [close] [sy] ["9A] [ex] ["86] \stopmathcollection \startmathcollection [fou] \definemathsymbol [varkappa] [ord] [mi] ["80] % check this \definemathsymbol [varvarrho] [ord] [mi] ["81] % check this \definemathsymbol [xswordsup] [ord] [sy] ["96] \definemathsymbol [xswordsdown] [ord] [sy] ["97] \definemathsymbol [notowns] [rel] [sy] ["9C] \definemathsymbol [hbar] [ord] [sy] ["9D] \definemathsymbol [smallsetminus] [bin] [sy] ["9E] \stopmathcollection \startmathcollection [fou] \definemathsymbol [notin] [rel] [sy] ["9B] \stopmathcollection \startmathcollection [fou] \definemathsymbol [iintop] [op] [ex] ["CE] \definemathsymbol [iiintop] [op] [ex] ["D0] \definemathsymbol [oiintop] [op] [ex] ["D2] \definemathsymbol [oiiintop] [op] [ex] ["D4] \definemathsymbol [slashintop] [op] [ex] ["D6] \stopmathcollection \startmathcollection [fou] \definemathcommand [iint] {\iintop \nolimits} \definemathcommand [iiint] {\iiintop \nolimits} \definemathcommand [oiint] {\oiintop \nolimits} \definemathcommand [oiiint] {\oiiintop \nolimits} \definemathcommand [slashint] {\slashintop\nolimits} \stopmathcollection \startmathcollection [fou] \definemathsymbol [acute] [accent] [mr] ["1] \definemathsymbol [grave] [accent] [mr] ["0] \definemathsymbol [ddot] [accent] [mr] ["4] \definemathsymbol [tilde] [accent] [mr] ["3] \definemathsymbol [bar] [accent] [mr] ["9] \definemathsymbol [breve] [accent] [mr] ["8] \definemathsymbol [check] [accent] [mr] ["7] \definemathsymbol [hat] [accent] [mr] ["2] \definemathsymbol [dot] [accent] [mr] ["A] \definemathsymbol [mathring] [accent] [mr] ["6] \stopmathcollection \startmathcollection [fou] \definemathsymbol [otheralpha] [ord] [mi] ["0B] \definemathsymbol [otherbeta] [ord] [mi] ["0C] \definemathsymbol [othergamma] [ord] [mi] ["0D] \definemathsymbol [otherdelta] [ord] [mi] ["0E] \definemathsymbol [otherepsilon] [ord] [mi] ["0F] \definemathsymbol [otherzeta] [ord] [mi] ["10] \stopmathcollection \protect \endinput % from a mail of Michel B / todo % \definemathsymbol [acute] [accent] [operators] ["1] % \definemathsymbol [grave] [accent] [operators] ["0] % \definemathsymbol [ddot] [accent] [operators] ["4] % \definemathsymbol [tilde] [accent] [operators] ["3] % \definemathsymbol [bar] [accent] [operators] ["9] % \definemathsymbol [breve] [accent] [operators] ["8] % \definemathsymbol [check] [accent] [operators] ["7] % \definemathsymbol [hat] [accent] [operators] ["2] % \definemathsymbol [dot] [accent] [operators] ["A] % \definemathsymbol [mathring] [accent] [operators] ["6] % \definemathsymbol [wideparen] [ord] [largesymbols] ["94] % \definemathsymbol [widearc] [accent] [largesymbols] ["D8] % check for definition of \overset (ams) % \def\FOUwidering#1% % {\overset{\smash{\vbox to .2ex{\hbox{$\mathring{}$}}}}{\wideparen{#1}}} % \startmathcollection [default] % [ams] % % \definemathcommand [widering] {\FOUwidering} % % \stopmathcollection % \definemathsymbol [otheralpha] [ord] [otherletters] ["0B] % \definemathsymbol [otherbeta] [ord] [otherletters] ["0C] % \definemathsymbol [othergamma] [ord] [otherletters] ["0D] % \definemathsymbol [otherdelta] [ord] [otherletters] ["0E] % \definemathsymbol [otherepsilon] [ord] [otherletters] ["0F] % \definemathsymbol [otherzeta] [ord] [otherletters] ["10]