if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-otf'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to font-ini.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- langs -> languages enz -- anchor_classes vs kernclasses -- modification/creationtime in subfont is runtime dus zinloos -- to_table -> totable local utf = unicode.utf8 local concat, utfbyte = table.concat, utf.byte local format, gmatch, gsub, find, match, lower, strip = string.format, string.gmatch, string.gsub, string.find, string.match, string.lower, string.strip local type, next, tonumber, tostring = type, next, tonumber, tostring local abs = math.abs local getn = table.getn local lpegmatch = lpeg.match local reverse = table.reverse local ioflush = io.flush local allocate = utilities.storage.allocate local trace_private = false trackers.register("otf.private", function(v) trace_private = v end) local trace_loading = false trackers.register("otf.loading", function(v) trace_loading = v end) local trace_features = false trackers.register("otf.features", function(v) trace_features = v end) local trace_dynamics = false trackers.register("otf.dynamics", function(v) trace_dynamics = v end) local trace_sequences = false trackers.register("otf.sequences", function(v) trace_sequences = v end) local trace_math = false trackers.register("otf.math", function(v) trace_math = v end) local trace_defining = false trackers.register("fonts.defining", function(v) trace_defining = v end) local report_otf = logs.new("load otf") local starttiming, stoptiming, elapsedtime = statistics.starttiming, statistics.stoptiming, statistics.elapsedtime local fonts = fonts fonts.otf = fonts.otf or { } local otf = fonts.otf local tfm = fonts.tfm local fontdata = fonts.ids otf.features = otf.features or { } otf.features.list = otf.features.list or { } otf.features.default = otf.features.default or { } otf.enhancers = allocate() local enhancers = otf.enhancers enhancers.patches = { } local definers = fonts.definers otf.glists = { "gsub", "gpos" } otf.version = 2.702 -- beware: also sync font-mis.lua otf.cache = containers.define("fonts", "otf", otf.version, true) local loadmethod = "table" -- table, mixed, sparse local forceload = false local cleanup = 0 local usemetatables = false -- .4 slower on mk but 30 M less mem so we might change the default -- will be directive local packdata = true local syncspace = true local forcenotdef = false local wildcard = "*" local default = "dflt" local fontloaderfields = fontloader.fields local mainfields = nil local glyphfields = nil -- not used yet directives.register("fonts.otf.loader.method", function(v) if v == "sparse" and fontloaderfields then loadmethod = "sparse" elseif v == "mixed" then loadmethod = "mixed" elseif v == "table" then loadmethod = "table" else loadmethod = "table" report_otf("no loader method '%s', using '%s' instead",v,loadmethod) end end) directives.register("fonts.otf.loader.cleanup",function(v) cleanup = tonumber(v) or (v and 1) or 0 end) directives.register("fonts.otf.loader.force", function(v) forceload = v end) directives.register("fonts.otf.loader.usemetatables", function(v) usemetatables = v end) directives.register("fonts.otf.loader.pack", function(v) packdata = v end) directives.register("fonts.otf.loader.syncspace", function(v) syncspace = v end) directives.register("fonts.otf.loader.forcenotdef", function(v) forcenotdef = v end) local function load_featurefile(raw,featurefile) if featurefile and featurefile ~= "" then if trace_loading then report_otf("featurefile: %s", featurefile) end fontloader.apply_featurefile(raw, featurefile) end end local function showfeatureorder(otfdata,filename) local sequences = otfdata.luatex.sequences if sequences and #sequences > 0 then if trace_loading then report_otf("font %s has %s sequences",filename,#sequences) report_otf(" ") end for nos=1,#sequences do local sequence = sequences[nos] local typ = sequence.type or "no-type" local name = sequence.name or "no-name" local subtables = sequence.subtables or { "no-subtables" } local features = sequence.features if trace_loading then report_otf("%3i %-15s %-20s [%s]",nos,name,typ,concat(subtables,",")) end if features then for feature, scripts in next, features do local tt = { } for script, languages in next, scripts do local ttt = { } for language, _ in next, languages do ttt[#ttt+1] = language end tt[#tt+1] = format("[%s: %s]",script,concat(ttt," ")) end if trace_loading then report_otf(" %s: %s",feature,concat(tt," ")) end end end end if trace_loading then report_otf("\n") end elseif trace_loading then report_otf("font %s has no sequences",filename) end end --[[ldx--

We start with a lot of tables and related functions.

--ldx]]-- local global_fields = table.tohash { "metadata", "lookups", "glyphs", "subfonts", "luatex", "pfminfo", "cidinfo", "tables", "names", "unicodes", "names", -- "math", "anchor_classes", "kern_classes", "gpos", "gsub" } local valid_fields = table.tohash { -- "anchor_classes", "ascent", -- "cache_version", "cidinfo", "copyright", -- "creationtime", "descent", "design_range_bottom", "design_range_top", "design_size", "encodingchanged", "extrema_bound", "familyname", "fontname", "fontstyle_id", "fontstyle_name", "fullname", -- "glyphs", "hasvmetrics", "head_optimized_for_cleartype", "horiz_base", "issans", "isserif", "italicangle", -- "kerns", -- "lookups", -- "luatex", "macstyle", -- "modificationtime", "onlybitmaps", "origname", "os2_version", -- "pfminfo", -- "private", "serifcheck", "sfd_version", -- "size", "strokedfont", "strokewidth", "subfonts", "table_version", -- "tables", -- "ttf_tab_saved", "ttf_tables", "uni_interp", "uniqueid", "units_per_em", "upos", "use_typo_metrics", "uwidth", -- "validation_state", "verbose", "version", "vert_base", "weight", "weight_width_slope_only", -- "xuid", } local ordered_enhancers = { "prepare tables", "prepare glyphs", "prepare unicodes", "prepare lookups", "analyze glyphs", "analyze math", "prepare tounicode", -- maybe merge with prepare "reorganize lookups", "reorganize mark classes", "reorganize anchor classes", "reorganize glyph kerns", "reorganize glyph lookups", "reorganize glyph anchors", "reorganize features", "reorganize subtables", "check glyphs", "check metadata", "check math parameters", "check extra features", -- after metadata } --[[ldx--

Here we go.

--ldx]]-- local actions = { } enhancers.patches.before = allocate() enhancers.patches.after = allocate() local before = enhancers.patches.before local after = enhancers.patches.after local function enhance(name,data,filename,raw,verbose) local enhancer = actions[name] if enhancer then if verbose then report_otf("enhance: %s (%s)",name,filename) ioflush() end enhancer(data,filename,raw) else report_otf("enhance: %s is undefined",name) end end function enhancers.apply(data,filename,raw,verbose) local basename = file.basename(lower(filename)) report_otf("start enhancing: %s",filename) ioflush() -- we want instant messages for e=1,#ordered_enhancers do local enhancer = ordered_enhancers[e] local b = before[enhancer] if b then for pattern, action in next, b do if find(basename,pattern) then action(data,filename,raw) end end end enhance(enhancer,data,filename,raw,verbose) local a = after[enhancer] if a then for pattern, action in next, a do if find(basename,pattern) then action(data,filename,raw) end end end ioflush() -- we want instant messages end report_otf("stop enhancing") ioflush() -- we want instant messages end -- enhancers.patches.register("before","migrate metadata","cambria",function() end) function enhancers.patches.register(what,where,pattern,action) local ww = what[where] if ww then ww[pattern] = action else ww = { [pattern] = action} end end function enhancers.register(what,action) -- only already registered can be overloaded actions[what] = action end function otf.load(filename,format,sub,featurefile) local name = file.basename(file.removesuffix(filename)) local attr = lfs.attributes(filename) local size, time = attr.size or 0, attr.modification or 0 if featurefile then name = name .. "@" .. file.removesuffix(file.basename(featurefile)) end if sub == "" then sub = false end local hash = name if sub then hash = hash .. "-" .. sub end hash = containers.cleanname(hash) local featurefiles if featurefile then featurefiles = { } for s in gmatch(featurefile,"[^,]+") do local name = resolvers.findfile(file.addsuffix(s,'fea'),'fea') or "" if name == "" then report_otf("loading: no featurefile '%s'",s) else local attr = lfs.attributes(name) featurefiles[#featurefiles+1] = { name = name, size = attr.size or 0, time = attr.modification or 0, } end end if #featurefiles == 0 then featurefiles = nil end end local data = containers.read(otf.cache,hash) local reload = not data or data.verbose ~= fonts.verbose or data.size ~= size or data.time ~= time if forceload then report_otf("loading: forced reload due to hard coded flag") reload = true end if not reload then local featuredata = data.featuredata if featurefiles then if not featuredata or #featuredata ~= #featurefiles then reload = true else for i=1,#featurefiles do local fi, fd = featurefiles[i], featuredata[i] if fi.name ~= fd.name or fi.size ~= fd.size or fi.time ~= fd.time then reload = true break end end end elseif featuredata then reload = true end if reload then report_otf("loading: forced reload due to changed featurefile specification: %s",featurefile or "--") end end if reload then report_otf("loading: %s (hash: %s)",filename,hash) local fontdata, messages, rawdata if sub then fontdata, messages = fontloader.open(filename,sub) else fontdata, messages = fontloader.open(filename) end if fontdata then mainfields = mainfields or (fontloaderfields and fontloaderfields(fontdata)) end if trace_loading and messages and #messages > 0 then if type(messages) == "string" then report_otf("warning: %s",messages) else for m=1,#messages do report_otf("warning: %s",tostring(messages[m])) end end else report_otf("font loaded okay") end if fontdata then if featurefiles then for i=1,#featurefiles do load_featurefile(fontdata,featurefiles[i].name) end end report_otf("loading method: %s",loadmethod) if loadmethod == "sparse" then rawdata = fontdata else rawdata = fontloader.to_table(fontdata) fontloader.close(fontdata) end if rawdata then data = { } starttiming(data) local verboseindeed = verbose ~= nil and verbose or trace_loading report_otf("file size: %s", size) enhancers.apply(data,filename,rawdata,verboseindeed) if packdata and not fonts.verbose then enhance("pack",data,filename,nil,verboseindeed) end data.size = size data.time = time if featurefiles then data.featuredata = featurefiles end data.verbose = fonts.verbose report_otf("saving in cache: %s",filename) data = containers.write(otf.cache, hash, data) if cleanup > 0 then collectgarbage("collect") end stoptiming(data) if elapsedtime then -- not in generic report_otf("preprocessing and caching took %s seconds",elapsedtime(data)) end data = containers.read(otf.cache, hash) -- this frees the old table and load the sparse one if cleanup > 1 then collectgarbage("collect") end else data = nil report_otf("loading failed (table conversion error)") end if loadmethod == "sparse" then fontloader.close(fontdata) if cleanup > 2 then -- collectgarbage("collect") end end else data = nil report_otf("loading failed (file read error)") end end if data then if trace_defining then report_otf("loading from cache: %s",hash) end enhance("unpack",data,filename,nil,false) enhance("add dimensions",data,filename,nil,false) if trace_sequences then showfeatureorder(data,filename) end end return data end local mt = { __index = function(t,k) -- maybe set it if k == "height" then local ht = t.boundingbox[4] return ht < 0 and 0 or ht elseif k == "depth" then local dp = -t.boundingbox[2] return dp < 0 and 0 or dp elseif k == "width" then return 0 elseif k == "name" then -- or maybe uni* return forcenotdef and ".notdef" end end } actions["add dimensions"] = function(data,filename) -- todo: forget about the width if it's the defaultwidth (saves mem) -- we could also build the marks hash here (instead of storing it) if data then local luatex = data.luatex local defaultwidth = luatex.defaultwidth or 0 local defaultheight = luatex.defaultheight or 0 local defaultdepth = luatex.defaultdepth or 0 if usemetatables then for _, d in next, data.glyphs do local wd = d.width if not wd then d.width = defaultwidth elseif wd ~= 0 and d.class == "mark" then d.width = -wd end setmetatable(d,mt) end else for _, d in next, data.glyphs do local bb, wd = d.boundingbox, d.width if not wd then d.width = defaultwidth elseif wd ~= 0 and d.class == "mark" then d.width = -wd end if forcenotdef and not d.name then d.name = ".notdef" end if bb then local ht, dp = bb[4], -bb[2] if ht == 0 or ht < 0 then -- not set else d.height = ht end if dp == 0 or dp < 0 then -- not set else d.depth = dp end end end end end end actions["prepare tables"] = function(data,filename,raw) local luatex = { filename = filename, version = otf.version, creator = "context mkiv", } data.luatex = luatex data.metadata = { } end local function somecopy(old) -- fast one if old then local new = { } if type(old) == "table" then for k, v in next, old do if k == "glyphs" then -- skip elseif type(v) == "table" then new[k] = somecopy(v) else new[k] = v end end else for i=1,#mainfields do local k = mainfields[i] local v = old[k] if k == "glyphs" then -- skip elseif type(v) == "table" then new[k] = somecopy(v) else new[k] = v end end end return new else return { } end end -- not setting italic_correction and class (when nil) during -- table cronstruction can save some mem actions["prepare glyphs"] = function(data,filename,raw) -- we can also move the names to data.luatex.names which might -- save us some more memory (at the cost of harder tracing) local rawglyphs = raw.glyphs local glyphs, udglyphs if loadmethod == "sparse" then glyphs, udglyphs = { }, { } elseif loadmethod == "mixed" then glyphs, udglyphs = { }, rawglyphs else glyphs, udglyphs = rawglyphs, rawglyphs end data.glyphs, data.udglyphs = glyphs, udglyphs local subfonts = raw.subfonts if subfonts then if data.glyphs and next(data.glyphs) then report_otf("replacing existing glyph table due to subfonts") end local cidinfo = raw.cidinfo if cidinfo.registry then local cidmap, cidname = fonts.cid.getmap(cidinfo.registry,cidinfo.ordering,cidinfo.supplement) if cidmap then cidinfo.usedname = cidmap.usedname local uni_to_int, int_to_uni, nofnames, nofunicodes = { }, { }, 0, 0 local unicodes, names = cidmap.unicodes, cidmap.names for cidindex=1,#subfonts do local subfont = subfonts[cidindex] if loadmethod == "sparse" then local rawglyphs = subfont.glyphs for index=0,subfont.glyphmax - 1 do local g = rawglyphs[index] if g then local unicode, name = unicodes[index], names[index] if unicode then uni_to_int[unicode] = index int_to_uni[index] = unicode nofunicodes = nofunicodes + 1 elseif name then nofnames = nofnames + 1 end udglyphs[index] = g glyphs[index] = { width = g.width, italic = g.italic_correction, boundingbox = g.boundingbox, class = g.class, name = g.name or name or "unknown", -- uniXXXX cidindex = cidindex, unicode = unicode, } end end -- If we had more userdata, we would need more of this -- and it would start working against us in terms of -- convenience and speed. subfont = somecopy(subfont) subfont.glyphs = nil subfont[cidindex] = subfont elseif loadmethod == "mixed" then for index, g in next, subfont.glyphs do local unicode, name = unicodes[index], names[index] if unicode then uni_to_int[unicode] = index int_to_uni[index] = unicode nofunicodes = nofunicodes + 1 elseif name then nofnames = nofnames + 1 end udglyphs[index] = g glyphs[index] = { width = g.width, italic = g.italic_correction, boundingbox = g.boundingbox, class = g.class, name = g.name or name or "unknown", -- uniXXXX cidindex = cidindex, unicode = unicode, } end subfont.glyphs = nil else for index, g in next, subfont.glyphs do local unicode, name = unicodes[index], names[index] if unicode then uni_to_int[unicode] = index int_to_uni[index] = unicode nofunicodes = nofunicodes + 1 g.unicode = unicode elseif name then nofnames = nofnames + 1 end g.cidindex = cidindex glyphs[index] = g end subfont.glyphs = nil end end if trace_loading then report_otf("cid font remapped, %s unicode points, %s symbolic names, %s glyphs",nofunicodes, nofnames, nofunicodes+nofnames) end data.map = data.map or { } data.map.map = uni_to_int data.map.backmap = int_to_uni elseif trace_loading then report_otf("unable to remap cid font, missing cid file for %s",filename) end data.subfonts = subfonts elseif trace_loading then report_otf("font %s has no glyphs",filename) end else if loadmethod == "sparse" then -- we get fields from the userdata glyph table and create -- a minimal entry first for index=0,raw.glyphmax - 1 do local g = rawglyphs[index] if g then udglyphs[index] = g glyphs[index] = { width = g.width, italic = g.italic_correction, boundingbox = g.boundingbox, class = g.class, name = g.name, unicode = g.unicode, } end end elseif loadmethod == "mixed" then -- we get fields from the totable glyph table and copy to the -- final glyph table so first we create a minimal entry for index, g in next, rawglyphs do udglyphs[index] = g glyphs[index] = { width = g.width, italic = g.italic_correction, boundingbox = g.boundingbox, class = g.class, name = g.name, unicode = g.unicode, } end else -- we use the totable glyph table directly and manipulate the -- entries in this (also final) table end data.map = raw.map end data.cidinfo = raw.cidinfo -- hack end -- watch copy of cidinfo: we can best make some more copies to data actions["analyze glyphs"] = function(data,filename,raw) -- maybe integrate this in the previous local glyphs = data.glyphs -- collect info local has_italic, widths, marks = false, { }, { } for index, glyph in next, glyphs do local italic = glyph.italic_correction if not italic then -- skip elseif italic == 0 then glyph.italic_correction = nil glyph.italic = nil else glyph.italic_correction = nil glyph.italic = italic has_italic = true end local width = glyph.width widths[width] = (widths[width] or 0) + 1 if glyph.class == "mark" then marks[glyph.unicode] = true end local a = glyph.altuni if a then glyph.altuni = nil end local d = glyph.dependents if d then glyph.dependents = nil end local v = glyph.vwidth if v then glyph.vwidth = nil end end -- flag italic data.metadata.has_italic = has_italic -- flag marks data.luatex.marks = marks -- share most common width for cjk fonts local wd, most = 0, 1 for k,v in next, widths do if v > most then wd, most = k, v end end if most > 1000 then -- maybe 500 if trace_loading then report_otf("most common width: %s (%s times), sharing (cjk font)",wd,most) end for index, glyph in next, glyphs do if glyph.width == wd then glyph.width = nil end end data.luatex.defaultwidth = wd end end actions["reorganize mark classes"] = function(data,filename,raw) local mark_classes = raw.mark_classes if mark_classes then local luatex = data.luatex local unicodes = luatex.unicodes local reverse = { } luatex.markclasses = reverse for name, class in next, mark_classes do local t = { } for s in gmatch(class,"[^ ]+") do local us = unicodes[s] if type(us) == "table" then for u=1,#us do t[us[u]] = true end else t[us] = true end end reverse[name] = t end data.mark_classes = nil -- when using table end end actions["reorganize features"] = function(data,filename,raw) -- combine with other local features = { } data.luatex.features = features for k, what in next, otf.glists do local dw = raw[what] if dw then local f = { } features[what] = f for i=1,#dw do local d= dw[i] local dfeatures = d.features if dfeatures then for i=1,#dfeatures do local df = dfeatures[i] local tag = strip(lower(df.tag)) local ft = f[tag] if not ft then ft = {} f[tag] = ft end local dscripts = df.scripts for i=1,#dscripts do local d = dscripts[i] local languages = d.langs local script = strip(lower(d.script)) local fts = ft[script] if not fts then fts = {} ft[script] = fts end for i=1,#languages do fts[strip(lower(languages[i]))] = true end end end end end end end end actions["reorganize anchor classes"] = function(data,filename,raw) local classes = raw.anchor_classes -- anchor classes not in final table local luatex = data.luatex local anchor_to_lookup, lookup_to_anchor = { }, { } luatex.anchor_to_lookup, luatex.lookup_to_anchor = anchor_to_lookup, lookup_to_anchor if classes then for c=1,#classes do local class = classes[c] local anchor = class.name local lookups = class.lookup if type(lookups) ~= "table" then lookups = { lookups } end local a = anchor_to_lookup[anchor] if not a then a = { } anchor_to_lookup[anchor] = a end for l=1,#lookups do local lookup = lookups[l] local l = lookup_to_anchor[lookup] if not l then l = { } lookup_to_anchor[lookup] = l end l[anchor] = true a[lookup] = true end end end end actions["prepare tounicode"] = function(data,filename,raw) fonts.map.addtounicode(data,filename) end actions["reorganize subtables"] = function(data,filename,raw) local luatex = data.luatex local sequences, lookups = { }, { } luatex.sequences, luatex.lookups = sequences, lookups for _, what in next, otf.glists do local dw = raw[what] if dw then for k=1,#dw do local gk = dw[k] local typ = gk.type local chain = (typ == "gsub_contextchain" or typ == "gpos_contextchain") and 1 or (typ == "gsub_reversecontextchain" or typ == "gpos_reversecontextchain") and -1 or 0 -- local subtables = gk.subtables if subtables then local t = { } for s=1,#subtables do local subtable = subtables[s] local name = subtable.name t[#t+1] = name end subtables = t end local flags, markclass = gk.flags, nil if flags then local t = { -- forcing false packs nicer (flags.ignorecombiningmarks and "mark") or false, (flags.ignoreligatures and "ligature") or false, (flags.ignorebaseglyphs and "base") or false, flags.r2l or false, } markclass = flags.mark_class if markclass then markclass = luatex.markclasses[markclass] end flags = t end -- local name = gk.name -- local features = gk.features if features then -- scripts, tag, ismac local f = { } for i=1,#features do local df = features[i] local tag = strip(lower(df.tag)) local ft = f[tag] if not ft then ft = {} f[tag] = ft end local dscripts = df.scripts for i=1,#dscripts do local d = dscripts[i] local languages = d.langs local script = strip(lower(d.script)) local fts = ft[script] if not fts then fts = {} ft[script] = fts end for i=1,#languages do fts[strip(lower(languages[i]))] = true end end end sequences[#sequences+1] = { type = typ, chain = chain, flags = flags, name = name, subtables = subtables, markclass = markclass, features = f, } else lookups[name] = { type = typ, chain = chain, flags = flags, subtables = subtables, markclass = markclass, } end end end end end actions["prepare unicodes"] = function(data,filename,raw) local luatex = data.luatex local indices, unicodes, multiples, internals = { }, { }, { }, { } local mapmap = data.map or raw.map if not mapmap then report_otf("no map in %s",filename) mapmap = { } data.map = { map = mapmap } elseif not mapmap.map then report_otf("no unicode map in %s",filename) mapmap = { } data.map.map = mapmap else mapmap = mapmap.map end local criterium = fonts.privateoffset local private = criterium local glyphs = data.glyphs for index, glyph in next, glyphs do if index > 0 then local name = glyph.name -- really needed ? if name then local unicode = glyph.unicode if not unicode or unicode == -1 or unicode >= criterium then glyph.unicode = private indices[private] = index unicodes[name] = private internals[index] = true if trace_private then report_otf("enhance: glyph %s at index U+%04X is moved to private unicode slot U+%04X",name,index,private) end private = private + 1 else indices[unicode] = index unicodes[name] = unicode end else -- message that something is wrong end end end -- beware: the indices table is used to initialize the tfm table for unicode, index in next, mapmap do if not internals[index] then local name = glyphs[index].name if name then local un = unicodes[name] if not un then unicodes[name] = unicode -- or 0 elseif type(un) == "number" then -- tonumber(un) if un ~= unicode then multiples[#multiples+1] = name unicodes[name] = { un, unicode } indices[unicode] = index end else local ok = false for u=1,#un do if un[u] == unicode then ok = true break end end if not ok then multiples[#multiples+1] = name un[#un+1] = unicode indices[unicode] = index end end end end end if trace_loading then if #multiples > 0 then report_otf("%s glyphs are reused: %s",#multiples, concat(multiples," ")) else report_otf("no glyphs are reused") end end luatex.indices = indices luatex.unicodes = unicodes luatex.private = private end actions["prepare lookups"] = function(data,filename,raw) local lookups = raw.lookups if lookups then data.lookups = lookups end end actions["reorganize lookups"] = function(data,filename,raw) -- we prefer the before lookups in a normal order if data.lookups then for _, v in next, data.lookups do if v.rules then for _, vv in next, v.rules do local c = vv.coverage if c and c.before then c.before = reverse(c.before) end end end end end end actions["analyze math"] = function(data,filename,raw) if raw.math then -- we move the math stuff into a math subtable because we then can -- test faster in the tfm copy local glyphs, udglyphs = data.glyphs, data.udglyphs local unicodes = data.luatex.unicodes for index, udglyph in next, udglyphs do local mk = udglyph.mathkern local hv = udglyph.horiz_variants local vv = udglyph.vert_variants if mk or hv or vv then local glyph = glyphs[index] local math = { } glyph.math = math if mk then for k, v in next, mk do if not next(v) then mk[k] = nil end end math.kerns = mk end if hv then math.horiz_variants = hv.variants local p = hv.parts if p and #p > 0 then for i=1,#p do local pi = p[i] pi.glyph = unicodes[pi.component] or 0 end math.horiz_parts = p end local ic = hv.italic_correction if ic and ic ~= 0 then math.horiz_italic_correction = ic end end if vv then local uc = unicodes[index] math.vert_variants = vv.variants local p = vv.parts if p and #p > 0 then for i=1,#p do local pi = p[i] pi.glyph = unicodes[pi.component] or 0 end math.vert_parts = p end local ic = vv.italic_correction if ic and ic ~= 0 then math.vert_italic_correction = ic end end local ic = glyph.italic_correction if ic then if ic ~= 0 then math.italic_correction = ic end end end end end end actions["reorganize glyph kerns"] = function(data,filename,raw) local luatex = data.luatex local udglyphs, glyphs, mapmap, unicodes = data.udglyphs, data.glyphs, luatex.indices, luatex.unicodes local mkdone = false local function do_it(lookup,first_unicode,extrakerns) -- can be moved inline but seldom used local glyph = glyphs[mapmap[first_unicode]] if glyph then local kerns = glyph.kerns if not kerns then kerns = { } -- unicode indexed ! glyph.kerns = kerns end local lookupkerns = kerns[lookup] if not lookupkerns then lookupkerns = { } kerns[lookup] = lookupkerns end for second_unicode, kern in next, extrakerns do lookupkerns[second_unicode] = kern end elseif trace_loading then report_otf("no glyph data for U+%04X", first_unicode) end end for index, udglyph in next, data.udglyphs do local kerns = udglyph.kerns if kerns then local glyph = glyphs[index] local newkerns = { } for k,v in next, kerns do local vc, vo, vl = v.char, v.off, v.lookup if vc and vo and vl then -- brrr, wrong! we miss the non unicode ones local uvc = unicodes[vc] if not uvc then if trace_loading then report_otf("problems with unicode %s of kern %s at glyph %s",vc,k,index) end else if type(vl) ~= "table" then vl = { vl } end for l=1,#vl do local vll = vl[l] local mkl = newkerns[vll] if not mkl then mkl = { } newkerns[vll] = mkl end if type(uvc) == "table" then for u=1,#uvc do mkl[uvc[u]] = vo end else mkl[uvc] = vo end end end end end glyph.kerns = newkerns -- udglyph.kerns = nil when in mixed mode mkdone = true end end if trace_loading and mkdone then report_otf("replacing 'kerns' tables by a new 'kerns' tables") end local dgpos = raw.gpos if dgpos then local separator = lpeg.P(" ") local other = ((1 - separator)^0) / unicodes local splitter = lpeg.Ct(other * (separator * other)^0) for gp=1,#dgpos do local gpos = dgpos[gp] local subtables = gpos.subtables if subtables then for s=1,#subtables do local subtable = subtables[s] local kernclass = subtable.kernclass -- name is inconsistent with anchor_classes if kernclass then -- the next one is quite slow local split = { } -- saves time for k=1,#kernclass do local kcl = kernclass[k] local firsts, seconds, offsets, lookups = kcl.firsts, kcl.seconds, kcl.offsets, kcl.lookup -- singular if type(lookups) ~= "table" then lookups = { lookups } end local maxfirsts, maxseconds = getn(firsts), getn(seconds) -- here we could convert split into a list of unicodes which is a bit -- faster but as this is only done when caching it does not save us much for _, s in next, firsts do split[s] = split[s] or lpegmatch(splitter,s) end for _, s in next, seconds do split[s] = split[s] or lpegmatch(splitter,s) end for l=1,#lookups do local lookup = lookups[l] for fk=1,#firsts do local fv = firsts[fk] local splt = split[fv] if splt then local kerns, baseoffset = { }, (fk-1) * maxseconds for sk=2,maxseconds do local sv = seconds[sk] local splt = split[sv] if splt then local offset = offsets[baseoffset + sk] if offset then for i=1,#splt do local second_unicode = splt[i] if tonumber(second_unicode) then kerns[second_unicode] = offset else for s=1,#second_unicode do kerns[second_unicode[s]] = offset end end end end end end for i=1,#splt do local first_unicode = splt[i] if tonumber(first_unicode) then do_it(lookup,first_unicode,kerns) else for f=1,#first_unicode do do_it(lookup,first_unicode[f],kerns) end end end end end end end subtable.comment = "The kernclass table is merged into kerns in the indexed glyph tables." subtable.kernclass = { } end end end end end end actions["check glyphs"] = function(data,filename,raw) local verbose = fonts.verbose local int_to_uni = data.luatex.unicodes for k, v in next, data.glyphs do if verbose then local code = int_to_uni[k] -- looks like this is done twice ... bug? if code then local vu = v.unicode if not vu then v.unicode = code elseif type(vu) == "table" then if vu[#vu] == code then -- weird else vu[#vu+1] = code end elseif vu ~= code then v.unicode = { vu, code } end end else v.unicode = nil v.index = nil end end data.luatex.comment = "Glyph tables have their original index. When present, kern tables are indexed by unicode." end actions["check metadata"] = function(data,filename,raw) local metadata = data.metadata metadata.method = loadmethod if loadmethod == "sparse" then for _, k in next, mainfields do if valid_fields[k] then local v = raw[k] if global_fields[k] then if not data[k] then data[k] = v end else if not metadata[k] then metadata[k] = v end end end end else for k, v in next, raw do if valid_fields[k] then if global_fields[k] then if not data[k] then data[v] = v end else if not metadata[k] then metadata[k] = v end end end end end local pfminfo = raw.pfminfo if pfminfo then data.pfminfo = pfminfo metadata.isfixedpitch = metadata.isfixedpitch or (pfminfo.panose and pfminfo.panose.proportion == "Monospaced") metadata.charwidth = pfminfo and pfminfo.avgwidth end local ttftables = metadata.ttf_tables if ttftables then for i=1,#ttftables do ttftables[i].data = "deleted" end end metadata.xuid = nil data.udglyphs = nil data.map = nil end local private_math_parameters = { "FractionDelimiterSize", "FractionDelimiterDisplayStyleSize", } actions["check math parameters"] = function(data,filename,raw) local mathdata = data.metadata.math if mathdata then for m=1,#private_math_parameters do local pmp = private_math_parameters[m] if not mathdata[pmp] then if trace_loading then report_otf("setting math parameter '%s' to 0", pmp) end mathdata[pmp] = 0 end end end end -- kern: ttf has a table with kerns -- -- Weird, as maxfirst and maxseconds can have holes, first seems to be indexed, but -- seconds can start at 2 .. this need to be fixed as getn as well as # are sort of -- unpredictable alternatively we could force an [1] if not set (maybe I will do that -- anyway). actions["reorganize glyph lookups"] = function(data,filename,raw) local glyphs = data.glyphs for index, udglyph in next, data.udglyphs do local lookups = udglyph.lookups if lookups then local glyph = glyphs[index] local l = { } for kk, vv in next, lookups do local aa = { } l[kk] = aa for kkk=1,#vv do local vvv = vv[kkk] local s = vvv.specification local t = vvv.type -- #aa+1 if t == "ligature" then aa[kkk] = { "ligature", s.components, s.char } elseif t == "alternate" then aa[kkk] = { "alternate", s.components } elseif t == "substitution" then aa[kkk] = { "substitution", s.variant } elseif t == "multiple" then aa[kkk] = { "multiple", s.components } elseif t == "position" then aa[kkk] = { "position", { s.x or 0, s.y or 0, s.h or 0, s.v or 0 } } elseif t == "pair" then -- maybe flatten this one local one, two, paired = s.offsets[1], s.offsets[2], s.paired or "" if one then if two then aa[kkk] = { "pair", paired, { one.x or 0, one.y or 0, one.h or 0, one.v or 0 }, { two.x or 0, two.y or 0, two.h or 0, two.v or 0 } } else aa[kkk] = { "pair", paired, { one.x or 0, one.y or 0, one.h or 0, one.v or 0 } } end else if two then aa[kkk] = { "pair", paired, { }, { two.x or 0, two.y or 0, two.h or 0, two.v or 0} } -- maybe nil instead of { } else aa[kkk] = { "pair", paired } end end end end end -- we could combine this local slookups, mlookups for kk, vv in next, l do if #vv == 1 then if not slookups then slookups = { } glyph.slookups = slookups end slookups[kk] = vv[1] else if not mlookups then mlookups = { } glyph.mlookups = mlookups end mlookups[kk] = vv end end glyph.lookups = nil -- when using table end end end actions["reorganize glyph anchors"] = function(data,filename,raw) local glyphs = data.glyphs for index, udglyph in next, data.udglyphs do local anchors = udglyph.anchors if anchors then local glyph = glyphs[index] local a = { } glyph.anchors = a for kk, vv in next, anchors do local aa = { } a[kk] = aa for kkk, vvv in next, vv do if vvv.x or vvv.y then aa[kkk] = { vvv.x , vvv.y } else local aaa = { } aa[kkk] = aaa for kkkk=1,#vvv do local vvvv = vvv[kkkk] aaa[kkkk] = { vvvv.x, vvvv.y } end end end end end end end --~ actions["check extra features"] = function(data,filename,raw) --~ -- later, ctx only --~ end -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- function otf.features.register(name,default) otf.features.list[#otf.features.list+1] = name otf.features.default[name] = default end -- for context this will become a task handler local lists = { -- why local fonts.triggers, fonts.processors, fonts.manipulators, } function otf.setfeatures(tfmdata,features) local processes = { } if features and next(features) then local mode = tfmdata.mode or features.mode or "base" local initializers = fonts.initializers local fi = initializers[mode] if fi then local fiotf = fi.otf if fiotf then local done = { } for l=1,#lists do local list = lists[l] if list then for i=1,#list do local f = list[i] local value = features[f] if value and fiotf[f] then -- brr if not done[f] then -- so, we can move some to triggers if trace_features then report_otf("initializing feature %s to %s for mode %s for font %s",f,tostring(value),mode or 'unknown', tfmdata.fullname or 'unknown') end fiotf[f](tfmdata,value) -- can set mode (no need to pass otf) mode = tfmdata.mode or features.mode or "base" local im = initializers[mode] if im then fiotf = initializers[mode].otf end done[f] = true end end end end end end end tfmdata.mode = mode local fm = fonts.methods[mode] -- todo: zonder node/mode otf/... if fm then local fmotf = fm.otf if fmotf then for l=1,#lists do local list = lists[l] if list then for i=1,#list do local f = list[i] if fmotf[f] then -- brr if trace_features then report_otf("installing feature handler %s for mode %s for font %s",f,mode or 'unknown', tfmdata.fullname or 'unknown') end processes[#processes+1] = fmotf[f] end end end end end else -- message end end return processes, features end -- the first version made a top/mid/not extensible table, now we just pass on the variants data -- and deal with it in the tfm scaler (there is no longer an extensible table anyway) -- we cannot share descriptions as virtual fonts might extend them (ok, we could -- use a cache with a hash fonts.formats.dfont = "truetype" fonts.formats.ttc = "truetype" fonts.formats.ttf = "truetype" fonts.formats.otf = "opentype" local function copytotfm(data,cache_id) -- we can save a copy when we reorder the tma to unicode (nasty due to one->many) if data then local glyphs, pfminfo, metadata = data.glyphs or { }, data.pfminfo or { }, data.metadata or { } local luatex = data.luatex local unicodes = luatex.unicodes -- names to unicodes local indices = luatex.indices local mode = data.mode or "base" local characters, parameters, math_parameters, descriptions = { }, { }, { }, { } local designsize = metadata.designsize or metadata.design_size or 100 if designsize == 0 then designsize = 100 end local spaceunits, spacer = 500, "space" -- indices maps from unicodes to indices for u, i in next, indices do characters[u] = { } -- we need this because for instance we add protruding info and loop over characters descriptions[u] = glyphs[i] end -- math if metadata.math then -- parameters for name, value in next, metadata.math do math_parameters[name] = value end -- we could use a subset for u, char in next, characters do local d = descriptions[u] local m = d.math -- we have them shared because that packs nicer -- we could prepare the variants and keep 'm in descriptions if m then local variants, parts, c = m.horiz_variants, m.horiz_parts, char if variants then for n in gmatch(variants,"[^ ]+") do local un = unicodes[n] if un and u ~= un then c.next = un c = characters[un] end end c.horiz_variants = parts elseif parts then c.horiz_variants = parts end local variants, parts, c = m.vert_variants, m.vert_parts, char if variants then for n in gmatch(variants,"[^ ]+") do local un = unicodes[n] if un and u ~= un then c.next = un c = characters[un] end end -- c is now last in chain c.vert_variants = parts elseif parts then c.vert_variants = parts end local italic_correction = m.vert_italic_correction if italic_correction then c.vert_italic_correction = italic_correction end local kerns = m.kerns if kerns then char.mathkerns = kerns end end end end -- end math local endash, emdash, space = 0x20, 0x2014, "space" -- unicodes['space'], unicodes['emdash'] if metadata.isfixedpitch then if descriptions[endash] then spaceunits, spacer = descriptions[endash].width, "space" end if not spaceunits and descriptions[emdash] then spaceunits, spacer = descriptions[emdash].width, "emdash" end if not spaceunits and metadata.charwidth then spaceunits, spacer = metadata.charwidth, "charwidth" end else if descriptions[endash] then spaceunits, spacer = descriptions[endash].width, "space" end if not spaceunits and descriptions[emdash] then spaceunits, spacer = descriptions[emdash].width/2, "emdash/2" end if not spaceunits and metadata.charwidth then spaceunits, spacer = metadata.charwidth, "charwidth" end end spaceunits = tonumber(spaceunits) or tfm.units/2 -- 500 -- brrr -- we need a runtime lookup because of running from cdrom or zip, brrr (shouldn't we use the basename then?) local filename = fonts.tfm.checkedfilename(luatex) local fontname = metadata.fontname local fullname = metadata.fullname or fontname local cidinfo = data.cidinfo -- or { } local units = metadata.units_per_em or 1000 -- cidinfo.registry = cidinfo and cidinfo.registry or "" -- weird here, fix upstream -- parameters.slant = 0 parameters.space = spaceunits -- 3.333 (cmr10) parameters.space_stretch = units/2 -- 500 -- 1.666 (cmr10) parameters.space_shrink = 1*units/3 -- 333 -- 1.111 (cmr10) parameters.x_height = 2*units/5 -- 400 parameters.quad = units -- 1000 if spaceunits < 2*units/5 then -- todo: warning end local italicangle = metadata.italicangle if italicangle then -- maybe also in afm _ parameters.slant = parameters.slant - math.round(math.tan(italicangle*math.pi/180)) end if metadata.isfixedpitch then parameters.space_stretch = 0 parameters.space_shrink = 0 elseif syncspace then -- parameters.space_stretch = spaceunits/2 parameters.space_shrink = spaceunits/3 end parameters.extra_space = parameters.space_shrink -- 1.111 (cmr10) if pfminfo.os2_xheight and pfminfo.os2_xheight > 0 then parameters.x_height = pfminfo.os2_xheight else local x = 0x78 -- unicodes['x'] if x then local x = descriptions[x] if x then parameters.x_height = x.height end end end -- return { characters = characters, parameters = parameters, math_parameters = math_parameters, descriptions = descriptions, indices = indices, unicodes = unicodes, type = "real", direction = 0, boundarychar_label = 0, boundarychar = 65536, designsize = (designsize/10)*65536, spacer = "500 units", encodingbytes = 2, mode = mode, filename = filename, fontname = fontname, fullname = fullname, psname = fontname or fullname, name = filename or fullname, units = units, format = fonts.fontformat(filename,"opentype"), cidinfo = cidinfo, ascender = abs(metadata.ascent or 0), descender = abs(metadata.descent or 0), spacer = spacer, italicangle = italicangle, } else return nil end end local function otftotfm(specification) local name = specification.name local sub = specification.sub local filename = specification.filename local format = specification.format local features = specification.features.normal local cache_id = specification.hash local tfmdata = containers.read(tfm.cache,cache_id) --~ print(cache_id) if not tfmdata then local otfdata = otf.load(filename,format,sub,features and features.featurefile) if otfdata and next(otfdata) then otfdata.shared = otfdata.shared or { featuredata = { }, anchorhash = { }, initialized = false, } tfmdata = copytotfm(otfdata,cache_id) if tfmdata and next(tfmdata) then tfmdata.unique = tfmdata.unique or { } tfmdata.shared = tfmdata.shared or { } -- combine local shared = tfmdata.shared shared.otfdata = otfdata shared.features = features -- default shared.dynamics = { } shared.processes = { } shared.setdynamics = otf.setdynamics -- fast access and makes other modules independent -- this will be done later anyway, but it's convenient to have -- them already for fast access tfmdata.luatex = otfdata.luatex tfmdata.indices = otfdata.luatex.indices tfmdata.unicodes = otfdata.luatex.unicodes tfmdata.marks = otfdata.luatex.marks tfmdata.originals = otfdata.luatex.originals tfmdata.changed = { } tfmdata.has_italic = otfdata.metadata.has_italic if not tfmdata.language then tfmdata.language = 'dflt' end if not tfmdata.script then tfmdata.script = 'dflt' end shared.processes, shared.features = otf.setfeatures(tfmdata,definers.check(features,otf.features.default)) end end containers.write(tfm.cache,cache_id,tfmdata) end return tfmdata end otf.features.register('mathsize') function tfm.read_from_otf(specification) -- wrong namespace local tfmtable = otftotfm(specification) if tfmtable then local otfdata = tfmtable.shared.otfdata tfmtable.name = specification.name tfmtable.sub = specification.sub local s = specification.size local m = otfdata.metadata.math if m then -- this will move to a function local f = specification.features if f then local f = f.normal if f and f.mathsize then local mathsize = specification.mathsize or 0 if mathsize == 2 then local p = m.ScriptPercentScaleDown if p then local ps = p * specification.textsize / 100 if trace_math then report_otf("asked script size: %s, used: %s (%2.2f %%)",s,ps,(ps/s)*100) end s = ps end elseif mathsize == 3 then local p = m.ScriptScriptPercentScaleDown if p then local ps = p * specification.textsize / 100 if trace_math then report_otf("asked scriptscript size: %s, used: %s (%2.2f %%)",s,ps,(ps/s)*100) end s = ps end end end end end tfmtable = tfm.scale(tfmtable,s,specification.relativeid) if tfm.fontnamemode == "specification" then -- not to be used in context ! local specname = specification.specification if specname then tfmtable.name = specname if trace_defining then report_otf("overloaded fontname: '%s'",specname) end end end fonts.logger.save(tfmtable,file.extname(specification.filename),specification) end --~ print(tfmtable.fullname) return tfmtable end -- helpers function otf.collectlookups(otfdata,kind,script,language) -- maybe store this in the font local sequences = otfdata.luatex.sequences if sequences then local featuremap, featurelist = { }, { } for s=1,#sequences do local sequence = sequences[s] local features = sequence.features features = features and features[kind] features = features and (features[script] or features[default] or features[wildcard]) features = features and (features[language] or features[default] or features[wildcard]) if features then local subtables = sequence.subtables if subtables then for s=1,#subtables do local ss = subtables[s] if not featuremap[s] then featuremap[ss] = true featurelist[#featurelist+1] = ss end end end end end if #featurelist > 0 then return featuremap, featurelist end end return nil, nil end