%D \module %D [ file=java-exa, %D version=2002.??.??, %D title=\CONTEXT\ JavaScript Macros, %D subtitle=Example Support, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. % XFDF versus HTML % localhost versus remote versus set % filename | filename-nr => name % fakename | fakename-nr => file upload, unless localhost % % we erase the list because otherwise we end up in browser remembering % problems; also, it is not possible to set upload fields 'manually' \startJSpreamble request_1 used now var example_method = "HTML" ; var example_host = "" ; var example_port = "" ; var example_url = "" ; var example_file = "" ; var example_log = true ; % false function stripped_exa_value( name ) { f = this.getField(name) ; if (f) { str = f.value ; if (str.indexOf(name+'-')==0) { str = str.substr(name.length+1) ; } return str ; } else { return "" ; } } function identify_example_url ( ) { if (example_log) { console.clear ; console.println("base url: "+this.baseURL) ; console.println("this url: "+this.URL) ; } if (this.baseURL != "") { example_url = this.baseURL ; } else { if (this.URL != "") { example_url = this.URL } } if (example_url.indexOf("file://")>=0) { example_url = "" ; } str = stripped_exa_value("examplehost") ; if (str != "auto") { example_host = str ; if (str == "localhost") { example_port = "8061" } } str = stripped_exa_value("exampleport") ; if (str != "auto") { example_port = str ; } if (example_log) { console.println("example_url: "+example_url) ; console.println("example_host: "+example_host) ; console.println("example_port: "+example_port) ; } } function check_example_url ( url ) { if (url.indexOf("file://")>=0) { url = "http://localhost:8061" ; console.println("file url replaced by: "+url) ; } else { if (url.indexOf("://")<0) { url = "http://" + url ; } if (example_log) { console.println("url before check: "+url) ; } % url = url.replace(/(http:\\\/\\\/.+)(\\\/.*$)/, "$1") ; url = url.replace(/(https*:\\\/\\\/.+?)(\\\/.*$)/, "$1/exarequest") ; if (example_log) { console.println("url after check: "+url) ; } } return url ; } function set_example_xfdf ( method ) { example_method = method ; } function set_example_file ( file ) { example_method = file ; } function set_example_host ( host ) { example_host = host ; } function set_example_port ( port ) { example_host = host ; } function do_erase_example_file(tag) { f = this.getField(tag) ; if (f) { f.value = "" ; } } function do_erase_example_list(tag) { for (i=1;i<=100;i++) { f = this.getField(tag+"-"+i) ; if (f) { f.value = "" ; } else { return } } } function do_submit_example_url ( url ) { if ((example_method == "XFDF" ) || (url.indexOf("localhost")>=0)) { do_erase_example_file("fakename") ; do_erase_example_list("fakename") ; } url = check_example_url(url) ; if (example_log) { console.println("submitting form to "+url+" using method "+example_method) ; } if (example_file != "") { url = url + "/" + example_file ; } % we need the bFDF for acrobat 5 this.submitForm({cURL : url, bFDF : false, cSubmitAs : example_method}) ; } function submit_example_form ( ) { identify_example_url() ; if (example_host != "") { if (example_port != "") { do_submit_example_url(example_host+":"+example_port) ; } else { do_submit_example_url(example_host) ; } } else { if (example_url != "") { do_submit_example_url(example_url) ; } else { if (example_port != "") { do_submit_example_url("localhost"+":"+example_port) ; } else { do_submit_example_url("localhost:8061") ; % local exampler } } } resetfilename () ; } function submit_form ( host, port) { set_example_host(host) ; set_example_post(post) ; submit_example_form ; } \stopJSpreamble \startJSpreamble request_2 used now var exa_command = "" ; var exa_option = "" ; var exa_filename = "" ; var exa_filelist = "" ; var exa_registered = "" ; function set_request (command,option) { exa_command = command ; if (exa_command == "") { exa_option = option ; } else { if (option == "") { exa_option = "" ; } else { if (option.indexOf("--")<0) { exa_option = "--action=" + option ; } else { exa_option = option ; } } } } function assemble_request ( ) { v = this.getField('filename') ; if (v) { exa_filename = v.value ; } v = this.getField('filelist') ; if (v) { exa_filelist = v.value ; } % exa_filename = exa_filename.replace(/\\\\/g,'/') ; % exa_filelist = exa_filelist.replace(/\\\\/g,'/') ; str = "" ; if (exa_filelist == "") { exa_filelist = exa_registered ; } else { if (exa_registered != "") { exa_filelist = exa_filelist + "\\n" + exa_registered ; } } if (exa_command != "") { str = str+""+exa_command+"" ; } if (exa_option != "") { str = str+""+exa_option+"" ; } if (exa_filename != "") { str = str+""+exa_filename+"" ; } var fls = "" ; if (exa_filelist != "") { % old method, soon obsolete lst = exa_filelist.split(/\\s/) ; for (i=0;i"+lst[i]+"" ; } } else { if (exa_multiple) { for (i=1;i<=100;i++) { % console.println("file field "+i) ; f = this.getField("filename-"+ i) ; % if (f) { if (f.value != "") { % if (g) { if (g.value == "") { % fls = fls+""+f.value+"" ; % } else { % fls = fls+""+f.value+"" ; % } } else { % fls = fls+""+f.value+"" ; % } % } } if (f) { if (f.value != "") { fls = fls + "" ; } else { % console.println("b") ; fls = fls + " label='" + g.value + "'>" ; } } else { % console.println("c") ; fls = fls + ">" ; } fls = fls + f.value + "" ; } } } } } if (fls != "") { str = str + "" + fls + "" ; } str = str + "" ; v = this.getField('exa:request') ; if (v) { v.value = str ; } } \stopJSpreamble \startJSpreamble request_3 used now var exa_multiple = false ; function setfilename ( suffixes ) { if (event.targetName) { var name = event.targetName ; var fake = name.replace(/filename/,"fakename") ; } else { var name = 'filename' ; var fake = 'fakename' ; } f = this.getField(fake) ; if (f) { f.browseForFileToSubmit() ; if (suffixes != "") { s = suffixes.replace(/,/g,"|") ; r = new RegExp() ; s = "\\\\.(" + s + ")$" ; r.compile(s, "i") ; if ((f.value != "")&&(f.value.search(r)<=0)) { f.value = "" ; app.alert('This filetype is not permitted.') ; } } g = this.getField(name) ; if (g) { g.value = f.value ; } % we need to set the value of the selector to empty else % we get some funny preloading of multimeg files in spite % of the specs that say that xml fields will not get sent % if (example_method == "XFDF" ) { % f.value = "" ; % } else { % identify_example_url ; % if (example_url.indexOf("localhost")>=0) { % f.value = "" ; % } % } } this.dirty = false ; } function addfilename () { if (exa_multiple) { h = this.getField("filelist") ; g = this.getField("filename") ; if ((g) && (h)) { str = g.value ; if (h.value == "") { h.value = str ; } else { h.value = h.value + "\\n" + str ; } g.value = "" ; this.value = "" ; } } this.dirty = false ; } % this only works with client that assembles request function registerfilename (str) { if (str!="") { h = this.getField("filelist") ; if (h) { if (h.value != "") { h.value = h.value + "\\n" ; } h.value = h.value + str ; } else { if (exa_registered != "") { exa_registered = exa_registered + "\\n" ; } exa_registered = exa_registered + str ; } } console.show ; console.println('registered files') ; console.println("file: "+str) ; console.println("list: "+exa_registered) ; this.dirty = false ; } function checkfilename () { } function getfilename ( suffixes ) { setfilename(suffixes) ; checkfilename() ; addfilename() ; } function resetfilename () { do_erase_example_file("fakename") ; do_erase_example_file("filename") ; do_erase_example_file("filelist") ; do_erase_example_list("filename") ; do_erase_example_list("fakename") ; } \stopJSpreamble \endinput