% language=uk \usemodule[abr-01] \setupexport [%bodyfont=16pt, width=650pt, %align=flushleft, hyphen=yes] \setupbackend [export=export-example.xml, xhtml=export-example.xhtml, css=export-example.css] % \setupalign % [flushleft] \settaggedmetadata [title=Export Example, author=Hans Hagen, version=0.1] \setupbodyfont [dejavu] \setupinteraction [state=start] \setuplayout [width=middle] \setupwhitespace [big] \definedescription [description] \enabledirectives[export.css.hyphens=yes] \enabledirectives[export.css.textwidth=100em] \definehighlight[interesting][style=bold,color=red] \starttext \startchapter[title=Example] \startparagraph \input zapf (Zapf) \stopparagraph \startparagraph Watching a \interesting {movie} after reading a review on \goto{my favourite movie reviews site}[url(http://outlawvern.com/)] is much more fun. \footnote {Just a note.} \stopparagraph \placefigure {} {\startcombination[3*1] {\externalfigure[hacker.jpg][width=3cm]} {first} {\externalfigure[hacker.jpg][width=4cm]} {second} {\externalfigure[hacker.jpg][width=2cm]} {third} \stopcombination} \startparagraph \input zapf (Zapf) \stopparagraph \placefigure {} {\externalfigure[mill.png]} \startparagraph \input tufte (Tufte) \stopparagraph \placefigure {} {\externalfigure[cow.pdf]} \startparagraph \input tufte (Tufte) \stopparagraph \startitemize[1] \startitem \input ward (Ward) \stopitem \startitem \input knuth (Knuth) \stopitem \stopitemize \startitemize[2,packed] \startitem \input zapf (Zapf) \stopitem \startitem \input tufte (Tufte) \stopitem \stopitemize \startparagraph \input zapf (Zapf) \stopparagraph \startdescription {Ward} \input ward \stopdescription \startdescription {Tufte} \input tufte \stopdescription \startparagraph \input knuth (Knuth) \stopparagraph \startformula e = mc^2 \stopformula \startparagraph Okay, it's somewhat boring to always use the same formula, so how about $\sqrt{4} = 2$ or travelling at \unit{120 km/h} instead of $\unit{110 km/h}$. \stopparagraph \bTABLE \bTR \bTD test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD[nx=2] test \eTD \eTR \eTABLE \starttabulate[|l|r|p|] \NC left \NC right \NC \input ward \NC \NR \NC l \NC r \NC \input ward \NC \NR \stoptabulate It looks like we're using \CONTEXT\ to produce some kind of \XML\ output. \typefile{export-example.tex} \stopchapter \stoptext