# program : rsfiltool # copyright : PRAGMA Publishing On Demand # version : 1.01 - 2002 # author : Hans Hagen # # project : eXaMpLe # concept : Hans Hagen # info : j.hagen@xs4all.nl # www : www.pragma-pod.com / www.pragma-ade.com unless defined? ownpath ownpath = $0.sub(/[\\\/]\w*?\.rb/i,'') $: << ownpath end # --name=a,b,c.xml wordt names [a.xml, b.xml, c.xml] # --path=x/y/z/a,b,c.xml wordt [x/y/z/a.xml, x/y/z/b.xml, x/y/z/c.xml] # todo : split session stuff from xmpl/base into an xmpl/session module and "include xmpl/session" into base and here and ... require 'fileutils' # require 'ftools' require 'xmpl/base' require 'xmpl/switch' require 'xmpl/request' session = Example.new('rsfiltool', '1.01', 'PRAGMA POD') filterprefix = 'rsfil-' commandline = CommandLine.new commandline.registerflag('submit') commandline.registerflag('fetch') commandline.registerflag('report') #commandline.registerflag('split') commandline.registerflag('stamp') commandline.registerflag('silent') commandline.registerflag('request') commandline.registerflag('nobackup') commandline.registervalue('filter') commandline.registervalue('root') commandline.registervalue('path') commandline.registervalue('name') commandline.expand session.set('log.silent',true) if commandline.option('silent') session.inherit(commandline) session.identify # session.exit unless session.loadenvironment def prepare (session) # Normally the system provides the file, but a user can provide the rest; in # order to prevent problems with keying in names, we force lowercase names. session.set('option.file',session.get('argument.first')) if session.get('option.file').empty? root = session.get('option.root').downcase path = session.get('option.path').downcase name = session.get('option.name').downcase file = session.get('option.file').downcase session.error('provide file') if file.empty? session.error('provide root') if root.empty? filter = session.get('option.filter').downcase trash = session.get('option.trash').downcase trash = '' unless FileTest.directory?(trash) if not filter.empty? then begin require filter rescue Exception begin require filterprefix + filter rescue Exception session.error('invalid filter') end end begin if RSFIL::valid?(file) then split = RSFIL::split(file,name) path = if split[0].downcase then split[0] else '' end file = if split[1].downcase then split[1] else '' end name = if split[2].downcase then split[2] else '' end session.report('split result',split.inspect) session.error('unable to split off path') if path.empty? session.error('unable to split off file') if file.empty? session.error('unable to split off name') if name.empty? session.set('option.path',path) if path session.set('option.file',file) if file session.set('option.name',name) if name else session.error('invalid filename', file) unless trash.empty? then File.copy(file,trash + '/' + file) end end rescue session.error('unable to split',file,'with filter',filter) end end session.error('provide path') if path.empty? session.error('invalid root') unless test(?d,root) exit if session.error? session.set('fb.filename',file) path.gsub!(/\\/o, '/') path.gsub!(/\s/o, '') path = root + '/' + path # multiple paths if path =~ /^(.*)\/(.*?)$/o then prepath = $1 postpath = $2 paths = postpath.split(/\,/) paths.collect! do |p| prepath + '/' + p end else paths = Array.new paths.push(path) end paths.collect! do |p| p.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\-\_\/\.\:]/o, '-') end file.gsub!(/\\/o, '/') file.gsub!(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\-\_\/\.\:]/o, '-') # if session.get('option.split') # if file =~ /(.*)\.(.*?)$/o # path = path + '/' + $1 # else # session.error('nothing to split in filename') # end # end paths.each do |p| begin session.report('creating path', p) File.makedirs(p) rescue session.error('unable to create path', p) end end name.gsub!(/\s+/,'') # can be a,b,c.exa.saved => a.exa.saved,b.exa.saved,c.exa.saved if name =~ /(.*?)\.(.*)$/ name = $1 suffix = $2 names = name.split(/\,/) names.collect! do |n| n + '.' + suffix end name = names.join(',') else names = name.split(/\,/) end session.set('fb.path',path) session.set('fb.paths',paths) session.set('fb.name',name) session.set('fb.names',names) end def thefullname(path,file,name='') filename = file.gsub(/.*?\//, '') if name.empty? path + '/' + filename else unless name =~ /\..+$/o # unless name.match(/\..+$/o) if filename =~ /(\..+)$/o # if file.match(/(\..+)$/o) name = name + $1 end end path + '/' + name end end def submitfile (session) filename = session.get('fb.filename') paths = session.get('fb.paths') names = session.get('fb.names') paths.each do |path| session.report('submitting path',path) names.each do |name| session.report('submitting file',filename,'to',name) submit(session,path,filename,name) end end end def submitlist (session) requestname = session.get('fb.filename') paths = session.get('fb.paths') if test(?e,requestname) session.report('loading request file', requestname) if request = ExaRequest.new(requestname) filelist = request.files if filelist && (filelist.size > 0) filelist.each do |filename| paths.each do |path| session.report('submitting file from list', filename) submit(session,path,filename,request.naturalname(filename)) end end else session.warning('no filelist in', requestname) end else session.warning('unable to load', requestname) end else session.warning('no file', requestname) end end def submit (session, path, filename, newname) fullname = thefullname(path,newname) unless test(?e,filename) session.warning('no file to submit', filename) return end begin File.copy(fullname,fullname+'.old') if ! session.get('nobackup') && test(?e,fullname) if test(?e,filename) File.copy(filename,fullname) session.report('submit', filename, 'in', fullname) if session.get('option.stamp') f = open(fullname+'.tim','w') f.puts(Time.now.gmtime.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")) f.close end else session.error('unable to locate', filename) end rescue session.error('unable to move', filename, 'to', fullname) end end def fetch (session) filename = session.get('fb.filename') paths = session.get('fb.paths') name = session.get('fb.name') begin File.copy(filename,filename+'.old') if ! session.get('nobackup') && test(?e,filename) paths.each do |path| # fullname = thefullname(path,request.naturalname(filename)) # fullname = thefullname(path,filename) fullname = thefullname(path,name) if test(?e,fullname) File.copy(fullname,filename) session.report('fetch', filename, 'from', fullname) return else session.report('file',fullname, 'is not present') end end rescue session.error('unable to fetch file from path') end session.error('no file',filename, 'fetched') unless test(?e,filename) end def report (session) filename = session.get('fb.filename') paths = session.get('fb.paths') paths.each do |path| fullname = thefullname(path,request.naturalname(filename)) if test(?e,fullname) begin session.report('file', fullname) session.report('size', test(?s,fullname)) if test(?e,fullname+'.tim') str = IO.readlines(fullname+'.tim') # str = IO.read(fullname+'.tim') session.report('time', str) end rescue session.error('unable to report about', fullname) end end end end if session.get('option.submit') prepare(session) if session.get('option.request') submitlist(session) else submitfile(session) end elsif session.get('option.fetch') prepare(session) fetch(session) elsif session.get('option.report') prepare(session) report(session) else session.report('provide action') end