@echo off setlocal :fetch set OWNPATH=%~dp0 set PATH=%OWNPATH%bin;%PATH% set PLATFORM=mswin set CYGWIN=nontsec if defined ProgramFiles(x86) ( set PLATFORM=win64 ) else ( if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%"=="AMD64" set PLATFORM=win64 ) REM ~ copy /y bin\mtx-update.lua bin\x.lua if "%PLATFORM%" == "win64" goto update-win64 :update-win32 rsync -av --exclude 'rsync.exe' --exclude 'cygwin1.dll' --exclude 'cygiconv-2.dll' rsync://contextgarden.net/minimals/setup/mswin/bin/ bin goto update :update-win64 rsync -av --exclude 'rsync.exe' --exclude 'cygwin1.dll' --exclude 'cygiconv-2.dll' rsync://contextgarden.net/minimals/setup/win64/bin/ bin goto update :update REM ~ copy /y bin\x.lua bin\mtx-update.lua REM --mingw --nofiledatabase --engine=luatex mtxrun --script ./bin/mtx-update.lua --update --force --make --engine=all --context=beta --texroot=%OWNPATH%tex %* echo. echo. echo When you want to use context, you need to initialize the tree with: echo. echo %OWNPATH%tex\setuptex.bat %OWNPATH%tex echo. echo You can associate this command with a shortcut to the cmd prompt. echo. echo Alternatively you can add %OWNPATH%tex\texmf-%PLATFORM%\bin to your PATH echo variable. echo. echo If you run from an editor you can specify the full path to mtxrun.exe: echo. echo. %OWNPATH%tex\texmf-%PLATFORM%\bin\mtxrun.exe --autogenerate --script context --autopdf ... echo. :ruby echo okay > ok.log ruby -e "File.delete('ok.log')" if not exist "ok.log" goto end echo. echo The distribution has been downloaded but if you want to run pdfTeX and/or XeTeX you echo need to run this script with the following directive: echo. echo --platform=all echo. echo You then also need to install Ruby in order to be able to use texexec. After echo installing Ruby you can run this script again which will give you the formats echo needed, or you can run: echo. echo texexec --make --pdftex echo texexec --make --xetex echo. :okay del /q ok.log :end endlocal