%D \module %D [ file=m-r, %D version=2006.06.06, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Modules, %D subtitle=R Support, %D author={Johan Sandblom \& Hans Hagen}, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA / Johan Sandblom}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. \unprotect %D The following R-processor is a variation on Johan Sandblom's %D prototype. %D %D We can combine both variants in one macro definition. Also, we %D can minimize the number of runs by checking for a change. %D JS: The call to R has \type {-q} in order to prevent banner, %D \type {--save} to make sure it saves the workspace after the run, %D \type {--restore} to make sure it reads any workspace from a %D previous session. %D An easier and better solution is to use the buffering mechanisms: \def\Rbufferprefix{r-} \newcounter\nofRfiles \def\Rfile{\TEXbufferfile{\Rbufferprefix\nofRfiles}}% \def\startR {\doglobal\increment\nofRfiles \dostartbuffer[\Rbufferprefix\nofRfiles][startR][stopR]} \def\stopR {\doifmode{*\v!first}\runR \typefile{\Rfile.out}} \def\startRhidden {\doglobal\increment\nofRfiles \dostartbuffer[\Rbufferprefix\nofRfiles][startRhidden][stopRhidden]} \def\stopRhidden {\doifmode{*\v!first}\runR} \def\runR {\executesystemcommand{texmfstart --ifchanged=\Rfile\space --direct R CMD BATCH -q --save --restore \Rfile\space \Rfile.out}} \protect \doifnotmode{demo}{\endinput} % Johan's test file: \usemodule[r] \def\R{R} \setupcolors[state=start] \setuptyping [Rtype] [color=darkgreen] \starttext First a test of whether the workspace is persistent: bla \startR a <- "bla" b <- "blabla" ls() \stopR One \R run ends, another begins. \startR ls() \stopR Now follows a hidden \R run which cleans the R workspace \startRhidden rm(list=ls()) save.image() \stopRhidden What is in the workspace now? \startR ls() \stopR Then a small test of generating a graphic, in this case a pdf \startR ushape <- c(rexp(500000), 12-rexp(500000)) pdf("ushape.pdf") par(mfrow=c(1,2)) hist(ushape) plot(density(ushape), main="Density") dev.off() \stopR The graphic \type{ushape.pdf} can be included in the standard \CONTEXT\ way \startbuffer \placefigure{An ugly distribution}{\externalfigure[ushape]} \stopbuffer \typebuffer \getbuffer \startR x <- rnorm(900) y <- rexp(900) # test comment f <- gl(9,9,900) summary(aov(y~x+Error(f))) library(lattice) pdf("lattice.pdf") xyplot(y~x|f) dev.off() \stopR With \type{Sweave} lattice graphics calls must be enclosed in \type{print()} statements but that is not necessary here. \startbuffer \placefigure[here]{Lattice graphics}{\externalfigure[lattice]} \stopbuffer \typebuffer \getbuffer A test string with nasty characters. In \R, the result of a statement is not printed by default. Enclosing the statement in parentheses, however causes the parser to see only the value of the statement and applying the \type{print()} method. \startR (test <- ".*\\\\ [[{[{]{[{[{}\]\}=?!+%#|<|>@$") cat(test) \stopR A combination \startbuffer \placefigure{A combination of two previously used graphics}{ \startcombination[2*1] {\externalfigure[ushape][width=.4\textwidth]}{The first graphic, rescaled} {\externalfigure[lattice][width=.4\textwidth]}{The second graphic, rescaled}} \stopcombination \stopbuffer \typebuffer \getbuffer Testing a function definition. \startR a.df <- data.frame(a=1:2, b=rnorm(2)) a.df$a testfunction <- function(a=NULL, ...) { for(i in 1:length(a)) { gsub(a[[i]], "([a-r]|[A-R])", "bla")} print(a)} \stopR What is in the workspace now? \startR ls() \stopR \stoptext