/* See license.txt in the root of this project. */ # include "luametatex.h" /* # define BASEXX_PDF 1 */ # include # include # include /*tex First I had a mix of own code and LHF code (base64 and base85) but in the end I decided to reuse some of pplibs code. Performance is ok, although we can speed up the base16 coders. When needed, we can have a few more but normally pure \LUA\ is quite ok for our purpose. */ # define encode_nl(L) \ (lua_type(L, 2) == LUA_TNUMBER) ? (lmt_tointeger(L, 2)) : ( (lua_isboolean(L, 2)) ? 80 : 0 ) # define lua_iof_push(L,out) \ lua_pushlstring(L,(const char *) out->buf, iof_size(out)) static int basexxlib_encode_16(lua_State *L) { size_t l; const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char*) luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &l); size_t n = 2 * l; size_t nl = encode_nl(L); iof *inp = iof_filter_string_reader(s, l); iof *out = iof_filter_buffer_writer(n); if (nl) { base16_encode_ln(inp, out, 0, nl); } else { base16_encode(inp, out); } lua_iof_push(L, out); iof_close(out); return 1; } static int basexxlib_decode_16(lua_State *L) { size_t l; const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char*) luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &l); size_t n = l / 2; iof *inp = iof_filter_string_reader(s, l); iof *out = iof_filter_buffer_writer(n); base16_decode(inp, out); lua_iof_push(L, out); iof_close(out); return 1; } static int basexxlib_encode_64(lua_State *L) { size_t l; const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char*) luaL_checklstring(L,1,&l); size_t n = 4 * l; size_t nl = encode_nl(L); iof *inp = iof_filter_string_reader(s,l); iof *out = iof_filter_buffer_writer(n); if (nl) { base64_encode_ln(inp,out,0,nl); } else { base64_encode(inp,out); } lua_iof_push(L,out); iof_close(out); return 1; } static int basexxlib_decode_64(lua_State *L) { size_t l; const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char*) luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &l); size_t n = l; iof *inp = iof_filter_string_reader(s, l); iof *out = iof_filter_buffer_writer(n); base64_decode(inp, out); lua_iof_push(L, out); iof_close(out); return 1; } static int basexxlib_encode_85(lua_State *L) { size_t l; const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char*) luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &l); size_t n = 5 * l; size_t nl = encode_nl(L); iof *inp = iof_filter_string_reader(s, l); iof *out = iof_filter_buffer_writer(n); if (nl) { base85_encode_ln(inp, out, 0, 80); } else { base85_encode(inp, out); } lua_iof_push(L,out); iof_close(out); return 1; } static int basexxlib_decode_85(lua_State *L) { size_t l; const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char*) luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &l); size_t n = l; iof *inp = iof_filter_string_reader(s, l); iof *out = iof_filter_buffer_writer(n); base85_decode(inp, out); lua_iof_push(L, out); iof_close(out); return 1; } static int basexxlib_encode_RL(lua_State *L) { size_t l; const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char*) luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &l); size_t n = 2 * l; iof *inp = iof_filter_string_reader(s, l); iof *out = iof_filter_buffer_writer(n); runlength_encode(inp, out); lua_iof_push(L, out); iof_close(out); return 1; } static int basexxlib_decode_RL(lua_State *L) { size_t l; const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char*) luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &l); size_t n = 2 * l; iof *inp = iof_filter_string_reader(s, l); iof *out = iof_filter_buffer_writer(n); runlength_decode(inp, out); lua_iof_push(L, out); iof_close(out); return 1; } static int basexxlib_encode_LZW(lua_State *L) { size_t l; const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char*) luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &l); size_t n = 2 * l; char *t = lmt_memory_malloc(n); int flags = lmt_optinteger(L, 2, LZW_ENCODER_DEFAULTS); iof *inp = iof_filter_string_reader(s, l); iof *out = iof_filter_string_writer(t, n); lzw_encode(inp, out, flags); lua_pushlstring(L, t, iof_size(out)); lmt_memory_free(t); return 1; } static int basexxlib_decode_LZW(lua_State *L) { size_t l; const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char*) luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &l); size_t n = 2 * l; iof *inp = iof_filter_string_reader(s, l); iof *out = iof_filter_buffer_writer(n); int flags = lmt_optinteger(L, 2, LZW_DECODER_DEFAULTS); lzw_decode(inp, out, flags); lua_iof_push(L, out); iof_close(out); return 1; } static struct luaL_Reg basexxlib_function_list[] = { { "encode16", basexxlib_encode_16 }, { "decode16", basexxlib_decode_16 }, { "encode64", basexxlib_encode_64 }, { "decode64", basexxlib_decode_64 }, { "encode85", basexxlib_encode_85 }, { "decode85", basexxlib_decode_85 }, { "encodeRL", basexxlib_encode_RL }, { "decodeRL", basexxlib_decode_RL }, { "encodeLZW", basexxlib_encode_LZW }, { "decodeLZW", basexxlib_decode_LZW }, { NULL, NULL }, }; int luaopen_basexx(lua_State *L) { lua_newtable(L); luaL_setfuncs(L, basexxlib_function_list, 0); return 1; }