if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['lpdf-epd'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to lpdf-epa.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- This is an experimental layer around the epdf library. The reason for this layer is that -- I want to be independent of the library (which implements a selection of what a file -- provides) and also because I want an interface closer to Lua's table model while the API -- stays close to the original xpdf library. Of course, after prototyping a solution, we can -- optimize it using the low level epdf accessors. However, not all are accessible (this will -- be fixed). -- -- It will be handy when we have a __length and __next that can trigger the resolve till then -- we will provide .n as #; maybe in Lua 5.3 or later. -- -- As there can be references to the parent we cannot expand a tree. I played with some -- expansion variants but it does not pay off; adding extra checks is nto worth the trouble. -- -- The document stays over. In order to free memory one has to explicitly onload the loaded -- document. -- -- We have much more checking then needed in the prepare functions because occasionally -- we run into bugs in poppler or the epdf interface. It took us a while to realize that -- there was a long standing gc issue the on long runs with including many pages could -- crash the analyzer. -- -- Normally a value is fetched by key, as in foo.Title but as it can be in pdfdoc encoding -- a safer bet is foo("Title") which will return a decoded string (or the original if it -- already was unicode). local setmetatable, rawset, rawget, type = setmetatable, rawset, rawget, type local tostring, tonumber = tostring, tonumber local lower, match, char, byte, find = string.lower, string.match, string.char, string.byte, string.find local abs = math.abs local concat = table.concat local toutf, toeight, utfchar = string.toutf, utf.toeight, utf.char local lpegmatch, lpegpatterns = lpeg.match, lpeg.patterns local P, C, S, R, Ct, Cc, V, Carg, Cs, Cf, Cg = lpeg.P, lpeg.C, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.V, lpeg.Carg, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cf, lpeg.Cg local epdf = epdf lpdf = lpdf or { } local lpdf = lpdf lpdf.epdf = { } local report_epdf = logs.reporter("epdf") local getDict, getArray, getReal, getNum, getString, getBool, getName, getRef, getRefNum local getType, getTypeName local dictGetLength, dictGetVal, dictGetValNF, dictGetKey local arrayGetLength, arrayGetNF, arrayGet local streamReset, streamGetDict, streamGetChar do local object = epdf.Object() -- getDict = object.getDict getArray = object.getArray getReal = object.getReal getNum = object.getNum getString = object.getString getBool = object.getBool getName = object.getName getRef = object.getRef getRefNum = object.getRefNum -- getType = object.getType getTypeName = object.getTypeName -- streamReset = object.streamReset streamGetDict = object.streamGetDict streamGetChar = object.streamGetChar -- end local function initialize_methods(xref) local dictionary = epdf.Dict(xref) local array = epdf.Array(xref) -- dictGetLength = dictionary.getLength dictGetVal = dictionary.getVal dictGetValNF = dictionary.getValNF dictGetKey = dictionary.getKey -- arrayGetLength = array.getLength arrayGetNF = array.getNF arrayGet = array.get -- -- report_epdf("initializing lpdf.epdf library") -- initialize_methods = function() -- already done end end local typenames = { [0] = "boolean", "integer", "real", "string", "name", "null", "array", "dictionary", "stream", "ref", "cmd", "error", "eof", "none", "integer64", } local typenumbers = table.swapped(typenames) local null_code = typenumbers.null local ref_code = typenumbers.ref local function fatal_error(...) report_epdf(...) report_epdf("aborting job in order to avoid crash") os.exit() end local limited = false -- a bit of protection directives.register("system.inputmode", function(v) if not limited then local i_limiter = io.i_limiter(v) if i_limiter then epdf.open = i_limiter.protect(epdf.open) limited = true end end end) -- epdf is the built-in library function epdf.type(o) local t = lower(match(tostring(o),"[^ :]+")) return t or "?" end local checked_access -- dictionaries (can be optimized: ... resolve and redefine when all locals set) local frompdfdoc = lpdf.frompdfdoc local function get_flagged(t,f,k) local fk = f[k] if not fk then return t[k] elseif fk == "rawtext" then return frompdfdoc(t[k]) else -- no other flags yet return t[k] end end local function prepare(document,d,t,n,k,mt,flags) for i=1,n do local v = dictGetVal(d,i) if v then local r = dictGetValNF(d,i) local kind = getType(v) if kind == null_code then -- ignore else local key = dictGetKey(d,i) if kind then if r and getType(r) == ref_code then local objnum = getRefNum(r) local cached = document.__cache__[objnum] if not cached then cached = checked_access[kind](v,document,objnum,mt) if c then document.__cache__[objnum] = cached document.__xrefs__[cached] = objnum end end t[key] = cached else local v, flag = checked_access[kind](v,document) t[key] = v if flag then flags[key] = flag -- flags end end else report_epdf("warning: nil value for key %a in dictionary",key) end end else fatal_error("error: invalid value at index %a in dictionary of %a",i,document.filename) end end if mt then setmetatable(t,mt) else getmetatable(t).__index = nil end return t[k] end local function some_dictionary(d,document) local n = d and dictGetLength(d) or 0 if n > 0 then local t = { } local f = { } setmetatable(t, { __index = function(t,k) return prepare(document,d,t,n,k,_,_,f) end, __call = function(t,k) return get_flagged(t,f,k) end, } ) return t end end local function get_dictionary(object,document,r,mt) local d = getDict(object) local n = d and dictGetLength(d) or 0 if n > 0 then local t = { } local f = { } setmetatable(t, { __index = function(t,k) return prepare(document,d,t,n,k,mt,f) end, __call = function(t,k) return get_flagged(t,f,k) end, } ) return t end end -- arrays (can be optimized: ... resolve and redefine when all locals set) local function prepare(document,a,t,n,k) for i=1,n do local v = arrayGet(a,i) if v then local kind = getType(v) if kind == null_code then -- ignore elseif kind then local r = arrayGetNF(a,i) if r and getType(r) == ref_code then local objnum = getRefNum(r) local cached = document.__cache__[objnum] if not cached then cached = checked_access[kind](v,document,objnum) document.__cache__[objnum] = cached document.__xrefs__[cached] = objnum end t[i] = cached else t[i] = checked_access[kind](v,document) end else report_epdf("warning: nil value for index %a in array",i) end else fatal_error("error: invalid value at index %a in array of %a",i,document.filename) end end getmetatable(t).__index = nil return t[k] end local function some_array(a,document) local n = a and arrayGetLength(a) or 0 if n > 0 then local t = { n = n } setmetatable(t, { __index = function(t,k) return prepare(document,a,t,n,k) end } ) return t end end local function get_array(object,document) local a = getArray(object) local n = a and arrayGetLength(a) or 0 if n > 0 then local t = { n = n } setmetatable(t, { __index = function(t,k) return prepare(document,a,t,n,k) end } ) return t end end local function streamaccess(s,_,what) if not what or what == "all" or what == "*all" then local t, n = { }, 0 streamReset(s) while true do local c = streamGetChar(s) if c < 0 then break else n = n + 1 t[n] = char(c) end end return concat(t) end end local function get_stream(d,document) if d then streamReset(d) local s = some_dictionary(streamGetDict(d),document) getmetatable(s).__call = function(...) return streamaccess(d,...) end return s end end -- We need to convert the string from utf16 although there is no way to -- check if we have a regular string starting with a bom. So, we have -- na dilemma here: a pdf doc encoded string can be invalid utf. -- : implicit 0 appended if odd -- (byte encoded) : \( \) \\ escaped -- -- : utf16be -- -- \r \r \t \b \f \( \) \\ \NNN and \ : append next line -- -- the getString function gives back bytes so we don't need to worry about -- the hex aspect. local u_pattern = lpeg.patterns.utfbom_16_be * lpeg.patterns.utf16_to_utf8_be local b_pattern = lpeg.patterns.hextobytes local function get_string(v) -- the toutf function only converts a utf16 string and leves the original -- untouched otherwise; one might want to apply lpdf.frompdfdoc to a -- non-unicode string local s = getString(v) if not s or s == "" then return "" end local u = lpegmatch(u_pattern,s) if u then return u -- , "unicode" end local b = lpegmatch(b_pattern,s) if b then return b, "rawtext" end return s, "rawtext" end local function get_null() return nil end -- we have dual access: by typenumber and by typename local function invalidaccess(k,document) local fullname = type(document) == "table" and document.fullname if fullname then fatal_error("error, asking for key %a in checker of %a",k,fullname) else fatal_error("error, asking for key %a in checker",k) end end checked_access = table.setmetatableindex(function(t,k) return function(v,document) invalidaccess(k,document) end end) checked_access[typenumbers.boolean] = getBool checked_access[typenumbers.integer] = getNum checked_access[typenumbers.real] = getReal checked_access[typenumbers.string] = get_string -- getString checked_access[typenumbers.name] = getName checked_access[typenumbers.null] = get_null checked_access[typenumbers.array] = get_array -- d,document,r checked_access[typenumbers.dictionary] = get_dictionary -- d,document,r checked_access[typenumbers.stream] = get_stream checked_access[typenumbers.ref] = getRef for i=0,#typenames do local checker = checked_access[i] if not checker then checker = function() return function(v,document) invalidaccess(i,document) end end checked_access[i] = checker end checked_access[typenames[i]] = checker end local function getnames(document,n,target) -- direct if n then local Names = n.Names if Names then if not target then target = { } end for i=1,Names.n,2 do target[Names[i]] = Names[i+1] end else local Kids = n.Kids if Kids then for i=1,Kids.n do target = getnames(document,Kids[i],target) end end end return target end end local function getkids(document,n,target) -- direct if n then local Kids = n.Kids if Kids then for i=1,Kids.n do target = getkids(document,Kids[i],target) end elseif target then target[#target+1] = n else target = { n } end return target end end -- /OCProperties << -- /OCGs [ 15 0 R 17 0 R 19 0 R 21 0 R 23 0 R 25 0 R 27 0 R ] -- /D << -- /Order [ 15 0 R 17 0 R 19 0 R 21 0 R 23 0 R 25 0 R 27 0 R ] -- /ON [ 15 0 R 17 0 R 19 0 R 21 0 R 23 0 R 25 0 R 27 0 R ] -- /OFF [ ] -- >> -- >> local function getlayers(document) local properties = document.Catalog.OCProperties if properties then local layers = properties.OCGs if layers then local t = { } local n = layers.n for i=1,n do local layer = layers[i] t[i] = layer.Name end t.n = n return t end end end local function getstructure(document) -- this might become a tree return document.Catalog.StructTreeRoot end local function getpages(document,Catalog) local __data__ = document.__data__ local __xrefs__ = document.__xrefs__ local __cache__ = document.__cache__ local __xref__ = document.__xref__ -- local catalog = __data__:getCatalog() local pages = { } local nofpages = catalog:getNumPages() local metatable = { __index = Catalog.Pages } -- for pagenumber=1,nofpages do local pagereference = catalog:getPageRef(pagenumber).num local pageobject = __xref__:fetch(pagereference,0) local pagedata = get_dictionary(pageobject,document,pagereference,metatable) if pagedata then -- rawset(pagedata,"number",pagenumber) pagedata.number = pagenumber pages[pagenumber] = pagedata __xrefs__[pagedata] = pagereference __cache__[pagereference] = pagedata else report_epdf("missing pagedata at slot %i",i) end end -- pages.n = nofpages -- return pages end -- loader local function delayed(document,tag,f) local t = { } setmetatable(t, { __index = function(t,k) local result = f() if result then document[tag] = result return result[k] end end } ) return t end -- local catobj = data:getXRef():fetch(data:getXRef():getRootNum(),data:getXRef():getRootGen()) -- print(catobj:getDict(),data:getXRef():getCatalog():getDict()) local loaded = { } function lpdf.epdf.load(filename) local document = loaded[filename] if not document then statistics.starttiming(lpdf.epdf) local __data__ = epdf.open(filename) -- maybe resolvers.find_file if __data__ then local __xref__ = __data__:getXRef() document = { filename = filename, __cache__ = { }, __xrefs__ = { }, __fonts__ = { }, __data__ = __data__, __xref__ = __xref__, } -- initialize_methods(__xref__) -- local Catalog = some_dictionary(__xref__:getCatalog():getDict(),document) local Info = some_dictionary(__xref__:getDocInfo():getDict(),document) -- document.Catalog = Catalog document.Info = Info -- a few handy helper tables document.pages = delayed(document,"pages", function() return getpages(document,Catalog) end) document.destinations = delayed(document,"destinations", function() return getnames(document,Catalog.Names and Catalog.Names.Dests) end) document.javascripts = delayed(document,"javascripts", function() return getnames(document,Catalog.Names and Catalog.Names.JS) end) document.widgets = delayed(document,"widgets", function() return getnames(document,Catalog.Names and Catalog.Names.AcroForm) end) document.embeddedfiles = delayed(document,"embeddedfiles",function() return getnames(document,Catalog.Names and Catalog.Names.EmbeddedFiles) end) document.layers = delayed(document,"layers", function() return getlayers(document) end) document.structure = delayed(document,"structure", function() return getstructure(document) end) else document = false end loaded[filename] = document loaded[document] = document statistics.stoptiming(lpdf.epdf) -- print(statistics.elapsedtime(lpdf.epdf)) end return document or nil end function lpdf.epdf.unload(filename) local document = loaded[filename] if document then loaded[document] = nil loaded[filename] = nil end end -- for k, v in next, expand(t) do local function expand(t) if type(t) == "table" then local dummy = t.dummy end return t end -- for k, v in expanded(t) do local function expanded(t) if type(t) == "table" then local dummy = t.dummy end return next, t end lpdf.epdf.expand = expand lpdf.epdf.expanded = expanded -- we could resolve the text stream in one pass if we directly handle the -- font but why should we complicate things local hexdigit = R("09","AF") local numchar = ( P("\\") * ( (R("09")^3/tonumber) + C(1) ) ) + C(1) local number = lpegpatterns.number / tonumber local spaces = lpegpatterns.whitespace^1 local optspaces = lpegpatterns.whitespace^0 local keyword = P("/") * C(R("AZ","az","09")^1) local operator = C((R("AZ","az")+P("'")+P('"'))^1) local grammar = P { "start", start = (keyword + number + V("dictionary") + V("unicode") + V("string") + V("unicode")+ V("array") + spaces)^1, -- keyvalue = (keyword * spaces * V("start") + spaces)^1, keyvalue = optspaces * Cf(Ct("") * Cg(keyword * optspaces * V("start") * optspaces)^1,rawset), array = P("[") * Ct(V("start")^1) * P("]"), dictionary = P("<<") * V("keyvalue") * P(">>"), unicode = P("<") * Ct(Cc("hex") * C((1-P(">"))^1)) * P(">"), string = P("(") * Ct(Cc("dec") * C((V("string")+numchar)^1)) * P(")"), -- untested } local operation = Ct(grammar^1 * operator) local parser = Ct((operation + P(1))^1) -- beginbfrange : -- [ ] -- beginbfchar : local fromsixteen = lpdf.fromsixteen -- maybe inline the lpeg ... but not worth it local function f_bfchar(t,a,b) t[tonumber(a,16)] = fromsixteen(b) end local function f_bfrange_1(t,a,b,c) print("todo 1",a,b,c) -- c is string -- todo t[tonumber(a,16)] = fromsixteen(b) end local function f_bfrange_2(t,a,b,c) print("todo 2",a,b,c) -- c is table -- todo t[tonumber(a,16)] = fromsixteen(b) end local optionals = spaces^0 local hexstring = optionals * P("<") * C((1-P(">"))^1) * P(">") local bfchar = Carg(1) * hexstring * hexstring / f_bfchar local bfrange = Carg(1) * hexstring * hexstring * hexstring / f_bfrange_1 + Carg(1) * hexstring * hexstring * optionals * P("[") * Ct(hexstring^1) * optionals * P("]") / f_bfrange_2 local fromunicode = ( P("beginbfchar" ) * bfchar ^1 * optionals * P("endbfchar" ) + P("beginbfrange") * bfrange^1 * optionals * P("endbfrange") + spaces + P(1) )^1 * Carg(1) local function analyzefonts(document,resources) -- unfinished local fonts = document.__fonts__ if resources then local fontlist = resources.Font if fontlist then for id, data in expanded(fontlist) do if not fonts[id] then -- a quck hack ... I will look into it more detail if I find a real -- -application for it local tounicode = data.ToUnicode() if tounicode then tounicode = lpegmatch(fromunicode,tounicode,1,{}) end fonts[id] = { tounicode = type(tounicode) == "table" and tounicode or { } } table.setmetatableindex(fonts[id],"self") end end end end return fonts end local more = 0 local unic = nil -- cheaper than passing each time as Carg(1) local p_hex_to_utf = C(4) / function(s) -- needs checking ! local now = tonumber(s,16) if more > 0 then now = (more-0xD800)*0x400 + (now-0xDC00) + 0x10000 -- the 0x10000 smells wrong more = 0 return unic[now] or utfchar(now) elseif now >= 0xD800 and now <= 0xDBFF then more = now -- return "" else return unic[now] or utfchar(now) end end local p_dec_to_utf = C(1) / function(s) -- needs checking ! local now = byte(s) return unic[now] or utfchar(now) end local p_hex_to_utf = P(true) / function() more = 0 end * Cs(p_hex_to_utf^1) local p_dec_to_utf = P(true) / function() more = 0 end * Cs(p_dec_to_utf^1) function lpdf.epdf.getpagecontent(document,pagenumber) local page = document.pages[pagenumber] if not page then return end local fonts = analyzefonts(document,page.Resources) local content = page.Contents() or "" local list = lpegmatch(parser,content) local font = nil -- local unic = nil for i=1,#list do local entry = list[i] local size = #entry local operator = entry[size] if operator == "Tf" then font = fonts[entry[1]] unic = font.tounicode elseif operator == "TJ" then -- { array, TJ } local list = entry[1] for i=1,#list do local li = list[i] if type(li) == "table" then if li[1] == "hex" then list[i] = lpegmatch(p_hex_to_utf,li[2]) else list[i] = lpegmatch(p_dec_to_utf,li[2]) end else -- kern end end elseif operator == "Tj" or operator == "'" or operator == '"' then -- { string, Tj } { string, ' } { n, m, string, " } local list = entry[size-1] if list[1] == "hex" then list[2] = lpegmatch(p_hex_to_utf,li[2]) else list[2] = lpegmatch(p_dec_to_utf,li[2]) end end end unic = nil -- can be collected return list end -- This is also an experiment. When I really neet it I can improve it, fo rinstance -- with proper position calculating. It might be usefull for some search or so. local softhyphen = utfchar(0xAD) .. "$" local linefactor = 1.3 function lpdf.epdf.contenttotext(document,list) -- maybe signal fonts local last_y = 0 local last_f = 0 local text = { } local last = 0 for i=1,#list do local entry = list[i] local size = #entry local operator = entry[size] if operator == "Tf" then last_f = entry[2] elseif operator == "TJ" then local list = entry[1] for i=1,#list do local li = list[i] if type(li) == "string" then last = last + 1 text[last] = li elseif li < -50 then last = last + 1 text[last] = " " end end line = concat(list) elseif operator == "Tj" then last = last + 1 text[last] = entry[size-1] elseif operator == "cm" or operator == "Tm" then local ty = entry[6] local dy = abs(last_y - ty) if dy > linefactor*last_f then if last > 0 then if find(text[last],softhyphen) then -- ignore else last = last + 1 text[last] = "\n" end end end last_y = ty end end return concat(text) end function lpdf.epdf.getstructure(document,list) -- just a test local depth = 0 for i=1,#list do local entry = list[i] local size = #entry local operator = entry[size] if operator == "BDC" then report_epdf("%w%s : %s",depth,entry[1] or "?",entry[2].MCID or "?") depth = depth + 1 elseif operator == "EMC" then depth = depth - 1 elseif operator == "TJ" then local list = entry[1] for i=1,#list do local li = list[i] if type(li) == "string" then report_epdf("%w > %s",depth,li) elseif li < -50 then report_epdf("%w >",depth,li) end end elseif operator == "Tj" then report_epdf("%w > %s",depth,entry[size-1]) end end end -- document.Catalog.StructTreeRoot.ParentTree.Nums[2][1].A.P[1]) -- helpers -- function lpdf.epdf.getdestinationpage(document,name) -- local destination = document.__data__:findDest(name) -- return destination and destination.number -- end