module PDFview @files = @opencalls = @closecalls = @allcalls = # acrobat no longer is a valid default as (1) it keeps crashing with pdfopen due to a dual acrobat/reader install (a side effect # of the api changing every version, and (2) because there are all these anyoing popups with respect to signed, review, online # this and that stuff ... hardly useable as fast previewer, and (3) sumatra is faster and nicer and doesn't block (okay, we have to # get rid of this horrible yellow bg-coloring buts that is doable @method = 'sumatra' # 'default' # 'xpdf' @opencalls['default'] = "pdfopen --file" # "pdfopen --back --file" @opencalls['xpdf'] = "xpdfopen" @opencalls['sumatra'] = 'start "test" sumatrapdf.exe -reuse-instance -bg-color 0xCCCCCC' @closecalls['default'] = "pdfclose --file" @closecalls['xpdf'] = nil @closecalls['sumatra'] = nil @allcalls['default'] = "pdfclose --all" @allcalls['xpdf'] = nil @allcalls['sumatra'] = nil def PDFview.setmethod(method) @method = method end def*list) begin [*list].flatten.each do |file| filename = fullname(file) if FileTest.file?(filename) then if @opencalls[@method] then result = `#{@opencalls[@method]} #{filename} 2>&1` @files[filename] = true end end end rescue end end def PDFview.close(*list) [*list].flatten.each do |file| filename = fullname(file) begin if @files.key?(filename) then if @closecalls[@method] then result = `#{@closecalls[@method]} #{filename} 2>&1` end else closeall return end rescue end @files.delete(filename) end end def PDFview.closeall begin if @allcalls[@method] then result = `#{@allcalls[@method]} 2>&1` end rescue end @files.clear end def PDFview.fullname(name) name + if name =~ /\.pdf$/ then '' else '.pdf' end end end #"t:/document/show-exa.pdf") #"t:/document/show-gra.pdf") # PDFview.close("t:/document/show-exa.pdf") # PDFview.close("t:/document/show-gra.pdf")