if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-lua'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- compatibility hacks ... try to avoid usage local major, minor = string.match(_VERSION,"^[^%d]+(%d+)%.(%d+).*$") _MAJORVERSION = tonumber(major) or 5 _MINORVERSION = tonumber(minor) or 1 _LUAVERSION = _MAJORVERSION + _MINORVERSION/10 -- lpeg if not lpeg then lpeg = require("lpeg") end -- basics: if loadstring then local loadnormal = load function load(first,...) if type(first) == "string" then return loadstring(first,...) else return loadnormal(first,...) end end else loadstring = load end -- table: -- At some point it was announced that i[pairs would be dropped, which makes -- sense. As we already used the for loop and # in most places the impact on -- ConTeXt was not that large; the remaining ipairs already have been replaced. -- Hm, actually ipairs was retained, but we no longer use it anyway (nor -- pairs). -- -- Just in case, we provide the fallbacks as discussed in Programming -- in Lua (http://www.lua.org/pil/7.3.html): if not ipairs then -- for k, v in ipairs(t) do ... end -- for k=1,#t do local v = t[k] ... end local function iterate(a,i) i = i + 1 local v = a[i] if v ~= nil then return i, v --, nil end end function ipairs(a) return iterate, a, 0 end end if not pairs then -- for k, v in pairs(t) do ... end -- for k, v in next, t do ... end function pairs(t) return next, t -- , nil end end -- The unpack function has been moved to the table table, and for compatiility -- reasons we provide both now. if not table.unpack then table.unpack = _G.unpack elseif not unpack then _G.unpack = table.unpack end -- package: -- if not package.seachers then -- -- package.searchers = package.loaders -- 5.2 -- -- elseif not package.loaders then -- -- package.loaders = package.searchers -- -- end if not package.loaders then -- brr, searchers is a special "loadlib function" userdata type package.loaders = package.searchers end -- moved from util-deb to here: local print, select, tostring = print, select, tostring local inspectors = { } function setinspector(inspector) -- global function inspectors[#inspectors+1] = inspector end function inspect(...) -- global function for s=1,select("#",...) do local value = select(s,...) local done = false for i=1,#inspectors do done = inspectors[i](value) if done then break end end if not done then print(tostring(value)) end end end -- local dummy = function() end function optionalrequire(...) local ok, result = xpcall(require,dummy,...) if ok then return result end end -- Code moved from data-lua and changed into a plug-in. -- We overload the regular loader. We do so because we operate mostly in -- tds and use our own loader code. Alternatively we could use a more -- extensive definition of package.path and package.cpath but even then -- we're not done. Also, we now have better tracing. -- -- -- local mylib = require("libtest") -- -- local mysql = require("luasql.mysql") local gsub, format = string.gsub, string.format local package = package local searchers = package.searchers or package.loaders local libpaths = nil local clibpaths = nil local libhash = { } local clibhash = { } local libextras = { } local clibextras = { } -- dummies local filejoin = file and file.join or function(path,name) return path .. "/" .. name end local isreadable = file and file.is_readable or function(name) local f = io.open(name) if f then f:close() return true end end local addsuffix = file and file.addsuffix or function(name,suffix) return name .. "." .. suffix end -- local function cleanpath(path) -- hm, don't we have a helper for this? return path end local helpers = package.helpers or { libpaths = function() return { } end, clibpaths = function() return { } end, cleanpath = cleanpath, trace = false, report = function(...) print(format(...)) end, } package.helpers = helpers local function getlibpaths() return libpaths or helpers.libpaths(libhash) end local function getclibpaths() return clibpaths or helpers.clibpaths(clibhash) end package.libpaths = getlibpaths package.clibpaths = getclibpaths function package.extralibpath(...) libpaths = getlibpaths() local pathlist = { ... } local cleanpath = helpers.cleanpath local trace = helpers.trace local report = helpers.report for p=1,#pathlist do local paths = pathlist[p] for i=1,#paths do local path = cleanpath(paths[i]) if not libhash[path] then if trace then report("! extra lua path: %s",path) end libextras[#libextras+1] = path libpaths [#libpaths +1] = path end end end end function package.extraclibpath(...) clibpaths = getclibpaths() local pathlist = { ... } local cleanpath = helpers.cleanpath local trace = helpers.trace local report = helpers.report for p=1,#pathlist do local paths = pathlist[p] for i=1,#paths do local path = cleanpath(paths[i]) if not clibhash[path] then if trace then report("! extra lib path: %s",path) end clibextras[#clibextras+1] = path clibpaths [#clibpaths +1] = path end end end end if not searchers[-2] then -- use package-path and package-cpath searchers[-2] = searchers[2] end searchers[2] = function(name) return helpers.loaded(name) end local function loadedaslib(resolved,rawname) return package.loadlib(resolved,"luaopen_" .. gsub(rawname,"%.","_")) end local function loadedbylua(name) if helpers.trace then helpers.report("! locating %q using normal loader",name) end return searchers[-2](name) end local function loadedbypath(name,rawname,paths,islib,what) local trace = helpers.trace local report = helpers.report if trace then report("! locating %q as %q on %q paths",rawname,name,what) end for p=1,#paths do local path = paths[p] local resolved = filejoin(path,name) if trace then -- mode detail report("! checking for %q using %q path %q",name,what,path) end if isreadable(resolved) then if trace then report("! lib %q located on %q",name,resolved) end if islib then return loadedaslib(resolved,rawname) else return loadfile(resolved) end end end end local function notloaded(name) if helpers.trace then helpers.report("? unable to locate library %q",name) end end helpers.loadedaslib = loadedaslib helpers.loadedbylua = loadedbylua helpers.loadedbypath = loadedbypath helpers.notloaded = notloaded function helpers.loaded(name) local thename = gsub(name,"%.","/") local luaname = addsuffix(thename,"lua") local libname = addsuffix(thename,os.libsuffix) local libpaths = getlibpaths() local clibpaths = getclibpaths() return loadedbypath(luaname,name,libpaths,false,"lua") or loadedbypath(luaname,name,clibpaths,false,"lua") or loadedbypath(libname,name,clibpaths,true,"lib") or loadedbylua(name) or notloaded(name) end