%D \module %D [ file=m-barcodes, %D version=2010.03.14, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Extra Modules, %D subtitle=Barcodes, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. % \startTEXpage % \startPSTRICKS % \pspicture(-4mm,-1mm)(38mm,26mm) % \psbarcode{9781860742712}{includetext guardwhitespace}{ean13}% % \endpspicture % \stopPSTRICKS % \stopTEXpage % 978-94-90688-01-1 % % 978 = ean isbn identifier (979 also) % 94 = country code % 90688 = publisher code % 01 = title 1 % 1 = checksum \usemodule[pstricks] \usePSTRICKSmodule[pst-barcode] \definefont[barcodefont][file:ocrb10] % \definefont[barcodefont][file:texgyreheros-regular] \startluacode moduledata.barcodes = { } local function split(code) local t = { string.byte(code,1,#code) } if #t >= 12 then local s = 0 for i=1,11,2 do s = s + (t[i]-48) end for i=2,12,2 do s = s + 3 * (t[i]-48) end local m = s % 10 local c = (m > 0 and (10 - m)) or 0 return t, s, m, c end end function moduledata.barcodes.isbn_1(original) local code = string.gsub(original,"%-","") local t, s, m, c = split(code) if t then if #t == 13 then local e = ((c == t[13] - 48) and "correct") or "wrong" logs.report("isbn code","code=%s, sum=%s, checksum=%s, modulo=%s, status=%s",original,s,m,c,e) else logs.report("isbn code","code=%s, sum=%s, checksum=%s, modulo=%s",original,s,m,c) code= code .. c end end tex.sprint(code) end function moduledata.barcodes.isbn_2(original) local code = string.gsub(original,"%-","") local t, s, m, c = split(code) if t and #t == 12 then original = original .. "-" .. c end tex.sprint(original) end \stopluacode \startsetups barcode:isbn \scale [width=5cm] { \vbox { \hbox { \hskip3.7mm \scale[width=34mm]{\barcodefont ISBN \ctxlua{moduledata.barcodes.isbn_2("\getvariable{barcode}{code}")}} } \par \normalexpanded { \noexpand \setPSTRICKS { \noexpand \pspicture(-4mm,-1mm)(38mm,26mm) \noexpand \psbarcode { \ctxlua{moduledata.barcodes.isbn_1("\getvariable{barcode}{code}")} } { includetext guardwhitespace } { ean13 } \noexpand \endpspicture } \noexpand \processPSTRICKS } } } \stopsetups \def\barcode[#1]% {\bgroup \setvariables[barcode][type=isbn,#1]% \directsetup{barcode:\getvariable{barcode}{type}}% \egroup} % \usemodule[barcodes] \doifnotmode{demo}{\endinput} \starttext \startTEXpage \barcode[type=isbn,code=978-94-90688-01-1] \stopTEXpage \stoptext