if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['bibl-tra'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "this module is the basis for the lxml-* ones", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } bibtex = bibtex or { } local bibtex = bibtex bibtex.hacks = bibtex.hacks or { } local hacks = bibtex.hacks local match, gmatch, format, concat, sort = string.match, string.gmatch, string.format, table.concat, table.sort local variables, constants = interfaces.variables, interfaces.constants local trace_bibtex = false trackers.register("publications.bibtex", function(v) trace_bibtex = v end) local report_tex = logs.reporter("publications","tex") local context, structures = context, structures local references = structures.references local sections = structures.sections local list, done, alldone, used, registered, ordered = { }, { }, { }, { }, { }, { } local mode = 0 local template = utilities.strings.striplong([[ \citation{*} \bibstyle{cont-%s} \bibdata{%s} ]]) local bibtexbin = environment.arguments.mlbibtex and "mlbibcontext" or "bibtex" directives.register("publications.usemlbibtex", function(v) bibtexbin = v and "mlbibcontext" or "bibtex" end) function hacks.process(settings) local style = settings.style or "" local database = settings.database or "" local jobname = tex.jobname if database ~= "" then interfaces.showmessage("publications",3) io.savedata(file.addsuffix(jobname,"aux"),format(template,style,database)) if trace_bibtex then report_tex("processing bibtex file %a using %a",jobname,bibtexbin) end os.execute(format("%s %q",bibtexbin,jobname)) -- purge 'm end end function hacks.register(str) if trace_bibtex then report_tex("registering bibtex entry %a",str) end registered[#registered+1] = str ordered[str] = #registered end function hacks.nofregistered() return #registered end function hacks.reset(m) mode, list, done = m, { }, { } end function hacks.add(str,listindex) if not str or mode == 0 then -- skip elseif mode == 1 then -- all locals but no duplicates local sc = sections.currentid() if done[str] ~= sc then done[str], alldone[str] = sc, true list[#list+1] = { str, listindex } end elseif mode == 2 then -- all locals but no preceding local sc = sections.currentid() if not alldone[str] and done[str] ~= sc then done[str], alldone[str] = sc, true list[#list+1] = { str, listindex } end end end local function compare(a,b) -- quite some checking for non-nil local aa, bb = a and a[1], b and b[1] if aa and bb then local oa, ob = ordered[aa], ordered[bb] return oa and ob and oa < ob end return false end function hacks.flush(sortvariant) if sortvariant == "" or sortvariant == variables.cite or sortvariant == "default" then -- order is cite order i.e. same as list else sort(list,compare) end for i=1,#list do context.doprocessbibtexentry(list[i][1]) end end function hacks.filterall() for i=1,#registered do list[i] = { registered[i], i } end end function hacks.registerplaced(str) used[str] = true end function hacks.doifalreadyplaced(str) commands.doifelse(used[str]) end -- we ask for :tag but when we can't find it we go back -- to look for previous definitions, and when not found again -- we look forward local function compare(a,b) local aa, bb = a and a[3], b and b[3] return aa and bb and aa < bb end function hacks.resolve(prefix,block,reference) -- maybe already feed it split -- needs checking (the prefix in relation to components) local subsets local collected = references.collected if prefix and prefix ~= "" then subsets = { collected[prefix] or collected[""] } else local components = references.productdata.components local subset = collected[""] if subset then subsets = { subset } else subsets = { } end for i=1,#components do local subset = collected[components[i]] if subset then subsets[#subsets+1] = subset end end end if #subsets > 0 then local result, nofresult, done = { }, 0, { } block = tonumber(block) for i=1,#subsets do local subset = subsets[i] for rest in gmatch(reference,"[^, ]+") do local blk, tag, found = block, nil, nil if block then tag = blk .. ":" .. rest found = subset[tag] if not found then for i=block-1,1,-1 do tag = i .. ":" .. rest found = subset[tag] if found then blk = i break end end end end if not found then blk = "*" tag = blk .. ":" .. rest found = subset[tag] end if found then local current = tonumber(found.entries and found.entries.text) -- tonumber needed if current and not done[current] then nofresult = nofresult + 1 result[nofresult] = { blk, rest, current } done[current] = true end end end end -- todo: ranges so the interface will change sort(result,compare) local first, last, firsti, lasti, firstr, lastr local collected, nofcollected = { }, 0 for i=1,nofresult do local r = result[i] local current = r[3] if not first then first, last, firsti, lasti, firstr, lastr = current, current, i, i, r, r elseif current == last + 1 then last, lasti, lastr = current, i, r else if last > first + 1 then nofcollected = nofcollected + 1 collected[nofcollected] = { firstr[1], firstr[2], lastr[1], lastr[2] } else nofcollected = nofcollected + 1 collected[nofcollected] = { firstr[1], firstr[2] } if last > first then nofcollected = nofcollected + 1 collected[nofcollected] = { lastr[1], lastr[2] } end end first, last, firsti, lasti, firstr, lastr = current, current, i, i, r, r end end if first and last then if last > first + 1 then nofcollected = nofcollected + 1 collected[nofcollected] = { firstr[1], firstr[2], lastr[1], lastr[2] } else nofcollected = nofcollected + 1 collected[nofcollected] = { firstr[1], firstr[2] } if last > first then nofcollected = nofcollected + 1 collected[nofcollected] = { lastr[1], lastr[2] } end end end if nofcollected > 0 then for i=1,nofcollected do local c = collected[i] if c[3] then context.dowithbibtexnumrefrange(#collected,i,prefix,c[1],c[2],c[3],c[4]) else context.dowithbibtexnumref(#collected,i,prefix,c[1],c[2]) end end else context.nobibtexnumref("error 1") end else context.nobibtexnumref("error 2") end end