/* See license.txt in the root of this project. */ # ifndef LMT_LLIBRARY_H # define LMT_LLIBRARY_H /*tex The normal \LUA\ library loader uses the same calls as below. After loading the initializer is looked up and called but here we use that method for locating more functions. -- anonymous cast: void(*)(void) */ /* Do we need LoadLibraryW here or are we never utf/wide? */ /* void : dlclose(lib) | string: dlerror() */ typedef void *lmt_library_function; # ifdef _WIN32 # include typedef struct lmt_library { HMODULE lib; int okay; int padding; } lmt_library; # define lmt_library_open_indeed(filename) LoadLibraryExA(filename, NULL, 0) # define lmt_library_close_indeed(lib) FreeLibrary((HMODULE) lib) # define lmt_library_find_indeed(lib,source) (void *) GetProcAddress((HMODULE) lib, source) # else # include typedef struct lmt_library { void *lib; int okay; int padding; } lmt_library; # define lmt_library_open_indeed(filename) dlopen(filename, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL) # define lmt_library_close_indeed(lib) dlclose(lib) # define lmt_library_find_indeed(lib,source) (void *) dlsym(lib, source) # endif extern void lmt_library_register (lua_State *L, const char *name, luaL_Reg functions[]); extern void lmt_library_initialize (lua_State *L); extern lmt_library lmt_library_load (const char *filename); extern lmt_library_function lmt_library_find (lmt_library lib, const char *source); extern int lmt_library_okay (lmt_library lib); # endif