if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['chem-str'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to chem-str.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- This module in incomplete and experimental. -- We can push snippets into an mp instance. local trace_structure = false trackers.register("chemistry.structure", function(v) trace_structure = v end) local trace_textstack = false trackers.register("chemistry.textstack", function(v) trace_textstack = v end) local format, gmatch, match, lower, gsub = string.format, string.gmatch, string.match, string.lower, string.gsub local concat, insert, remove = table.concat, table.insert, table.remove local apply = structure.processors.apply local texsprint, ctxcatcodes = tex.sprint, tex.ctxcatcodes local lpegmatch = lpeg.match local variables = interfaces.variables chemicals = chemicals or { } chemicals.instance = "metafun" -- "ppchtex" chemicals.format = "metafun" chemicals.structures = 0 local remapper = { ["+"] = "p", ["-"] = "m", } local common_keys = { b = "line", eb = "line", db = "line", er = "line", dr = "line", br = "line", sb = "line", msb = "line", psb = "line", r = "line", pr = "line", mr = "line", au = "line", ad = "line", rb = "line", mrb = "line", prb = "line", rd = "line", mrd = "line", prd = "line", sr = "line", msr = "line", psr = "line", c = "line", cc = "line", cd = "line", ccd = "line", rn = "number", rtn = "number", rbn = "number", s = "line", ss = "line", pss = "line", mss = "line", mid = "fixed", mids = "fixed", midz = "text", z = "text", rz = "text", mrz = "text", prz = "text", crz = "text", rt = "text", rtt = "text", rbt = "text", zt = "text", zn = "number", mov = "transform", rot = "transform", adj = "transform", dir = "transform", sub = "transform", } local front_keys = { b = "line", bb= "line", sb = "line", msb = "line", psb = "line", r = "line", pr = "line", mr = "line", z = "text", mrz = "text", prz = "text", } local one_keys = { sb = "line", db = "line", tb = "line", ep = "line", es = "line", ed = "line", et = "line", sd = "line", ldd = "line", rdd = "line", hb = "line", bb = "line", oe = "line", bd = "line", bw = "line", z = "text", cz = "text", zt = "text", zn = "number", zbt = "text", zbn = "number", ztt = "text", ztn = "number", mov = "transform", sub = "transform", dir = "transform", off = "transform", } local front_align = { mrz = { { "b","b","b","b","b","b" } }, prz = { { "t","t","t","t","t","t" } }, } local syntax = { one = { n = 1, max = 8, keys = one_keys, align = { z = { { "r", "r_b", "b", "l_b", "l", "l_t", "t", "r_t" } }, --~ z = { { "r", "r", "b", "l", "l", "l", "t", "r" } }, } }, three = { n = 3, max = 3, keys = common_keys, align = { mrz = { { "r","b","l" }, { "b","l","t" }, { "l","t","r" }, { "t","r","b" } }, rz = { { "r","l_b","l_t" }, { "b","l_t","r_t" }, { "l","r_t","r_b" }, { "t","r_b","l_b" } }, prz = { { "r","l","t" }, { "b","t","r" }, { "l","r","b" }, { "t","b","l" } }, } }, four = { n = 4, max = 4, keys = common_keys, align = { mrz = { { "t","r","b","l" }, { "r","b","l","t" }, { "b","l","t","r" }, { "l","t","r","b" } }, rz = { { "r_t","r_b","l_b","l_t" }, { "r_b","l_b","l_t","r_t" }, { "l_b","l_t","r_t","r_b" }, { "l_t","r_t","r_b","l_b" } }, prz = { { "r","b","l","t" }, { "b","l","t","r" }, { "l","t","r","b" }, { "t","r","b","l" } }, } }, five = { n = 5, max = 5, keys = common_keys, align = { mrz = { { "t","r","b","b","l" }, { "r","b","l","l","t" }, { "b","l","t","r","r" }, { "l","t","r","r","b" } }, rz = { { "r","r","b","l","t" }, { "b","b","l","t","r" }, { "l","l","t","r","b" }, { "t","t","r","b","l" } }, prz = { { "r","b","l","t","t" }, { "b","l","t","r","r" }, { "l","t","r","b","b" }, { "t","r","b","l","l" } }, } }, six = { n = 6, max = 6, keys = common_keys, align = { mrz = { { "t","t","r","b","b","l" }, { "r","b","b","l","t","t" }, { "b","b","l","t","t","r" }, { "l","t","t","r","b","b" } }, rz = { { "r","r","b","l","l","t" }, { "b","b","l","t","t","r" }, { "l","l","t","r","r","b" }, { "t","t","r","b","b","l" } }, prz = { { "r","b","l","l","t","r" }, { "b","l","t","t","r","b" }, { "l","t","r","r","b","l" }, { "t","r","b","b","l","t" } }, } }, eight = { n = 8, max = 8, keys = common_keys, align = { -- todo mrz = { { "t","r","r","b","b","l","l","t" }, { "r","b","b","l","l","t","t","r" }, { "b","l","l","t","t","r","r","b" }, { "l","t","t","r","r","b","b","l" } }, rz = { { "r","r","b","b","l","l","t","t" }, { "b","b","l","l","t","t","r","r" }, { "l","l","t","t","r","r","b","b" }, { "t","t","r","r","b","b","l","l" } }, prz = { { "r","b","b","l","l","t","t","r" }, { "b","l","l","t","t","r","r","b" }, { "l","t","t","r","r","b","b","l" }, { "t","r","r","b","b","l","l","t" } }, } }, five_front = { n = -5, max = 5, keys = front_keys, align = front_align, }, six_front = { n = -6, max = 6, keys = front_keys, align = front_align, }, pb = { direct = 'chem_pb ;' }, pe = { direct = 'chem_pe ;' }, save = { direct = 'chem_save ;' }, restore = { direct = 'chem_restore ;' }, space = { direct = 'chem_symbol("\\chemicalsymbol[space]") ;' }, plus = { direct = 'chem_symbol("\\chemicalsymbol[plus]") ;' }, minus = { direct = 'chem_symbol("\\chemicalsymbol[minus]") ;' }, gives = { direct = 'chem_symbol("\\chemicalsymbol[gives]{%s}{%s}") ;', arguments = 2 }, equilibrium = { direct = 'chem_symbol("\\chemicalsymbol[equilibrium]{%s}{%s}") ;', arguments = 2 }, mesomeric = { direct = 'chem_symbol("\\chemicalsymbol[mesomeric]{%s}{%s}") ;', arguments = 2 }, opencomplex = { direct = 'chem_symbol("\\chemicalsymbol[opencomplex]") ;' }, closecomplex = { direct = 'chem_symbol("\\chemicalsymbol[closecomplex]") ;' }, } local definitions = { } function chemicals.undefine(name) definitions[lower(name)] = nil end function chemicals.define(name,spec,text) name = lower(name) local dn = definitions[name] if not dn then dn = { } definitions[name] = dn end dn[#dn+1] = { spec = aux.settings_to_array(lower(spec)), text = aux.settings_to_array(text), } end local metacode, kind, keys, bonds, max, txt, textsize, rot, pstack local molecule = chemicals.molecule -- or use lpegmatch(chemicals.moleculeparser,...) local function fetch(txt) local st = stack[txt] local t = st.text[st.n] --~ st.n = st.n + 1 while not t and txt > 1 do txt = txt - 1 st = stack[txt] t = st.text[st.n] --~ st.n = st.n + 1 end if t then if trace_textstack then logs.report("chemical", "fetching from stack %s slot %s: %s",txt,st.n,t) end st.n = st.n + 1 end return txt, t end local digit = lpeg.R("09")/tonumber local colon = lpeg.P(":") local equal = lpeg.P("=") local other = 1 - digit - colon - equal local remapped = lpeg.S("+-") / remapper local operation = lpeg.Cs((remapped^0 * other)^1) local amount = digit local single = digit local special = (colon * lpeg.C(other^1)) + lpeg.Cc("") local range = digit * lpeg.P("..") * digit local set = lpeg.Ct(digit^2) local text = (equal * lpeg.C(lpeg.P(1)^0)) + lpeg.Cc(false) local pattern = (amount + lpeg.Cc(1)) * operation * special * ( range * lpeg.Cc(false) * text + lpeg.Cc(false) * lpeg.Cc(false) * set * text + single * lpeg.Cc(false) * lpeg.Cc(false) * text + lpeg.Cc(false) * lpeg.Cc(false) * lpeg.Cc(false) * text ) --~ local n, operation, index, upto, set, text = lpegmatch(pattern,"RZ1357") --~ print(lpegmatch(pattern,"RZ=x")) 1 RZ false false false x --~ print(lpegmatch(pattern,"RZ1=x")) 1 RZ 1 false false x --~ print(lpegmatch(pattern,"RZ1..3=x")) 1 RZ 1 3 false x --~ print(lpegmatch(pattern,"RZ13=x")) 1 RZ false false table x local function process(spec,text,n,rulethickness,rulecolor,offset) insert(stack,{ spec=spec, text=text, n=n }) local txt = #stack for i=1,#spec do local s = spec[i] local d = definitions[s] if d then for i=1,#d do local di = d[i] process(di.spec,di.text,1,rulethickness,rulecolor) end else local rep, operation, special, index, upto, set, text = lpegmatch(pattern,s) if operation == "pb" then insert(pstack,kind) metacode[#metacode+1] = syntax.pb.direct if keys[special] == "text" and index then if keys["c"..special] == "text" then -- can be option: auto ... metacode[#metacode+1] = format('chem_c%s(%s,%s,"");',special,bonds,index) else metacode[#metacode+1] = format('chem_%s(%s,%s,"");',special,bonds,index) end end elseif operation == "save" then insert(pstack,kind) metacode[#metacode+1] = syntax.save.direct elseif operation == "pe" or operation == "restore" then kind = remove(pstack) local ss = syntax[kind] local prev = bonds or 6 keys, bonds, max, rot = ss.keys, ss.n, ss.max, 1 metacode[#metacode+1] = syntax[operation].direct metacode[#metacode+1] = format("chem_set(%s,%s) ;",prev,bonds) elseif operation == "front" then if syntax[kind .. "_front"] then kind = kind .. "_front" local ss = syntax[kind] local prev = bonds or 6 keys, bonds, max, rot = ss.keys, ss.n, ss.max, 1 metacode[#metacode+1] = format("chem_set(%s,%s) ;",prev,bonds) end elseif operation then local ss = syntax[operation] if ss then local ds = ss.direct if ds then local sa = ss.arguments if sa == 1 then local one ; txt, one = fetch(txt) metacode[#metacode+1] = format(ds,one or "") elseif sa ==2 then local one ; txt, one = fetch(txt) local two ; txt, two = fetch(txt) metacode[#metacode+1] = format(ds,one or "",two or "") else metacode[#metacode+1] = ds end elseif ss.keys then local prev = bonds or 6 kind, keys, bonds, max, rot = s, ss.keys, ss.n, ss.max, 1 metacode[#metacode+1] = format("chem_set(%s,%s) ;",prev,bonds) end else local what = keys[operation] if what == "line" then if set then for i=1,#set do local si = set[i] metacode[#metacode+1] = format("chem_%s(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s);",operation,bonds,si,si,rulethickness,rulecolor) end elseif upto then metacode[#metacode+1] = format("chem_%s(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s);",operation,bonds,index,upto,rulethickness,rulecolor) elseif index then metacode[#metacode+1] = format("chem_%s(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s);",operation,bonds,index,index,rulethickness,rulecolor) else metacode[#metacode+1] = format("chem_%s(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s);",operation,bonds,1,max,rulethickness,rulecolor) end elseif what == "number" then if set then for i=1,#set do local si = set[i] metacode[#metacode+1] = format('chem_%s(%s,%s,"\\dochemicaltext{%s}");',operation,bonds,si,si) end elseif upto then for i=index,upto do local si = set[i] metacode[#metacode+1] = format('chem_%s(%s,%s,"\\dochemicaltext{%s}");',operation,bonds,si,si) end elseif index then metacode[#metacode+1] = format('chem_%s(%s,%s,"\\dochemicaltext{%s}");',operation,bonds,index,index) else for i=1,max do metacode[#metacode+1] = format('chem_%s(%s,%s,"\\dochemicaltext{%s}");',operation,bonds,i,i) end end elseif what == "text" then local align = syntax[kind].align align = align and align[operation] align = align and align[rot] if set then for i=1,#set do local si = set[i] local t = text if not t then txt, t = fetch(txt) end if t then local a = align and align[si] if a then a = "." .. a else a = "" end metacode[#metacode+1] = format('chem_%s%s(%s,%s,"\\dochemicaltext{%s}");',operation,a,bonds,si,molecule(apply(t))) end end elseif upto then for i=index,upto do local t = text if not t then txt, t = fetch(txt) end if t then local s = align and align[i] if s then s = "." .. s else s = "" end metacode[#metacode+1] = format('chem_%s%s(%s,%s,"\\dochemicaltext{%s}");',operation,s,bonds,i,molecule(apply(t))) end end elseif index == 0 then local t = text if not t then txt, t = fetch(txt) end if t then metacode[#metacode+1] = format('chem_%s_zero("\\dochemicaltext{%s}");',operation,molecule(apply(t))) end elseif index then local t = text if not t then txt, t = fetch(txt) end if t then local s = align and align[index] if s then s = "." .. s else s = "" end metacode[#metacode+1] = format('chem_%s%s(%s,%s,"\\dochemicaltext{%s}");',operation,s,bonds,index,molecule(apply(t))) end else for i=1,max do local t = text if not t then txt, t = fetch(txt) end if t then local s = align and align[i] if s then s = "." .. s else s = "" end metacode[#metacode+1] = format('chem_%s%s(%s,%s,"\\dochemicaltext{%s}");',operation,s,bonds,i,molecule(apply(t))) end end end elseif what == "transform" then if index then for r=1,rep do metacode[#metacode+1] = format('chem_%s(%s,%s);',operation,bonds,index) end if operation == "rot" then rot = index end end elseif what == "fixed" then metacode[#metacode+1] = format("chem_%s(%s,%s,%s);",operation,bonds,rulethickness,rulecolor) end end end end end remove(stack) end -- the size related values are somewhat special but we want to be -- compatible -- -- maybe we should default to fit -- -- rulethickness in points function chemicals.start(settings) chemicals.structures = chemicals.structures + 1 local textsize, rulethickness, rulecolor = settings.size, settings.rulethickness, settings.rulecolor local width, height, scale, offset = settings.width or 0, settings.height or 0, settings.scale or "medium", settings.offset or 0 local l, r, t, b = settings.left or 0, settings.right or 0, settings.top or 0, settings.bottom or 0 if scale == variables.small then scale = 500 elseif scale == variables.medium or scale == 0 then scale = 625 elseif scale == variables.big then scale = 750 else scale = tonumber(scale) if not scale or scale == 0 then scale = 750 elseif scale < 500 then scale = 500 end end if width == variables.fit then width = true else width = tonumber(width) or 0 if l == 0 then if r == 0 then l = (width == 0 and 2000) or width/2 r = l elseif width ~= 0 then l = width - r end elseif r == 0 and width ~= 0 then r = width - l end width = false end if height == variables.fit then height = true else height = tonumber(height) or 0 if t == 0 then if b == 0 then t = (height == 0 and 2000) or height/2 b = t elseif height ~= 0 then t = height - b end elseif b == 0 and height ~= 0 then b = height - t end height = false end scale = 0.75 * scale/625 metacode = { format("chem_start_structure(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) ;", chemicals.structures, l/25, r/25, t/25, b/25, scale, tostring(settings.axis == variables.on), tostring(width), tostring(height), tostring(offset) ) } kind, keys, bonds, stack, rot, pstack = "six", { }, 6, { }, 1, { } end function chemicals.stop() metacode[#metacode+1] = "chem_stop_structure ;" local mpcode = concat(metacode,"\n") if trace_structure then logs.report("chemical", "metapost code:\n%s", mpcode) end metapost.graphic(chemicals.instance,chemicals.format,mpcode,"") metacode = nil end function chemicals.component(spec,text,settings) rulethickness, rulecolor, offset = settings.rulethickness, settings.rulecolor local spec = aux.settings_to_array(lower(spec)) local text = aux.settings_to_array(text) metacode[#metacode+1] = "chem_start_component ;" process(spec,text,1,rulethickness,rulecolor) metacode[#metacode+1] = "chem_stop_component ;" end local inline = { ["single"] = "\\chemicalsinglebond", ["-"] = "\\chemicalsinglebond", ["double"] = "\\chemicaldoublebond", ["--"] = "\\chemicaldoublebond", ["triple"] = "\\chemicaltriplebond", ["---"] = "\\chemicaltriplebond", ["gives"] = "\\chemicalgives", ["->"] = "\\chemicalgives", ["equilibrium"] = "\\chemicalequilibrium", ["<->"] = "\\chemicalequilibrium", ["mesomeric"] = "\\chemicalmesomeric", ["<>"] = "\\chemicalmesomeric", ["plus"] = "\\chemicalsplus", ["+"] = "\\chemicalsplus", ["minus"] = "\\chemicalsminus", ["space"] = "\\chemicalsspace", } -- todo: top / bottom function chemicals.inline(spec) local spec = aux.settings_to_array(spec) for i=1,#spec do local s = spec[i] local inl = inline[lower(s)] if inl then texsprint(ctxcatcodes,inl) else texsprint(ctxcatcodes,format("\\chemicalinline{%s}",molecule(s))) end end end statistics.register("chemical formulas", function() if chemicals.structures > 0 then return format("%s chemical structure formulas",chemicals.structures) -- no timing needed, part of metapost end end)