%D \module %D [ file=math-tex, %D version=2001.04.12, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Math Macros, %D subtitle=Definitions, %D author={Hans Hagen, Taco Hoekwater \& Aditya Mahajan}, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. \writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Math Macros / Definitions} \unprotect %D Some day this will be done at the lua end. \startluacode mathematics.define(\number\defaultmathfamily) -- mathematics.xml.registerentities() \stopluacode \activatemathcharacters %D The \mfunction macro is an alternative for \hbox with a controlable font %D switch. \definemathcommand [arccos] [nolop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{arccos}} \definemathcommand [arcsin] [nolop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{arcsin}} \definemathcommand [arctan] [nolop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{arctan}} \definemathcommand [acos] [nolop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{acos}} \definemathcommand [asin] [nolop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{asin}} \definemathcommand [atan] [nolop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{atan}} \definemathcommand [arg] [nolop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{arg}} \definemathcommand [cosh] [nolop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{cosh}} \definemathcommand [cos] [nolop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{cos}} \definemathcommand [coth] [nolop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{coth}} \definemathcommand [cot] [nolop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{cot}} \definemathcommand [csc] [nolop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{csc}} \definemathcommand [deg] [nolop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{deg}} \definemathcommand [det] [limop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{det}} \definemathcommand [dim] [nolop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{dim}} \definemathcommand [exp] [nolop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{exp}} \definemathcommand [gcd] [limop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{gcd}} \definemathcommand [hom] [nolop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{hom}} \definemathcommand [inf] [limop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{inf}} \definemathcommand [injlim] [limop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{injlim}} \definemathcommand [ker] [nolop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{ker}} \definemathcommand [lg] [nolop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{lg}} \definemathcommand [liminf] [limop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{liminf}} \definemathcommand [limsup] [limop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{limsup}} \definemathcommand [lim] [limop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{lim}} \definemathcommand [ln] [nolop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{ln}} \definemathcommand [log] [nolop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{log}} \definemathcommand [median] [limop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{median}} \definemathcommand [max] [limop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{max}} \definemathcommand [min] [limop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{min}} \definemathcommand [mod] [limop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{mod}} %definemathcommand [div] [limop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{div}} % overloads \div symbol \definemathcommand [projlim] [limop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{projlim}} \definemathcommand [Pr] [limop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{Pr}} \definemathcommand [sec] [nolop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{sec}} \definemathcommand [sinh] [nolop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{sinh}} \definemathcommand [sin] [nolop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{sin}} \definemathcommand [sup] [limop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{sup}} \definemathcommand [tanh] [nolop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{tanh}} \definemathcommand [tan] [nolop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{tan}} \definemathcommand [diff] {\mfunctionlabeltext{diff}} \let\normalmatharg\arg % todo: maybe automatically %D This needs checking: \unexpanded\def\setoperatorlimits#1#2% operator limits {\savenormalmeaning{#1}% \expandafter\def\expandafter#1\expandafter{\csname normal\strippedcsname#1\endcsname#2}} \setoperatorlimits \int \intlimits \setoperatorlimits \iint \intlimits \setoperatorlimits \iiint \intlimits \setoperatorlimits \oint \intlimits \setoperatorlimits \oiint \intlimits \setoperatorlimits \oiiint \intlimits \setoperatorlimits \intclockwise \intlimits \setoperatorlimits \ointclockwise \intlimits \setoperatorlimits \ointctrclockwise \intlimits %D \macros %D {centercolon, colonminus, minuscolon, colonequals, equalscolon, %D colonapprox, approxcolon, colonsim, simcolon, coloncolon, %D coloncolonminus, minuscoloncolon, coloncolonequals, %D equalscoloncolon, coloncolonapprox, approxcoloncolon, %D colonsim, simcoloncolon} %D %D The following colon related definitions are provided by Aditya %D Mahajan who derived them from \type {mathtools.sty} and \type %D {colonequals.sty}. This will be redone as part of the overhaul %D and font updates. %D %D In $a := b$ the colon is not vertically centered with the equal %D to. Also the distance between colon and equal to is a bit large. %D So, we define a vertically centered colon \tex {centercolon} and %D a few macros for colon and double colon relation symbols. %D %D \startlines %D \formula {A \centercolon B} %D \formula {A \colonminus B} %D \formula {A \minuscolon B} %D \formula {A \colonequals B} %D \formula {A \equalscolon B} %D \formula {A \colonapprox B} %D \formula {A \approxcolon B} %D \formula {A \colonsim B} %D \formula {A \simcolon B} %D \formula {A \coloncolon B} %D \formula {A \coloncolonminus B} %D \formula {A \minuscoloncolon B} %D \formula {A \coloncolonequals B} %D \formula {A \equalscoloncolon B} %D \formula {A \coloncolonapprox B} %D \formula {A \approxcoloncolon B} %D \formula {A \colonsim B} %D \formula {A \simcoloncolon B} %D \stoplines %D %D The next macros take care of the space between the colon and the %D relation symbol. \definemathcommand [colonsep] {\mkern-1.2mu} \definemathcommand [doublecolonsep] {\mkern-0.9mu} \definemathcommand [centercolon] [rel] {\mathstylevcenteredhbox\colon} \definemathcommand [colonminus] [rel] {\centercolon\colonsep\mathrel{-}} \definemathcommand [minuscolon] [rel] {\mathrel{-}\colonsep\centercolon} % native char \definemathcommand [colonequals] [rel] {\centercolon\colonsep=} % native char \definemathcommand [equalscolon] [rel] {=\centercolon\colonsep} % native char \definemathcommand [colonapprox] [rel] {\centercolon\colonsep\approx} \definemathcommand [approxcolon] [rel] {\approx\centercolon\colonsep} \definemathcommand [colonsim] [rel] {\centercolon\colonsep\sim} \definemathcommand [simcolon] [rel] {\sim\centercolon\colonsep} \definemathcommand [coloncolon] [rel] {\centercolon\doublecolonsep\centercolon} \definemathcommand [coloncolonminus] [rel] {\coloncolon\colonsep\mathrel{-}} \definemathcommand [minuscoloncolon] [rel] {\mathrel{-}\colonsep\coloncolon} \definemathcommand [coloncolonequals] [rel] {\coloncolon\colonsep=} % native char \definemathcommand [equalscoloncolon] [rel] {=\coloncolon\colonsep} \definemathcommand [coloncolonapprox] [rel] {\coloncolon\colonsep\approx} \definemathcommand [approxcoloncolon] [rel] {\approx\coloncolon\colonsep} \definemathcommand [coloncolonsim] [rel] {\coloncolon\colonsep\sim} \definemathcommand [simcoloncolon] [rel] {\sim\coloncolon\colonsep} % \appendtoks % \def\over{\primitive\over}% % \to \everymathematics \protect \endinput