#!/usr/bin/env ruby #encoding: ASCII-8BIT # We have removed the fast, server and client variants and no longer # provide the distributed 'serve trees' option. After all, we're now # using luatex. # program : texmfstart # copyright : PRAGMA Advanced Document Engineering # version : 1.9.0 - 2003/2006 # author : Hans Hagen # # project : ConTeXt / eXaMpLe # info : j.hagen@xs4all.nl # www : www.pragma-pod.com / www.pragma-ade.com # no special requirements, i.e. no exa modules/classes used # texmfstart [switches] filename [optional arguments] # # ruby2exe texmfstart --help -> avoids stub test # # Of couse I can make this into a nice class, which i'll undoubtely will # do when I feel the need. In that case it will be part of a bigger game. # --locate => provides location # --exec => exec instead of system # --iftouched=a,b => only if timestamp a<>b # --ifchanged=a,b => only if checksum changed # # file: path: bin: # texmfstart --exec bin:scite *.tex # we don't depend on other libs $: << File.expand_path(File.dirname($0)) ; $: << File.join($:.last,'lib') ; $:.uniq! require "rbconfig" require "fileutils" require "digest/md5" # kpse_merge_start class File def File::makedirs(*x) FileUtils.makedirs(x) end end class String def split_path if self =~ /\;/o || self =~ /^[a-z]\:/io then self.split(";") else self.split(":") end end end class Array def join_path self.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) end end class File def File.locate_file(path,name) begin files = Dir.entries(path) if files.include?(name) then fullname = File.join(path,name) return fullname if FileTest.file?(fullname) end files.each do |p| fullname = File.join(path,p) if p != '.' and p != '..' and FileTest.directory?(fullname) and result = locate_file(fullname,name) then return result end end rescue # bad path end return nil end def File.glob_file(pattern) return Dir.glob(pattern).first end end # kpse_merge_file: 't:/ruby/base/kpsedirect.rb' class KpseDirect attr_accessor :progname, :format, :engine def initialize @progname, @format, @engine = '', '', '' end def expand_path(str) clean_name(`kpsewhich -expand-path=#{str}`.chomp) end def expand_var(str) clean_name(`kpsewhich -expand-var=#{str}`.chomp) end def find_file(str) clean_name(`kpsewhich #{_progname_} #{_format_} #{str}`.chomp) end def _progname_ if @progname.empty? then '' else "-progname=#{@progname}" end end def _format_ if @format.empty? then '' else "-format=\"#{@format}\"" end end private def clean_name(str) str.gsub(/\\/,'/') end end # kpse_merge_stop $mswindows = Config::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin/ $separator = File::PATH_SEPARATOR $version = "2.1.0" $ownpath = File.dirname($0) if $mswindows then require "win32ole" require "Win32API" end # exit if defined?(REQUIRE2LIB) $stdout.sync = true $stderr.sync = true $applications = Hash.new $suffixinputs = Hash.new $predefined = Hash.new $runners = Hash.new $suffixinputs['pl'] = 'PERLINPUTS' $suffixinputs['rb'] = 'RUBYINPUTS' $suffixinputs['py'] = 'PYTHONINPUTS' $suffixinputs['lua'] = 'LUAINPUTS' $suffixinputs['jar'] = 'JAVAINPUTS' $suffixinputs['pdf'] = 'PDFINPUTS' $predefined['texexec'] = 'texexec.rb' $predefined['texutil'] = 'texutil.rb' $predefined['texfont'] = 'texfont.pl' $predefined['texshow'] = 'texshow.pl' $predefined['makempy'] = 'makempy.pl' $predefined['mptopdf'] = 'mptopdf.pl' $predefined['pstopdf'] = 'pstopdf.rb' $predefined['examplex'] = 'examplex.rb' $predefined['concheck'] = 'concheck.rb' $predefined['runtools'] = 'runtools.rb' $predefined['textools'] = 'textools.rb' $predefined['tmftools'] = 'tmftools.rb' $predefined['ctxtools'] = 'ctxtools.rb' $predefined['rlxtools'] = 'rlxtools.rb' $predefined['pdftools'] = 'pdftools.rb' $predefined['mpstools'] = 'mpstools.rb' # $predefined['exatools'] = 'exatools.rb' $predefined['xmltools'] = 'xmltools.rb' # $predefined['luatools'] = 'luatools.lua' # $predefined['mtxtools'] = 'mtxtools.rb' $predefined['newpstopdf'] = 'pstopdf.rb' $predefined['newtexexec'] = 'texexec.rb' $predefined['pdftrimwhite'] = 'pdftrimwhite.pl' $makelist = [ # context 'texexec', 'texutil', 'texfont', # mp/ps 'pstopdf', 'mptopdf', 'makempy', # misc 'ctxtools', 'pdftools', 'xmltools', 'textools', 'mpstools', 'tmftools', 'exatools', 'runtools', 'rlxtools', 'pdftrimwhite', 'texfind', 'texshow' # # no 'luatools', # no 'mtxtools', # no, 'texmfstart' ] $scriptlist = 'rb|pl|py|lua|jar' $documentlist = 'pdf|ps|eps|htm|html' $editor = ENV['TEXMFSTART_EDITOR'] || ENV['EDITOR'] || ENV['editor'] || 'scite' $crossover = true # to other tex tools, else only local $kpse = nil def set_applications(page=1) $applications['unknown'] = '' $applications['ruby'] = $applications['rb'] = 'ruby' $applications['lua'] = $applications['lua'] = 'lua' $applications['perl'] = $applications['pl'] = 'perl' $applications['python'] = $applications['py'] = 'python' $applications['java'] = $applications['jar'] = 'java' if $mswindows then $applications['pdf'] = ['',"pdfopen --page #{page} --file",'acroread'] $applications['html'] = ['','netscape','mozilla','opera','iexplore'] $applications['ps'] = ['','gview32','gv','gswin32','gs'] else $applications['pdf'] = ["pdfopen --page #{page} --file",'acroread'] $applications['html'] = ['netscape','mozilla','opera'] $applications['ps'] = ['gview','gv','gs'] end $applications['htm'] = $applications['html'] $applications['eps'] = $applications['ps'] $runners['lua'] = "texlua" end set_applications() def check_kpse if $kpse then # already done else $kpse = KpseDirect.new end end if $mswindows then GetShortPathName = Win32API.new('kernel32', 'GetShortPathName', ['P','P','N'], 'N') GetLongPathName = Win32API.new('kernel32', 'GetLongPathName', ['P','P','N'], 'N') def dowith_pathname (filename,filemethod) filename = filename.gsub(/\\/o,'/') # no gsub! because filename can be frozen case filename when /\;/o then # could be a path spec return filename when /\s+/o then # danger lurking buffer = ' ' * 260 length = filemethod.call(filename,buffer,buffer.size) if length>0 then return buffer.slice(0..length-1) else # when the path or file does not exist, nothing is returned # so we try to handle the path separately from the basename basename = File.basename(filename) pathname = File.dirname(filename) length = filemethod.call(pathname,buffer,260) if length>0 then return buffer.slice(0..length-1) + '/' + basename else return filename end end else # no danger return filename end end def longpathname (filename) dowith_pathname(filename,GetLongPathName) end def shortpathname (filename) dowith_pathname(filename,GetShortPathName) end else def longpathname (filename) filename end def shortpathname (filename) filename end end class File @@update_eps = 1 def File.needsupdate(oldname,newname) begin oldtime = File.stat(oldname).mtime.to_i newtime = File.stat(newname).mtime.to_i if newtime >= oldtime then return false elsif oldtime-newtime < @@update_eps then return false else return true end rescue return true end end def File.syncmtimes(oldname,newname) return begin if $mswindows then # does not work (yet) / gives future timestamp # t = File.mtime(oldname) # i'm not sure if the time is frozen, so we do it here # File.utime(0,t,oldname,newname) else t = File.mtime(oldname) # i'm not sure if the time is frozen, so we do it here File.utime(0,t,oldname,newname) end rescue end end def File.timestamp(name) begin "#{File.stat(name).mtime}" rescue return 'unknown' end end end def hashed (arr=[]) arg = if arr.class == String then arr.split(' ') else arr.dup end hsh = Hash.new if arg.length > 0 hsh['arguments'] = '' done = false arg.each do |s| if done then if s =~ /\s/ then kvl = s.split('=') if kvl[1] and kvl[1] !~ /^[\"\']/ then hsh['arguments'] += ' ' + kvl[0] + "=" + '"' + kvl[1] + '"' elsif s =~ /\s/ then hsh['arguments'] += ' "' + s + '"' else hsh['arguments'] += ' ' + s end else hsh['arguments'] += ' ' + s end else kvl = s.split('=') if kvl[0].sub!(/^\-+/,'') then hsh[kvl[0]] = if kvl.length > 1 then kvl[1] else true end else hsh['file'] = s done = true end end end end return hsh end def launch(filename) if $browser && $mswindows then filename = filename.gsub(/\.[\/\\]/) do Dir.getwd + '/' end report("launching #{filename}") ie = WIN32OLE.new("InternetExplorer.Application") ie.visible = true ie.navigate(filename) return true else return false end end # env|environment # rel|relative # loc|locate|kpse|path|file def quoted(str) if str =~ /^\"/ then return str elsif str =~ / / then return "\"#{str}\"" else return str end end def expanded(arg) # no "other text files", too restricted arg.gsub(/(env|environment)\:([a-zA-Z\-\_\.0-9]+)/o) do method, original, resolved = $1, $2, '' if resolved = ENV[original] then report("environment variable #{original} expands to #{resolved}") unless $report quoted(resolved) else report("environment variable #{original} cannot be resolved") unless $report quoted(original) end end . gsub(/(rel|relative)\:([a-zA-Z\-\_\.0-9]+)/o) do method, original, resolved = $1, $2, '' ['.','..','../..'].each do |r| if FileTest.file?(File.join(r,original)) then resolved = File.join(r,original) break end end if resolved.empty? then quoted(original) else quoted(resolved) end end . gsub(/(kpse|loc|locate|file|path)\:([a-zA-Z\-\_\.0-9]+)/o) do method, original, resolved = $1, $2, '' if $program && ! $program.empty? then # pstrings = ["-progname=#{$program}"] pstrings = [$program] else # pstrings = ['','-progname=context'] pstrings = ['','context'] end # auto suffix with texinputs as fall back if ENV["_CTX_K_V_#{original}_"] then resolved = ENV["_CTX_K_V_#{original}_"] report("environment provides #{original} as #{resolved}") unless $report quoted(resolved) else check_kpse pstrings.each do |pstr| if resolved.empty? then # command = "kpsewhich #{pstr} #{original}" # report("running #{command}") report("locating '#{original}' in program space '#{pstr}'") begin # resolved = `#{command}`.chomp $kpse.progname = pstr $kpse.format = '' resolved = $kpse.find_file(original).gsub(/\\/,'/') rescue resolved = '' end end # elsewhere in the tree if resolved.empty? then # command = "kpsewhich #{pstr} -format=\"other text files\" #{original}" # report("running #{command}") report("locating '#{original}' in program space '#{pstr}' using format 'other text files'") begin # resolved = `#{command}`.chomp $kpse.progname = pstr $kpse.format = 'other text files' resolved = $kpse.find_file(original).gsub(/\\/,'/') rescue resolved = '' end end end if resolved.empty? then original = File.dirname(original) if method =~ /path/ report("#{original} is not resolved") unless $report ENV["_CTX_K_V_#{original}_"] = original if $crossover quoted(original) else resolved = File.dirname(resolved) if method =~ /path/ report("#{original} is resolved to #{resolved}") unless $report ENV["_CTX_K_V_#{original}_"] = resolved if $crossover quoted(resolved) end end end end def changeddir?(path) if path.empty? then return true else oldpath = File.expand_path(path) begin Dir.chdir(path) if not path.empty? rescue report("unable to change to directory: #{path}") else report("changed to directory: #{path}") end newpath = File.expand_path(Dir.getwd) return oldpath == newpath end end def runcommand(command) if $locate then command = command.split(' ').collect do |c| if c =~ /\//o then begin cc = File.expand_path(c) c = cc if FileTest.file?(cc) rescue end end c end . join(' ') print command # to stdout and no newline elsif $execute then report("using 'exec' instead of 'system' call: #{command}") exec(command) if changeddir?($path) else report("using 'system' call: #{command}") system(command) if changeddir?($path) end end def join_command(args) args[0] = $runners[args[0]] || args[0] [args].join(' ') end def runoneof(application,fullname,browserpermitted) if browserpermitted && launch(fullname) then return true else fullname = quoted(fullname) # added because MM ran into problems report("starting #{$filename}") unless $report output("\n") if $report && $verbose applications = $applications[application.downcase] if ! applications then output("problems with determining application type") return true elsif applications.class == Array then if $report then output(join_command([fullname,expanded($arguments)])) return true else applications.each do |a| return true if runcommand(join_command([a,fullname,expanded($arguments)])) end end elsif applications.empty? then if $report then output(join_command([fullname,expanded($arguments)])) return true else return runcommand(join_command([fullname,expanded($arguments)])) end else if $report then output(join_command([applications,fullname,expanded($arguments)])) return true else return runcommand(join_command([applications,fullname,expanded($arguments)])) end end return false end end def report(str) $stdout.puts(str) if $verbose end def output(str) $stdout.puts(str) end def usage print "version : #{$version} - 2003/2006 - www.pragma-ade.com\n" print("\n") print("usage : texmfstart [switches] filename [optional arguments]\n") print("\n") print("switches : --verbose --report --browser --direct --execute --locate --iftouched --ifchanged\n") print(" --program --file --page --arguments --batch --edit --report --clear\n") print(" --make --lmake --wmake --path --stubpath --indirect --before --after\n") print(" --tree --autotree --environment --showenv\n") print("\n") print("example : texmfstart pstopdf.rb cow.eps\n") print(" texmfstart --locate examplex.rb\n") print(" texmfstart --execute examplex.rb\n") print(" texmfstart --browser examplap.pdf\n") print(" texmfstart showcase.pdf\n") print(" texmfstart --page=2 --file=showcase.pdf\n") print(" texmfstart --program=yourtex yourscript.rb arg-1 arg-2\n") print(" texmfstart --direct xsltproc kpse:somefile.xsl somefile.xml\n") print(" texmfstart --direct ruby rel:wn-cleanup-1.rb oldfile.xml newfile.xml\n") print(" texmfstart bin:xsltproc env:somepreset path:somefile.xsl somefile.xml\n") print(" texmfstart --iftouched=normal,lowres downsample.rb normal lowres\n") print(" texmfstart --ifchanged=somefile.dat --direct processit somefile.dat\n") print(" texmfstart bin:scite kpse:texmf.cnf\n") print(" texmfstart --exec bin:scite *.tex\n") print(" texmfstart --edit texmf.cnf\n") print(" texmfstart --edit kpse:texmf.cnf\n") print(" texmfstart --serve\n") print("\n") print(" texmfstart --stubpath=/usr/local/bin [--make --remove] --verbose all\n") print(" texmfstart --stubpath=auto [--make --remove] all\n") print("\n") check_kpse end # somehow registration does not work out (at least not under windows) # the . is also not accepted by unix as seperator def tag(name) if $crossover then "_CTX_K_S_#{name}_" else "TEXMFSTART.#{name}" end end def registered?(filename) return ENV[tag(filename)] != nil end def registered(filename) return ENV[tag(filename)] || 'unknown' end def register(filename,fullname) if fullname && ! fullname.empty? then # && FileTest.file?(fullname) ENV[tag(filename)] = fullname report("registering '#{filename}' as '#{fullname}'") return true else return false end end def find(filename,program) begin filename = filename.sub(/script:/o, '') # so we have bin: and script: and nothing if $predefined.key?(filename) then report("expanding '#{filename}' to '#{$predefined[filename]}'") filename = $predefined[filename] end if registered?(filename) then report("already located '#{filename}'") return registered(filename) end # create suffix list if filename =~ /^(.*)\.(.+)$/ then filename = $1 suffixlist = [$2] else suffixlist = [$scriptlist.split('|'),$documentlist.split('|')].flatten end # first we honor a given path if filename =~ /[\\\/]/ then report("trying to honor '#{filename}'") suffixlist.each do |suffix| fullname = filename+'.'+suffix if FileTest.file?(fullname) && register(filename,fullname) return shortpathname(fullname) end end end filename.sub!(/^.*[\\\/]/, '') # next we look at the current path and the callerpath pathlist = [ ] progpath = $applications[suffixlist[0]] threadok = registered("THREAD") !~ /unknown/ pathlist << ['.','current'] pathlist << [$ownpath,'caller'] if $ownpath != '.' pathlist << ["#{$ownpath}/../#{progpath}",'caller'] if progpath pathlist << [registered("THREAD"),'thread'] if threadok pathlist << ["#{registered("THREAD")}/../#{progpath}",'thread'] if progpath && threadok pathlist.each do |p| if p && ! p.empty? && ! (p[0] == 'unknown') then suffixlist.each do |suffix| fname = "#{filename}.#{suffix}" fullname = File.expand_path(File.join(p[0],fname)) report("locating '#{fname}' in #{p[1]} path '#{p[0]}'") if FileTest.file?(fullname) && register(filename,fullname) then report("'#{fname}' located in #{p[1]} path") return shortpathname(fullname) end end end end # now we consult environment settings fullname = nil check_kpse $kpse.progname = program suffixlist.each do |suffix| begin break unless $suffixinputs[suffix] environment = ENV[$suffixinputs[suffix]] || ENV[$suffixinputs[suffix]+".#{$program}"] if ! environment || environment.empty? then begin # environment = `kpsewhich -expand-path=\$#{$suffixinputs[suffix]}`.chomp environment = $kpse.expand_path("\$#{$suffixinputs[suffix]}") rescue environment = nil else if environment && ! environment.empty? then report("using kpsewhich variable #{$suffixinputs[suffix]}") end end elsif environment && ! environment.empty? then report("using environment variable #{$suffixinputs[suffix]}") end if environment && ! environment.empty? then environment.split($separator).each do |e| e.strip! e = '.' if e == '\.' # somehow . gets escaped e += '/' unless e =~ /[\\\/]$/ fullname = e + filename + '.' + suffix report("testing '#{fullname}'") if FileTest.file?(fullname) then break else fullname = nil end end end rescue report("environment string '#{$suffixinputs[suffix]}' cannot be used to locate '#{filename}'") fullname = nil else return shortpathname(fullname) if register(filename,fullname) end end return shortpathname(fullname) if register(filename,fullname) # then we fall back on kpsewhich suffixlist.each do |suffix| # TDS script scripts location as per 2004 if suffix =~ /(#{$scriptlist})/ then begin report("using 'kpsewhich' to locate '#{filename}' in suffix space '#{suffix}' (1)") # fullname = `kpsewhich -progname=#{program} -format=texmfscripts #{filename}.#{suffix}`.chomp $kpse.format = 'texmfscripts' fullname = $kpse.find_file("#{filename}.#{suffix}").gsub(/\\/,'/') rescue report("kpsewhich cannot locate '#{filename}' in suffix space '#{suffix}' (1)") fullname = nil else return shortpathname(fullname) if register(filename,fullname) end end # old TDS location: .../texmf/context/... begin report("using 'kpsewhich' to locate '#{filename}' in suffix space '#{suffix}' (2)") # fullname = `kpsewhich -progname=#{program} -format="other text files" #{filename}.#{suffix}`.chomp $kpse.format = 'other text files' fullname = $kpse.find_file("#{filename}.#{suffix}").gsub(/\\/,'/') rescue report("kpsewhich cannot locate '#{filename}' in suffix space '#{suffix}' (2)") fullname = nil else return shortpathname(fullname) if register(filename,fullname) end end return shortpathname(fullname) if register(filename,fullname) # let's take a look at the path paths = ENV['PATH'].split($separator) suffixlist.each do |s| paths.each do |p| suffixedname = "#{filename}.#{s}" report("checking #{p} for #{filename}") if FileTest.file?(File.join(p,suffixedname)) then fullname = File.join(p,suffixedname) return shortpathname(fullname) if register(filename,fullname) end end end # bad luck, we need to search the tree ourselves if (suffixlist.length == 1) && (suffixlist.first =~ /(#{$documentlist})/) then report("aggressively locating '#{filename}' in document trees") begin # texroot = `kpsewhich -expand-var=$SELFAUTOPARENT`.chomp texroot = $kpse.expand_var("$SELFAUTOPARENT") rescue texroot = '' else texroot.sub!(/[\\\/][^\\\/]*?$/, '') end if not texroot.empty? then sffxlst = suffixlist.join(',') begin report("locating '#{filename}' in document tree '#{texroot}/doc*'") if (result = Dir.glob("#{texroot}/doc*/**/#{filename}.{#{sffxlst}}")) && result && result[0] && FileTest.file?(result[0]) then fullname = result[0] end rescue report("locating '#{filename}.#{suffixlist.join('|')}' in tree '#{texroot}' aborted") end end return shortpathname(fullname) if register(filename,fullname) end report("aggressively locating '#{filename}' in tex trees") begin # textrees = `kpsewhich -expand-var=$TEXMF`.chomp textrees = $kpse.expand_var("$TEXMF") rescue textrees = '' end if not textrees.empty? then textrees.gsub!(/[\{\}\!]/, '') textrees = textrees.split(',') if (suffixlist.length == 1) && (suffixlist.first =~ /(#{$documentlist})/) then speedup = ['doc**','**'] else speedup = ['**'] end sffxlst = suffixlist.join(',') speedup.each do |speed| textrees.each do |tt| tt.gsub!(/[\\\/]$/, '') if FileTest.directory?(tt) then begin report("locating '#{filename}' in tree '#{tt}/#{speed}/#{filename}.{#{sffxlst}}'") if (result = Dir.glob("#{tt}/#{speed}/#{filename}.{#{sffxlst}}")) && result && result[0] && FileTest.file?(result[0]) then fullname = result[0] break end rescue report("locating '#{filename}' in tree '#{tt}' aborted") next end end end break if fullname && ! fullname.empty? end end if register(filename,fullname) then return shortpathname(fullname) else return '' end rescue error, trace = $!, $@.join("\n") report("fatal error: #{error}\n#{trace}") # report("fatal error") end end def run(fullname) if ! fullname || fullname.empty? then output("the file '#{$filename}' is not found") elsif FileTest.file?(fullname) then begin case fullname when /\.(#{$scriptlist})$/i then return runoneof($1,fullname,false) when /\.(#{$documentlist})$/i then return runoneof($1,fullname,true) else return runoneof('unknown',fullname,false) end rescue report("starting '#{$filename}' in program space '#{$program}' fails (#{$!})") end else report("the file '#{$filename}' in program space '#{$program}' is not accessible") end return false end def direct(fullname) begin return runcommand([fullname.sub(/^(bin|binary)\:/, ''),expanded($arguments)].join(' ')) rescue return false end end def edit(filename) begin return runcommand([$editor,expanded(filename),expanded($arguments)].join(' ')) rescue return false end end def make(filename,windows=false,linux=false,remove=false) basename = File.basename(filename).gsub(/\.[^.]+?$/, '') if $stubpath == 'auto' then basename = File.dirname($0) + '/' + basename else basename = $stubpath + '/' + basename unless $stubpath.empty? end if filename == 'texmfstart' then program = 'ruby' command = 'kpsewhich --format=texmfscripts --progname=context texmfstart.rb' filename = `#{command}`.chomp.gsub(/\\/, '/') if filename.empty? then report("failure: #{command}") return elsif not remove then if windows then ['bat','cmd','exe'].each do |suffix| if FileTest.file?("#{basename}.#{suffix}") then report("windows stub '#{basename}.#{suffix}' skipped (already present)") return end end elsif linux && FileTest.file?(basename) then report("unix stub '#{basename}' skipped (already present)") return end end else program = nil if filename =~ /[\\\/]/ && filename =~ /\.(#{$scriptlist})$/ then program = $applications[$1] end filename = "\"#{filename}\"" if filename =~ /\s/ program = 'texmfstart' if $indirect || ! program || program.empty? end begin callname = $predefined[filename.sub(/\.*?$/,'')] || filename if remove then if windows && (File.delete(basename+'.bat') rescue false) then report("windows stub '#{basename}.bat' removed (calls #{callname})") elsif linux && (File.delete(basename) rescue false) then report("unix stub '#{basename}' removed (calls #{callname})") end else if windows && f = open(basename+'.bat','w') then f.binmode f.write("@echo off\015\012") f.write("#{program} #{callname} %*\015\012") f.close report("windows stub '#{basename}.bat' made (calls #{callname})") elsif linux && f = open(basename,'w') then f.binmode f.write("#!/bin/sh\012") f.write("#{program} #{callname} \"$@\"\012") f.close report("unix stub '#{basename}' made (calls #{callname})") end end rescue report("failed to make stub '#{basename}' #{$!}") return false else return true end end def process(&block) if $iftouched then files = $directives['iftouched'].split(',') oldname, newname = files[0], files[1] if oldname && newname && File.needsupdate(oldname,newname) then report("file #{oldname}: #{File.timestamp(oldname)}") report("file #{newname}: #{File.timestamp(newname)}") report("file is touched, processing started") yield File.syncmtimes(oldname,newname) else report("file #{oldname} is untouched") end elsif $ifchanged then filename = $directives['ifchanged'] checkname = filename + ".md5" oldchecksum, newchecksum = "old", "new" begin newchecksum = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(IO.read(filename)).upcase rescue newchecksum = "new" else begin oldchecksum = IO.read(checkname).chomp rescue oldchecksum = "old" end end if $verbose then report("old checksum #{filename}: #{oldchecksum}") report("new checksum #{filename}: #{newchecksum}") end if oldchecksum != newchecksum then report("file is changed, processing started") begin File.open(checkname,'w') do |f| f << newchecksum end rescue end yield else report("file #{filename} is unchanged") end else yield end end def checkenvironment(tree) report('') ENV['TMP'] = ENV['TMP'] || ENV['TEMP'] || ENV['TMPDIR'] || ENV['HOME'] case RUBY_PLATFORM when /(mswin|bccwin|mingw|cygwin)/i then ENV['TEXOS'] = ENV['TEXOS'] || 'texmf-mswin' when /(linux)/i then ENV['TEXOS'] = ENV['TEXOS'] || 'texmf-linux' when /(darwin|rhapsody|nextstep)/i then ENV['TEXOS'] = ENV['TEXOS'] || 'texmf-macosx' # when /(netbsd|unix)/i then # todo else # todo end ENV['TEXOS'] = "#{ENV['TEXOS'].sub(/^[\\\/]*/, '').sub(/[\\\/]*$/, '')}" ENV['TEXPATH'] = tree.sub(/\/+$/,'') # + '/' ENV['TEXMFOS'] = "#{ENV['TEXPATH']}/#{ENV['TEXOS']}" report('') report("preset : TEXPATH => #{ENV['TEXPATH']}") report("preset : TEXOS => #{ENV['TEXOS']}") report("preset : TEXMFOS => #{ENV['TEXMFOS']}") report("preset : TMP => #{ENV['TMP']}") report('') end def loadfile(filename) begin IO.readlines(filename).each do |line| case line.chomp when /^[\#\%]/ then # comment when /^(.*?)\s*(\>|\=|\<)\s*(.*)\s*$/ then # = assign | > prepend | < append key, how, value = $1, $2, $3 begin # $SAFE = 0 value.gsub!(/\%(.*?)\%/) do ENV[$1] || '' end # value.gsub!(/\;/,$separator) if key =~ /PATH/i then case how when '=', '<<' then ENV[key] = value when '?', '??' then ENV[key] = ENV[key] || value when '<', '+=' then ENV[key] = (ENV[key] || '') + $separator + value when '>', '=+' then ENV[key] = value + $separator + (ENV[key] ||'') end rescue report("user set failed : #{key} (#{$!})") else report("user set : #{key} => #{ENV[key]}") end end end rescue report("error in reading file '#{filename}'") end end def loadtree(tree) begin unless tree.empty? then if File.directory?(tree) then setuptex = File.join(tree,'setuptex.tmf') else setuptex = tree.dup end if FileTest.file?(setuptex) then report("tex tree definition: #{setuptex}") checkenvironment(File.dirname(setuptex)) loadfile(setuptex) else report("no setup file '#{setuptex}'") end end rescue # maybe tree is empty or boolean (no arg given) end end def loadenvironment(environment) begin unless environment.empty? then filename = if $path.empty? then environment else File.expand_path(File.join($path,environment)) end if FileTest.file?(filename) then report("environment : #{environment}") loadfile(filename) else report("no environment file '#{environment}'") end end rescue report("problem while loading '#{environment}'") end end def show_environment if $showenv then keys = ENV.keys.sort size = 0 keys.each do |k| size = k.size if k.size > size end report('') keys.each do |k| report("#{k.rjust(size)} => #{ENV[k]}") end report('') end end def execute(arguments) # br global arguments = arguments.split(/\s+/) if arguments.class == String $directives = hashed(arguments) $help = $directives['help'] || false $batch = $directives['batch'] || false $filename = $directives['file'] || '' $program = $directives['program'] || 'context' $direct = $directives['direct'] || false $edit = $directives['edit'] || false $page = $directives['page'] || 1 $browser = $directives['browser'] || false $report = $directives['report'] || false $verbose = $directives['verbose'] || false $arguments = $directives['arguments'] || '' $execute = $directives['execute'] || $directives['exec'] || false $locate = $directives['locate'] || false $autotree = if $directives['autotree'] then (ENV['TEXMFSTART_TREE'] || ENV['TEXMFSTARTTREE'] || '') else '' end $path = $directives['path'] || '' $tree = $directives['tree'] || $autotree || '' $environment = $directives['environment'] || '' $make = $directives['make'] || false $remove = $directives['remove'] || $directives['delete'] || false $unix = $directives['unix'] || false $windows = $directives['windows'] || $directives['mswin'] || false $stubpath = $directives['stubpath'] || '' $indirect = $directives['indirect'] || false $before = $directives['before'] || '' $after = $directives['after'] || '' $iftouched = $directives['iftouched'] || false $ifchanged = $directives['ifchanged'] || false $openoffice = $directives['oo'] || false $crossover = false if $directives['clear'] $showenv = $directives['showenv'] || false $verbose = true if $showenv $serve = $directives['serve'] || false $verbose = true if (ENV['_CTX_VERBOSE_'] =~ /(y|yes|t|true|on)/io) && ! $locate && ! $report set_applications($page) # private: $selfmerge = $directives['selfmerge'] || false $selfcleanup = $directives['selfclean'] || $directives['selfcleanup'] || false ENV['_CTX_VERBOSE_'] = 'yes' if $verbose if $openoffice then if ENV['OOPATH'] then if FileTest.directory?(ENV['OOPATH']) then report("using open office python") if $mswindows then $applications['python'] = $applications['py'] = "\"#{File.join(ENV['OOPATH'],'program','python.bat')}\"" else $applications['python'] = $applications['py'] = File.join(ENV['OOPATH'],'python') end report("python path #{$applications['python']}") else report("environment variable 'OOPATH' does not exist") end else report("environment variable 'OOPATH' is not set") end end if $selfmerge then output("ruby libraries are cleaned up") if SelfMerge::cleanup output("ruby libraries are merged") if SelfMerge::merge return true elsif $selfcleanup then output("ruby libraries are cleaned up") if SelfMerge::cleanup return true elsif $help || ! $filename || $filename.empty? then usage loadtree($tree) loadenvironment($environment) show_environment() return true elsif $batch && $filename && ! $filename.empty? then # todo, take commands from file and avoid multiple starts and checks return false else report("texmfstart version #{$version}") loadtree($tree) loadenvironment($environment) show_environment() if $make || $remove then if $filename == 'all' then makelist = $makelist else makelist = [$filename] end makelist.each do |filename| if $windows then make(filename,true,false,$remove) elsif $unix then make(filename,false,true,$remove) else make(filename,$mswindows,!$mswindows,$remove) end end return true # guess elsif $browser && $filename =~ /^http\:\/\// then return launch($filename) else begin process do if $direct || $filename =~ /^bin\:/ then return direct($filename) elsif $edit && ! $editor.empty? then return edit($filename) else # script: or no prefix command = find(shortpathname($filename),$program) if command then register("THREAD",File.dirname(File.expand_path(command))) return run(command) else report('unable to locate program') return false end end end rescue report('fatal error in starting process') return false end end end end if execute(ARGV) then report("\nexecution was successful") if $verbose exit(0) else report("\nexecution failed") if $verbose exit(1) end