if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-otc'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to font-otf.lua (context)", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } local format, insert = string.format, table.insert local type, next = type, next local lpegmatch = lpeg.match -- we assume that the other otf stuff is loaded already local trace_loading = false trackers.register("otf.loading", function(v) trace_loading = v end) local report_otf = logs.reporter("fonts","otf loading") local fonts = fonts local otf = fonts.handlers.otf local registerotffeature = otf.features.register local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex -- In the userdata interface we can not longer tweak the loaded font as -- conveniently as before. For instance, instead of pushing extra data in -- in the table using the original structure, we now have to operate on -- the mkiv representation. And as the fontloader interface is modelled -- after fontforge we cannot change that one too much either. local types = { substitution = "gsub_single", ligature = "gsub_ligature", alternate = "gsub_alternate", } setmetatableindex(types, function(t,k) t[k] = k return k end) -- "key" local everywhere = { ["*"] = { ["*"] = true } } -- or: { ["*"] = { "*" } } local noflags = { } local function addfeature(data,feature,specifications) local descriptions = data.descriptions local resources = data.resources local lookups = resources.lookups local gsubfeatures = resources.features.gsub if gsubfeatures and gsubfeatures[feature] then -- already present else local sequences = resources.sequences local fontfeatures = resources.features local unicodes = resources.unicodes local lookuptypes = resources.lookuptypes local splitter = lpeg.splitter(" ",unicodes) local done = 0 local skip = 0 if not specifications[1] then -- so we accept a one entry specification specifications = { specifications } end -- subtables are tables themselves but we also accept flattened singular subtables for s=1,#specifications do local specification = specifications[s] local valid = specification.valid if not valid or valid(data,specification,feature) then local initialize = specification.initialize if initialize then -- when false is returned we initialize only once specification.initialize = initialize(specification) and initialize or nil end local askedfeatures = specification.features or everywhere local subtables = specification.subtables or { specification.data } or { } local featuretype = types[specification.type or "substitution"] local featureflags = specification.flags or noflags local added = false local featurename = format("ctx_%s_%s",feature,s) local st = { } for t=1,#subtables do local list = subtables[t] local full = format("%s_%s",featurename,t) st[t] = full if featuretype == "gsub_ligature" then lookuptypes[full] = "ligature" for code, ligature in next, list do local unicode = tonumber(code) or unicodes[code] local description = descriptions[unicode] if description then local slookups = description.slookups if type(ligature) == "string" then ligature = { lpegmatch(splitter,ligature) } end local present = true for i=1,#ligature do if not descriptions[ligature[i]] then present = false break end end if present then if slookups then slookups[full] = ligature else description.slookups = { [full] = ligature } end done, added = done + 1, true else skip = skip + 1 end end end elseif featuretype == "gsub_single" then lookuptypes[full] = "substitution" for code, replacement in next, list do local unicode = tonumber(code) or unicodes[code] local description = descriptions[unicode] if description then local slookups = description.slookups replacement = tonumber(replacement) or unicodes[replacement] if descriptions[replacement] then if slookups then slookups[full] = replacement else description.slookups = { [full] = replacement } end done, added = done + 1, true end end end end end if added then -- script = { lang1, lang2, lang3 } or script = { lang1 = true, ... } for k, v in next, askedfeatures do if v[1] then askedfeatures[k] = table.tohash(v) end end sequences[#sequences+1] = { chain = 0, features = { [feature] = askedfeatures }, flags = featureflags, name = featurename, subtables = st, type = featuretype, } -- register in metadata (merge as there can be a few) if not gsubfeatures then gsubfeatures = { } fontfeatures.gsub = gsubfeatures end local k = gsubfeatures[feature] if not k then k = { } gsubfeatures[feature] = k end for script, languages in next, askedfeatures do local kk = k[script] if not kk then kk = { } k[script] = kk end for language, value in next, languages do kk[language] = value end end end end end if trace_loading then report_otf("enhance: registering feature '%s', %s glyphs affected, %s glyphs skipped",feature,done,skip) end end end otf.enhancers.addfeature = addfeature local extrafeatures = { } function otf.addfeature(name,specification) extrafeatures[name] = specification end local function enhance(data,filename,raw) for feature, specification in next, extrafeatures do addfeature(data,feature,specification) end end otf.enhancers.register("check extra features",enhance) -- tlig -- local tlig = { endash = "hyphen hyphen", emdash = "hyphen hyphen hyphen", -- quotedblleft = "quoteleft quoteleft", -- quotedblright = "quoteright quoteright", -- quotedblleft = "grave grave", -- quotedblright = "quotesingle quotesingle", -- quotedblbase = "comma comma", } local tlig_specification = { type = "ligature", features = everywhere, data = tlig, flags = noflags, } otf.addfeature("tlig",tlig_specification) registerotffeature { name = 'tlig', description = 'tex ligatures', } -- trep local trep = { -- [0x0022] = 0x201D, [0x0027] = 0x2019, -- [0x0060] = 0x2018, } local trep_specification = { type = "substitution", features = everywhere, data = trep, flags = noflags, } otf.addfeature("trep",trep_specification) registerotffeature { name = 'trep', description = 'tex replacements', } -- tcom if characters.combined then local tcom = { } local function initialize() characters.initialize() for first, seconds in next, characters.combined do for second, combination in next, seconds do tcom[combination] = { first, second } end end -- return false end local tcom_specification = { type = "ligature", features = everywhere, data = tcom, flags = noflags, initialize = initialize, } otf.addfeature("tcom",tcom_specification) registerotffeature { name = 'tcom', description = 'tex combinations', } end -- anum local anum_arabic = { [0x0030] = 0x0660, [0x0031] = 0x0661, [0x0032] = 0x0662, [0x0033] = 0x0663, [0x0034] = 0x0664, [0x0035] = 0x0665, [0x0036] = 0x0666, [0x0037] = 0x0667, [0x0038] = 0x0668, [0x0039] = 0x0669, } local anum_persian = { [0x0030] = 0x06F0, [0x0031] = 0x06F1, [0x0032] = 0x06F2, [0x0033] = 0x06F3, [0x0034] = 0x06F4, [0x0035] = 0x06F5, [0x0036] = 0x06F6, [0x0037] = 0x06F7, [0x0038] = 0x06F8, [0x0039] = 0x06F9, } local function valid(data) local features = data.resources.features if features then for k, v in next, features do for k, v in next, v do if v.arab then return true end end end end end local anum_specification = { { type = "substitution", features = { arab = { URD = true, dflt = true } }, data = anum_arabic, flags = noflags, -- { }, valid = valid, }, { type = "substitution", features = { arab = { URD = true } }, data = anum_persian, flags = noflags, -- { }, valid = valid, }, } otf.addfeature("anum",anum_specification) -- todo: only when there is already an arab script feature registerotffeature { name = 'anum', description = 'arabic digits', }