if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['data-res'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files", } -- In practice we will work within one tds tree, but i want to keep -- the option open to build tools that look at multiple trees, which is -- why we keep the tree specific data in a table. We used to pass the -- instance but for practical purposes we now avoid this and use a -- instance variable. We always have one instance active (sort of global). -- todo: cache:/// home:/// selfautoparent:/// (sometime end 2012) local format, gsub, find, lower, upper, match, gmatch = string.format, string.gsub, string.find, string.lower, string.upper, string.match, string.gmatch local concat, insert, sortedkeys = table.concat, table.insert, table.sortedkeys local next, type, rawget = next, type, rawget local os = os local P, S, R, C, Cc, Cs, Ct, Carg = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Carg local lpegmatch, lpegpatterns = lpeg.match, lpeg.patterns local filedirname = file.dirname local filebasename = file.basename local fileextname = file.extname local filejoin = file.join local collapsepath = file.collapsepath local joinpath = file.joinpath local allocate = utilities.storage.allocate local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex local trace_locating = false trackers.register("resolvers.locating", function(v) trace_locating = v end) local trace_detail = false trackers.register("resolvers.details", function(v) trace_detail = v end) local trace_expansions = false trackers.register("resolvers.expansions", function(v) trace_expansions = v end) local report_resolving = logs.reporter("resolvers","resolving") local resolvers = resolvers local expandedpathfromlist = resolvers.expandedpathfromlist local checkedvariable = resolvers.checkedvariable local splitconfigurationpath = resolvers.splitconfigurationpath local methodhandler = resolvers.methodhandler local initializesetter = utilities.setters.initialize local ostype, osname, osenv, ossetenv, osgetenv = os.type, os.name, os.env, os.setenv, os.getenv resolvers.cacheversion = '1.0.1' resolvers.configbanner = '' resolvers.homedir = environment.homedir resolvers.criticalvars = allocate { "SELFAUTOLOC", "SELFAUTODIR", "SELFAUTOPARENT", "TEXMFCNF", "TEXMF", "TEXOS" } resolvers.luacnfname = 'texmfcnf.lua' resolvers.luacnfstate = "unknown" -- The web2c tex binaries as well as kpse have built in paths for the configuration -- files and there can be a depressing truckload of them. This is actually the weak -- spot of a distribution. So we don't want: -- -- resolvers.luacnfspec = '{$SELFAUTODIR,$SELFAUTOPARENT}{,{/share,}/texmf{-local,}/web2c}' -- -- but instead use: -- -- resolvers.luacnfspec = 'selfautoparent:{/texmf{-local,}{,/web2c}}' -- -- which does not make texlive happy as there is a texmf-local tree one level up -- (sigh), so we need this. (We can assume web2c as mkiv does not run on older -- texlives anyway. -- -- texlive: -- -- selfautodir: -- selfautoparent: -- selfautodir:share/texmf-local/web2c -- selfautodir:share/texmf/web2c -- selfautodir:texmf-local/web2c -- selfautodir:texmf/web2c -- selfautoparent:share/texmf-local/web2c -- selfautoparent:share/texmf/web2c -- selfautoparent:texmf-local/web2c -- selfautoparent:texmf/web2c -- -- minimals: -- -- home:texmf/web2c -- selfautoparent:texmf-local/web2c -- selfautoparent:texmf-context/web2c -- selfautoparent:texmf/web2c if this_is_texlive then -- resolvers.luacnfspec = '{selfautodir:,selfautoparent:}{,{/share,}/texmf{-local,}/web2c}' -- resolvers.luacnfspec = '{selfautodir:{/share,}/texmf-local/web2c,selfautoparent:{/share,}/texmf{-local,}/web2c}' -- resolvers.luacnfspec = 'selfautodir:/texmf-local/web2c;selfautoparent:/texmf{-local,}/web2c' resolvers.luacnfspec = 'selfautodir:;selfautoparent:;{selfautodir:,selfautoparent:}{/share,}/texmf{-local,}/web2c' else resolvers.luacnfspec = 'home:texmf/web2c;selfautoparent:texmf{-local,-context,}/web2c' end -- which (as we want users to use the web2c path) be can be simplified to this: -- -- if environment and environment.ownpath and string.find(environment.ownpath,"[\\/]texlive[\\/]") then -- resolvers.luacnfspec = 'selfautodir:/texmf-local/web2c,selfautoparent:/texmf-local/web2c,selfautoparent:/texmf/web2c' -- else -- resolvers.luacnfspec = 'selfautoparent:/texmf-local/web2c,selfautoparent:/texmf/web2c' -- end --~ -- not yet, some reporters expect strings --~ resolvers.luacnfspec = { --~ "selfautoparent:/texmf-local", -- is actually a user mistake --~ "selfautoparent:/texmf-local/web2c", --~ "selfautoparent:/texmf", -- idem --~ "selfautoparent:/texmf/web2c", --~ "selfautoparent:", -- idem --~ } local unset_variable = "unset" local formats = resolvers.formats local suffixes = resolvers.suffixes local dangerous = resolvers.dangerous local suffixmap = resolvers.suffixmap resolvers.defaultsuffixes = { "tex" } -- "mkiv", "cld" -- too tricky resolvers.instance = resolvers.instance or nil -- the current one (slow access) local instance = resolvers.instance or nil -- the current one (fast access) -- An instance has an environment (coming from the outside, kept raw), variables -- (coming from the configuration file), and expansions (variables with nested -- variables replaced). One can push something into the outer environment and -- its internal copy, but only the later one will be the raw unprefixed variant. function resolvers.setenv(key,value,raw) if instance then -- this one will be consulted first when we stay inside -- the current environment instance.environment[key] = value -- we feed back into the environment, and as this is used -- by other applications (via os.execute) we need to make -- sure that prefixes are resolve ossetenv(key,raw and value or resolvers.resolve(value)) end end -- Beware we don't want empty here as this one can be called early on -- and therefore we use rawget. local function getenv(key) local value = rawget(instance.environment,key) if value and value ~= "" then return value else local e = osgetenv(key) return e ~= nil and e ~= "" and checkedvariable(e) or "" end end resolvers.getenv = getenv resolvers.env = getenv -- We are going to use some metatable trickery where we backtrack from -- expansion to variable to environment. local function resolve(k) return instance.expansions[k] end local dollarstripper = lpeg.stripper("$") local inhibitstripper = P("!")^0 * Cs(P(1)^0) local backslashswapper = lpeg.replacer("\\","/") local somevariable = P("$") / "" local somekey = C(R("az","AZ","09","__","--")^1) local somethingelse = P(";") * ((1-S("!{}/\\"))^1 * P(";") / "") + P(";") * (P(";") / "") + P(1) local variableexpander = Cs( (somevariable * (somekey/resolve) + somethingelse)^1 ) local cleaner = P("\\") / "/" + P(";") * S("!{}/\\")^0 * P(";")^1 / ";" local variablecleaner = Cs((cleaner + P(1))^0) local somevariable = R("az","AZ","09","__","--")^1 / resolve local variable = (P("$")/"") * (somevariable + (P("{")/"") * somevariable * (P("}")/"")) local variableresolver = Cs((variable + P(1))^0) local function expandedvariable(var) return lpegmatch(variableexpander,var) or var end function resolvers.newinstance() -- todo: all vars will become lowercase and alphanum only if trace_locating then report_resolving("creating instance") end local environment, variables, expansions, order = allocate(), allocate(), allocate(), allocate() local newinstance = { environment = environment, variables = variables, expansions = expansions, order = order, files = allocate(), setups = allocate(), found = allocate(), foundintrees = allocate(), hashes = allocate(), hashed = allocate(), specification = allocate(), lists = allocate(), data = allocate(), -- only for loading fakepaths = allocate(), remember = true, diskcache = true, renewcache = false, loaderror = false, savelists = true, pattern = nil, -- lists force_suffixes = true, } setmetatableindex(variables,function(t,k) local v for i=1,#order do v = order[i][k] if v ~= nil then t[k] = v return v end end if v == nil then v = "" end t[k] = v return v end) setmetatableindex(environment, function(t,k) local v = osgetenv(k) if v == nil then v = variables[k] end if v ~= nil then v = checkedvariable(v) or "" end v = resolvers.repath(v) -- for taco who has a : separated osfontdir t[k] = v return v end) setmetatableindex(expansions, function(t,k) local v = environment[k] if type(v) == "string" then v = lpegmatch(variableresolver,v) v = lpegmatch(variablecleaner,v) end t[k] = v return v end) return newinstance end function resolvers.setinstance(someinstance) -- only one instance is active instance = someinstance resolvers.instance = someinstance return someinstance end function resolvers.reset() return resolvers.setinstance(resolvers.newinstance()) end local function reset_hashes() instance.lists = { } instance.found = { } end local slash = P("/") local pathexpressionpattern = Cs ( Cc("^") * ( Cc("%") * S(".-") + slash^2 * P(-1) / "/.*" + slash^2 / "/.-/" + (1-slash) * P(-1) * Cc("/") + P(1) )^1 * Cc("$") -- yes or no $ ) local cache = { } local function makepathexpression(str) if str == "." then return "^%./$" else local c = cache[str] if not c then c = lpegmatch(pathexpressionpattern,str) cache[str] = c end return c end end local function reportcriticalvariables(cnfspec) if trace_locating then for i=1,#resolvers.criticalvars do local k = resolvers.criticalvars[i] local v = resolvers.getenv(k) or "unknown" -- this one will not resolve ! report_resolving("variable '%s' set to '%s'",k,v) end report_resolving() if cnfspec then if type(cnfspec) == "table" then report_resolving("using configuration specification '%s'",concat(cnfspec,",")) else report_resolving("using configuration specification '%s'",cnfspec) end end report_resolving() end reportcriticalvariables = function() end end local function identify_configuration_files() local specification = instance.specification if #specification == 0 then local cnfspec = getenv('TEXMFCNF') if cnfspec == "" then cnfspec = resolvers.luacnfspec resolvers.luacnfstate = "default" else resolvers.luacnfstate = "environment" end reportcriticalvariables(cnfspec) local cnfpaths = expandedpathfromlist(resolvers.splitpath(cnfspec)) local luacnfname = resolvers.luacnfname for i=1,#cnfpaths do local filename = collapsepath(filejoin(cnfpaths[i],luacnfname)) local realname = resolvers.resolve(filename) if lfs.isfile(realname) then specification[#specification+1] = filename if trace_locating then report_resolving("found configuration file '%s'",realname) end elseif trace_locating then report_resolving("unknown configuration file '%s'",realname) end end if trace_locating then report_resolving() end elseif trace_locating then report_resolving("configuration files already identified") end end local function load_configuration_files() local specification = instance.specification if #specification > 0 then local luacnfname = resolvers.luacnfname for i=1,#specification do local filename = specification[i] local pathname = filedirname(filename) local filename = filejoin(pathname,luacnfname) local realname = resolvers.resolve(filename) -- no shortcut local blob = loadfile(realname) if blob then local setups = instance.setups local data = blob() local parent = data and data.parent if parent then local filename = filejoin(pathname,parent) local realname = resolvers.resolve(filename) -- no shortcut local blob = loadfile(realname) if blob then local parentdata = blob() if parentdata then report_resolving("loading configuration file '%s'",filename) data = table.merged(parentdata,data) end end end data = data and data.content if data then if trace_locating then report_resolving("loading configuration file '%s'",filename) report_resolving() end local variables = data.variables or { } local warning = false for k, v in next, data do local variant = type(v) if variant == "table" then initializesetter(filename,k,v) elseif variables[k] == nil then if trace_locating and not warning then report_resolving("variables like '%s' in configuration file '%s' should move to the 'variables' subtable", k,resolvers.resolve(filename)) warning = true end variables[k] = v end end setups[pathname] = variables if resolvers.luacnfstate == "default" then -- the following code is not tested local cnfspec = variables["TEXMFCNF"] if cnfspec then if trace_locating then report_resolving("reloading configuration due to TEXMF redefinition") end -- we push the value into the main environment (osenv) so -- that it takes precedence over the default one and therefore -- also over following definitions resolvers.setenv('TEXMFCNF',cnfspec) -- resolves prefixes -- we now identify and load the specified configuration files instance.specification = { } identify_configuration_files() load_configuration_files() -- we prevent further overload of the configuration variable resolvers.luacnfstate = "configuration" -- we quit the outer loop break end end else if trace_locating then report_resolving("skipping configuration file '%s' (no content)",filename) end setups[pathname] = { } instance.loaderror = true end elseif trace_locating then report_resolving("skipping configuration file '%s' (no file)",filename) end instance.order[#instance.order+1] = instance.setups[pathname] if instance.loaderror then break end end elseif trace_locating then report_resolving("warning: no lua configuration files found") end end -- scheme magic ... database loading local function load_file_databases() instance.loaderror, instance.files = false, allocate() if not instance.renewcache then local hashes = instance.hashes for k=1,#hashes do local hash = hashes[k] resolvers.hashers.byscheme(hash.type,hash.name) if instance.loaderror then break end end end end local function locate_file_databases() -- todo: cache:// and tree:// (runtime) local texmfpaths = resolvers.expandedpathlist('TEXMF') if #texmfpaths > 0 then for i=1,#texmfpaths do local path = collapsepath(texmfpaths[i]) local stripped = lpegmatch(inhibitstripper,path) -- the !! thing if stripped ~= "" then local runtime = stripped == path path = resolvers.cleanpath(path) local spec = resolvers.splitmethod(stripped) if runtime and (spec.noscheme or spec.scheme == "file") then stripped = "tree:///" .. stripped elseif spec.scheme == "cache" or spec.scheme == "file" then stripped = spec.path end if trace_locating then if runtime then report_resolving("locating list of '%s' (runtime) (%s)",path,stripped) else report_resolving("locating list of '%s' (cached)",path) end end methodhandler('locators',stripped) end end if trace_locating then report_resolving() end elseif trace_locating then report_resolving("no texmf paths are defined (using TEXMF)") end end local function generate_file_databases() local hashes = instance.hashes for k=1,#hashes do local hash = hashes[k] methodhandler('generators',hash.name) end if trace_locating then report_resolving() end end local function save_file_databases() -- will become cachers for i=1,#instance.hashes do local hash = instance.hashes[i] local cachename = hash.name if hash.cache then local content = instance.files[cachename] caches.collapsecontent(content) if trace_locating then report_resolving("saving tree '%s'",cachename) end caches.savecontent(cachename,"files",content) elseif trace_locating then report_resolving("not saving runtime tree '%s'",cachename) end end end local function load_databases() locate_file_databases() if instance.diskcache and not instance.renewcache then load_file_databases() if instance.loaderror then generate_file_databases() save_file_databases() end else generate_file_databases() if instance.renewcache then save_file_databases() end end end function resolvers.appendhash(type,name,cache) -- safeguard ... tricky as it's actually a bug when seen twice if not instance.hashed[name] then if trace_locating then report_resolving("hash '%s' appended",name) end insert(instance.hashes, { type = type, name = name, cache = cache } ) instance.hashed[name] = cache end end function resolvers.prependhash(type,name,cache) -- safeguard ... tricky as it's actually a bug when seen twice if not instance.hashed[name] then if trace_locating then report_resolving("hash '%s' prepended",name) end insert(instance.hashes, 1, { type = type, name = name, cache = cache } ) instance.hashed[name] = cache end end function resolvers.extendtexmfvariable(specification) -- crap, we could better prepend the hash local t = resolvers.splitpath(getenv('TEXMF')) insert(t,1,specification) local newspec = concat(t,";") if instance.environment["TEXMF"] then instance.environment["TEXMF"] = newspec elseif instance.variables["TEXMF"] then instance.variables["TEXMF"] = newspec else -- weird end reset_hashes() end function resolvers.splitexpansions() local ie = instance.expansions for k,v in next, ie do local t, tn, h, p = { }, 0, { }, splitconfigurationpath(v) for kk=1,#p do local vv = p[kk] if vv ~= "" and not h[vv] then tn = tn + 1 t[tn] = vv h[vv] = true end end if #t > 1 then ie[k] = t else ie[k] = t[1] end end end -- end of split/join code -- we used to have 'files' and 'configurations' so therefore the following -- shared function function resolvers.datastate() return caches.contentstate() end function resolvers.variable(name) local name = name and lpegmatch(dollarstripper,name) local result = name and instance.variables[name] return result ~= nil and result or "" end function resolvers.expansion(name) local name = name and lpegmatch(dollarstripper,name) local result = name and instance.expansions[name] return result ~= nil and result or "" end function resolvers.unexpandedpathlist(str) local pth = resolvers.variable(str) local lst = resolvers.splitpath(pth) return expandedpathfromlist(lst) end function resolvers.unexpandedpath(str) return joinpath(resolvers.unexpandedpathlist(str)) end local done = { } function resolvers.resetextrapath() local ep = instance.extra_paths if not ep then ep, done = { }, { } instance.extra_paths = ep elseif #ep > 0 then instance.lists, done = { }, { } end end function resolvers.registerextrapath(paths,subpaths) local ep = instance.extra_paths or { } local oldn = #ep local newn = oldn if paths and paths ~= "" then if subpaths and subpaths ~= "" then for p in gmatch(paths,"[^,]+") do -- we gmatch each step again, not that fast, but used seldom for s in gmatch(subpaths,"[^,]+") do local ps = p .. "/" .. s if not done[ps] then newn = newn + 1 ep[newn] = resolvers.cleanpath(ps) done[ps] = true end end end else for p in gmatch(paths,"[^,]+") do if not done[p] then newn = newn + 1 ep[newn] = resolvers.cleanpath(p) done[p] = true end end end elseif subpaths and subpaths ~= "" then for i=1,oldn do -- we gmatch each step again, not that fast, but used seldom for s in gmatch(subpaths,"[^,]+") do local ps = ep[i] .. "/" .. s if not done[ps] then newn = newn + 1 ep[newn] = resolvers.cleanpath(ps) done[ps] = true end end end end if newn > 0 then instance.extra_paths = ep -- register paths end if newn > oldn then instance.lists = { } -- erase the cache end end local function made_list(instance,list) local ep = instance.extra_paths if not ep or #ep == 0 then return list else local done, new, newn = { }, { }, 0 -- honour . .. ../.. but only when at the start for k=1,#list do local v = list[k] if not done[v] then if find(v,"^[%.%/]$") then done[v] = true newn = newn + 1 new[newn] = v else break end end end -- first the extra paths for k=1,#ep do local v = ep[k] if not done[v] then done[v] = true newn = newn + 1 new[newn] = v end end -- next the formal paths for k=1,#list do local v = list[k] if not done[v] then done[v] = true newn = newn + 1 new[newn] = v end end return new end end function resolvers.cleanpathlist(str) local t = resolvers.expandedpathlist(str) if t then for i=1,#t do t[i] = collapsepath(resolvers.cleanpath(t[i])) end end return t end function resolvers.expandpath(str) return joinpath(resolvers.expandedpathlist(str)) end function resolvers.expandedpathlist(str) if not str then return { } elseif instance.savelists then str = lpegmatch(dollarstripper,str) if not instance.lists[str] then -- cached local lst = made_list(instance,resolvers.splitpath(resolvers.expansion(str))) instance.lists[str] = expandedpathfromlist(lst) end return instance.lists[str] else local lst = resolvers.splitpath(resolvers.expansion(str)) return made_list(instance,expandedpathfromlist(lst)) end end function resolvers.expandedpathlistfromvariable(str) -- brrr str = lpegmatch(dollarstripper,str) local tmp = resolvers.variableofformatorsuffix(str) return resolvers.expandedpathlist(tmp ~= "" and tmp or str) end function resolvers.expandpathfromvariable(str) return joinpath(resolvers.expandedpathlistfromvariable(str)) end function resolvers.expandbraces(str) -- output variable and brace expansion of STRING local ori = resolvers.variable(str) local pth = expandedpathfromlist(resolvers.splitpath(ori)) return joinpath(pth) end function resolvers.registerfilehash(name,content,someerror) if content then instance.files[name] = content else instance.files[name] = { } if somerror == true then -- can be unset instance.loaderror = someerror end end end local function isreadable(name) local readable = lfs.isfile(name) -- not file.is_readable(name) asit can be a dir if trace_detail then if readable then report_resolving("file '%s' is readable",name) else report_resolving("file '%s' is not readable", name) end end return readable end -- name -- name/name local function collect_files(names) local filelist, noffiles = { }, 0 for k=1,#names do local fname = names[k] if trace_detail then report_resolving("checking name '%s'",fname) end local bname = filebasename(fname) local dname = filedirname(fname) if dname == "" or find(dname,"^%.") then dname = false else dname = "/" .. dname .. "$" end local hashes = instance.hashes for h=1,#hashes do local hash = hashes[h] local blobpath = hash.name local files = blobpath and instance.files[blobpath] if files then if trace_detail then report_resolving("deep checking '%s' (%s)",blobpath,bname) end local blobfile = files[bname] if not blobfile then local rname = "remap:"..bname blobfile = files[rname] if blobfile then bname = files[rname] blobfile = files[bname] end end if blobfile then local blobroot = files.__path__ or blobpath if type(blobfile) == 'string' then if not dname or find(blobfile,dname) then local variant = hash.type -- local search = filejoin(blobpath,blobfile,bname) local search = filejoin(blobroot,blobfile,bname) local result = methodhandler('concatinators',hash.type,blobroot,blobfile,bname) if trace_detail then report_resolving("match: variant '%s', search '%s', result '%s'",variant,search,result) end noffiles = noffiles + 1 filelist[noffiles] = { variant, search, result } end else for kk=1,#blobfile do local vv = blobfile[kk] if not dname or find(vv,dname) then local variant = hash.type -- local search = filejoin(blobpath,vv,bname) local search = filejoin(blobroot,vv,bname) local result = methodhandler('concatinators',hash.type,blobroot,vv,bname) if trace_detail then report_resolving("match: variant '%s', search '%s', result '%s'",variant,search,result) end noffiles = noffiles + 1 filelist[noffiles] = { variant, search, result } end end end end elseif trace_locating then report_resolving("no match in '%s' (%s)",blobpath,bname) end end end return noffiles > 0 and filelist or nil end local fit = { } function resolvers.registerintrees(filename,format,filetype,usedmethod,foundname) local foundintrees = instance.foundintrees if usedmethod == "direct" and filename == foundname and fit[foundname] then -- just an extra lookup after a test on presence else local t = { filename = filename, format = format ~= "" and format or nil, filetype = filetype ~= "" and filetype or nil, usedmethod = usedmethod, foundname = foundname, } fit[foundname] = t foundintrees[#foundintrees+1] = t end end -- split the next one up for readability (but this module needs a cleanup anyway) local function can_be_dir(name) -- can become local local fakepaths = instance.fakepaths if not fakepaths[name] then if lfs.isdir(name) then fakepaths[name] = 1 -- directory else fakepaths[name] = 2 -- no directory end end return fakepaths[name] == 1 end local preparetreepattern = Cs((P(".")/"%%." + P("-")/"%%-" + P(1))^0 * Cc("$")) -- -- -- begin of main file search routing -- -- -- needs checking as previous has been patched local collect_instance_files local function find_analyze(filename,askedformat,allresults) local filetype, wantedfiles, ext = '', { }, fileextname(filename) -- too tricky as filename can be bla.1.2.3: -- -- if not suffixmap[ext] then -- wantedfiles[#wantedfiles+1] = filename -- end wantedfiles[#wantedfiles+1] = filename if askedformat == "" then if ext == "" or not suffixmap[ext] then local defaultsuffixes = resolvers.defaultsuffixes for i=1,#defaultsuffixes do local forcedname = filename .. '.' .. defaultsuffixes[i] wantedfiles[#wantedfiles+1] = forcedname filetype = resolvers.formatofsuffix(forcedname) if trace_locating then report_resolving("forcing filetype '%s'",filetype) end end else filetype = resolvers.formatofsuffix(filename) if trace_locating then report_resolving("using suffix based filetype '%s'",filetype) end end else if ext == "" or not suffixmap[ext] then local format_suffixes = suffixes[askedformat] if format_suffixes then for i=1,#format_suffixes do wantedfiles[#wantedfiles+1] = filename .. "." .. format_suffixes[i] end end end filetype = askedformat if trace_locating then report_resolving("using given filetype '%s'",filetype) end end return filetype, wantedfiles end local function find_direct(filename,allresults) if not dangerous[askedformat] and isreadable(filename) then if trace_detail then report_resolving("file '%s' found directly",filename) end return "direct", { filename } end end local function find_wildcard(filename,allresults) if find(filename,'%*') then if trace_locating then report_resolving("checking wildcard '%s'", filename) end local method, result = resolvers.findwildcardfiles(filename) if result then return "wildcard", result end end end local function find_qualified(filename,allresults) -- this one will be split too if not file.is_qualified_path(filename) then return end if trace_locating then report_resolving("checking qualified name '%s'", filename) end if isreadable(filename) then if trace_detail then report_resolving("qualified file '%s' found", filename) end return "qualified", { filename } end if trace_detail then report_resolving("locating qualified file '%s'", filename) end local forcedname, suffix = "", fileextname(filename) if suffix == "" then -- why local format_suffixes = askedformat == "" and resolvers.defaultsuffixes or suffixes[askedformat] if format_suffixes then for i=1,#format_suffixes do local s = format_suffixes[i] forcedname = filename .. "." .. s if isreadable(forcedname) then if trace_locating then report_resolving("no suffix, forcing format filetype '%s'", s) end return "qualified", { forcedname } end end end end if suffix and suffix ~= "" then -- try to find in tree (no suffix manipulation), here we search for the -- matching last part of the name local basename = filebasename(filename) local pattern = lpegmatch(preparetreepattern,filename) -- messy .. to be sorted out local savedformat = askedformat local format = savedformat or "" if format == "" then askedformat = resolvers.formatofsuffix(suffix) end if not format then askedformat = "othertextfiles" -- kind of everything, maybe all end -- if basename ~= filename then local resolved = collect_instance_files(basename,askedformat,allresults) if #resolved == 0 then local lowered = lower(basename) if filename ~= lowered then resolved = collect_instance_files(lowered,askedformat,allresults) end end resolvers.format = savedformat -- if #resolved > 0 then local result = { } for r=1,#resolved do local rr = resolved[r] if find(rr,pattern) then result[#result+1] = rr end end if #result > 0 then return "qualified", result end end end -- a real wildcard: -- -- local filelist = collect_files({basename}) -- result = { } -- for f=1,#filelist do -- local ff = filelist[f][3] or "" -- if find(ff,pattern) then -- result[#result+1], ok = ff, true -- end -- end -- if #result > 0 then -- return "qualified", result -- end end end local function check_subpath(fname) if isreadable(fname) then if trace_detail then report_resolving("found '%s' by deep scanning",fname) end return fname end end local function find_intree(filename,filetype,wantedfiles,allresults) local typespec = resolvers.variableofformat(filetype) local pathlist = resolvers.expandedpathlist(typespec) if pathlist and #pathlist > 0 then -- list search local filelist = collect_files(wantedfiles) local dirlist = { } if filelist then for i=1,#filelist do dirlist[i] = filedirname(filelist[i][3]) .. "/" -- was [2] .. gamble end end if trace_detail then report_resolving("checking filename '%s'",filename) end local result = { } for k=1,#pathlist do local path = pathlist[k] local pathname = lpegmatch(inhibitstripper,path) local doscan = path == pathname -- no ^!! if not find (pathname,'//$') then doscan = false -- we check directly on the path end local done = false -- using file list if filelist then -- compare list entries with permitted pattern -- /xx /xx// local expression = makepathexpression(pathname) if trace_detail then report_resolving("using pattern '%s' for path '%s'",expression,pathname) end for k=1,#filelist do local fl = filelist[k] local f = fl[2] local d = dirlist[k] if find(d,expression) then -- todo, test for readable result[#result+1] = resolvers.resolve(fl[3]) -- no shortcut done = true if allresults then if trace_detail then report_resolving("match to '%s' in hash for file '%s' and path '%s', continue scanning",expression,f,d) end else if trace_detail then report_resolving("match to '%s' in hash for file '%s' and path '%s', quit scanning",expression,f,d) end break end elseif trace_detail then report_resolving("no match to '%s' in hash for file '%s' and path '%s'",expression,f,d) end end end if not done then pathname = gsub(pathname,"/+$","") pathname = resolvers.resolve(pathname) local scheme = url.hasscheme(pathname) if not scheme or scheme == "file" then local pname = gsub(pathname,"%.%*$",'') if not find(pname,"%*") then if can_be_dir(pname) then -- quick root scan first for k=1,#wantedfiles do local w = wantedfiles[k] local fname = check_subpath(filejoin(pname,w)) if fname then result[#result+1] = fname done = true if not allresults then break end end end if not done and doscan then -- collect files in path (and cache the result) local files = resolvers.scanfiles(pname,false,true) for k=1,#wantedfiles do local w = wantedfiles[k] local subpath = files[w] if not subpath or subpath == "" then -- rootscan already done elseif type(subpath) == "string" then local fname = check_subpath(filejoin(pname,subpath,w)) if fname then result[#result+1] = fname done = true if not allresults then break end end else for i=1,#subpath do local sp = subpath[i] if sp == "" then -- roottest already done else local fname = check_subpath(filejoin(pname,sp,w)) if fname then result[#result+1] = fname done = true if not allresults then break end end end end if done and not allresults then break end end end end end else -- no access needed for non existing path, speedup (esp in large tree with lots of fake) end end end -- todo recursive scanning if done and not allresults then break end end if #result > 0 then return "intree", result end end end local function find_onpath(filename,filetype,wantedfiles,allresults) if trace_detail then report_resolving("checking filename '%s', filetype '%s', wanted files '%s'",filename, filetype or '?',concat(wantedfiles," | ")) end local result = { } for k=1,#wantedfiles do local fname = wantedfiles[k] if fname and isreadable(fname) then filename = fname result[#result+1] = filejoin('.',fname) if not allresults then break end end end if #result > 0 then return "onpath", result end end local function find_otherwise(filename,filetype,wantedfiles,allresults) -- other text files | any | whatever local filelist = collect_files(wantedfiles) local fl = filelist and filelist[1] if fl then return "otherwise", { resolvers.resolve(fl[3]) } -- filename end end -- we could have a loop over the 6 functions but then we'd have to -- always analyze collect_instance_files = function(filename,askedformat,allresults) -- uses nested askedformat = askedformat or "" filename = collapsepath(filename) if allresults then -- no need for caching, only used for tracing local filetype, wantedfiles = find_analyze(filename,askedformat) local results = { { find_direct (filename,true) }, { find_wildcard (filename,true) }, { find_qualified(filename,true) }, { find_intree (filename,filetype,wantedfiles,true) }, { find_onpath (filename,filetype,wantedfiles,true) }, { find_otherwise(filename,filetype,wantedfiles,true) }, } local result, status, done = { }, { }, { } for k, r in next, results do local method, list = r[1], r[2] if method and list then for i=1,#list do local c = collapsepath(list[i]) if not done[c] then result[#result+1] = c done[c] = true end status[#status+1] = format("%-10s: %s",method,c) end end end if trace_detail then report_resolving("lookup status: %s",table.serialize(status,filename)) end return result, status else local method, result, stamp, filetype, wantedfiles if instance.remember then stamp = format("%s--%s", filename, askedformat) result = stamp and instance.found[stamp] if result then if trace_locating then report_resolving("remembered file '%s'",filename) end return result end end method, result = find_direct(filename) if not result then method, result = find_wildcard(filename) if not result then method, result = find_qualified(filename) if not result then filetype, wantedfiles = find_analyze(filename,askedformat) method, result = find_intree(filename,filetype,wantedfiles) if not result then method, result = find_onpath(filename,filetype,wantedfiles) if not result then method, result = find_otherwise(filename,filetype,wantedfiles) end end end end end if result and #result > 0 then local foundname = collapsepath(result[1]) resolvers.registerintrees(filename,askedformat,filetype,method,foundname) result = { foundname } else result = { } -- maybe false end if stamp then if trace_locating then report_resolving("remembering file '%s'",filename) end instance.found[stamp] = result end return result end end -- -- -- end of main file search routing -- -- -- local function findfiles(filename,filetype,allresults) local result, status = collect_instance_files(filename,filetype or "",allresults) if not result or #result == 0 then local lowered = lower(filename) if filename ~= lowered then result, status = collect_instance_files(lowered,filetype or "",allresults) end end return result or { }, status end function resolvers.findfiles(filename,filetype) return findfiles(filename,filetype,true) end function resolvers.findfile(filename,filetype) return findfiles(filename,filetype,false)[1] or "" end function resolvers.findpath(filename,filetype) return filedirname(findfiles(filename,filetype,false)[1] or "") end local function findgivenfiles(filename,allresults) local bname, result = filebasename(filename), { } local hashes = instance.hashes local noffound = 0 for k=1,#hashes do local hash = hashes[k] local files = instance.files[hash.name] or { } local blist = files[bname] if not blist then local rname = "remap:"..bname blist = files[rname] if blist then bname = files[rname] blist = files[bname] end end if blist then if type(blist) == 'string' then local found = methodhandler('concatinators',hash.type,hash.name,blist,bname) or "" if found ~= "" then noffound = noffound + 1 result[noffound] = resolvers.resolve(found) if not allresults then break end end else for kk=1,#blist do local vv = blist[kk] local found = methodhandler('concatinators',hash.type,hash.name,vv,bname) or "" if found ~= "" then noffound = noffound + 1 result[noffound] = resolvers.resolve(found) if not allresults then break end end end end end end return result end function resolvers.findgivenfiles(filename) return findgivenfiles(filename,true) end function resolvers.findgivenfile(filename) return findgivenfiles(filename,false)[1] or "" end local function doit(path,blist,bname,tag,variant,result,allresults) local done = false if blist and variant then local resolve = resolvers.resolve -- added if type(blist) == 'string' then -- make function and share code if find(lower(blist),path) then local full = methodhandler('concatinators',variant,tag,blist,bname) or "" result[#result+1] = resolve(full) done = true end else for kk=1,#blist do local vv = blist[kk] if find(lower(vv),path) then local full = methodhandler('concatinators',variant,tag,vv,bname) or "" result[#result+1] = resolve(full) done = true if not allresults then break end end end end end return done end --~ local makewildcard = Cs( --~ (P("^")^0 * P("/") * P(-1) + P(-1)) /".*" --~ + (P("^")^0 * P("/") / "") * (P("*")/".*" + P("-")/"%%-" + P("?")/"."+ P("\\")/"/" + P(1))^0 --~ ) local makewildcard = Cs( (P("^")^0 * P("/") * P(-1) + P(-1)) /".*" + (P("^")^0 * P("/") / "")^0 * (P("*")/".*" + P("-")/"%%-" + P(".")/"%%." + P("?")/"."+ P("\\")/"/" + P(1))^0 ) function resolvers.wildcardpattern(pattern) return lpegmatch(makewildcard,pattern) or pattern end local function findwildcardfiles(filename,allresults,result) -- todo: remap: and lpeg result = result or { } --~ local path = lower(lpegmatch(makewildcard,filedirname (filename))) --~ local name = lower(lpegmatch(makewildcard,filebasename(filename))) local base = filebasename(filename) local dirn = filedirname(filename) local path = lower(lpegmatch(makewildcard,dirn) or dirn) local name = lower(lpegmatch(makewildcard,base) or base) local files, done = instance.files, false if find(name,"%*") then local hashes = instance.hashes for k=1,#hashes do local hash = hashes[k] local hashname, hashtype = hash.name, hash.type for kk, hh in next, files[hashname] do if not find(kk,"^remap:") then if find(lower(kk),name) then if doit(path,hh,kk,hashname,hashtype,result,allresults) then done = true end if done and not allresults then break end end end end end else local hashes = instance.hashes for k=1,#hashes do local hash = hashes[k] local hashname, hashtype = hash.name, hash.type if doit(path,files[hashname][bname],bname,hashname,hashtype,result,allresults) then done = true end if done and not allresults then break end end end -- we can consider also searching the paths not in the database, but then -- we end up with a messy search (all // in all path specs) return result end function resolvers.findwildcardfiles(filename,result) return findwildcardfiles(filename,true,result) end function resolvers.findwildcardfile(filename) return findwildcardfiles(filename,false)[1] or "" end -- main user functions function resolvers.automount() -- implemented later end function resolvers.load(option) statistics.starttiming(instance) identify_configuration_files() load_configuration_files() if option ~= "nofiles" then load_databases() resolvers.automount() end statistics.stoptiming(instance) local files = instance.files return files and next(files) and true end function resolvers.loadtime() return statistics.elapsedtime(instance) end local function report(str) if trace_locating then report_resolving(str) -- has already verbose else print(str) end end function resolvers.dowithfilesandreport(command, files, ...) -- will move if files and #files > 0 then if trace_locating then report('') -- ? end if type(files) == "string" then files = { files } end for f=1,#files do local file = files[f] local result = command(file,...) if type(result) == 'string' then report(result) else for i=1,#result do report(result[i]) -- could be unpack end end end end end -- obsolete -- resolvers.varvalue = resolvers.variable -- output the value of variable $STRING. -- resolvers.expandvar = resolvers.expansion -- output variable expansion of STRING. function resolvers.showpath(str) -- output search path for file type NAME return joinpath(resolvers.expandedpathlist(resolvers.formatofvariable(str))) end function resolvers.registerfile(files, name, path) if files[name] then if type(files[name]) == 'string' then files[name] = { files[name], path } else files[name] = path end else files[name] = path end end function resolvers.dowithpath(name,func) local pathlist = resolvers.expandedpathlist(name) for i=1,#pathlist do func("^"..resolvers.cleanpath(pathlist[i])) end end function resolvers.dowithvariable(name,func) func(expandedvariable(name)) end function resolvers.locateformat(name) local barename = file.removesuffix(name) -- gsub(name,"%.%a+$","") local fmtname = caches.getfirstreadablefile(barename..".fmt","formats") or "" if fmtname == "" then fmtname = resolvers.findfile(barename..".fmt") fmtname = resolvers.cleanpath(fmtname) end if fmtname ~= "" then local barename = file.removesuffix(fmtname) local luaname, lucname, luiname = barename .. ".lua", barename .. ".luc", barename .. ".lui" if lfs.isfile(luiname) then return barename, luiname elseif lfs.isfile(lucname) then return barename, lucname elseif lfs.isfile(luaname) then return barename, luaname end end return nil, nil end function resolvers.booleanvariable(str,default) local b = resolvers.expansion(str) if b == "" then return default else b = toboolean(b) return (b == nil and default) or b end end function resolvers.dowithfilesintree(pattern,handle,before,after) -- will move, can be a nice iterator instead local instance = resolvers.instance local hashes = instance.hashes for i=1,#hashes do local hash = hashes[i] local blobtype = hash.type local blobpath = hash.name if blobpath then if before then before(blobtype,blobpath,pattern) end local files = instance.files[blobpath] local total, checked, done = 0, 0, 0 if files then for k,v in next, files do total = total + 1 if find(k,"^remap:") then k = files[k] v = k -- files[k] -- chained end if find(k,pattern) then if type(v) == "string" then checked = checked + 1 if handle(blobtype,blobpath,v,k) then done = done + 1 end else checked = checked + #v for i=1,#v do if handle(blobtype,blobpath,v[i],k) then done = done + 1 end end end end end end if after then after(blobtype,blobpath,pattern,total,checked,done) end end end end resolvers.obsolete = resolvers.obsolete or { } local obsolete = resolvers.obsolete resolvers.find_file = resolvers.findfile obsolete.find_file = resolvers.findfile resolvers.find_files = resolvers.findfiles obsolete.find_files = resolvers.findfiles