if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-otf'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to font-otf.lua (tables)", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } local type, next, tonumber, tostring, rawget = type, next, tonumber, tostring, rawget local gsub, lower, format, match = string.gsub, string.lower, string.format, string.match local is_boolean = string.is_boolean local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex local setmetatablenewindex = table.setmetatablenewindex local allocate = utilities.storage.allocate local fonts = fonts local otf = fonts.handlers.otf local tables = { } otf.tables = tables local otffeatures = fonts.constructors.newfeatures("otf") local registerotffeature = otffeatures.register local scripts = allocate { ['arab'] = 'arabic', ['armn'] = 'armenian', ['bali'] = 'balinese', ['beng'] = 'bengali', ['bopo'] = 'bopomofo', ['brai'] = 'braille', ['bugi'] = 'buginese', ['buhd'] = 'buhid', ['byzm'] = 'byzantine music', ['cans'] = 'canadian syllabics', ['cher'] = 'cherokee', ['copt'] = 'coptic', ['cprt'] = 'cypriot syllabary', ['cyrl'] = 'cyrillic', ['deva'] = 'devanagari', ['dsrt'] = 'deseret', ['ethi'] = 'ethiopic', ['geor'] = 'georgian', ['glag'] = 'glagolitic', ['goth'] = 'gothic', ['grek'] = 'greek', ['gujr'] = 'gujarati', ['guru'] = 'gurmukhi', ['hang'] = 'hangul', ['hani'] = 'cjk ideographic', ['hano'] = 'hanunoo', ['hebr'] = 'hebrew', ['ital'] = 'old italic', ['jamo'] = 'hangul jamo', ['java'] = 'javanese', ['kana'] = 'hiragana and katakana', ['khar'] = 'kharosthi', ['khmr'] = 'khmer', ['knda'] = 'kannada', ['lao' ] = 'lao', ['latn'] = 'latin', ['limb'] = 'limbu', ['linb'] = 'linear b', ['math'] = 'mathematical alphanumeric symbols', ['mlym'] = 'malayalam', ['mong'] = 'mongolian', ['musc'] = 'musical symbols', ['mymr'] = 'myanmar', ['nko' ] = "n'ko", ['ogam'] = 'ogham', ['orya'] = 'oriya', ['osma'] = 'osmanya', ['phag'] = 'phags-pa', ['phnx'] = 'phoenician', ['runr'] = 'runic', ['shaw'] = 'shavian', ['sinh'] = 'sinhala', ['sylo'] = 'syloti nagri', ['syrc'] = 'syriac', ['tagb'] = 'tagbanwa', ['tale'] = 'tai le', ['talu'] = 'tai lu', ['taml'] = 'tamil', ['telu'] = 'telugu', ['tfng'] = 'tifinagh', ['tglg'] = 'tagalog', ['thaa'] = 'thaana', ['thai'] = 'thai', ['tibt'] = 'tibetan', ['ugar'] = 'ugaritic cuneiform', ['xpeo'] = 'old persian cuneiform', ['xsux'] = 'sumero-akkadian cuneiform', ['yi' ] = 'yi', } local languages = allocate { ['aba'] = 'abaza', ['abk'] = 'abkhazian', ['ady'] = 'adyghe', ['afk'] = 'afrikaans', ['afr'] = 'afar', ['agw'] = 'agaw', ['als'] = 'alsatian', ['alt'] = 'altai', ['amh'] = 'amharic', ['ara'] = 'arabic', ['ari'] = 'aari', ['ark'] = 'arakanese', ['asm'] = 'assamese', ['ath'] = 'athapaskan', ['avr'] = 'avar', ['awa'] = 'awadhi', ['aym'] = 'aymara', ['aze'] = 'azeri', ['bad'] = 'badaga', ['bag'] = 'baghelkhandi', ['bal'] = 'balkar', ['bau'] = 'baule', ['bbr'] = 'berber', ['bch'] = 'bench', ['bcr'] = 'bible cree', ['bel'] = 'belarussian', ['bem'] = 'bemba', ['ben'] = 'bengali', ['bgr'] = 'bulgarian', ['bhi'] = 'bhili', ['bho'] = 'bhojpuri', ['bik'] = 'bikol', ['bil'] = 'bilen', ['bkf'] = 'blackfoot', ['bli'] = 'balochi', ['bln'] = 'balante', ['blt'] = 'balti', ['bmb'] = 'bambara', ['bml'] = 'bamileke', ['bos'] = 'bosnian', ['bre'] = 'breton', ['brh'] = 'brahui', ['bri'] = 'braj bhasha', ['brm'] = 'burmese', ['bsh'] = 'bashkir', ['bti'] = 'beti', ['cat'] = 'catalan', ['ceb'] = 'cebuano', ['che'] = 'chechen', ['chg'] = 'chaha gurage', ['chh'] = 'chattisgarhi', ['chi'] = 'chichewa', ['chk'] = 'chukchi', ['chp'] = 'chipewyan', ['chr'] = 'cherokee', ['chu'] = 'chuvash', ['cmr'] = 'comorian', ['cop'] = 'coptic', ['cos'] = 'corsican', ['cre'] = 'cree', ['crr'] = 'carrier', ['crt'] = 'crimean tatar', ['csl'] = 'church slavonic', ['csy'] = 'czech', ['dan'] = 'danish', ['dar'] = 'dargwa', ['dcr'] = 'woods cree', ['deu'] = 'german', ['dgr'] = 'dogri', ['div'] = 'divehi', ['djr'] = 'djerma', ['dng'] = 'dangme', ['dnk'] = 'dinka', ['dri'] = 'dari', ['dun'] = 'dungan', ['dzn'] = 'dzongkha', ['ebi'] = 'ebira', ['ecr'] = 'eastern cree', ['edo'] = 'edo', ['efi'] = 'efik', ['ell'] = 'greek', ['eng'] = 'english', ['erz'] = 'erzya', ['esp'] = 'spanish', ['eti'] = 'estonian', ['euq'] = 'basque', ['evk'] = 'evenki', ['evn'] = 'even', ['ewe'] = 'ewe', ['fan'] = 'french antillean', ['far'] = 'farsi', ['fin'] = 'finnish', ['fji'] = 'fijian', ['fle'] = 'flemish', ['fne'] = 'forest nenets', ['fon'] = 'fon', ['fos'] = 'faroese', ['fra'] = 'french', ['fri'] = 'frisian', ['frl'] = 'friulian', ['fta'] = 'futa', ['ful'] = 'fulani', ['gad'] = 'ga', ['gae'] = 'gaelic', ['gag'] = 'gagauz', ['gal'] = 'galician', ['gar'] = 'garshuni', ['gaw'] = 'garhwali', ['gez'] = "ge'ez", ['gil'] = 'gilyak', ['gmz'] = 'gumuz', ['gon'] = 'gondi', ['grn'] = 'greenlandic', ['gro'] = 'garo', ['gua'] = 'guarani', ['guj'] = 'gujarati', ['hai'] = 'haitian', ['hal'] = 'halam', ['har'] = 'harauti', ['hau'] = 'hausa', ['haw'] = 'hawaiin', ['hbn'] = 'hammer-banna', ['hil'] = 'hiligaynon', ['hin'] = 'hindi', ['hma'] = 'high mari', ['hnd'] = 'hindko', ['ho'] = 'ho', ['hri'] = 'harari', ['hrv'] = 'croatian', ['hun'] = 'hungarian', ['hye'] = 'armenian', ['ibo'] = 'igbo', ['ijo'] = 'ijo', ['ilo'] = 'ilokano', ['ind'] = 'indonesian', ['ing'] = 'ingush', ['inu'] = 'inuktitut', ['iri'] = 'irish', ['irt'] = 'irish traditional', ['isl'] = 'icelandic', ['ism'] = 'inari sami', ['ita'] = 'italian', ['iwr'] = 'hebrew', ['jan'] = 'japanese', ['jav'] = 'javanese', ['jii'] = 'yiddish', ['jud'] = 'judezmo', ['jul'] = 'jula', ['kab'] = 'kabardian', ['kac'] = 'kachchi', ['kal'] = 'kalenjin', ['kan'] = 'kannada', ['kar'] = 'karachay', ['kat'] = 'georgian', ['kaz'] = 'kazakh', ['keb'] = 'kebena', ['kge'] = 'khutsuri georgian', ['kha'] = 'khakass', ['khk'] = 'khanty-kazim', ['khm'] = 'khmer', ['khs'] = 'khanty-shurishkar', ['khv'] = 'khanty-vakhi', ['khw'] = 'khowar', ['kik'] = 'kikuyu', ['kir'] = 'kirghiz', ['kis'] = 'kisii', ['kkn'] = 'kokni', ['klm'] = 'kalmyk', ['kmb'] = 'kamba', ['kmn'] = 'kumaoni', ['kmo'] = 'komo', ['kms'] = 'komso', ['knr'] = 'kanuri', ['kod'] = 'kodagu', ['koh'] = 'korean old hangul', ['kok'] = 'konkani', ['kon'] = 'kikongo', ['kop'] = 'komi-permyak', ['kor'] = 'korean', ['koz'] = 'komi-zyrian', ['kpl'] = 'kpelle', ['kri'] = 'krio', ['krk'] = 'karakalpak', ['krl'] = 'karelian', ['krm'] = 'karaim', ['krn'] = 'karen', ['krt'] = 'koorete', ['ksh'] = 'kashmiri', ['ksi'] = 'khasi', ['ksm'] = 'kildin sami', ['kui'] = 'kui', ['kul'] = 'kulvi', ['kum'] = 'kumyk', ['kur'] = 'kurdish', ['kuu'] = 'kurukh', ['kuy'] = 'kuy', ['kyk'] = 'koryak', ['lad'] = 'ladin', ['lah'] = 'lahuli', ['lak'] = 'lak', ['lam'] = 'lambani', ['lao'] = 'lao', ['lat'] = 'latin', ['laz'] = 'laz', ['lcr'] = 'l-cree', ['ldk'] = 'ladakhi', ['lez'] = 'lezgi', ['lin'] = 'lingala', ['lma'] = 'low mari', ['lmb'] = 'limbu', ['lmw'] = 'lomwe', ['lsb'] = 'lower sorbian', ['lsm'] = 'lule sami', ['lth'] = 'lithuanian', ['ltz'] = 'luxembourgish', ['lub'] = 'luba', ['lug'] = 'luganda', ['luh'] = 'luhya', ['luo'] = 'luo', ['lvi'] = 'latvian', ['maj'] = 'majang', ['mak'] = 'makua', ['mal'] = 'malayalam traditional', ['man'] = 'mansi', ['map'] = 'mapudungun', ['mar'] = 'marathi', ['maw'] = 'marwari', ['mbn'] = 'mbundu', ['mch'] = 'manchu', ['mcr'] = 'moose cree', ['mde'] = 'mende', ['men'] = "me'en", ['miz'] = 'mizo', ['mkd'] = 'macedonian', ['mle'] = 'male', ['mlg'] = 'malagasy', ['mln'] = 'malinke', ['mlr'] = 'malayalam reformed', ['mly'] = 'malay', ['mnd'] = 'mandinka', ['mng'] = 'mongolian', ['mni'] = 'manipuri', ['mnk'] = 'maninka', ['mnx'] = 'manx gaelic', ['moh'] = 'mohawk', ['mok'] = 'moksha', ['mol'] = 'moldavian', ['mon'] = 'mon', ['mor'] = 'moroccan', ['mri'] = 'maori', ['mth'] = 'maithili', ['mts'] = 'maltese', ['mun'] = 'mundari', ['nag'] = 'naga-assamese', ['nan'] = 'nanai', ['nas'] = 'naskapi', ['ncr'] = 'n-cree', ['ndb'] = 'ndebele', ['ndg'] = 'ndonga', ['nep'] = 'nepali', ['new'] = 'newari', ['ngr'] = 'nagari', ['nhc'] = 'norway house cree', ['nis'] = 'nisi', ['niu'] = 'niuean', ['nkl'] = 'nkole', ['nko'] = "n'ko", ['nld'] = 'dutch', ['nog'] = 'nogai', ['nor'] = 'norwegian', ['nsm'] = 'northern sami', ['nta'] = 'northern tai', ['nto'] = 'esperanto', ['nyn'] = 'nynorsk', ['oci'] = 'occitan', ['ocr'] = 'oji-cree', ['ojb'] = 'ojibway', ['ori'] = 'oriya', ['oro'] = 'oromo', ['oss'] = 'ossetian', ['paa'] = 'palestinian aramaic', ['pal'] = 'pali', ['pan'] = 'punjabi', ['pap'] = 'palpa', ['pas'] = 'pashto', ['pgr'] = 'polytonic greek', ['pil'] = 'pilipino', ['plg'] = 'palaung', ['plk'] = 'polish', ['pro'] = 'provencal', ['ptg'] = 'portuguese', ['qin'] = 'chin', ['raj'] = 'rajasthani', ['rbu'] = 'russian buriat', ['rcr'] = 'r-cree', ['ria'] = 'riang', ['rms'] = 'rhaeto-romanic', ['rom'] = 'romanian', ['roy'] = 'romany', ['rsy'] = 'rusyn', ['rua'] = 'ruanda', ['rus'] = 'russian', ['sad'] = 'sadri', ['san'] = 'sanskrit', ['sat'] = 'santali', ['say'] = 'sayisi', ['sek'] = 'sekota', ['sel'] = 'selkup', ['sgo'] = 'sango', ['shn'] = 'shan', ['sib'] = 'sibe', ['sid'] = 'sidamo', ['sig'] = 'silte gurage', ['sks'] = 'skolt sami', ['sky'] = 'slovak', ['sla'] = 'slavey', ['slv'] = 'slovenian', ['sml'] = 'somali', ['smo'] = 'samoan', ['sna'] = 'sena', ['snd'] = 'sindhi', ['snh'] = 'sinhalese', ['snk'] = 'soninke', ['sog'] = 'sodo gurage', ['sot'] = 'sotho', ['sqi'] = 'albanian', ['srb'] = 'serbian', ['srk'] = 'saraiki', ['srr'] = 'serer', ['ssl'] = 'south slavey', ['ssm'] = 'southern sami', ['sur'] = 'suri', ['sva'] = 'svan', ['sve'] = 'swedish', ['swa'] = 'swadaya aramaic', ['swk'] = 'swahili', ['swz'] = 'swazi', ['sxt'] = 'sutu', ['syr'] = 'syriac', ['tab'] = 'tabasaran', ['taj'] = 'tajiki', ['tam'] = 'tamil', ['tat'] = 'tatar', ['tcr'] = 'th-cree', ['tel'] = 'telugu', ['tgn'] = 'tongan', ['tgr'] = 'tigre', ['tgy'] = 'tigrinya', ['tha'] = 'thai', ['tht'] = 'tahitian', ['tib'] = 'tibetan', ['tkm'] = 'turkmen', ['tmn'] = 'temne', ['tna'] = 'tswana', ['tne'] = 'tundra nenets', ['tng'] = 'tonga', ['tod'] = 'todo', ['trk'] = 'turkish', ['tsg'] = 'tsonga', ['tua'] = 'turoyo aramaic', ['tul'] = 'tulu', ['tuv'] = 'tuvin', ['twi'] = 'twi', ['udm'] = 'udmurt', ['ukr'] = 'ukrainian', ['urd'] = 'urdu', ['usb'] = 'upper sorbian', ['uyg'] = 'uyghur', ['uzb'] = 'uzbek', ['ven'] = 'venda', ['vit'] = 'vietnamese', ['wa' ] = 'wa', ['wag'] = 'wagdi', ['wcr'] = 'west-cree', ['wel'] = 'welsh', ['wlf'] = 'wolof', ['xbd'] = 'tai lue', ['xhs'] = 'xhosa', ['yak'] = 'yakut', ['yba'] = 'yoruba', ['ycr'] = 'y-cree', ['yic'] = 'yi classic', ['yim'] = 'yi modern', ['zhh'] = 'chinese hong kong', ['zhp'] = 'chinese phonetic', ['zhs'] = 'chinese simplified', ['zht'] = 'chinese traditional', ['znd'] = 'zande', ['zul'] = 'zulu' } local features = allocate { ['aalt'] = 'access all alternates', ['abvf'] = 'above-base forms', ['abvm'] = 'above-base mark positioning', ['abvs'] = 'above-base substitutions', ['afrc'] = 'alternative fractions', ['akhn'] = 'akhands', ['blwf'] = 'below-base forms', ['blwm'] = 'below-base mark positioning', ['blws'] = 'below-base substitutions', ['c2pc'] = 'petite capitals from capitals', ['c2sc'] = 'small capitals from capitals', ['calt'] = 'contextual alternates', ['case'] = 'case-sensitive forms', ['ccmp'] = 'glyph composition/decomposition', ['cjct'] = 'conjunct forms', ['clig'] = 'contextual ligatures', ['cpsp'] = 'capital spacing', ['cswh'] = 'contextual swash', ['curs'] = 'cursive positioning', ['dflt'] = 'default processing', ['dist'] = 'distances', ['dlig'] = 'discretionary ligatures', ['dnom'] = 'denominators', ['dtls'] = 'dotless forms', -- math ['expt'] = 'expert forms', ['falt'] = 'final glyph alternates', ['fin2'] = 'terminal forms #2', ['fin3'] = 'terminal forms #3', ['fina'] = 'terminal forms', ['flac'] = 'flattened accents over capitals', -- math ['frac'] = 'fractions', ['fwid'] = 'full width', ['half'] = 'half forms', ['haln'] = 'halant forms', ['halt'] = 'alternate half width', ['hist'] = 'historical forms', ['hkna'] = 'horizontal kana alternates', ['hlig'] = 'historical ligatures', ['hngl'] = 'hangul', ['hojo'] = 'hojo kanji forms', ['hwid'] = 'half width', ['init'] = 'initial forms', ['isol'] = 'isolated forms', ['ital'] = 'italics', ['jalt'] = 'justification alternatives', ['jp04'] = 'jis2004 forms', ['jp78'] = 'jis78 forms', ['jp83'] = 'jis83 forms', ['jp90'] = 'jis90 forms', ['kern'] = 'kerning', ['lfbd'] = 'left bounds', ['liga'] = 'standard ligatures', ['ljmo'] = 'leading jamo forms', ['lnum'] = 'lining figures', ['locl'] = 'localized forms', ['mark'] = 'mark positioning', ['med2'] = 'medial forms #2', ['medi'] = 'medial forms', ['mgrk'] = 'mathematical greek', ['mkmk'] = 'mark to mark positioning', ['mset'] = 'mark positioning via substitution', ['nalt'] = 'alternate annotation forms', ['nlck'] = 'nlc kanji forms', ['nukt'] = 'nukta forms', ['numr'] = 'numerators', ['onum'] = 'old style figures', ['opbd'] = 'optical bounds', ['ordn'] = 'ordinals', ['ornm'] = 'ornaments', ['palt'] = 'proportional alternate width', ['pcap'] = 'petite capitals', ['pnum'] = 'proportional figures', ['pref'] = 'pre-base forms', ['pres'] = 'pre-base substitutions', ['pstf'] = 'post-base forms', ['psts'] = 'post-base substitutions', ['pwid'] = 'proportional widths', ['qwid'] = 'quarter widths', ['rand'] = 'randomize', ['rkrf'] = 'rakar forms', ['rlig'] = 'required ligatures', ['rphf'] = 'reph form', ['rtbd'] = 'right bounds', ['rtla'] = 'right-to-left alternates', ['rtlm'] = 'right to left math', -- math ['ruby'] = 'ruby notation forms', ['salt'] = 'stylistic alternates', ['sinf'] = 'scientific inferiors', ['size'] = 'optical size', ['smcp'] = 'small capitals', ['smpl'] = 'simplified forms', ['ss01'] = 'stylistic set 1', ['ss02'] = 'stylistic set 2', ['ss03'] = 'stylistic set 3', ['ss04'] = 'stylistic set 4', ['ss05'] = 'stylistic set 5', ['ss06'] = 'stylistic set 6', ['ss07'] = 'stylistic set 7', ['ss08'] = 'stylistic set 8', ['ss09'] = 'stylistic set 9', ['ss10'] = 'stylistic set 10', ['ss11'] = 'stylistic set 11', ['ss12'] = 'stylistic set 12', ['ss13'] = 'stylistic set 13', ['ss14'] = 'stylistic set 14', ['ss15'] = 'stylistic set 15', ['ss16'] = 'stylistic set 16', ['ss17'] = 'stylistic set 17', ['ss18'] = 'stylistic set 18', ['ss19'] = 'stylistic set 19', ['ss20'] = 'stylistic set 20', ['ssty'] = 'script style', -- math ['subs'] = 'subscript', ['sups'] = 'superscript', ['swsh'] = 'swash', ['titl'] = 'titling', ['tjmo'] = 'trailing jamo forms', ['tnam'] = 'traditional name forms', ['tnum'] = 'tabular figures', ['trad'] = 'traditional forms', ['twid'] = 'third widths', ['unic'] = 'unicase', ['valt'] = 'alternate vertical metrics', ['vatu'] = 'vattu variants', ['vert'] = 'vertical writing', ['vhal'] = 'alternate vertical half metrics', ['vjmo'] = 'vowel jamo forms', ['vkna'] = 'vertical kana alternates', ['vkrn'] = 'vertical kerning', ['vpal'] = 'proportional alternate vertical metrics', ['vrt2'] = 'vertical rotation', ['zero'] = 'slashed zero', ['trep'] = 'traditional tex replacements', ['tlig'] = 'traditional tex ligatures', ['ss'] = 'stylistic set %s', } local baselines = allocate { ['hang'] = 'hanging baseline', ['icfb'] = 'ideographic character face bottom edge baseline', ['icft'] = 'ideographic character face tope edige baseline', ['ideo'] = 'ideographic em-box bottom edge baseline', ['idtp'] = 'ideographic em-box top edge baseline', ['math'] = 'mathmatical centered baseline', ['romn'] = 'roman baseline' } tables.scripts = scripts tables.languages = languages tables.features = features tables.baselines = baselines if otffeatures.features then for k, v in next, otffeatures.features do features[k] = v end otffeatures.features = features end local function swapped(h) local r = { } for k, v in next, h do r[gsub(v,"[^a-z0-9]","")] = k -- is already lower end return r end local verbosescripts = allocate(swapped(scripts )) local verboselanguages = allocate(swapped(languages)) local verbosefeatures = allocate(swapped(features )) local verbosebaselines = allocate(swapped(baselines)) -- lets forget about trailing spaces local function resolve(t,k) if k then k = gsub(lower(k),"[^a-z0-9]","") local v = rawget(t,k) if v then return v end end return "dflt" end setmetatableindex(verbosescripts, resolve) setmetatableindex(verboselanguages, resolve) setmetatableindex(verbosefeatures, resolve) setmetatableindex(verbosebaselines, resolve) local function resolve(t,k) if k then k = lower(k) local v = rawget(t,k) or rawget(t,gsub(k," ","")) if v then return v end end return "dflt" end setmetatableindex(scripts, resolve) setmetatableindex(scripts, resolve) setmetatableindex(languages, resolve) setmetatablenewindex(languages, "ignore") setmetatablenewindex(baselines, "ignore") setmetatablenewindex(baselines, "ignore") local function resolve(t,k) if k then k = lower(k) local v = rawget(t,k) if v then return v end k = gsub(k," ","") local v = rawget(t,k) if v then return v end local tag, dd = match(k,"(..)(%d+)") if tag and dd then local v = rawget(t,tag) if v then return format(v,tonumber(dd)) end end end return "dflt" end setmetatableindex(features, resolve) local function assign(t,k,v) if k then v = lower(v) rawset(t,k,v) rawset(features,gsub(v,"[^a-z0-9]",""),k) end end setmetatablenewindex(features, assign) local checkers = { rand = function(v) return v and "random" end } function otf.features.normalize(features) -- no longer 'lang' if features then local h = { } for k,v in next, features do k = lower(k) if k == "language" then v = gsub(lower(v),"[^a-z0-9]","") if rawget(languages,v) then h.language = v else h.language = rawget(verboselanguages,v) or "dflt" end elseif k == "script" then v = gsub(lower(v),"[^a-z0-9]","") if rawget(scripts,v) then h.script = v else h.script = rawget(verbosescripts,v) or "dflt" end else if type(v) == "string" then local b = is_boolean(v) if type(b) == "nil" then v = tonumber(v) or lower(v) else v = b end end if not rawget(features,k) then k = rawget(verbosefeatures,k) or k end local c = checkers[k] h[k] = c and c(v) or v end end return h end end --~ table.print(otf.features.normalize({ language = "dutch", liga = "yes", ss99 = true, aalt = 3, abcd = "yes" } )) -- When I feel the need ... --~ tables.aat = { --~ [ 0] = { --~ name = "allTypographicFeaturesType", --~ [ 0] = "allTypeFeaturesOnSelector", --~ [ 1] = "allTypeFeaturesOffSelector", --~ }, --~ [ 1] = { --~ name = "ligaturesType", --~ [0 ] = "requiredLigaturesOnSelector", --~ [1 ] = "requiredLigaturesOffSelector", --~ [2 ] = "commonLigaturesOnSelector", --~ [3 ] = "commonLigaturesOffSelector", --~ [4 ] = "rareLigaturesOnSelector", --~ [5 ] = "rareLigaturesOffSelector", --~ [6 ] = "logosOnSelector ", --~ [7 ] = "logosOffSelector ", --~ [8 ] = "rebusPicturesOnSelector", --~ [9 ] = "rebusPicturesOffSelector", --~ [10] = "diphthongLigaturesOnSelector", --~ [11] = "diphthongLigaturesOffSelector", --~ [12] = "squaredLigaturesOnSelector", --~ [13] = "squaredLigaturesOffSelector", --~ [14] = "abbrevSquaredLigaturesOnSelector", --~ [15] = "abbrevSquaredLigaturesOffSelector", --~ }, --~ [ 2] = { --~ name = "cursiveConnectionType", --~ [ 0] = "unconnectedSelector", --~ [ 1] = "partiallyConnectedSelector", --~ [ 2] = "cursiveSelector ", --~ }, --~ [ 3] = { --~ name = "letterCaseType", --~ [ 0] = "upperAndLowerCaseSelector", --~ [ 1] = "allCapsSelector ", --~ [ 2] = "allLowerCaseSelector", --~ [ 3] = "smallCapsSelector ", --~ [ 4] = "initialCapsSelector", --~ [ 5] = "initialCapsAndSmallCapsSelector", --~ }, --~ [ 4] = { --~ name = "verticalSubstitutionType", --~ [ 0] = "substituteVerticalFormsOnSelector", --~ [ 1] = "substituteVerticalFormsOffSelector", --~ }, --~ [ 5] = { --~ name = "linguisticRearrangementType", --~ [ 0] = "linguisticRearrangementOnSelector", --~ [ 1] = "linguisticRearrangementOffSelector", --~ }, --~ [ 6] = { --~ name = "numberSpacingType", --~ [ 0] = "monospacedNumbersSelector", --~ [ 1] = "proportionalNumbersSelector", --~ }, --~ [ 7] = { --~ name = "appleReserved1Type", --~ }, --~ [ 8] = { --~ name = "smartSwashType", --~ [ 0] = "wordInitialSwashesOnSelector", --~ [ 1] = "wordInitialSwashesOffSelector", --~ [ 2] = "wordFinalSwashesOnSelector", --~ [ 3] = "wordFinalSwashesOffSelector", --~ [ 4] = "lineInitialSwashesOnSelector", --~ [ 5] = "lineInitialSwashesOffSelector", --~ [ 6] = "lineFinalSwashesOnSelector", --~ [ 7] = "lineFinalSwashesOffSelector", --~ [ 8] = "nonFinalSwashesOnSelector", --~ [ 9] = "nonFinalSwashesOffSelector", --~ }, --~ [ 9] = { --~ name = "diacriticsType", --~ [ 0] = "showDiacriticsSelector", --~ [ 1] = "hideDiacriticsSelector", --~ [ 2] = "decomposeDiacriticsSelector", --~ }, --~ [10] = { --~ name = "verticalPositionType", --~ [ 0] = "normalPositionSelector", --~ [ 1] = "superiorsSelector ", --~ [ 2] = "inferiorsSelector ", --~ [ 3] = "ordinalsSelector ", --~ }, --~ [11] = { --~ name = "fractionsType", --~ [ 0] = "noFractionsSelector", --~ [ 1] = "verticalFractionsSelector", --~ [ 2] = "diagonalFractionsSelector", --~ }, --~ [12] = { --~ name = "appleReserved2Type", --~ }, --~ [13] = { --~ name = "overlappingCharactersType", --~ [ 0] = "preventOverlapOnSelector", --~ [ 1] = "preventOverlapOffSelector", --~ }, --~ [14] = { --~ name = "typographicExtrasType", --~ [0 ] = "hyphensToEmDashOnSelector", --~ [1 ] = "hyphensToEmDashOffSelector", --~ [2 ] = "hyphenToEnDashOnSelector", --~ [3 ] = "hyphenToEnDashOffSelector", --~ [4 ] = "unslashedZeroOnSelector", --~ [5 ] = "unslashedZeroOffSelector", --~ [6 ] = "formInterrobangOnSelector", --~ [7 ] = "formInterrobangOffSelector", --~ [8 ] = "smartQuotesOnSelector", --~ [9 ] = "smartQuotesOffSelector", --~ [10] = "periodsToEllipsisOnSelector", --~ [11] = "periodsToEllipsisOffSelector", --~ }, --~ [15] = { --~ name = "mathematicalExtrasType", --~ [ 0] = "hyphenToMinusOnSelector", --~ [ 1] = "hyphenToMinusOffSelector", --~ [ 2] = "asteriskToMultiplyOnSelector", --~ [ 3] = "asteriskToMultiplyOffSelector", --~ [ 4] = "slashToDivideOnSelector", --~ [ 5] = "slashToDivideOffSelector", --~ [ 6] = "inequalityLigaturesOnSelector", --~ [ 7] = "inequalityLigaturesOffSelector", --~ [ 8] = "exponentsOnSelector", --~ [ 9] = "exponentsOffSelector", --~ }, --~ [16] = { --~ name = "ornamentSetsType", --~ [ 0] = "noOrnamentsSelector", --~ [ 1] = "dingbatsSelector ", --~ [ 2] = "piCharactersSelector", --~ [ 3] = "fleuronsSelector ", --~ [ 4] = "decorativeBordersSelector", --~ [ 5] = "internationalSymbolsSelector", --~ [ 6] = "mathSymbolsSelector", --~ }, --~ [17] = { --~ name = "characterAlternativesType", --~ [ 0] = "noAlternatesSelector", --~ }, --~ [18] = { --~ name = "designComplexityType", --~ [ 0] = "designLevel1Selector", --~ [ 1] = "designLevel2Selector", --~ [ 2] = "designLevel3Selector", --~ [ 3] = "designLevel4Selector", --~ [ 4] = "designLevel5Selector", --~ }, --~ [19] = { --~ name = "styleOptionsType", --~ [ 0] = "noStyleOptionsSelector", --~ [ 1] = "displayTextSelector", --~ [ 2] = "engravedTextSelector", --~ [ 3] = "illuminatedCapsSelector", --~ [ 4] = "titlingCapsSelector", --~ [ 5] = "tallCapsSelector ", --~ }, --~ [20] = { --~ name = "characterShapeType", --~ [0 ] = "traditionalCharactersSelector", --~ [1 ] = "simplifiedCharactersSelector", --~ [2 ] = "jis1978CharactersSelector", --~ [3 ] = "jis1983CharactersSelector", --~ [4 ] = "jis1990CharactersSelector", --~ [5 ] = "traditionalAltOneSelector", --~ [6 ] = "traditionalAltTwoSelector", --~ [7 ] = "traditionalAltThreeSelector", --~ [8 ] = "traditionalAltFourSelector", --~ [9 ] = "traditionalAltFiveSelector", --~ [10] = "expertCharactersSelector", --~ }, --~ [21] = { --~ name = "numberCaseType", --~ [ 0] = "lowerCaseNumbersSelector", --~ [ 1] = "upperCaseNumbersSelector", --~ }, --~ [22] = { --~ name = "textSpacingType", --~ [ 0] = "proportionalTextSelector", --~ [ 1] = "monospacedTextSelector", --~ [ 2] = "halfWidthTextSelector", --~ [ 3] = "normallySpacedTextSelector", --~ }, --~ [23] = { --~ name = "transliterationType", --~ [ 0] = "noTransliterationSelector", --~ [ 1] = "hanjaToHangulSelector", --~ [ 2] = "hiraganaToKatakanaSelector", --~ [ 3] = "katakanaToHiraganaSelector", --~ [ 4] = "kanaToRomanizationSelector", --~ [ 5] = "romanizationToHiraganaSelector", --~ [ 6] = "romanizationToKatakanaSelector", --~ [ 7] = "hanjaToHangulAltOneSelector", --~ [ 8] = "hanjaToHangulAltTwoSelector", --~ [ 9] = "hanjaToHangulAltThreeSelector", --~ }, --~ [24] = { --~ name = "annotationType", --~ [ 0] = "noAnnotationSelector", --~ [ 1] = "boxAnnotationSelector", --~ [ 2] = "roundedBoxAnnotationSelector", --~ [ 3] = "circleAnnotationSelector", --~ [ 4] = "invertedCircleAnnotationSelector", --~ [ 5] = "parenthesisAnnotationSelector", --~ [ 6] = "periodAnnotationSelector", --~ [ 7] = "romanNumeralAnnotationSelector", --~ [ 8] = "diamondAnnotationSelector", --~ }, --~ [25] = { --~ name = "kanaSpacingType", --~ [ 0] = "fullWidthKanaSelector", --~ [ 1] = "proportionalKanaSelector", --~ }, --~ [26] = { --~ name = "ideographicSpacingType", --~ [ 0] = "fullWidthIdeographsSelector", --~ [ 1] = "proportionalIdeographsSelector", --~ }, --~ [103] = { --~ name = "cjkRomanSpacingType", --~ [ 0] = "halfWidthCJKRomanSelector", --~ [ 1] = "proportionalCJKRomanSelector", --~ [ 2] = "defaultCJKRomanSelector", --~ [ 3] = "fullWidthCJKRomanSelector", --~ }, --~ }