if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['lpdf-swf'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to lpdf-ini.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- The following code is based on tests by Luigi Scarso. His prototype -- was using tex code. This is the official implementation. local format, gsub = string.format, string.gsub local backends, lpdf = backends, lpdf local pdfconstant = lpdf.constant local pdfboolean = lpdf.boolean local pdfstring = lpdf.string local pdfunicode = lpdf.unicode local pdfdictionary = lpdf.dictionary local pdfarray = lpdf.array local pdfnull = lpdf.null local pdfreference = lpdf.reference local pdfflushobject = lpdf.flushobject local checkedkey = lpdf.checkedkey local codeinjections = backends.pdf.codeinjections local nodeinjections = backends.pdf.nodeinjections local pdfannotation_node = nodes.pool.pdfannotation local trace_swf = false trackers.register("backend.swf", function(v) trace_swf = v end) local report_swf = logs.reporter("backend","swf") local activations = { click = "XA", page = "PO", focus = "PV", } local deactivations = { click = "XD", page = "PI", focus = "PC", } table.setmetatableindex(activations, function() return activations .click end) table.setmetatableindex(deactivations,function() return deactivations.focus end) local function insertswf(spec) local width = spec.width local height = spec.height local filename = spec.foundname local resources = spec.resources local display = spec.display local controls = spec.controls local resources = resources and parametersets[resources] local display = display and parametersets[display] local controls = controls and parametersets[controls] -- not yet used local preview = checkedkey(display,"preview","string") local toolbar = checkedkey(display,"toolbar","boolean") local embeddedreference = codeinjections.embedfile { file = filename } local flash = pdfdictionary { Subtype = pdfconstant("Flash"), Instances = pdfarray { pdfdictionary { Asset = embeddedreference, Params = pdfdictionary { Binding = pdfconstant("Background") -- Foreground makes swf behave erratic } }, }, } local flashreference = pdfreference(pdfflushobject(flash)) local configuration = pdfdictionary { Configurations = pdfarray { flashreference }, Assets = pdfdictionary { Names = pdfarray { pdfstring(filename), embeddedreference, } }, } -- todo: check op subpath figuur (relatief) if resources then local names = configuration.Assets.Names local root = file.dirname(filename) local prefix = format("^%s/",root) local function add(filename,strip) local filename = gsub(filename,"%./","") local usedname = strip and gsub(filename,prefix,"") -- always when relative local embeddedreference = codeinjections.embedfile { file = filename, usedname = usedname, keepdir = true, } names[#names+1] = pdfstring(filename) names[#names+1] = embeddedreference if trace_swf then if usedname == filename then report_swf("embedding file '%s'",filename) else report_swf("embedding file '%s' as '%s'",filename,usedname) end end end local relativepaths = resources.relativepaths if relativepaths then if trace_swf then report_swf("checking %s relative paths",#relativepaths) end for i=1,#relativepaths do local relativepath = relativepaths[i] if trace_swf then report_swf("checking path '%s' relative to '%s'",relativepath,root) end local path = file.join(root,relativepath) local files = dir.glob(path .. "/**") for i=1,#files do add(files[i],true) end end end local paths = resources.paths if paths then if trace_swf then report_swf("checking %s paths",#paths) end for i=1,#paths do local path = paths[i] if trace_swf then report_swf("checking path '%s'",path) end local files = dir.glob(path .. "/**") for i=1,#files do add(files[i],false) end end end local relativefiles = resources.relativefiles if relativefiles then if trace_swf then report_swf("checking %s relative files",#relativefiles) end for i=1,#relativefiles do add(relativefiles[i],true) end end local files = resources.files if files then if trace_swf then report_swf("checking %s files",#files) end for i=1,#files do add(files[i],false) end end end local opendisplay = display and display.open or false local closedisplay = display and display.close or false local configurationreference = pdfreference(pdfflushobject(configuration)) local activation = pdfdictionary { Type = pdfconstant("RichMediaActivation"), Condition = pdfconstant(activations[opendisplay]), Configuration = flashreference, Animation = pdfdictionary { Subtype = pdfconstant("Linear"), Speed = 1, Playcount = 1, }, Presentation = pdfdictionary { PassContextClick = false, Style = pdfconstant("Embedded"), Toolbar = toolbar, NavigationPane = false, Transparent = true, Window = pdfdictionary { Type = pdfconstant("RichMediaWindow"), Width = pdfdictionary { Default = 100, Min = 100, Max = 100, }, Height = pdfdictionary { Default = 100, Min = 100, Max = 100, }, Position = pdfdictionary { Type = pdfconstant("RichMediaPosition"), HAlign = pdfconstant("Near"), VAlign = pdfconstant("Near"), HOffset = 0, VOffset = 0, } } }, -- View -- Scripts } local deactivation = pdfdictionary { Type = pdfconstant("RichMediaDeactivation"), Condition = pdfconstant(deactivations[closedisplay]), } local richmediasettings = pdfdictionary { Type = pdfconstant("RichMediaSettings"), Activation = activation, Deactivation = deactivation, } local settingsreference = pdfreference(pdfflushobject(richmediasettings)) local appearance if preview then local figure = codeinjections.getpreviewfigure { name = preview, width = width, height = height } if figure then local image = img.package(figure.status.private) appearance = pdfdictionary { N = pdfreference(image.objnum) } end end local annotation = pdfdictionary { Subtype = pdfconstant("RichMedia"), RichMediaContent = configurationreference, RichMediaSettings = settingsreference, AP = appearance, } return annotation, nil, nil end function backends.pdf.nodeinjections.insertswf(spec) local annotation, preview, ref = insertswf { foundname = spec.foundname, width = spec.width, height = spec.height, display = spec.display, controls = spec.controls, resources = spec.resources, -- factor = spec.factor, -- label = spec.label, } context(pdfannotation_node(spec.width,spec.height,0,annotation())) -- the context wrap is probably also needed elsewhere end