/* See license.txt in the root of this project. */ # ifndef LMT_PACKAGING_H # define LMT_PACKAGING_H # include "luametatex.h" /* We define some constants used when calling |hpack| to deal with font expansion. */ typedef enum hpack_subtypes { packing_exactly, /*tex a box dimension is pre-specified */ packing_additional, /*tex a box dimension is increased from the natural one */ packing_expanded, /*tex calculate amount for font expansion after breaking paragraph into lines */ packing_substitute, /*tex substitute fonts */ packing_adapted, packing_linebreak, /*tex signals that we need to take the frozen adjust properties */ } hpack_subtypes; typedef enum box_codes { box_code, /*tex |chr_code| for |\box| */ copy_code, /*tex |chr_code| for |\copy| */ unpack_code, last_box_code, /*tex |chr_code| for |\lastbox| */ vsplit_code, /*tex |chr_code| for |\vsplit| */ tpack_code, vpack_code, hpack_code, vtop_code, /*tex |chr_code| for |\vtop| */ vbox_code, hbox_code, insert_box_code, insert_copy_code, local_left_box_box_code, local_right_box_box_code, local_middle_box_box_code } box_codes; // typedef enum saved_spec_items { // saved_spec_item_packaging = 0, // saved_spec_item_attribute = 1, // saved_spec_n_of_items = 2, // } saved_spec_items; typedef enum saved_full_spec_items { saved_full_spec_item_context = 0, saved_full_spec_item_packaging = 1, saved_full_spec_item_direction = 2, saved_full_spec_item_attr_list = 3, saved_full_spec_item_only_pack = 4, saved_full_spec_item_orientation = 5, saved_full_spec_item_anchor = 6, saved_full_spec_item_geometry = 7, saved_full_spec_item_xoffset = 8, saved_full_spec_item_yoffset = 9, saved_full_spec_item_xmove = 10, saved_full_spec_item_ymove = 11, saved_full_spec_item_reverse = 12, saved_full_spec_item_container = 13, saved_full_spec_item_shift = 14, /* cleaner than passing it as context */ saved_full_spec_item_source = 15, saved_full_spec_item_target = 16, saved_full_spec_item_axis = 17, saved_full_spec_item_class = 18, saved_full_spec_item_state = 19, saved_full_spec_item_retain = 20, saved_full_spec_n_of_items = 21, } saved_full_spec_items; typedef enum holding_migration_options { holding_none_option = 0x00, holding_marks_option = 0x01, holding_inserts_option = 0x02, holding_adjusts_option = 0x04, } holding_migration_options ; # define retain_marks(r) (((r | holding_migrations_par) & holding_marks_option ) == holding_marks_option ) # define retain_inserts(r) (((r | holding_migrations_par) & holding_inserts_option) == holding_inserts_option) # define retain_adjusts(r) (((r | holding_migrations_par) & holding_adjusts_option) == holding_adjusts_option) typedef struct packaging_state_info { scaled total_stretch[6]; /*tex with one for padding, the results are also used in alignments */ scaled total_shrink[6]; /*tex glue found by |hpack| or |vpack|, the results are also used in alignments */ int last_badness; /*tex badness of the most recently packaged box */ scaled last_overshoot; halfword post_adjust_tail; /*tex tail of adjustment list */ halfword pre_adjust_tail; halfword post_migrate_tail; /*tex tail of adjustment list */ halfword pre_migrate_tail; halfword last_leftmost_char; halfword last_rightmost_char; int pack_begin_line; scaled best_height_plus_depth; /*tex The height of the best box, without stretching or shrinking: */ halfword previous_char_ptr; scaled font_expansion_ratio; halfword page_discards_tail; halfword page_discards_head; halfword split_discards_head; halfword padding; } packaging_state_info; extern packaging_state_info lmt_packaging_state; extern scaled tex_char_stretch (halfword p); extern scaled tex_char_shrink (halfword p); /* void tex_get_char_expansion (halfword p, halfword *stretch, halfword *shrink); */ /* no gain */ extern scaled tex_kern_stretch (halfword p); extern scaled tex_kern_shrink (halfword p); extern scaled tex_char_protrusion (halfword p, int side); /* void tex_kern_protrusion (halfword p, int side, halfword *stretch, halfword *shrink); */ extern scaled tex_left_marginkern (halfword p); extern scaled tex_right_marginkern (halfword p); extern halfword tex_filtered_hpack (halfword p, halfword qt, scaled w, int m, int grp, halfword d, int just_pack, halfword attr, int state, int retain); extern halfword tex_filtered_vpack (halfword p, scaled h, int m, scaled l, int grp, halfword d, int just_pack, halfword attr, int state, int retain); extern scaledwhd tex_natural_hsizes (halfword p, halfword pp, glueratio g_mult, int g_sign, int g_order); extern scaledwhd tex_natural_vsizes (halfword p, halfword pp, glueratio g_mult, int g_sign, int g_order); extern halfword tex_natural_width (halfword p, halfword pp, glueratio g_mult, int g_sign, int g_order); extern halfword tex_natural_hsize (halfword p, halfword *correction); extern halfword tex_natural_vsize (halfword p); extern halfword tex_hpack (halfword p, scaled w, int m, singleword d, int retain); extern halfword tex_vpack (halfword p, scaled h, int m, scaled l, singleword d, int retain); extern void tex_repack (halfword p, scaled w, int m); extern void tex_freeze (halfword p, int recurse); extern void tex_package (singleword nature); extern void tex_run_unpackage (void); extern void tex_append_to_vlist (halfword b, int location, const line_break_properties *properties); extern halfword tex_prune_page_top (halfword p, int s); extern halfword tex_vert_break (halfword p, scaled h, scaled d); extern halfword tex_vsplit (halfword n, scaled h, int m); extern void tex_finish_vcenter_group (void); extern void tex_run_vcenter (void); //# define vpack(A,B,C,D) tex_vpackage(A,B,C,max_dimen,D) # define first_un_box_code box_code # define last_un_box_code unpack_code # define first_nu_box_code box_code # define last_nu_box_code local_middle_box_box_code /*tex needs checking */ /*tex Now let's turn to the question of how |\hbox| is treated. We actually need to consider also a slightly larger context, since constructions like \starttyping \setbox3={\\hbox... \leaders\hbox... \lower3.8pt\hbox... \stoptyping are supposed to invoke quite different actions after the box has been packaged. Conversely, constructions like |\setbox 3 =| can be followed by a variety of different kinds of boxes, and we would like to encode such things in an efficient way. In other words, there are two problems: To represent the context of a box, and to represent its type. The first problem is solved by putting a \quote {context code} on the |save_stack|, just below the two entries that give the dimensions produced by |scan_spec|. The context code is either a (signed) shift amount, or it is a large integer |>= box_flag|, where |box_flag = | $2^{30}$. Codes |box_flag| through |box_flag + biggest_reg| represent |\setbox0| through |\setbox biggest_reg|; codes |box_flag + biggest_reg + 1| through |box_flag + 2 * biggest_reg| represent |\global \setbox 0| through |\global\setbox| |biggest_reg|; code |box_flag + 2 * number_regs| represents |\shipout|; and codes |box_flag + 2 * number_regs + 1| through |box_flag + 2 * number_regs + 3| represent |\leaders|, |\cleaders|, and |\xleaders|. The second problem is solved by giving the command code |make_box| to all control sequences that produce a box, and by using the following |chr_code| values to distinguish between them: |box_code|, |copy_code|, |last_box_code|, |vsplit_code|, |vtop_code|, |vtop_code + vmode|, and |vtop_code + hmode|, where the latter two are used denote |\vbox| and |\hbox|, respectively. */ # define biggest_reg 65535 /*tex This could be in |textypes.h|. */ typedef enum box_flags { box_flag = 010000000000, /*tex context code for |\setbox0| (< maxdimen) */ global_box_flag = 010000000000 + biggest_reg, /*tex context code for |\global\setbox0| */ max_global_box_flag = 010000000000 + 2 * biggest_reg, left_box_flag = 010000000000 + 2 * biggest_reg + 1, /*tex context code for |\localleftbox| (not used) */ right_box_flag = 010000000000 + 2 * biggest_reg + 2, /*tex context code for |\localrightbox| (not used) */ middle_box_flag = 010000000000 + 2 * biggest_reg + 3, /*tex context code for |\localrightbox| (not used) */ shipout_flag = 010000000000 + 2 * biggest_reg + 4, /*tex context code for |\shipout| */ lua_scan_flag = 010000000000 + 2 * biggest_reg + 5, /*tex context code for |scan_list| */ a_leaders_flag = 010000000000 + 2 * biggest_reg + 6, /*tex context code for |\leaders| */ c_leaders_flag = 010000000000 + 2 * biggest_reg + 7, /*tex context code for |\cleaders| */ x_leaders_flag = 010000000000 + 2 * biggest_reg + 8, /*tex context code for |\xleaders| */ g_leaders_flag = 010000000000 + 2 * biggest_reg + 9, /*tex context code for |\gleaders| */ u_leaders_flag = 010000000000 + 2 * biggest_reg + 10, /*tex context code for |\uleaders| */ } box_flags; # define box_leaders_flag(f) (f >= a_leaders_flag && f <= u_leaders_flag) extern void tex_begin_box (int boxcontext, scaled shift); extern int tex_ignore_math_skip (halfword p); # endif