Copyright: The originally 'runscript' program was written by in 2009 by T.M.Trzeciak and is public domain. This derived mtxrun program is an adapted version by Hans Hagen. Comment: In ConTeXt MkIV we have two core scripts: luatools.lua and mtxrun.lua where the second one is used to launch other scripts. Normally a user will use a call like: mtxrun --script font --reload Here mtxrun is a lua script. In order to avoid the usage of a cmd file on windows this runner will start texlua directly. In TeXlive a runner is added for each cmd file but we don't want that overhead (and extra files). By using an exe we can call these scripts in batch files without the need for using call. We also don't want to use other runners, like those that use kpse to locate the script as this is exactly what mtxrun itself is doing already. Therefore the runscript program is adapted to a more direct approach suitable for mtxrun. Compilation: with gcc (size optimized): gcc -Os -s -shared -o mtxrun.dll mtxrun_dll.c gcc -Os -s -o mtxrun.exe mtxrun_exe.c -L./ -lmtxrun with tcc (ver. 0.9.24), extra small size tcc -shared -o runscript.dll runscript_dll.c tcc -o runscript.exe runscript_exe.c runscript.def