if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['lpdf-col'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to lpdf-ini.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } local type, next, tostring = type, next, tostring local char, byte, format, gsub, rep, gmatch = string.char, string.byte, string.format, string.gsub, string.rep, string.gmatch local concat = table.concat local round = math.round local backends, lpdf, nodes = backends, lpdf, nodes local nodeinjections = backends.pdf.nodeinjections local codeinjections = backends.pdf.codeinjections local registrations = backends.pdf.registrations local nodepool = nodes.pool local register = nodepool.register local pdfliteral = nodepool.pdfliteral local pdfconstant = lpdf.constant local pdfstring = lpdf.string local pdfdictionary = lpdf.dictionary local pdfarray = lpdf.array local pdfreference = lpdf.reference local pdfverbose = lpdf.verbose local pdfflushobject = lpdf.flushobject local pdfflushstreamobject = lpdf.flushstreamobject local colors = attributes.colors local transparencies = attributes.transparencies local registertransparancy = transparencies.register local registercolor = colors.register local colorsvalue = colors.value local transparenciesvalue = transparencies.value local forcedmodel = colors.forcedmodel local c_transparency = pdfconstant("Transparency") local report_color = logs.reporter("colors","backend") -- page groups (might move to lpdf-ini.lua) local colorspaceconstants = { -- v_none is ignored gray = pdfconstant("DeviceGray"), rgb = pdfconstant("DeviceRGB"), cmyk = pdfconstant("DeviceCMYK"), all = pdfconstant("DeviceRGB"), -- brr } local transparencygroups = { } lpdf.colorspaceconstants = colorspaceconstants lpdf.transparencygroups = transparencygroups table.setmetatableindex(transparencygroups, function(transparencygroups,colormodel) local cs = colorspaceconstants[colormodel] if cs then local g = pdfreference(pdfflushobject(pdfdictionary { S = c_transparency, CS = cs, I = true, })) transparencygroups[colormodel] = g return g else transparencygroups[colormodel] = false return false end end) local currentgroupcolormodel local function addpagegroup() if currentgroupcolormodel then local g = transparencygroups[currentgroupcolormodel] if g then lpdf.addtopageattributes("Group",g) end end end lpdf.registerpagefinalizer(addpagegroup,3,"pagegroup") local function synchronizecolormodel(model) currentgroupcolormodel = model end backends.codeinjections.synchronizecolormodel = synchronizecolormodel commands.synchronizecolormodel = synchronizecolormodel -- injection code (needs a bit reordering) -- color injection function nodeinjections.rgbcolor(r,g,b) return register(pdfliteral(format("%s %s %s rg %s %s %s RG",r,g,b,r,g,b))) end function nodeinjections.cmykcolor(c,m,y,k) return register(pdfliteral(format("%s %s %s %s k %s %s %s %s K",c,m,y,k,c,m,y,k))) end function nodeinjections.graycolor(s) -- caching 0/1 does not pay off return register(pdfliteral(format("%s g %s G",s,s))) end function nodeinjections.spotcolor(n,f,d,p) if type(p) == "string" then p = gsub(p,","," ") -- brr misuse of spot end return register(pdfliteral(format("/%s cs /%s CS %s SCN %s scn",n,n,p,p))) end function nodeinjections.transparency(n) return register(pdfliteral(format("/Tr%s gs",n))) end -- a bit weird but let's keep it here for a while local effects = { normal = 0, inner = 0, outer = 1, both = 2, hidden = 3, } local bp = number.dimenfactors.bp function nodeinjections.effect(effect,stretch,rulethickness) -- always, no zero test (removed) rulethickness = bp * rulethickness effect = effects[effect] or effects['normal'] return register(pdfliteral(format("%s Tc %s w %s Tr",stretch,rulethickness,effect))) -- watch order end -- spot- and indexcolors local pdf_separation = pdfconstant("Separation") local pdf_indexed = pdfconstant("Indexed") local pdf_device_n = pdfconstant("DeviceN") local pdf_device_rgb = pdfconstant("DeviceRGB") local pdf_device_cmyk = pdfconstant("DeviceCMYK") local pdf_device_gray = pdfconstant("DeviceGray") local pdf_extgstate = pdfconstant("ExtGState") local pdf_rbg_range = pdfarray { 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 } local pdf_cmyk_range = pdfarray { 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 } local pdf_gray_range = pdfarray { 0, 1 } local rgb_function = "dup %s mul exch dup %s mul exch %s mul" local cmyk_function = "dup %s mul exch dup %s mul exch dup %s mul exch %s mul" local gray_function = "%s mul" local documentcolorspaces = pdfdictionary() local spotcolorhash = { } -- not needed local spotcolornames = { } local indexcolorhash = { } local delayedindexcolors = { } function registrations.spotcolorname(name,e) spotcolornames[name] = e or name end function registrations.getspotcolorreference(name) return spotcolorhash[name] end -- beware: xpdf/okular/evince cannot handle the spot->process shade -- This should become delayed i.e. only flush when used; in that case we need -- need to store the specification and then flush them when accesssomespotcolor -- is called. At this moment we assume that splotcolors that get defined are -- also used which keeps the overhad small anyway. local processcolors local function registersomespotcolor(name,noffractions,names,p,colorspace,range,funct) noffractions = tonumber(noffractions) or 1 -- to be checked if noffractions == 0 then -- can't happen elseif noffractions == 1 then local dictionary = pdfdictionary { FunctionType = 4, Domain = { 0, 1 }, Range = range, } local calculations = pdfflushstreamobject(format("{ %s }",funct),dictionary) -- local calculations = pdfobject { -- type = "stream", -- immediate = true, -- string = format("{ %s }",funct), -- attr = dictionary(), -- } local array = pdfarray { pdf_separation, pdfconstant(spotcolornames[name] or name), colorspace, pdfreference(calculations), } local m = pdfflushobject(array) local mr = pdfreference(m) spotcolorhash[name] = m documentcolorspaces[name] = mr lpdf.adddocumentcolorspace(name,mr) else local cnames = pdfarray() local domain = pdfarray() local colorants = pdfdictionary() for n in gmatch(names,"[^,]+") do local name = spotcolornames[n] or n if n == "cyan" then name = "Cyan" elseif n == "magenta" then name = "Magenta" elseif n == "yellow" then name = "Yellow" elseif n == "black" then name = "Black" else local sn = spotcolorhash[name] or spotcolorhash[n] if sn then colorants[name] = pdfreference(sn) else report_color("unknown colorant %s, using black instead",name or n) name = "Black" end end cnames[#cnames+1] = pdfconstant(name) domain[#domain+1] = 0 domain[#domain+1] = 1 end if not processcolors then local specification = pdfdictionary { ColorSpace = pdfconstant("DeviceCMYK"), Components = pdfarray { pdfconstant("Cyan"), pdfconstant("Magenta"), pdfconstant("Yellow"), pdfconstant("Black") } } processcolors = pdfreference(pdfflushobject(specification)) end local dictionary = pdfdictionary { FunctionType = 4, Domain = domain, Range = range, } local calculation = pdfflushstreamobject(format("{ %s %s }",rep("pop ",noffractions),funct),dictionary) local channels = pdfdictionary { Subtype = pdfconstant("NChannel"), Colorants = colorants, Process = processcolors, } local array = pdfarray { pdf_device_n, cnames, colorspace, pdfreference(calculation), lpdf.shareobjectreference(tostring(channels)), -- optional but needed for shades } local m = pdfflushobject(array) local mr = pdfreference(m) spotcolorhash[name] = m documentcolorspaces[name] = mr lpdf.adddocumentcolorspace(name,mr) end end -- wrong name local function registersomeindexcolor(name,noffractions,names,p,colorspace,range,funct) noffractions = tonumber(noffractions) or 1 -- to be checked local cnames = pdfarray() local domain = pdfarray() if names == "" then names = name .. ",None" else names = names .. ",None" end for n in gmatch(names,"[^,]+") do cnames[#cnames+1] = pdfconstant(spotcolornames[n] or n) domain[#domain+1] = 0 domain[#domain+1] = 1 end local dictionary = pdfdictionary { FunctionType = 4, Domain = domain, Range = range, } local n = pdfflushstreamobject(format("{ %s %s }",rep("exch pop ",noffractions),funct),dictionary) -- exch pop local a = pdfarray { pdf_device_n, cnames, colorspace, pdfreference(n), } if p == "" then p = "1" else p = p .. ",1" end local pi = { } for pp in gmatch(p,"[^,]+") do pi[#pi+1] = tonumber(pp) end local vector, set, n = { }, { }, #pi for i=255,0,-1 do for j=1,n do set[j] = format("%02X",round(pi[j]*i)) end vector[#vector+1] = concat(set) end vector = pdfverbose { "<", concat(vector, " "), ">" } local n = pdfflushobject(pdfarray{ pdf_indexed, a, 255, vector }) lpdf.adddocumentcolorspace(format("%s_indexed",name),pdfreference(n)) return n end -- actually, names (parent) is the hash local function delayindexcolor(name,names,func) local hash = (names ~= "" and names) or name delayedindexcolors[hash] = func end local function indexcolorref(name) -- actually, names (parent) is the hash if not indexcolorhash[name] then local delayedindexcolor = delayedindexcolors[name] if type(delayedindexcolor) == "function" then indexcolorhash[name] = delayedindexcolor() delayedindexcolors[name] = true end end return indexcolorhash[name] end function registrations.rgbspotcolor(name,noffractions,names,p,r,g,b) if noffractions == 1 then registersomespotcolor(name,noffractions,names,p,pdf_device_rgb,pdf_rbg_range,format(rgb_function,r,g,b)) else registersomespotcolor(name,noffractions,names,p,pdf_device_rgb,pdf_rbg_range,format("%s %s %s",r,g,b)) end delayindexcolor(name,names,function() return registersomeindexcolor(name,noffractions,names,p,pdf_device_rgb,pdf_rgb_range,format(rgb_function,r,g,b)) end) end function registrations.cmykspotcolor(name,noffractions,names,p,c,m,y,k) if noffractions == 1 then registersomespotcolor(name,noffractions,names,p,pdf_device_cmyk,pdf_cmyk_range,format(cmyk_function,c,m,y,k)) else registersomespotcolor(name,noffractions,names,p,pdf_device_cmyk,pdf_cmyk_range,format("%s %s %s %s",c,m,y,k)) end delayindexcolor(name,names,function() return registersomeindexcolor(name,noffractions,names,p,pdf_device_cmyk,pdf_cmyk_range,format(cmyk_function,c,m,y,k)) end) end function registrations.grayspotcolor(name,noffractions,names,p,s) if noffractions == 1 then registersomespotcolor(name,noffractions,names,p,pdf_device_gray,pdf_gray_range,format(gray_function,s)) else registersomespotcolor(name,noffractions,names,p,pdf_device_gray,pdf_gray_range,s) end delayindexcolor(name,names,function() return registersomeindexcolor(name,noffractions,names,p,pdf_device_gray,pdf_gray_range,format(gray_function,s)) end) end function registrations.rgbindexcolor(name,noffractions,names,p,r,g,b) registersomeindexcolor(name,noffractions,names,p,pdf_device_rgb,pdf_rgb_range,format(rgb_function,r,g,b)) end function registrations.cmykindexcolor(name,noffractions,names,p,c,m,y,k) registersomeindexcolor(name,noffractions,names,p,pdf_device_cmyk,pdf_cmyk_range,format(cmyk_function,c,m,y,k)) end function registrations.grayindexcolor(name,noffractions,names,p,s) registersomeindexcolor(name,noffractions,names,p,pdf_device_gray,pdf_gray_range,gray_function) end function codeinjections.setfigurecolorspace(data,figure) local color = data.request.color if color then local ref = indexcolorref(color) if ref then figure.colorspace = ref data.used.color = color end end end -- transparency local transparencies = { [0] = pdfconstant("Normal"), pdfconstant("Normal"), pdfconstant("Multiply"), pdfconstant("Screen"), pdfconstant("Overlay"), pdfconstant("SoftLight"), pdfconstant("HardLight"), pdfconstant("ColorDodge"), pdfconstant("ColorBurn"), pdfconstant("Darken"), pdfconstant("Lighten"), pdfconstant("Difference"), pdfconstant("Exclusion"), pdfconstant("Hue"), pdfconstant("Saturation"), pdfconstant("Color"), pdfconstant("Luminosity"), pdfconstant("Compatible"), -- obsolete; 'Normal' is used in this case } local documenttransparencies = { } local transparencyhash = { } -- share objects local done, signaled = false, false function registrations.transparency(n,a,t) if not done then local d = pdfdictionary { Type = pdf_extgstate, ca = 1, CA = 1, BM = transparencies[1], AIS = false, } local m = pdfflushobject(d) local mr = pdfreference(m) transparencyhash[0] = m documenttransparencies[0] = mr lpdf.adddocumentextgstate("Tr0",mr) done = true end if n > 0 and not transparencyhash[n] then local d = pdfdictionary { Type = pdf_extgstate, ca = tonumber(t), CA = tonumber(t), BM = transparencies[tonumber(a)] or transparencies[0], AIS = false, } local m = pdfflushobject(d) local mr = pdfreference(m) transparencyhash[n] = m documenttransparencies[n] = mr lpdf.adddocumentextgstate(format("Tr%s",n),mr) end end statistics.register("page group warning", function() if done and not transparencygroups[currentgroupcolormodel] then return format("transparencies are used but no pagecolormodel is set") end end) -- Literals needed to inject code in the mp stream, we cannot use attributes there -- since literals may have qQ's, much may go away once we have mplib code in place. -- -- This module assumes that some functions are defined in the colors namespace -- which most likely will be loaded later. local function lpdfcolor(model,ca,default) -- todo: use gray when no color if colors.supported then local cv = colorsvalue(ca) if cv then if model == 1 then model = cv[1] end model = forcedmodel(model) if model == 2 then local s = cv[2] return format("%s g %s G",s,s) elseif model == 3 then local r, g, b = cv[3], cv[4], cv[5] return format("%s %s %s rg %s %s %s RG",r,g,b,r,g,b) elseif model == 4 then local c, m, y, k = cv[6],cv[7],cv[8],cv[9] return format("%s %s %s %s k %s %s %s %s K",c,m,y,k,c,m,y,k) else local n,f,d,p = cv[10],cv[11],cv[12],cv[13] if type(p) == "string" then p = gsub(p,","," ") -- brr misuse of spot end return format("/%s cs /%s CS %s SCN %s scn",n,n,p,p) end else return format("%s g %s G",default or 0,default or 0) end else return "" end end lpdf.color = lpdfcolor function lpdf.colorspec(model,ca,default) if ca and ca > 0 then local cv = colors.value(ca) if cv then if model == 1 then model = cv[1] end if model == 2 then return pdfarray { cv[2] } elseif model == 3 then return pdfarray { cv[3],cv[4],cv[5] } elseif model == 4 then return pdfarray { cv[6],cv[7],cv[8],cv[9] } elseif model == 5 then return pdfarray { cv[13] } end end end if default then return default end end function lpdf.pdfcolor(attribute) -- bonus, for pgf and friends context(lpdfcolor(1,attribute)) end function lpdf.transparency(ct,default) -- kind of overlaps with transparencycode -- beware, we need this hack because normally transparencies are not -- yet registered and therefore the number is not not known ... we -- might use the attribute number itself in the future if transparencies.supported then local ct = transparenciesvalue(ct) if ct then return format("/Tr%s gs",registertransparancy(nil,ct[1],ct[2],true)) else return "/Tr0 gs" end else return "" end end function lpdf.colorvalue(model,ca,default) local cv = colorsvalue(ca) if cv then if model == 1 then model = cv[1] end model = forcedmodel(model) if model == 2 then return format("%s",cv[2]) elseif model == 3 then return format("%s %s %s",cv[3],cv[4],cv[5]) elseif model == 4 then return format("%s %s %s %s",cv[6],cv[7],cv[8],cv[9]) else return format("%s",cv[13]) end else return format("%s",default or 0) end end --~ function lpdf.fdfcolor(model,ca,default) --~ local cv = colorsvalue(ca) --~ if cv then --~ if model == 1 then --~ model = cv[1] --~ end --~ model = forcedmodel(model) --~ if model == 2 then --~ return format("[%s]",cv[2]) --~ elseif model == 3 then --~ return format("[%s %s %s]",cv[3],cv[4],cv[5]) --~ elseif model == 4 then --~ return format("[%s %s %s %s]",cv[6],cv[7],cv[8],cv[9]) --~ elseif model == 4 then --~ return format("[%s]",cv[13]) --~ end --~ else --~ return format("[%s]",default or 0) --~ end --~ end function lpdf.colorvalues(model,ca,default) local cv = colorsvalue(ca) if cv then if model == 1 then model = cv[1] end model = forcedmodel(model) if model == 2 then return cv[2] elseif model == 3 then return cv[3], cv[4], cv[5] elseif model == 4 then return cv[6], cv[7], cv[8], cv[9] elseif model == 4 then return cv[13] end else return default or 0 end end function lpdf.transparencyvalue(ta,default) local tv = transparenciesvalue(ta) if tv then return tv[2] else return default or 1 end end function lpdf.colorspace(model,ca) local cv = colorsvalue(ca) if cv then if model == 1 then model = cv[1] end model = forcedmodel(model) if model == 2 then return "DeviceGray" elseif model == 3 then return "DeviceRGB" elseif model == 4 then return "DeviceCMYK" end end return "DeviceGRAY" end -- by registering we getconversion for free (ok, at the cost of overhead) local intransparency = false local pdfcolor = lpdf.color function lpdf.rgbcode(model,r,g,b) if colors.supported then return pdfcolor(model,registercolor(nil,'rgb',r,g,b)) else return "" end end function lpdf.cmykcode(model,c,m,y,k) if colors.supported then return pdfcolor(model,registercolor(nil,'cmyk',c,m,y,k)) else return "" end end function lpdf.graycode(model,s) if colors.supported then return pdfcolor(model,registercolor(nil,'gray',s)) else return "" end end function lpdf.spotcode(model,n,f,d,p) if colors.supported then return pdfcolor(model,registercolor(nil,'spot',n,f,d,p)) -- incorrect else return "" end end function lpdf.transparencycode(a,t) if transparencies.supported then intransparency = true return format("/Tr%s gs",registertransparancy(nil,a,t,true)) -- true forces resource else return "" end end function lpdf.finishtransparencycode() if transparencies.supported and intransparency then intransparency = false return "/Tr0 gs" -- we happen to know this -) else return "" end end -- this will move to lpdf-spe.lua backends.pdf.tables.vfspecials = { -- todo: distinguish between glyph and rule color red = { "special", 'pdf: 1 0 0 rg 1 0 0 RG' }, green = { "special", 'pdf: 0 1 0 rg 0 1 0 RG' }, blue = { "special", 'pdf: 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG' }, gray = { "special", 'pdf: .75 g .75 G' }, black = { "special", 'pdf: 0 g 0 G' }, rulecolors = { red = { "special", 'pdf: 1 0 0 rg' }, green = { "special", 'pdf: 0 1 0 rg' }, blue = { "special", 'pdf: 0 0 1 rg' }, gray = { "special", 'pdf: .5 g' }, black = { "special", 'pdf: 0 g' }, palered = { "special", 'pdf: 1 .75 .75 rg' }, palegreen = { "special", 'pdf: .75 1 .75 rg' }, paleblue = { "special", 'pdf: .75 .75 1 rg' }, palegray = { "special", 'pdf: .75 g' }, }, startslant = function(a) return { "special", format("pdf: q 1 0 %s 1 0 0 cm",a) } end, stopslant = { "special", "pdf: Q" }, }