/* See license.txt in the root of this project. */ # include "luametatex.h" /*tex In traditional \TEX\ inserts are implemented using a quadruple of box, dimen, count and skip registers. This means that the allocate macro |\newinsert| as well as the other allocators have to keep a range of registers free. In \CONTEXT\ (\MKII\ and \MKIV) for instance the indices 132 upto 254 are reserved for that. When pondering about improvements this implementation detail always puts some strains on the possible solutions and it is for that reason that an alternative code path is present, one that keep the relevant data in dedicated data structures. When that got implemented all accessors ended up here. Most were already abstracted anyway. For now it means that the old interface still works (and is default). By setting the |\insertmode| to 2 the alternative path is chosen. For practical reasons the first time an insert is used that value gets frozen; a mixed approach was too messy. Actually the new variant, which is tagged |class| instead of |index|, also better suits the extended box model. There is access to the basic three dimension but that's all. One can wrap in a box and mess with others but doing that with the boxes inserts makes no sense because the output routine expects simple boxes. A side effect is of course that we now have more primitives, starting with |\insert...| and also helpers at the \LUA\ end. A few more will follow and likely some enhancements will show up too. In this new mode we also store the floatingpenalty and maxdepth so these can now differ per class. They were already stored in the node, but this way we don't need to set the shared variable every time we do an insert. */ insert_state_info lmt_insert_state = { .inserts = NULL, .insert_data = { .minimum = min_insert_size, .maximum = max_insert_size, .size = memory_data_unset, .step = stp_insert_size, .allocated = 0, .itemsize = sizeof(insert_record), .top = 0, .ptr = 0, .initial = memory_data_unset, .offset = 0, }, .mode = unset_insert_mode, .storing = 0, }; void tex_initialize_inserts(void) { insert_record *tmp = aux_allocate_clear_array(sizeof(insert_record), lmt_insert_state.insert_data.minimum, 1); if (tmp) { lmt_insert_state.inserts = tmp; lmt_insert_state.insert_data.allocated = lmt_insert_state.insert_data.minimum * sizeof(insert_record); lmt_insert_state.insert_data.top = lmt_insert_state.insert_data.minimum; lmt_insert_state.insert_data.ptr = 0; } else { tex_overflow_error("inserts", lmt_insert_state.insert_data.minimum); } } /*tex This one is not sparse but we don't have many inserts so we're okay. I need to check the 0/1 offsets here. */ int tex_valid_insert_id(halfword n) { switch (lmt_insert_state.mode) { case index_insert_mode: return (n >= 0 && n <= max_box_register_index); case class_insert_mode: if (n <= 0) { tex_handle_error( normal_error_type, "In \\insertmode 2 you can't use zero as index.", NULL ); } else if (n <= lmt_insert_state.insert_data.ptr) { return 1; } else if (n < lmt_insert_state.insert_data.top) { lmt_insert_state.insert_data.ptr = n; return 1; } else if (n < lmt_insert_state.insert_data.maximum && lmt_insert_state.insert_data.top < lmt_insert_state.insert_data.maximum) { insert_record *tmp ; int top = n + lmt_insert_state.insert_data.step; if (top > lmt_insert_state.insert_data.maximum) { top = lmt_insert_state.insert_data.maximum; } tmp = aux_reallocate_array(lmt_insert_state.inserts, sizeof(insert_record), top, 1); // 1 slack if (tmp) { size_t extra = ((size_t) top - lmt_insert_state.insert_data.top) * sizeof(insert_record); memset(&tmp[lmt_insert_state.insert_data.top + 1], 0, extra); // memset(&tmp[lmt_insert_state.insert_data.top], 0, extra); lmt_insert_state.inserts = tmp; lmt_insert_state.insert_data.allocated += (int) extra; lmt_insert_state.insert_data.top = top; lmt_insert_state.insert_data.ptr = n; return 1; } } tex_overflow_error("inserts", lmt_insert_state.insert_data.maximum); } return 0; } scaled tex_get_insert_limit(halfword i) { if (tex_valid_insert_id(i)) { return lmt_insert_state.mode == index_insert_mode ? insert_maxheight(i) : lmt_insert_state.inserts[i].limit; } else { return 0; } } halfword tex_get_insert_multiplier(halfword i) { if (tex_valid_insert_id(i)) { return lmt_insert_state.mode == index_insert_mode ? insert_multiplier(i) : lmt_insert_state.inserts[i].multiplier; } else { return 0; } } halfword tex_get_insert_penalty(halfword i) { if (tex_valid_insert_id(i)) { return lmt_insert_state.mode == index_insert_mode ? floating_penalty_par : lmt_insert_state.inserts[i].penalty; } else { return 0; } } halfword tex_get_insert_maxdepth(halfword i) { if (tex_valid_insert_id(i)) { return lmt_insert_state.mode == index_insert_mode ? split_max_depth_par : lmt_insert_state.inserts[i].maxdepth; } else { return 0; } } halfword tex_get_insert_distance(halfword i) { if (tex_valid_insert_id(i)) { return lmt_insert_state.mode == index_insert_mode ? insert_distance(i) : lmt_insert_state.inserts[i].distance; } else { return 0; } } static inline halfword tex_aux_insert_box(halfword i) { if (tex_valid_insert_id(i)) { return lmt_insert_state.mode == index_insert_mode ? insert_content(i) : lmt_insert_state.inserts[i].content; } else { return null; } } scaled tex_get_insert_height(halfword i) { halfword b = tex_aux_insert_box(i); return b ? box_height(b) : 0; } scaled tex_get_insert_depth(halfword i) { halfword b = tex_aux_insert_box(i); return b ? box_depth(b) : 0; } scaled tex_get_insert_width(halfword i) { halfword b = tex_aux_insert_box(i); return b ? box_width(b) : 0; } halfword tex_get_insert_content(halfword i) { return tex_aux_insert_box(i); } halfword tex_get_insert_storage(halfword i) { if (lmt_insert_state.mode == class_insert_mode && tex_valid_insert_id(i)) { return has_insert_option(i, insert_option_storing); } else { return 0; } } void tex_set_insert_limit(halfword i, scaled v) { if (tex_valid_insert_id(i)) { switch (lmt_insert_state.mode) { case index_insert_mode: insert_maxheight(i) = v; break; case class_insert_mode: lmt_insert_state.inserts[i].limit = v; break; } } } void tex_set_insert_multiplier(halfword i, halfword v) { if (tex_valid_insert_id(i)) { switch (lmt_insert_state.mode) { case index_insert_mode: insert_multiplier(i) = v; break; case class_insert_mode: lmt_insert_state.inserts[i].multiplier = v; break; } } } void tex_set_insert_penalty(halfword i, halfword v) { if (tex_valid_insert_id(i) && lmt_insert_state.mode == class_insert_mode) { lmt_insert_state.inserts[i].options = set_insert_option(lmt_insert_state.inserts[i].options, insert_option_penalty); lmt_insert_state.inserts[i].penalty = v; } } void tex_set_insert_maxdepth(halfword i, halfword v) { if (tex_valid_insert_id(i) && lmt_insert_state.mode == class_insert_mode) { lmt_insert_state.inserts[i].options = set_insert_option(lmt_insert_state.inserts[i].options, insert_option_maxdepth); lmt_insert_state.inserts[i].maxdepth = v; } } void tex_set_insert_distance(halfword i, halfword v) { if (tex_valid_insert_id(i)) { int d = null; switch (lmt_insert_state.mode) { case index_insert_mode: d = insert_distance(i); insert_distance(i) = v; break; case class_insert_mode: d = lmt_insert_state.inserts[i].distance; lmt_insert_state.inserts[i].distance = v; break; } tex_flush_node(d); } } void tex_set_insert_height(halfword i, scaled v) { halfword b = tex_aux_insert_box(i); if (b) { box_height(b) = v; } } void tex_set_insert_depth(halfword i, scaled v) { halfword b = tex_aux_insert_box(i); if (b) { box_depth(b) = v; } } void tex_set_insert_width(halfword i, scaled v) { halfword b = tex_aux_insert_box(i); if (b) { box_width(b) = v; } } void tex_set_insert_content(halfword i, halfword v) { switch (lmt_insert_state.mode) { case index_insert_mode: insert_content(i) = v; break; case class_insert_mode: if (tex_valid_insert_id(i)) { lmt_insert_state.inserts[i].content = v; } break; } } void tex_set_insert_storage(halfword i, halfword v) { if (lmt_insert_state.mode == class_insert_mode && tex_valid_insert_id(i)) { lmt_insert_state.inserts[i].options = v ? set_insert_option(lmt_insert_state.inserts[i].options, insert_option_storing) : unset_insert_option(lmt_insert_state.inserts[i].options, insert_option_storing); } } void tex_wipe_insert(halfword i) { if (lmt_insert_state.mode == class_insert_mode && i >= 0 && i <= lmt_insert_state.insert_data.ptr) { // if (lmt_insert_state.mode == class_insert_mode && tex_valid_insert_id(i)) { halfword b = lmt_insert_state.inserts[i].content; if (b) { tex_flush_node(b); lmt_insert_state.inserts[i].content = null; } } } halfword lmt_get_insert_distance(halfword i, int slot) { int callback_id = lmt_callback_defined(build_page_insert_callback); if (callback_id != 0) { halfword replacement = null; lmt_run_callback(lmt_lua_state.lua_instance, callback_id, "dd->N", i, slot, &replacement); if (replacement) { return replacement; } else { halfword distance = null; switch (lmt_insert_state.mode) { case index_insert_mode: distance = insert_distance(i); break; case class_insert_mode: if (tex_valid_insert_id(i)) { distance = lmt_insert_state.inserts[i].distance; } break; } if (distance) { return tex_copy_node(distance); } } } return tex_new_glue_spec_node(null); } halfword tex_get_insert_progress(halfword i) { if (tex_valid_insert_id(i)) { halfword p = page_insert_head; while (p && i >= insert_index(node_next(p))) { p = node_next(p); if (p == page_insert_head) { break; } } return insert_index(p) == i ? insert_total_height(p) : 0; } else { return 0; } } /*tex The |class_insert| zero serves as a garbage bin. */ halfword tex_scan_insert_index(void) { halfword index = 0; switch (lmt_insert_state.mode) { case unset_insert_mode: lmt_insert_state.mode = index_insert_mode; // fall-through case index_insert_mode: index = tex_scan_box_register_number(); if (index == output_box_par) { tex_handle_error( normal_error_type, "You can't \\insert%i", output_box_par, "I'm changing to \\insert0; box \\outputbox is special." ); index = 0; } break; case class_insert_mode: index = tex_scan_int(0, NULL); if (! tex_valid_insert_id(index)) { index = 0; } break; } return index; } void tex_set_insert_mode(halfword mode) { if (lmt_insert_state.mode == unset_insert_mode && (mode == index_insert_mode || mode == class_insert_mode)) { lmt_insert_state.mode = mode; } else if (mode != lmt_insert_state.mode) { tex_handle_error( normal_error_type, "Bad \\insertmode (%i)", mode, "This mode can be set once and has value 1 or 2. It will be automatically\n" "set when \\insert is used." ); } } int tex_insert_is_void(halfword i) { halfword b = tex_aux_insert_box(i); return (! b) || box_list(b) == null; /*tex So also an empty box test! */ } /* playground */ int tex_insert_stored(void) { return lmt_insert_state.head != null; } void tex_insert_restore(halfword n) { if (lmt_insert_state.tail) { tex_couple_nodes(lmt_insert_state.tail, n); } else { lmt_insert_state.head = n; } lmt_insert_state.tail = n; } void tex_insert_store(halfword i, halfword n) { if (tex_get_insert_storage(i)) { tex_insert_restore(n); } } /* not sparse (yet) ... makes no sense (unless we make the list pointers) */ void tex_dump_insert_data(dumpstream f) { dump_int(f, lmt_insert_state.mode); dump_int(f, lmt_insert_state.insert_data.ptr); dump_int(f, lmt_insert_state.insert_data.top); dump_things(f, lmt_insert_state.inserts[0], lmt_insert_state.insert_data.ptr); } void tex_undump_insert_data(dumpstream f) { undump_int(f, lmt_insert_state.mode); undump_int(f, lmt_insert_state.insert_data.ptr); undump_int(f, lmt_insert_state.insert_data.top); insert_record *tmp = aux_allocate_clear_array(sizeof(insert_record), lmt_insert_state.insert_data.top, 1); if (tmp) { lmt_insert_state.inserts = tmp; lmt_insert_state.insert_data.allocated = lmt_insert_state.insert_data.top * sizeof(insert_record); undump_things(f, lmt_insert_state.inserts[0], lmt_insert_state.insert_data.ptr); } else { tex_overflow_error("inserts", lmt_insert_state.insert_data.top); } } /*tex Inserts, not the easiest mechanism and a candicate for more opening up. */ void tex_run_insert(void) { tex_set_saved_record(saved_insert_item_index, saved_insert_index, 0, tex_scan_insert_index()); lmt_save_state.save_stack_data.ptr += saved_insert_n_of_items; tex_new_save_level(insert_group); tex_scan_left_brace(); tex_normal_paragraph(insert_par_context); tex_push_nest(); cur_list.mode = -vmode; cur_list.prev_depth = ignore_depth; } void tex_finish_insert_group(void) { if (! tex_wrapped_up_paragraph(insert_par_context)) { halfword p, q; /*tex for short-term use */ scaled d; /*tex holds |split_max_depth| in |insert_group| */ halfword f; /*tex holds |floating_penalty| in |insert_group| */ tex_end_paragraph(insert_group, insert_par_context); q = tex_new_glue_node(split_top_skip_par, top_skip_code); d = split_max_depth_par; f = floating_penalty_par; tex_unsave(); lmt_save_state.save_stack_data.ptr -= saved_insert_n_of_items; // p = tex_vpack(node_next(cur_list.head), 0, packing_additional, max_dimen, direction_unknown); // /* we don't do this: */ // /* p = tex_filtered_vpack(node_next(cur_list.head), 0, packing_additional, max_dimen, insert_group, direction_unknown, 0, 0); */ // /* because it can induce loops. */ // tex_pop_nest(); p = node_next(cur_list.head); tex_pop_nest(); p = tex_vpack(p, 0, packing_additional, max_dimen, direction_unknown, holding_none_option); { halfword index = saved_value(saved_insert_item_index); halfword insert = tex_new_node(insert_node, 0); halfword maxdepth = tex_get_insert_maxdepth(index); halfword floating = tex_get_insert_penalty(index); if (tex_get_insert_storage(index)) { tex_insert_store(index, insert); } else { tex_tail_append(insert); } /*tex An |\insert| is just a list. We package it because we want to know the height but then discard the wrapper |vlist| node. So the |insert_list| is not packaged. */ insert_index(insert) = index; insert_total_height(insert) = box_total(p); insert_list(insert) = box_list(p); insert_split_top(insert) = q; insert_max_depth(insert) = has_insert_option(index, insert_option_maxdepth) ? d : maxdepth; insert_float_cost(insert) = has_insert_option(index, insert_option_penalty) ? f : floating; box_list(p) = null; tex_flush_node(p); if (tracing_inserts_par > 0) { tex_begin_diagnostic(); tex_print_levels(); tex_print_format("[insert: setting, index %i, height %D, penalty %i]", index, insert_total_height(insert), pt_unit, insert_float_cost(insert)); if (tracing_inserts_par > 1) { tex_print_node_list(insert_list(insert), "insert", show_box_depth_par, show_box_breadth_par); } tex_end_diagnostic(); } } /* we never do the callback ... maybe move it outside */ if (lmt_nest_state.nest_data.ptr == 0) { if (! lmt_page_builder_state.output_active) { lmt_page_filter_callback(insert_page_context, 0); } tex_build_page(); } } }