if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['data-tmp'] = { version = 1.100, comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } --[[ldx--

This module deals with caching data. It sets up the paths and implements loaders and savers for tables. Best is to set the following variable. When not set, the usual paths will be checked. Personally I prefer the (users) temporary path.


Currently we do no locking when we write files. This is no real problem because most caching involves fonts and the chance of them being written at the same time is small. We also need to extend luatools with a recache feature.

--ldx]]-- local format, lower, gsub, concat = string.format, string.lower, string.gsub, table.concat local serialize, serializetofile = table.serialize, table.tofile local mkdirs, isdir = dir.mkdirs, lfs.isdir local trace_locating = false trackers.register("resolvers.locating", function(v) trace_locating = v end) local trace_cache = false trackers.register("resolvers.cache", function(v) trace_cache = v end) local report_caches = logs.reporter("resolvers","caches") local report_resolvers = logs.reporter("resolvers","caching") local resolvers = resolvers -- intermezzo local directive_cleanup = false directives.register("system.compile.cleanup", function(v) directive_cleanup = v end) local directive_strip = false directives.register("system.compile.strip", function(v) directive_strip = v end) local compile = utilities.lua.compile function utilities.lua.compile(luafile,lucfile,cleanup,strip) if cleanup == nil then cleanup = directive_cleanup end if strip == nil then strip = directive_strip end return compile(luafile,lucfile,cleanup,strip) end -- end of intermezzo caches = caches or { } local caches = caches caches.base = caches.base or "luatex-cache" caches.more = caches.more or "context" caches.direct = false -- true is faster but may need huge amounts of memory caches.tree = false caches.force = true caches.ask = false caches.relocate = false caches.defaults = { "TMPDIR", "TEMPDIR", "TMP", "TEMP", "HOME", "HOMEPATH" } local writable, readables, usedreadables = nil, { }, { } -- we could use a metatable for writable and readable but not yet local function identify() -- Combining the loops makes it messy. First we check the format cache path -- and when the last component is not present we try to create it. local texmfcaches = resolvers.cleanpathlist("TEXMFCACHE") if texmfcaches then for k=1,#texmfcaches do local cachepath = texmfcaches[k] if cachepath ~= "" then cachepath = resolvers.resolve(cachepath) cachepath = resolvers.cleanpath(cachepath) cachepath = file.collapsepath(cachepath) local valid = isdir(cachepath) if valid then if file.is_readable(cachepath) then readables[#readables+1] = cachepath if not writable and file.is_writable(cachepath) then writable = cachepath end end elseif not writable and caches.force then local cacheparent = file.dirname(cachepath) if file.is_writable(cacheparent) and true then -- we go on anyway (needed for mojca's kind of paths) if not caches.ask or io.ask(format("\nShould I create the cache path %s?",cachepath), "no", { "yes", "no" }) == "yes" then mkdirs(cachepath) if isdir(cachepath) and file.is_writable(cachepath) then report_caches("created: %s",cachepath) writable = cachepath readables[#readables+1] = cachepath end end end end end end end -- As a last resort we check some temporary paths but this time we don't -- create them. local texmfcaches = caches.defaults if texmfcaches then for k=1,#texmfcaches do local cachepath = texmfcaches[k] cachepath = resolvers.expansion(cachepath) -- was getenv if cachepath ~= "" then cachepath = resolvers.resolve(cachepath) cachepath = resolvers.cleanpath(cachepath) local valid = isdir(cachepath) if valid and file.is_readable(cachepath) then if not writable and file.is_writable(cachepath) then readables[#readables+1] = cachepath writable = cachepath break end end end end end -- Some extra checking. If we have no writable or readable path then we simply -- quit. if not writable then report_caches("fatal error: there is no valid writable cache path defined") os.exit() elseif #readables == 0 then report_caches("fatal error: there is no valid readable cache path defined") os.exit() end -- why here writable = dir.expandname(resolvers.cleanpath(writable)) -- just in case -- moved here local base, more, tree = caches.base, caches.more, caches.tree or caches.treehash() -- we have only one writable tree if tree then caches.tree = tree writable = mkdirs(writable,base,more,tree) for i=1,#readables do readables[i] = file.join(readables[i],base,more,tree) end else writable = mkdirs(writable,base,more) for i=1,#readables do readables[i] = file.join(readables[i],base,more) end end -- end if trace_cache then for i=1,#readables do report_caches("using readable path '%s' (order %s)",readables[i],i) end report_caches("using writable path '%s'",writable) end identify = function() return writable, readables end return writable, readables end function caches.usedpaths() local writable, readables = identify() if #readables > 1 then local result = { } for i=1,#readables do local readable = readables[i] if usedreadables[i] or readable == writable then result[#result+1] = format("readable: '%s' (order %s)",readable,i) end end result[#result+1] = format("writable: '%s'",writable) return result else return writable end end function caches.configfiles() return concat(resolvers.instance.specification,";") end function caches.hashed(tree) tree = gsub(tree,"\\$","/") tree = gsub(tree,"/+$","") tree = lower(tree) local hash = md5.hex(tree) if trace_cache or trace_locating then report_caches("hashing tree %s, hash %s",tree,hash) end return hash end function caches.treehash() local tree = caches.configfiles() if not tree or tree == "" then return false else return caches.hashed(tree) end end local r_cache, w_cache = { }, { } -- normally w in in r but who cares local function getreadablepaths(...) -- we can optimize this as we have at most 2 tags local tags = { ... } local hash = concat(tags,"/") local done = r_cache[hash] if not done then local writable, readables = identify() -- exit if not found if #tags > 0 then done = { } for i=1,#readables do done[i] = file.join(readables[i],...) end else done = readables end r_cache[hash] = done end return done end local function getwritablepath(...) local tags = { ... } local hash = concat(tags,"/") local done = w_cache[hash] if not done then local writable, readables = identify() -- exit if not found if #tags > 0 then done = mkdirs(writable,...) else done = writable end w_cache[hash] = done end return done end caches.getreadablepaths = getreadablepaths caches.getwritablepath = getwritablepath function caches.getfirstreadablefile(filename,...) local rd = getreadablepaths(...) for i=1,#rd do local path = rd[i] local fullname = file.join(path,filename) if file.is_readable(fullname) then usedreadables[i] = true return fullname, path end end return caches.setfirstwritablefile(filename,...) end function caches.setfirstwritablefile(filename,...) local wr = getwritablepath(...) local fullname = file.join(wr,filename) return fullname, wr end function caches.define(category,subcategory) -- for old times sake return function() return getwritablepath(category,subcategory) end end function caches.setluanames(path,name) return path .. "/" .. name .. ".tma", path .. "/" .. name .. ".tmc" end function caches.loaddata(readables,name) if type(readables) == "string" then readables = { readables } end for i=1,#readables do local path = readables[i] local tmaname, tmcname = caches.setluanames(path,name) local loader = loadfile(tmcname) or loadfile(tmaname) if loader then loader = loader() collectgarbage("step") return loader end end return false end function caches.is_writable(filepath,filename) local tmaname, tmcname = caches.setluanames(filepath,filename) return file.is_writable(tmaname) end local saveoptions = { compact = true } function caches.savedata(filepath,filename,data,raw) local tmaname, tmcname = caches.setluanames(filepath,filename) local reduce, simplify = true, true if raw then reduce, simplify = false, false end data.cache_uuid = os.uuid() if caches.direct then file.savedata(tmaname,serialize(data,true,saveoptions)) else serializetofile(tmaname,data,true,saveoptions) end utilities.lua.compile(tmaname,tmcname) end -- moved from data-res: local content_state = { } function caches.contentstate() return content_state or { } end function caches.loadcontent(cachename,dataname) local name = caches.hashed(cachename) local full, path = caches.getfirstreadablefile(name ..".lua","trees") local filename = file.join(path,name) local blob = loadfile(filename .. ".luc") or loadfile(filename .. ".lua") if blob then local data = blob() if data and data.content then if data.type == dataname then if data.version == resolvers.cacheversion then content_state[#content_state+1] = data.uuid if trace_locating then report_resolvers("loading '%s' for '%s' from '%s'",dataname,cachename,filename) end return data.content else report_resolvers("skipping '%s' for '%s' from '%s' (version mismatch)",dataname,cachename,filename) end else report_resolvers("skipping '%s' for '%s' from '%s' (datatype mismatch)",dataname,cachename,filename) end elseif trace_locating then report_resolvers("skipping '%s' for '%s' from '%s' (no content)",dataname,cachename,filename) end elseif trace_locating then report_resolvers("skipping '%s' for '%s' from '%s' (invalid file)",dataname,cachename,filename) end end function caches.collapsecontent(content) for k, v in next, content do if type(v) == "table" and #v == 1 then content[k] = v[1] end end end function caches.savecontent(cachename,dataname,content) local name = caches.hashed(cachename) local full, path = caches.setfirstwritablefile(name ..".lua","trees") local filename = file.join(path,name) -- is full local luaname, lucname = filename .. ".lua", filename .. ".luc" if trace_locating then report_resolvers("preparing '%s' for '%s'",dataname,cachename) end local data = { type = dataname, root = cachename, version = resolvers.cacheversion, date = os.date("%Y-%m-%d"), time = os.date("%H:%M:%S"), content = content, uuid = os.uuid(), } local ok = io.savedata(luaname,serialize(data,true)) if ok then if trace_locating then report_resolvers("category '%s', cachename '%s' saved in '%s'",dataname,cachename,luaname) end if utilities.lua.compile(luaname,lucname) then if trace_locating then report_resolvers("'%s' compiled to '%s'",dataname,lucname) end return true else if trace_locating then report_resolvers("compiling failed for '%s', deleting file '%s'",dataname,lucname) end os.remove(lucname) end elseif trace_locating then report_resolvers("unable to save '%s' in '%s' (access error)",dataname,luaname) end end