#!/usr/bin/env ruby # program : textools # copyright : PRAGMA Advanced Document Engineering # version : 2002-2005 # author : Hans Hagen # # project : ConTeXt / eXaMpLe # concept : Hans Hagen # info : j.hagen@xs4all.nl # www : www.pragma-ade.com # This script will harbor some handy manipulations on tex # related files. banner = ['TeXTools', 'version 1.3.1', '2002/2006', 'PRAGMA ADE/POD'] unless defined? ownpath ownpath = $0.sub(/[\\\/][a-z0-9\-]*?\.rb/i,'') $: << ownpath end require 'base/switch' require 'base/logger' require 'ftools' # Remark # # The fixtexmftrees feature does not realy belong in textools, but # since it looks like no measures will be taken to make texlive (and # tetex) downward compatible with respect to fonts installed by # users, we provide this fixer. This option also moves script files # to their new location (only for context) in the TDS. Beware: when # locating scripts, the --format switch in kpsewhich should now use # 'texmfscripts' instead of 'other text files' (texmfstart is already # aware of this). Files will only be moved when --force is given. Let # me know if more fixes need to be made. class Commands include CommandBase def tpmmake if filename = @commandline.argument('first') then filename = File.join('tpm',filename) unless filename =~ /^tpm[\/\\]/ filename += '.tpm' unless filename =~ /\.tpm$/ if FileTest.file?(filename) then data = IO.read(filename) rescue '' data, fn, n = calculate_tpm(data,"TPM:RunFiles") data, fm, m = calculate_tpm(data,"TPM:DocFiles") data = replace_tpm(data,"TPM:Size",n+m) report("total size #{n+m}") begin File.open(filename, 'w') do |f| f << data end rescue report("unable to save '#{filename}'") else report("file '#{filename}' is updated") filename = File.basename(filename).sub(/\..*$/,'') zipname = sprintf("%s-%04i.%02i.%02i%s",filename,Time.now.year,Time.now.month,Time.now.day,'.zip') File.delete(zipname) rescue true report("zipping file '#{zipname}'") system("zip -r -9 -q #{zipname} #{[fn,fm].flatten.join(' ')}") end else report("no file '#{filename}'") end end end def calculate_tpm(data, tag='') size, ok = 0, Array.new data.gsub!(/<#{tag}.*>(.*?)<\/#{tag}>/m) do content = $1 files = content.split(/\s+/) files.each do |file| unless file =~ /^\s*$/ then if FileTest.file?(file) then report("found file #{file}") size += FileTest.size(file) rescue 0 ok << file else report("missing file #{file}") end end end "<#{tag} size=\"#{size}\">#{content}" end [data, ok, size] end def replace_tpm(data, tag='', txt='') data.gsub(/(<#{tag}.*>)(.*?)(<\/#{tag}>)/m) do $1 + txt.to_s + $3 end end end class Commands include CommandBase def hidemapnames report('hiding FontNames in map files') xidemapnames(true) end def videmapnames report('unhiding FontNames in map files') xidemapnames(false) end def removemapnames report('removing FontNames from map files') if files = findfiles('map') then report files.sort.each do |fn| gn = fn # + '.nonames' hn = fn + '.original' begin if FileTest.file?(fn) && ! FileTest.file?(hn) then if File.rename(fn,hn) then if (fh = File.open(hn,'r')) && (gh = File.open(gn,'w')) then report("processing #{fn}") while str = fh.gets do str.sub!(/^([^\%]+?)(\s+)([^\"\<\s]*?)(\s)/) do $1 + $2 + " "*$3.length + $4 end gh.puts(str) end fh.close gh.close else report("no permissions to handle #{fn}") end else report("unable to rename #{fn} to #{hn}") end else report("not processing #{fn} due to presence of #{hn}") end rescue report("error in handling #{fn}") end end end end def restoremapnames report('restoring FontNames in map files') if files = findfiles('map') then report files.sort.each do |fn| hn = fn + '.original' begin if FileTest.file?(hn) then File.delete(fn) if FileTest.file?(fn) report("#{fn} restored") if File.rename(hn,fn) else report("no original found for #{fn}") end rescue report("error in restoring #{fn}") end end end end def findfile report('locating file in texmf tree') # ! not in tree # ? fuzzy # . in tree # > in tree and used if filename = @commandline.argument('first') then if filename && ! filename.empty? then report used = kpsefile(filename) || pathfile(filename) if paths = texmfroots then found, prefered = false, false paths.each do |p| if files = texmffiles(p,filename) then found = true files.each do |f| # unreadable: report("#{if f == used then '>' else '.' end} #{f}") if f == used then prefered = true report("> #{f}") else report(". #{f}") end end end end if prefered then report("! #{used}") unless found else report("> #{used}") end elsif used then report("? #{used}") else report('no file found') end else report('no file specified') end else report('no file specified') end end def unzipfiles report('g-unzipping files') if files = findfiles('gz') then report files.each do |f| begin system("gunzip -d #{f}") rescue report("unable to unzip file #{f}") else report("file #{f} is unzipped") end end end end def fixafmfiles report('fixing afm files') if files = findfiles('afm') then report ok = false files.each do |filename| if filename =~ /\.afm$/io then if f = File.open(filename) then result = '' done = false while str = f.gets do str.chomp! str.strip! if str.empty? then # skip elsif (str.length > 200) && (str =~ /^(comment|notice)\s(.*)\s*$/io) then done = true tag, words, len = $1, $2.split(' '), 0 result += tag while words.size > 0 do str = words.shift len += str.length + 1 result += ' ' + str if len > (70 - tag.length) then result += "\n" result += tag if words.size > 0 len = 0 end end result += "\n" if len>0 else result += str + "\n" end end f.close if done then ok = true begin if File.rename(filename,filename+'.original') then if FileTest.file?(filename) then report("something to fix in #{filename} but error in renaming (3)") elsif f = File.open(filename,'w') then f.puts(result) f.close report('file', filename, 'has been fixed') else report("something to fix in #{filename} but error in opening (4)") File.rename(filename+'.original',filename) # gamble end else report("something to fix in #{filename} but error in renaming (2)") end rescue report("something to fix in #{filename} but error in renaming (1)") end else report("nothing to fix in #{filename}") end else report("error in opening #{filename}") end end end report('no files match the pattern') unless ok end end def mactodos report('fixing mac newlines') if files = findfiles('tex') then report files.each do |filename| begin report("converting file #{filename}") tmpfilename = filename + '.tmp' if f = File.open(filename) then if g = File.open(tmpfilename, 'w') while str = f.gets do g.puts(str.gsub(/\r/,"\n")) end if f.close && g.close && FileTest.file?(tmpfilename) then File.delete(filename) File.rename(tmpfilename,filename) end else report("unable to open temporary file #{tmpfilename}") end else report("unable to open #{filename}") end rescue report("problems with fixing #{filename}") end end end end def fixtexmftrees if paths = @commandline.argument('first') then paths = [paths] if ! paths.empty? end paths = texmfroots if paths.empty? if paths then moved = 0 force = @commandline.option('force') report report("checking TDS 2003 => TDS 2004 : map files") # report # move [map,enc] files from /texmf/[dvips,pdftex,dvipdfmx] -> /texmf/fonts/[*] ['map','enc'].each do |suffix| paths.each do |path| ['dvips','pdftex','dvipdfmx'].each do |program| report report("checking #{suffix} files for #{program} on #{path}") report moved += movefiles("#{path}/#{program}","#{path}/fonts/#{suffix}/#{program}",suffix) do # nothing end end end end report report("checking TDS 2003 => TDS 2004 : scripts") # report # move [rb,pl,py] files from /texmf/someplace -> /texmf/scripts/someplace ['rb','pl','py'].each do |suffix| paths.each do |path| ['context'].each do |program| report report("checking #{suffix} files for #{program} on #{path}") report moved += movefiles("#{path}/#{program}","#{path}/scripts/#{program}",suffix) do |f| f.gsub!(/\/(perl|ruby|python)tk\//o) do "/#{$1}/" end end end end end begin if moved>0 then report if force then system('mktexlsr') report report("#{moved} files moved") else report("#{moved} files will be moved") end else report('no files need to be moved') end rescue report('you need to run mktexlsr') end end end def replacefile report('replace file') if newname = @commandline.argument('first') then if newname && ! newname.empty? then report report("replacing #{newname}") report oldname = kpsefile(File.basename(newname)) force = @commandline.option('force') if oldname && ! oldname.empty? then oldname = File.expand_path(oldname) newname = File.expand_path(newname) report("old: #{oldname}") report("new: #{newname}") report if newname == oldname then report('unable to replace itself') elsif force then begin File.copy(newname,oldname) rescue report('error in replacing the old file') end else report('the old file will be replaced (use --force)') end else report('nothing to replace') end else report('no file specified') end else report('no file specified') end end private # general def texmfroots begin paths = `kpsewhich -expand-path=\$TEXMF`.chomp rescue else return paths.split(/#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}/) if paths && ! paths.empty? end return nil end def texmffiles(root, filename) begin files = Dir.glob("#{root}/**/#{filename}") rescue else return files if files && files.length>0 end return nil end def pathfile(filename) used = nil begin if ! filename || filename.empty? then return nil else ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path| if FileTest.file?(File.join(path,filename)) then used = File.join(path,filename) break end end end rescue used = nil else used = nil if used && used.empty? end return used end def kpsefile(filename) used = nil begin if ! filename || filename.empty? then return nil else used = `kpsewhich #{filename}`.chomp end if used && used.empty? then used = `kpsewhich -progname=context #{filename}`.chomp end if used && used.empty? then used = `kpsewhich -format=texmfscripts #{filename}`.chomp end if used && used.empty? then used = `kpsewhich -progname=context -format=texmfscripts #{filename}`.chomp end if used && used.empty? then used = `kpsewhich -format="other text files" #{filename}`.chomp end if used && used.empty? then used = `kpsewhich -progname=context -format="other text files" #{filename}`.chomp end rescue used = nil else used = nil if used && used.empty? end return used end def downcasefilenames report('downcase filenames') force = @commandline.option('force') # if @commandline.option('recurse') then # files = Dir.glob('**/*') # else # files = Dir.glob('*') # end # if files && files.length>0 then if files = findfiles() then files.each do |oldname| if FileTest.file?(oldname) then newname = oldname.downcase if oldname != newname then if force then begin File.rename(oldname,newname) rescue report("#{oldname} == #{oldname}\n") else report("#{oldname} => #{newname}\n") end else report("(#{oldname} => #{newname})\n") end end end end end end def stripformfeeds report('strip formfeeds') force = @commandline.option('force') if files = findfiles() then files.each do |filename| if FileTest.file?(filename) then begin data = IO.readlines(filename).join('') rescue else if data.gsub!(/\n*\f\n*/io,"\n\n") then if force then if f = open(filename,'w') then report("#{filename} is stripped\n") f.puts(data) f.close else report("#{filename} cannot be stripped\n") end else report("#{filename} will be stripped\n") end end end end end end end public def showfont file = @commandline.argument('first') if file.empty? then report('provide filename') else file.sub!(/\.afm$/,'') begin report("analyzing afm file #{file}.afm") file = `kpsewhich #{file}.afm`.chomp rescue report('unable to run kpsewhich') return end names = Array.new if FileTest.file?(file) then File.new(file).each do |line| if line.match(/^C\s*([\-\d]+)\s*\;.*?\s*N\s*(.+?)\s*\;/o) then names.push($2) end end ranges = names.size report("number of glyphs: #{ranges}") ranges = ranges/256 + 1 report("number of subsets: #{ranges}") file = File.basename(file).sub(/\.afm$/,'') tex = File.open("textools.tex",'w') map = File.open("textools.map",'w') tex.puts("\\starttext\n") tex.puts("\\loadmapfile[textools.map]\n") for i in 1..ranges do rfile = "#{file}-range-#{i}" report("generating enc file #{rfile}.enc") flushencoding("#{rfile}", (i-1)*256, i*256-1, names) # catch console output report("generating tfm file #{rfile}.tfm") mapline = `afm2tfm #{file}.afm -T #{rfile}.enc #{rfile}.tfm` # more robust replacement mapline = "#{rfile} <#{rfile}.enc <#{file}.pfb" # final entry in map file mapline = "#{mapline} <#{file}.pfb" map.puts("#{mapline}\n") tex.puts("\\showfont[#{rfile}][unknown]\n") end tex.puts("\\stoptext\n") report("generating map file textools.map") report("generating tex file textools.tex") map.close tex.close else report("invalid file #{file}") end end end private def flushencoding (file, from, to, names) n = 0 out = File.open("#{file}.enc",'w') out.puts("/#{file.gsub(/\-/,'')} [\n") for i in from..to do if names[i] then n += 1 out.puts("/#{names[i]}\n") else out.puts("/.notdef\n") end end out.puts("] def\n") out.close return n end private # specific def movefiles(from_path,to_path,suffix,&block) obsolete = 'obsolete' force = @commandline.option('force') moved = 0 if files = texmffiles(from_path, "*.#{suffix}") then files.each do |filename| newfilename = filename.sub(/^#{from_path}/, to_path) yield(newfilename) if block if FileTest.file?(newfilename) then begin File.rename(filename,filename+'.obsolete') if force rescue report("#{filename} cannot be made obsolete") if force else if force then report("#{filename} is made obsolete") else report("#{filename} will become obsolete") end end else begin File.makedirs(File.dirname(newfilename)) if force rescue end begin File.copy(filename,newfilename) if force rescue report("#{filename} cannot be copied to #{newfilename}") else begin File.delete(filename) if force rescue report("#{filename} cannot be deleted") if force else if force then report("#{filename} is moved to #{newfilename}") moved += 1 else report("#{filename} will be moved to #{newfilename}") end end end end end else report('no matches found') end return moved end def xidemapnames(hide) filter = /^([^\%]+?)(\s+)([^\"\<\s]*?)(\s)/ banner = '% textools:nn ' if files = findfiles('map') then report files.sort.each do |fn| if fn.has_suffix?('map') then begin lines = IO.read(fn) report("processing #{fn}") if f = File.open(fn,'w') then skip = false if hide then lines.each do |str| if skip then skip = false elsif str =~ /#{banner}/ then skip = true elsif str =~ filter then f.puts(banner+str) str.sub!(filter) do $1 + $2 + " "*$3.length + $4 end end f.puts(str) end else lines.each do |str| if skip then skip = false elsif str.sub!(/#{banner}/, '') then f.puts(str) skip = true else f.puts(str) end end end f.close end rescue report("error in handling #{fn}") end end end end end public def updatetree nocheck = @commandline.option('nocheck') merge = @commandline.option('merge') delete = @commandline.option('delete') force = @commandline.option('force') root = @commandline.argument('first').gsub(/\\/,'/') path = @commandline.argument('second').gsub(/\\/,'/') if FileTest.directory?(root) then report("scanning #{root}") rootfiles = Dir.glob("#{root}/**/*") else report("provide source root") return end if rootfiles.size > 0 then report("#{rootfiles.size} files") else report("no files") return end rootfiles.collect! do |rf| rf.gsub(/\\/o, '/').sub(/#{root}\//o, '') end rootfiles = rootfiles.delete_if do |rf| FileTest.directory?(File.join(root,rf)) end if FileTest.directory?(path) then report("scanning #{path}") pathfiles = Dir.glob("#{path}/**/*") else report("provide destination root") return end if pathfiles.size > 0 then report("#{pathfiles.size} files") else report("no files") return end pathfiles.collect! do |pf| pf.gsub(/\\/o, '/').sub(/#{path}\//o, '') end pathfiles = pathfiles.delete_if do |pf| FileTest.directory?(File.join(path,pf)) end root = File.expand_path(root) path = File.expand_path(path) donepaths = Hash.new copiedfiles = Hash.new # update existing files, assume similar paths report("") pathfiles.each do |f| # destination p = File.join(path,f) if rootfiles.include?(f) then r = File.join(root,f) if p != r then if nocheck or File.mtime(p) < File.mtime(r) then copiedfiles[File.expand_path(p)] = true report("updating '#{r}' to '#{p}'") begin begin File.makedirs(File.dirname(p)) if force ; rescue ; end File.copy(r,p) if force rescue report("updating failed") end else report("not updating '#{r}'") end end end end # merging non existing files report("") rootfiles.each do |f| donepaths[File.dirname(f)] = true r = File.join(root,f) if not pathfiles.include?(f) then p = File.join(path,f) if p != r then if merge then copiedfiles[File.expand_path(p)] = true report("merging '#{r}' to '#{p}'") begin begin File.makedirs(File.dirname(p)) if force ; rescue ; end File.copy(r,p) if force rescue report("merging failed") end else report("not merging '#{r}'") end end end end # deleting obsolete files report("") donepaths.keys.sort.each do |d| pathfiles = Dir.glob("#{path}/#{d}/**/*") pathfiles.each do |p| r = File.join(root,d,File.basename(p)) if FileTest.file?(p) and not FileTest.file?(r) and not copiedfiles.key?(File.expand_path(p)) then if delete then report("deleting '#{p}'") begin File.delete(p) if force rescue report("deleting failed") end else report("not deleting '#{p}'") end end end end end end logger = Logger.new(banner.shift) commandline = CommandLine.new commandline.registeraction('removemapnames' , '[pattern] [--recurse]') commandline.registeraction('restoremapnames' , '[pattern] [--recurse]') commandline.registeraction('hidemapnames' , '[pattern] [--recurse]') commandline.registeraction('videmapnames' , '[pattern] [--recurse]') commandline.registeraction('findfile' , 'filename [--recurse]') commandline.registeraction('unzipfiles' , '[pattern] [--recurse]') commandline.registeraction('fixafmfiles' , '[pattern] [--recurse]') commandline.registeraction('mactodos' , '[pattern] [--recurse]') commandline.registeraction('fixtexmftrees' , '[texmfroot] [--force]') commandline.registeraction('replacefile' , 'filename [--force]') commandline.registeraction('updatetree' , 'fromroot toroot [--force --nocheck --merge --delete]') commandline.registeraction('downcasefilenames', '[--recurse] [--force]') # not yet documented commandline.registeraction('stripformfeeds' , '[--recurse] [--force]') # not yet documented commandline.registeraction('showfont' , 'filename') commandline.registeraction('tpmmake' , 'tpm file (run in texmf root)') commandline.registeraction('help') commandline.registeraction('version') commandline.registerflag('recurse') commandline.registerflag('force') commandline.registerflag('merge') commandline.registerflag('delete') commandline.registerflag('nocheck') commandline.expand Commands.new(commandline,logger,banner).send(commandline.action || 'help')