%D \module %D [ file=context, %D version=1995.10.10, %D title=\CONTEXT, %D subtitle=\CONTEXT\ Format Generation, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. \catcode`\{=1 \catcode`\}=2 \catcode`\#=6 %D From the next string (which is set by the script that assembles the %D distribution) later on we will calculate a number that can be used %D by use modules to identify the feature level. Starting with version %D 2004.8.30 the low level interface is english. Watch out and adapt %D your styles an modules. \edef\contextformat {\jobname} \edef\contextversion{2010.08.10 17:14} %D For those who want to use this: \let\fmtname \contextformat \let\fmtversion\contextversion \let\showcontextbanner\relax %D Here we will test for what branch of source files we will take. The %D file suffix depends on the maintream engine: either lua enhanced, %D or traditional: %D %D \starttyping %D mki : low level dutch %D mkii : low level english %D mkiv : lua enhanced %D \stoptyping %D %D There is no \type {mkiii} unless you want to tag the transition %D version that way (going completely etex, code cleanup and such). \ifx\normalinput\undefined \let\normalinput\input \fi %D We have two versions, one for \PDFTEX\ and \XETEX, and one for %D \LUATEX. \chardef\contextmarkmode = \ifx\directlua\undefined 2 \else 4 \fi \def\loadcorefile#1{\normalinput#1\relax} \def\loadmarkfile#1{\normalinput#1.\mksuffix\relax} \ifnum\contextmarkmode=4 \def\loadmarkiifile#1{} \let\loadmarkivfile\loadcorefile \edef\mksuffix {mkiv} \edef\contextmark{MKIV} \else \def\loadmarkivfile#1{} \let\loadmarkiifile\loadcorefile \edef\mksuffix {mkii} \edef\contextmark{MKII} \fi \let\loadmkiifile\loadmarkiifile \let\loadmkivfile\loadmarkivfile \let\loadmkfile \loadmarkfile %D Welcome to the main module. When this module is ran through %D \type{initex} or \type {tex -i} or \type {whatevertex} using %D \type{whatever switch}, the \CONTEXT\ format file is %D generated. During this process the user is asked for an %D interface language. Supplying \type{dutch} will generate a %D dutch version of \CONTEXT, supplying \type {english} will of %D course end op in a english version. %D %D Another option is to use \TEXEXEC\ (for \MKII): %D %D \starttyping %D texexec --make [--alone] [--engine] [--all] %D texexec --make [--alone] [--engine] en nl ... metafun mptopdf %D \stoptyping %D %D More information can be found in the \TEXEXEC\ manual. %D %D For \MKIV\ you have to do: %D %D \starttyping %D luatools --generate %D context --make en nl ... %D \stoptyping %D When you write modules (or extensions) you should avoid %D conflicts with existing macro names and mechanisms. If you are %D coming from another macro package, don't assume that macros %D with the same name are doing the same! \CONTEXT\ was written %D from scratch and therefore similarities are often a coincidence %D (to some extent one always ends up with the same names for %D similar concepts). The underlying models for elementary subsystems %D that deal with encodings, languages and fonts probably differ. %D %D Time has learned that users coming from \LATEX\ should not fall %D into thinking that macros like \type {\protect} represent the %D same functionality in both systems; actually, due to the way %D \CONTEXT\ is set up, some of those macros do complete different %D things. Macro packages evolve independent of each other, which %D means that code written for one system will not work in another %D system, unless it's real generic code. %D %D An API will become available soon (keep an eye on the ConTeXt %D Wiki www.contextgarden.org) and or listen in to the context %D mailing list (ntg-context@ntg.nl). Much additional information %D can be found at the PRAGMA website (www.pragma-ade.com). %D We now go either the \MKII\ or \MKIV\ route: \loadmarkfile{context} %D Let's quit this file when doing a \type {cont-..} generation. \doifparentfileelse{context}{\donothing}{\endinput} %D Unless we're generating a \type {cont-..} format, we also %D do the following. %D Except from english, no hyphenation patterns are loaded %D yet. Users can specify their needs in the next module: \loaduserspecifications %D Next we default to the same language as the interface. \unprotect \installlanguage [\s!us] [\c!state=\v!start] \startinterface english \installlanguage [\s!gb] [\c!state=\v!start] \stopinterface \appendtoks \language [\s!us] \to \everyjob \appendtoks \mainlanguage [\s!us] \to \everyjob \startinterface german \installlanguage [\s!de] [\c!state=\v!start] \appendtoks \language [\s!de] \to \everyjob \appendtoks \mainlanguage [\s!de] \to \everyjob \stopinterface \startinterface dutch \installlanguage [\s!nl] [\c!state=\v!start] \appendtoks \language [\s!nl] \to \everyjob \appendtoks \mainlanguage [\s!nl] \to \everyjob \stopinterface \startinterface czech \installlanguage [\s!cs] [\c!state=\v!start] \appendtoks \language [\s!cs] \to \everyjob \appendtoks \mainlanguage [\s!cs] \to \everyjob \stopinterface \startinterface italian \installlanguage [\s!it] [\c!state=\v!start] \appendtoks \language [\s!it] \to \everyjob \appendtoks \mainlanguage [\s!it] \to \everyjob \stopinterface \startinterface romanian \installlanguage [\s!ro] [\c!state=\v!start] \appendtoks \language [\s!ro] \to \everyjob \appendtoks \mainlanguage [\s!ro] \to \everyjob \stopinterface \startinterface french \installlanguage [\s!fr] [\c!state=\v!start] \appendtoks \language [\s!fr] \to \everyjob \appendtoks \mainlanguage [\s!fr] \to \everyjob \stopinterface \startinterface persian \installlanguage [\s!pe] [\c!state=\v!start] \appendtoks \language [\s!pe] \to \everyjob \appendtoks \mainlanguage [\s!pe] \to \everyjob \stopinterface \protect %D Finally we (pre)load some fonts. \setupencoding[default=ec] \usetypescript[fallback][\defaultencoding] \setupbodyfont[rm,12pt] %D The next hook can be used to generate a local (extended) %D format. This file is only searched for at the current %D path. % \readlocfile{cont-def.tex} % {\writestatus{loading}{adding extensions from cont-def}} % {} %D Now dumping the format is all that's left to be done. \errorstopmode \dump \endinput