if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['data-tmp'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } --[[ldx--

This module deals with caching data. It sets up the paths and implements loaders and savers for tables. Best is to set the following variable. When not set, the usual paths will be checked. Personally I prefer the (users) temporary path.


Currently we do no locking when we write files. This is no real problem because most caching involves fonts and the chance of them being written at the same time is small. We also need to extend luatools with a recache feature.

--ldx]]-- local format, lower, gsub = string.format, string.lower, string.gsub local trace_cache = false trackers.register("resolvers.cache", function(v) trace_cache = v end) caches = caches or { } caches.path = caches.path or nil caches.base = caches.base or "luatex-cache" caches.more = caches.more or "context" caches.direct = false -- true is faster but may need huge amounts of memory caches.tree = false caches.paths = caches.paths or nil caches.force = false caches.defaults = { "TEXMFCACHE", "TMPDIR", "TEMPDIR", "TMP", "TEMP", "HOME", "HOMEPATH" } function caches.temp() local cachepath = nil local function check(list,isenv) if not cachepath then for k=1,#list do local v = list[k] cachepath = (isenv and (os.env[v] or "")) or v or "" if cachepath == "" then -- next else cachepath = resolvers.clean_path(cachepath) if lfs.isdir(cachepath) and file.iswritable(cachepath) then -- lfs.attributes(cachepath,"mode") == "directory" break elseif caches.force or io.ask(format("\nShould I create the cache path %s?",cachepath), "no", { "yes", "no" }) == "yes" then dir.mkdirs(cachepath) if lfs.isdir(cachepath) and file.iswritable(cachepath) then break end end end cachepath = nil end end end check(resolvers.clean_path_list("TEXMFCACHE") or { }) check(caches.defaults,true) if not cachepath then print("\nfatal error: there is no valid (writable) cache path defined\n") os.exit() elseif not lfs.isdir(cachepath) then -- lfs.attributes(cachepath,"mode") ~= "directory" print(format("\nfatal error: cache path %s is not a directory\n",cachepath)) os.exit() end cachepath = file.collapse_path(cachepath) function caches.temp() return cachepath end return cachepath end function caches.configpath() return table.concat(resolvers.instance.cnffiles,";") end function caches.hashed(tree) return md5.hex(gsub(lower(tree),"[\\\/]+","/")) end function caches.treehash() local tree = caches.configpath() if not tree or tree == "" then return false else return caches.hashed(tree) end end function caches.setpath(...) if not caches.path then if not caches.path then caches.path = caches.temp() end caches.path = resolvers.clean_path(caches.path) -- to be sure caches.tree = caches.tree or caches.treehash() if caches.tree then caches.path = dir.mkdirs(caches.path,caches.base,caches.more,caches.tree) else caches.path = dir.mkdirs(caches.path,caches.base,caches.more) end end if not caches.path then caches.path = '.' end caches.path = resolvers.clean_path(caches.path) if not table.is_empty({...}) then local pth = dir.mkdirs(caches.path,...) return pth end caches.path = dir.expand_name(caches.path) return caches.path end function caches.definepath(category,subcategory) return function() return caches.setpath(category,subcategory) end end function caches.setluanames(path,name) return path .. "/" .. name .. ".tma", path .. "/" .. name .. ".tmc" end function caches.loaddata(path,name) local tmaname, tmcname = caches.setluanames(path,name) local loader = loadfile(tmcname) or loadfile(tmaname) if loader then loader = loader() collectgarbage("step") return loader else return false end end --~ function caches.loaddata(path,name) --~ local tmaname, tmcname = caches.setluanames(path,name) --~ return dofile(tmcname) or dofile(tmaname) --~ end function caches.iswritable(filepath,filename) local tmaname, tmcname = caches.setluanames(filepath,filename) return file.iswritable(tmaname) end function caches.savedata(filepath,filename,data,raw) local tmaname, tmcname = caches.setluanames(filepath,filename) local reduce, simplify = true, true if raw then reduce, simplify = false, false end if caches.direct then file.savedata(tmaname, table.serialize(data,'return',false,true,false)) -- no hex else table.tofile(tmaname, data,'return',false,true,false) -- maybe not the last true end local cleanup = resolvers.boolean_variable("PURGECACHE", false) local strip = resolvers.boolean_variable("LUACSTRIP", true) utils.lua.compile(tmaname, tmcname, cleanup, strip) end -- here we use the cache for format loading (texconfig.[formatname|jobname]) --~ if tex and texconfig and texconfig.formatname and texconfig.formatname == "" then if tex and texconfig and (not texconfig.formatname or texconfig.formatname == "") and input and resolvers.instance then if not texconfig.luaname then texconfig.luaname = "cont-en.lua" end -- or luc texconfig.formatname = caches.setpath("formats") .. "/" .. gsub(texconfig.luaname,"%.lu.$",".fmt") end