if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-gds'] = { version = 1.000, comment = "companion to font-gds.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } local type, next = type, next local gmatch = string.gmatch local trace_goodies = false trackers.register("fonts.goodies", function(v) trace_goodies = v end) local report_fonts = logs.new("fonts") -- goodies=name,colorscheme=,featureset= -- -- goodies=auto local fonts, nodes, attributes = fonts, nodes, attributes local node = node fonts.goodies = fonts.goodies or { } local fontgoodies = fonts.goodies fontgoodies.data = fontgoodies.data or { } local data = fontgoodies.data fontgoodies.list = fontgoodies.list or { } local list = fontgoodies.list function fontgoodies.report(what,trace,goodies) if trace_goodies or trace then local whatever = goodies[what] if whatever then report_fonts("goodie '%s' found in '%s'",what,goodies.name) end end end local function getgoodies(filename) -- maybe a merge is better local goodies = data[filename] -- we assume no suffix is given if goodies ~= nil then -- found or tagged unfound elseif type(filename) == "string" then local fullname = resolvers.find_file(file.addsuffix(filename,"lfg")) or "" -- prefered suffix if fullname == "" then fullname = resolvers.find_file(file.addsuffix(filename,"lua")) or "" -- fallback suffix end if fullname == "" then report_fonts("goodie file '%s.lfg' is not found",filename) data[filename] = false -- signal for not found else goodies = dofile(fullname) or false if not goodies then report_fonts("goodie file '%s' is invalid",fullname) return nil elseif trace_goodies then report_fonts("goodie file '%s' is loaded",fullname) end goodies.name = goodies.name or "no name" for name, fnc in next, list do fnc(goodies) end goodies.initialized = true data[filename] = goodies end end return goodies end function fontgoodies.register(name,fnc) list[name] = fnc end fontgoodies.get = getgoodies -- register goodies file local preset_context = fonts.define.specify.preset_context local function set_goodies(tfmdata,value) local goodies = tfmdata.goodies or { } -- future versions might store goodies in the cached instance for filename in gmatch(value,"[^, ]+") do -- we need to check for duplicates local ok = getgoodies(filename) if ok then goodies[#goodies+1] = ok end end tfmdata.goodies = goodies -- shared ? end -- this will be split into good-* files and this file might become good-ini.lua -- featuresets local function flattened_features(t,tt) -- first set value dominates local tt = tt or { } for i=1,#t do local ti = t[i] if type(ti) == "table" then flattened_features(ti,tt) elseif tt[ti] == nil then tt[ti] = true end end for k, v in next, t do if type(k) ~= "number" then -- not tonumber(k) if type(v) == "table" then flattened_features(v,tt) elseif tt[k] == nil then tt[k] = v end end end return tt end fonts.flattened_features = flattened_features function fontgoodies.prepare_features(goodies,name,set) if set then local ff = flattened_features(set) local fullname = goodies.name .. "::" .. name local n, s = preset_context(fullname,"",ff) goodies.featuresets[name] = s -- set if trace_goodies then report_fonts("feature set '%s' gets number %s and name '%s'",name,n,fullname) end return n end end local function initialize(goodies,tfmdata) local featuresets = goodies.featuresets local goodiesname = goodies.name if featuresets then if trace_goodies then report_fonts("checking featuresets in '%s'",goodies.name) end for name, set in next, featuresets do fontgoodies.prepare_features(goodies,name,set) end end end fontgoodies.register("featureset",initialize) local function set_featureset(tfmdata,set) local goodies = tfmdata.goodies -- shared ? if goodies then local features = tfmdata.shared.features local what for i=1,#goodies do -- last one counts local g = goodies[i] what = (g.featuresets and g.featuresets[set]) or what end if what then for feature, value in next, what do if features[feature] == nil then features[feature] = value end end tfmdata.mode = features.mode or tfmdata.mode end end end -- colorschemes fontgoodies.colorschemes = fontgoodies.colorschemes or { } local colorschemes = fontgoodies.colorschemes colorschemes.data = colorschemes.data or { } local function set_colorscheme(tfmdata,scheme) if type(scheme) == "string" then local goodies = tfmdata.goodies -- todo : check for already defined in shared if goodies then local what for i=1,#goodies do -- last one counts local g = goodies[i] what = (g.colorschemes and g.colorschemes[scheme]) or what end if what then -- this is font bound but we can share them if needed -- just as we could hash the conversions (per font) local hash, reverse = tfmdata.luatex.unicodes, { } for i=1,#what do local w = what[i] for j=1,#w do local name = w[j] local unicode = hash[name] if unicode then reverse[unicode] = i end end end tfmdata.colorscheme = reverse return end end end tfmdata.colorscheme = false end local fontdata = fonts.ids local fcs = fonts.color.set local has_attribute = node.has_attribute local traverse_id = node.traverse_id local a_colorscheme = attributes.private('colorscheme') local glyph = node.id("glyph") function colorschemes.coloring(head) local lastfont, lastscheme local done = false for n in traverse_id(glyph,head) do local a = has_attribute(n,a_colorscheme) if a then local f = n.font if f ~= lastfont then lastscheme, lastfont = fontdata[f].colorscheme, f end if lastscheme then local sc = lastscheme[n.char] if sc then done = true fcs(n,"colorscheme:"..a..":"..sc) -- slow end end end end return head, done end function colorschemes.enable() nodes.tasks.appendaction("processors","fonts","fonts.goodies.colorschemes.coloring") function colorschemes.enable() end end -- installation (collected to keep the overview) fonts.otf.tables.features['goodies'] = 'Goodies on top of built in features' fonts.otf.tables.features['featurset'] = 'Goodie Feature Set' fonts.otf.tables.features['colorscheme'] = 'Goodie Color Scheme' fonts.otf.features.register('goodies') fonts.otf.features.register('featureset') fonts.otf.features.register('colorscheme') table.insert(fonts.triggers, 1, "goodies") table.insert(fonts.triggers, 2, "featureset") -- insert after table.insert(fonts.triggers, "colorscheme") local base_initializers = fonts.initializers.base.otf local node_initializers = fonts.initializers.node.otf base_initializers.goodies = set_goodies node_initializers.goodies = set_goodies base_initializers.featureset = set_featureset node_initializers.featureset = set_featureset base_initializers.colorscheme = set_colorscheme node_initializers.colorscheme = set_colorscheme -- experiment, we have to load the definitions immediately as they precede -- the definition so they need to be initialized in the typescript local function initialize(goodies) local mathgoodies = goodies.mathematics local virtuals = mathgoodies and mathgoodies.virtuals local mapfiles = mathgoodies and mathgoodies.mapfiles local maplines = mathgoodies and mathgoodies.maplines if virtuals then for name, specification in next, virtuals do mathematics.make_font(name,specification) end end if mapfiles then for i=1,#mapfiles do fonts.map.loadfile(mapfiles[i]) -- todo: backend function end end if maplines then for i=1,#maplines do fonts.map.loadline(maplines[i]) -- todo: backend function end end end fontgoodies.register("mathematics", initialize) -- The following file (husayni.lfg) is the experimental setup that we used -- for Idris font. For the moment we don't store this in the cache and quite -- probably these files sit in one of the paths: -- -- tex/context/fonts/goodies -- tex/fonts/goodies/context -- tex/fonts/data/foundry/collection -- -- see lfg files in distribution