eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' && eval 'exec perl -w -S $0 $argv:q' if 0; #D \module #D [ file=texshow.pl, #D version=2005.01.06, #D title=TeXShow, #D subtitle=showing \CONTEXT\ commands, #D author=Taco Hoekwater, #D date=\currentdate, #D copyright={Taco Hoekwater}] #D Early 1999 \TEXSHOW\ showed up in the \CONTEXT\ distribution. At that time #D the user interface was described in files named \type {setup*.tex}. The #D program used a stripped down version of these definition files, generated #D by \CONTEXT\ itself. \TEXSHOW\ shows you the commands, their (optional) #D arguments, as well as the parameters and their values. For some five years #D there was no need to change \TEXSHOW. However, when a few years ago we #D started providing an \XML\ variant of the user interface definitions, Taco #D came up with \TEXSHOW||\XML. Because Patricks \CONTEXT\ garden and tools #D like \CTXTOOLS\ also use the \XML\ definitions, it's time to drop the old #D \TEX\ based definitions and move forward. From now on Taco's version is the #D one to be used. #D #D Hans Hagen - Januari 2005 use strict; use Getopt::Long ; use XML::Parser; use Data::Dumper; use Tk; use Tk::ROText ; use Config; use Time::HiRes; $Getopt::Long::passthrough = 1 ; # no error message $Getopt::Long::autoabbrev = 1 ; # partial switch accepted my $ShowHelp = 0; my $Debug = 0; my $Editmode = 0; my $Interface = 'cont-en'; my $current_command; my $current_interface; my $current_part; my @setup_files; my %setups; my %commes; my %descrs; my %examps; my %trees; my %positions; my %locations; my %crosslinks; &GetOptions ( "help" => \$ShowHelp , "interface=s" => \$Interface , "debug" => \$Debug, "edit" => \$Editmode) ; print "\n"; show('TeXShow-XML 0.2 beta','Taco Hoekwater 2004',"/"); print "\n"; if ($ShowHelp) { show('--help','print this help'); show('--interface=lg','primary interface'); show('--debug','print debugging info'); show('string','show info about command \'string\''); show('string lg','show info about \'string\' in language \'lg\''); print "\n"; exit 0; } my $command = $ARGV[0] || ''; my $interface = $ARGV[1] || ''; if ($interface =~ /^[a-z][a-z]$/i) { $Interface = 'cont-' . lc($interface); } elsif ($interface && $command =~ /^[a-z][a-z]$/i) { show('debug',"switching '$interface' and '$command'"); $Interface = 'cont-' . lc($command); $command = $interface; } if ($command =~ s/^\\//) { show('debug','removed initial command backslash'); } show('interface', $Interface); if ($command){ show ('command', "\\$command") ; } print "\n"; show('status','searching for setup files'); my $setup_path; my ($mainwindow,$interfaceframe,$partframe,$leftframe,$rightframe,$buttonframe); my ($request,$listbox,$textwindow,%interfacebuttons,%partbuttons); my ($textfont,$userfont,$buttonfont); my $Part; if (setups_found($Interface)) { $current_interface = ''; $current_command = ''; $current_part = 'Command'; show('status','loading setups') ; load_setups($Interface) ; show ('status','initializing display') ; initialize_display(); change_setup(); show_command ($command); $mainwindow->deiconify(); show ('status','entering main loop') ; MainLoop () ; show ('status','closing down') ; } else { show ('error','no setup files found') ; } print "\n"; sub initialize_display { my $dosish = ($Config{'osname'} =~ /dos|win/i) ; my $default_size = $dosish ? 9 : 12 ; my $s_vertical = 30 ; my $s_horizontal = 72 ; my $c_horizontal = 24 ; if (!$dosish) { $textfont = "-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--$default_size-120-75-75-m-70-iso8859-1" ; $userfont = "-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--$default_size-120-75-75-m-70-iso8859-1" ; $buttonfont = "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--$default_size-120-75-75-p-69-iso8859-1"; } else { $textfont = "Courier $default_size " ; $userfont = "Courier $default_size italic" ; $buttonfont = "Helvetica $default_size bold " ; } $mainwindow = MainWindow -> new ( -title => 'ConTeXt commands' ) ; $buttonframe = $mainwindow -> Frame () ; # buttons $leftframe = $mainwindow -> Frame () ; # leftside $rightframe = $mainwindow -> Frame(); $request = $rightframe -> Entry (-font => $textfont, -background => 'ivory1', -width => $c_horizontal); $listbox = $rightframe -> Scrolled ('Listbox', -scrollbars => 'e', -font => $textfont, -width => $c_horizontal, -selectbackground => 'gray', -background => 'ivory1', -selectmode => 'browse') ; $textwindow = $leftframe -> Scrolled ('ROText', -scrollbars => 'se', -height => $s_vertical, -width => $s_horizontal, -wrap => 'none', -background => 'ivory1', -font => $textfont); $interfaceframe = $leftframe -> Frame(); $mainwindow -> withdraw() ; $mainwindow -> resizable ('y', 'y') ; foreach (@setup_files) { $interfacebuttons{$_} = $buttonframe -> Radiobutton (-text => $_, -value => $_, -font => $buttonfont, -selectcolor => 'ivory1', -indicatoron => 0, -command => \&change_setup, -variable => \$Interface ); $interfacebuttons{$_} -> pack (-padx => '2p',-pady => '2p','-side' => 'left' ); } foreach (qw(Command Description Comments Examples)) { $partbuttons{$_} = $interfaceframe -> Radiobutton (-text => $_, -value => $_, -font => $buttonfont, -selectcolor => 'ivory1', -indicatoron => 0, -command => \&change_part, -variable => \$Part ); $partbuttons{$_} -> pack (-padx => '2p',-pady => '2p','-side' => 'left' ); } # global top $buttonframe -> pack ( -side => 'top' , -fill => 'x' , -expand => 0 ) ; # top in left $interfaceframe -> pack ( -side => 'top' , -fill => 'x' , -expand => 0 ) ; $textwindow -> pack ( -side => 'top' , -fill => 'both' , -expand => 1 ) ; $leftframe -> pack ( -side => 'left' , -fill => 'both' , -expand => 1 ) ; # right $request -> pack ( -side => 'top' , -fill => 'x' ) ; $listbox -> pack ( -side => 'bottom' , -fill => 'both' , -expand => 1 ) ; $rightframe -> pack ( -side => 'right' , -fill => 'both' , -expand => 1 ) ; $listbox -> bind ('', \&show_command ) ; $listbox -> bind ('<1>' , \&show_command ) ; $listbox -> bind ('' , \&show_command ) ; $textwindow -> tag ('configure', 'user' , -font => $userfont ) ; $textwindow -> tag ('configure', 'optional' , -font => $userfont ) ; $textwindow -> tag ('configure', 'command' , -foreground => 'green3' ) ; $textwindow -> tag ('configure', 'variable' , -font => $userfont ) ; $textwindow -> tag ('configure', 'default' , -underline => 1 ) ; $textwindow -> tag ('configure', 'symbol' , -foreground => 'blue3' ) ; $textwindow -> tag ('configure', 'or' , -foreground => 'yellow3' ) ; $textwindow -> tag ('configure', 'argument' , -foreground => 'red3' ) ; $textwindow -> tag ('configure', 'par' , -lmargin1 => '4m' , -wrap => 'word' , -lmargin2 => '6m' ) ; foreach my $chr ('a'..'z','A'..'Z') { $mainwindow -> bind ( "", sub { insert_request(shift, $chr) } ); } $request -> bind ('', sub { handle_request() } ) ; $mainwindow -> bind ( "", sub { insert_request(shift, "\\") } ) ; $mainwindow -> bind ( "", sub { new_request() } ) ; $mainwindow -> bind ( "", sub { delete_request() } ) ; $mainwindow -> bind ( "", sub { prev_command() } ) ; $mainwindow -> bind ( "", sub { next_command() } ) ; } sub show { my ($pre,$post,$sep) = @_; unless ($pre eq 'debug' && !$Debug) { $sep = ':' unless defined $sep; print sprintf("%22s $sep %+s\n",$pre,$post); } } sub change_setup { # switches to another setup file if ($current_interface ne $Interface ) { my $loc = 0; if ($current_command) { $loc = $positions{$Interface}{$current_command} || 0; } my @list = sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %{$setups{$Interface}} ; my $num = 0; map { $locations{$Interface}{$_} = $num++; } @list; $listbox -> delete ('0.0', 'end') ; $listbox -> insert ('end', @list) ; # try to switch to other command as well, here. if ($current_command ne '') { show_command($crosslinks{$Interface}[$loc] || ''); } else { $listbox -> selectionSet ('0.0', '0.0') ; $listbox -> activate ('0.0') ; } } $current_interface = $Interface; $mainwindow -> focus ; } sub change_part { if ($Part ne $current_part) { if($Part eq 'Command') { show_command(); } elsif ($Part eq 'Description') { show_description(); } elsif ($Part eq 'Comments') { show_comments(); } elsif ($Part eq 'Examples') { show_examples(); } } $current_part = $Part; } sub setups_found { # find the setup files my ($primary) = @_; $setup_path = `kpsewhich --progname=context cont-en.xml` ; chomp $setup_path; show ('debug', "path = '$setup_path'"); if ($setup_path) { $setup_path =~ s/cont-en\.xml.*// ; @setup_files = glob ("${setup_path}cont\-??.xml") ; # HH: pattern patched, too greedy show ('debug', "globbed path into '@setup_files'"); if (@setup_files) { my $found = 0; foreach (@setup_files) { s/\.xml.*$//; s/^.*?cont-/cont-/; if ($_ eq $primary) { $found = 1; show ('debug', "found primary setup '$primary'"); } else { show ('debug', "found non-primary setup '$_'"); } } if ($found) { return 1; } else { show('error',"setup file for '$primary' not found, using 'cont-en'"); $Interface = 'cont-en'; return 1; } } else { show('error',"setup file glob failed"); } } elsif ($!) { show('error','kpsewhich not found'); } else { show('error','setup files not found'); } return 0; } sub load_setup { my ($path,$filename) = @_; unless (keys %{$setups{$filename}}) { if (open(IN,"<${path}$filename.xml")) { my $position = 0 ; local $/ = ''; while (my $data= ) { if ($data =~ /\<\/cd:interface/) { next; } if ($data =~ /\/; my $info = $1; my ($name,$environment) = ('',''); while ($info =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*=\s*(["'])(.*?)\2\s*//) { my $a = $1; my $b = $3; if ($a eq 'name') { $name = $b; } elsif ($a eq 'type') { $environment = $b; } } my $cmd = $name; if ($environment) { $cmd = "start" . $name; } $setups {$filename}{$cmd} = $data ; $trees {$filename}{$cmd} = undef; $positions {$filename}{$cmd} = ++$position ; $crosslinks{$filename}[$position] = $cmd ; } close IN; # now get explanations as well ... my $explname = $filename; $explname =~ s/cont-/expl-/; my $extras = 0 ; if (open(IN,"<${path}$explname.xml")) { local $/ = ''; while (my $data= ) { if ($data =~ /\<\/cd:explanations/) { next; } if ($data =~ /\/; my $info = $1; my ($name,$environment) = ('',''); while ($info =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*=\s*(["'])(.*?)\2\s*//) { my $a = $1; my $b = $3; if ($a eq 'name') { $name = $b; } elsif ($a eq 'type') { $environment = $b; } } my $cmd = $name; if ($environment) { $cmd = "start" . $name; } my $comment = ''; my $description = ''; my @examples = (); $data =~ /\(.*)\<\/cd:description\>/s and $description = $1; $data =~ /\(.*)\<\/cd:comment\>/s and $comment = $1; while ($data =~ s/\(.*?)\<\/cd:example\>//s) { push @examples, $1; } if (length($comment) && $comment =~ /\S/) { $commes {$filename}{$cmd} = $comment; } if (length($description) && $description =~ /\S/) { $descrs {$filename}{$cmd} = $description; } my $testex = "@examples"; if (length($testex) && $testex =~ /\S/) { $examps {$filename}{$cmd} = [@examples]; } } } if ($extras) { show('debug',"interface '$filename', $position\&$extras commands"); } else { show('debug',"interface '$filename', $position commands"); } } else { show ('debug',"open() of ${path}$filename.xml failed"); } } $Interface = $filename ; } sub load_setups { my ($primary) = @_; # load all setup files, but default to $primary my $t0 = [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday()]; foreach my $setup (@setup_files) { if ($setup ne $primary) { load_setup ($setup_path,$setup); show('status',"loading '$setup' took " .Time::HiRes::tv_interval($t0) . " seconds"); $t0 = [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday()]; }; }; load_setup ($setup_path,$primary); show('status',"loading '$primary' took " .Time::HiRes::tv_interval($t0) . " seconds"); } my @history = (); my $current_history = 0; sub show_command { my ($command,$nofix) = @_; if (keys %{$setups{$Interface}}) { my $key = ''; if (defined $command && $command && (defined $setups{$Interface}{$command} || defined $setups{$Interface}{"start" . $command})) { $key = $command; my $whence =$locations{$Interface}{$command}; $listbox -> selectionClear ('0.0','end') ; $listbox -> selectionSet($whence,$whence); $listbox -> activate($whence); $listbox -> see($whence); } else { $listbox -> selectionSet('0.0','0.0') unless $listbox->curselection(); $key = $listbox -> get($listbox->curselection()) ; } show('debug',"current command: $current_command"); show('debug'," new command: $key"); $current_command = $key ; $textwindow -> delete ('1.0', 'end' ) ; $partbuttons{"Command"}->select(); $partbuttons{"Command"}->configure('-state' => 'normal'); $partbuttons{"Description"}->configure('-state' => 'disabled'); $partbuttons{"Comments"}->configure('-state' => 'disabled'); $partbuttons{"Examples"}->configure('-state' => 'disabled'); if (defined $commes{$Interface}{$key}) { $partbuttons{"Comments"}->configure('-state' => 'normal'); } if (defined $descrs{$Interface}{$key}) { $partbuttons{"Description"}->configure('-state' => 'normal'); } if (defined $examps{$Interface}{$key}) { $partbuttons{"Examples"}->configure('-state' => 'normal'); } unless (defined $nofix && $nofix) { push @history, $key; $current_history = $#history; } do_update_command ($key) ; $mainwindow -> update(); $mainwindow -> focus() ; } } sub prev_command { if ($current_history > 0) { $current_history--; show_command($history[$current_history],1); } } sub next_command { unless ($current_history == $#history) { $current_history++; show_command($history[$current_history],1); } } sub show_description { $textwindow -> delete ('1.0', 'end' ) ; if (defined $descrs{$current_interface}{$current_command}) { $textwindow-> insert ('end',$descrs{$current_interface}{$current_command}); } $mainwindow -> update(); $mainwindow -> focus() ; } sub show_comments { $textwindow -> delete ('1.0', 'end' ) ; if (defined $commes{$current_interface}{$current_command}) { $textwindow-> insert ('end',$commes{$current_interface}{$current_command}); } $mainwindow -> update(); $mainwindow -> focus() ; } sub show_examples { $textwindow -> delete ('1.0', 'end' ) ; if (defined $examps{$current_interface}{$current_command}) { $textwindow-> insert ('end',join("\n\n",@{$examps{$current_interface}{$current_command}})); } $mainwindow -> update(); $mainwindow -> focus() ; } sub has_attr { my ($elem,$att,$val) = @_; return 1 if (attribute($elem,$att) eq $val); return 0; } sub view_post { my ($stuff,$extra) = @_; $extra = '' unless defined $extra; $stuff =~ /^(.)(.*?)(.)$/; my ($l,$c,$r) = ($1,$2,$3); if ($l eq '[' || $l eq '(') { return ($l,['symbol','par',$extra],$c,['par',$extra],$r,['symbol','par',$extra],"\n",'par'); } else { return ($l,['argument','par',$extra],$c,['par',$extra],$r,['argument','par',$extra],"\n",'par'); } } sub view_pre { my ($stuff) = @_; $stuff =~ /^(.)(.*?)(.)$/; my ($l,$c,$r) = ($1,$2,$3); if ($l eq '[' || $l eq '(') { return ($l,['symbol'],$c,'',$r,['symbol']); } else { return ($l,['argument'],$c,'',$r,['argument']); } } sub create_setup_arguments { my $argx = shift; my @predisp = (); my @postdisp = (); foreach my $arg (children($argx)) { if (name($arg) eq 'cd:keywords') { # children are Constant* & Inherit? & Variable* my @children = children($arg); my $optional = (attribute($arg,'optional') eq 'yes' ? 'optional' : ''); if (@children){ push @predisp,'[', ['symbol',$optional]; if (has_attr($arg,'list', 'yes')) { if (has_attr($arg,'interactive', 'exclusive')) { push @predisp, '...', ''; } else { push @predisp, '..,...,..', ''; } } else { push @predisp,'...', ''; } push @predisp,']', ['symbol',$optional]; } push @postdisp,'[', ['symbol','par',$optional]; my $firsttrue = 1; foreach my $kwd (@children) { if ($firsttrue) { $firsttrue = 0; } else { push @postdisp,', ', ['symbol','par']; } if (name($kwd) eq 'cd:constant' || name($kwd) eq 'cd:variable') { my $v = attribute($kwd,'type'); my $def = ''; my $var = ''; $var = 'variable' if (name($kwd) eq 'cd:variable') ; $def = 'default' if (has_attr($kwd,'default', 'yes')); if ($v =~ /^cd:/) { $v =~ s/^cd://; $v .= "s" if (has_attr($arg,'list', 'yes')); push @postdisp, $v, ['user',$def,'par',$var]; } else { push @postdisp, $v, [$def,'par',$var]; } } elsif (name($kwd) eq 'cd:inherit') { my $v = attribute($kwd,'name'); $textwindow -> tag ('configure', $v , -foreground => 'blue3',-underline => 1 ) ; $textwindow -> tagBind($v,'',sub {show_command($v)} ); push @postdisp,"see ","par", "$v", [$v,'par']; } } push @postdisp,']', ['symbol','par',$optional]; push @postdisp,"\n", 'par'; } elsif (name($arg) eq 'cd:assignments') { # children are Parameter* & Inherit? my @children = children($arg); my $optional = (attribute($arg,'optional') eq 'yes' ? 'optional' : ''); if (@children) { push @predisp,'[', ['symbol',$optional]; if (has_attr($arg,'list', 'yes')) { push @predisp, '..,..=..,..', ''; } else { push @predisp,'..=..', ''; } push @predisp,']', ['symbol',$optional]; push @postdisp,'[', ['symbol','par',$optional]; my $isfirst = 1; foreach my $assn (@children) { if ($isfirst) { $isfirst = 0; } else { push @postdisp,",\n ", ['symbol','par']; } if (name($assn) eq 'cd:parameter') { push @postdisp,attribute($assn,'name'), 'par'; push @postdisp,'=', ['symbol','par']; my $firstxtrue = 1; foreach my $par (children($assn)) { if ($firstxtrue) { $firstxtrue = 0; } else { push @postdisp,'|', ['or','par']; } if (name($par) eq 'cd:constant' || name($par) eq 'cd:variable') { my $var = ''; $var = 'variable' if name($par) eq 'cd:variable'; my $v = attribute($par,'type'); if ($v =~ /^cd:/) { $v =~ s/^cd://; push @postdisp,$v, ['user','par',$var]; } else { push @postdisp,$v, ['par',$var]; } } } } elsif (name($assn) eq 'cd:inherit') { my $v = attribute($assn,'name'); $textwindow -> tag ('configure', $v , -foreground => 'blue3',-underline => 1 ) ; $textwindow -> tagBind($v,'',sub {show_command($v)} ); push @postdisp,"see ","par", "$v", [$v,'par']; } } push @postdisp,"]", ['symbol','par',$optional], "\n", ''; } } elsif (name($arg) eq 'cd:content') { push @predisp, view_pre('{...}'); push @postdisp, view_post('{...}'); } elsif (name($arg) eq 'cd:triplet') { if (has_attr($arg,'list','yes')) { push @predisp, view_pre('[x:y:z=,..]'); push @postdisp,view_post('[x:y:z=,..]'); } else { push @predisp, view_pre('[x:y:z=]'); push @postdisp,view_post('[x:y:z=]'); } } elsif (name($arg) eq 'cd:reference') { my $optional = (attribute($arg,'optional') eq 'yes' ? 'optional' : ''); if (has_attr($arg,'list','yes')) { push @postdisp, view_post('[ref,..]',$optional); push @predisp, view_pre('[ref,..]'); } else { push @postdisp, view_post('[ref]',$optional); push @predisp, view_pre('[ref]');; } } elsif (name($arg) eq 'cd:word') { if (has_attr($arg,'list','yes')) { push @predisp, view_pre ('{...,...}'); push @postdisp,view_post('{...,...}'); } else { push @predisp, view_pre('{...}'); push @postdisp, view_post('{...}'); } } elsif (name($arg) eq 'cd:nothing') { my $sep = attribute($arg,'separator'); if ($sep) { if($sep eq 'backslash') { # push @postdisp,'\\\\','par'; push @predisp,'\\\\',''; } else { # push @postdisp,$sep,'par'; push @predisp,$sep,''; } } push @predisp,'...',''; push @postdisp,'text',['variable','par'],"\n",'par'; } elsif (name($arg) eq 'cd:file') { push @predisp,'...',['default']; push @postdisp,'...',['default','par'],"\n",'par'; } elsif (name($arg) eq 'cd:csname') { push @predisp,'\command',['command']; push @postdisp,'\command',['command','par'],"\n",'par'; } elsif (name($arg) eq 'cd:index') { if (has_attr($arg,'list','yes')) { push @predisp,view_pre('{..+...+..}'); push @postdisp,view_post('{..+...+..}'); } else { push @predisp, view_pre('{...}'); push @postdisp,view_post('{...}'); } } elsif (name($arg) eq 'cd:position') { if (has_attr($arg,'list','yes')) { push @predisp,view_pre('(...,...)'); push @postdisp,view_post('(...,...)'); } else { push @predisp,view_pre('(...)'); push @postdisp,view_post('(...)'); } } elsif (name($arg) eq 'cd:displaymath') { push @predisp, ('$$',['argument'],'...','','$$',['argument']); push @postdisp, ('$$',['argument','par'],'...',['par'],'$$',['argument','par']); } elsif (name($arg) eq 'cd:tex') { my $sep = attribute($arg,'separator'); if ($sep) { if($sep eq 'backslash') { # push @postdisp,'\\\\','par'; push @predisp,'\\\\',''; } else { # push @postdisp,$sep,'par'; push @predisp,$sep,''; } } my $cmd = "\\" . attribute($arg,'command'); push @predisp,$cmd,''; # push @postdisp,$cmd,['command','par'],"\n",'par'; } } return (\@predisp,\@postdisp); } # Hello thereHowdydo # # would be: # # Tag Content # ================================================================== # [foo, [{}, head, [{id => "a"}, 0, "Hello ", em, [{}, 0, "there"]], # bar, [ {}, 0, "Howdy", ref, [{}]], # 0, "do" # ] # ] sub attribute { my ($elem,$att) = @_; if (defined $elem->[1] && defined $elem->[1]->[0] && defined $elem->[1]->[0]->{$att}) { my $ret = $elem->[1]->[0]->{$att}; show ('debug',"returning attribute $att=$ret"); return $elem->[1]->[0]->{$att}; } else { return ''; } } sub name { my ($elem) = @_; if (defined $elem->[0] ) { return $elem->[0]; } else { return ''; } } # return all children at a certain level sub children { my ($elem) = @_; if (defined $elem->[1] && defined $elem->[1]->[1]) { my @items = @{$elem->[1]}; shift @items ; # deletes the attribute. my @ret = (); while (@items) { push @ret, [shift @items, shift @items]; } return @ret; } else { return (); } } # return the first child with the right name sub find { my ($elem,$name) = @_; if ($elem->[0] eq $name) { return $elem; } if (ref($elem->[1]) eq 'ARRAY') { my @contents = @{$elem->[1]}; shift @contents; while (my $ename = shift @contents) { my $con = shift @contents; if ($ename eq $name) { return [$ename,$con]; } } } return []; } sub do_update_command # type: 0=display, 1=compute only { my ($command, $type) = @_ ; $type = 0 unless defined $type; my $setup; if (!defined $trees{$Interface}{$command}) { my $parser = XML::Parser->new('Style' => 'Tree'); $trees{$Interface}{$command} = $parser->parse($setups{$Interface}{$command}); } $setup = $trees{$Interface}{$command} ; my $predisp = undef; my $postdisp = undef; my @cmddisp = (); my @cmddispafter = (); my $pradisp = undef; my $altdisp = undef; if (attribute($setup,'file')) { my $filename = attribute($setup,'file'); my $fileline = attribute($setup,'line') || 0; $textwindow->insert ('end',"$filename:${fileline}::\n\n", '' ); } # start with backslash push @cmddisp, "\\", 'command' ; my $env = 0; if (has_attr($setup,'type','environment')) { $env = 1; } if ($env) { push @cmddisp, "start", 'command' ; } if ($env) { push @cmddispafter, " ... ", '', "\\stop", 'command' ; } my $seq = find($setup,'cd:sequence'); # display rest of command name foreach my $seqpart (children($seq)) { my $text = attribute($seqpart,'value'); if (name($seqpart) eq 'cd:variable') { push @cmddisp, $text, ['command','user']; if ($env) { push @cmddispafter, $text, ['command','user']; } } elsif (name($seqpart) eq 'cd:string') { push @cmddisp, $text, 'command'; if ($env) { push @cmddispafter, $text, 'command'; } } } # my $args = find($setup,'cd:arguments'); # display commands if ($args) { my $curarg = 0; foreach my $arg (children($args)) { if (name($arg) eq 'cd:choice') { my ($a,$b) = children($arg); ($predisp,$postdisp) = create_setup_arguments(['cd:arguments',[{}, @$a]]); ($pradisp,$altdisp) = create_setup_arguments(['cd:arguments',[{}, @$b]]); } else { ($predisp,$postdisp) = create_setup_arguments($args); } $curarg++; } } return if $type; if(defined $postdisp) { if(defined $altdisp) { $textwindow->insert('end',@cmddisp,@$predisp,@cmddispafter, "\n",'', @cmddisp,@$pradisp,@cmddispafter, "\n\n",'', @cmddisp, "\n",'', @$postdisp, "\n",'', @cmddisp, "\n",'', @$altdisp); } else { $textwindow->insert('end',@cmddisp,@$predisp, @cmddispafter ,"\n\n",'', @cmddisp,"\n",'', @$postdisp); } } else { $textwindow->insert('end',@cmddisp); } } #D The next feature is dedicated to Tobias, who suggested #D it, and Taco, who saw it as yet another proof of the #D speed of \PERL. It's also dedicated to Ton, who needs it #D for translating the big manual. sub handle_request { my $index = $listbox -> index('end') ; return unless $index; my $req = $request -> get ; return unless $req; $req =~ s/\\//o ; $req =~ s/\s//go ; $request -> delete('0','end') ; $request -> insert('0',$req) ; return unless $req; my ($l,$c) = split (/\./,$index) ; for (my $i=0;$i<=$l;$i++) { $index = "$i.0" ; my $str = $listbox -> get ($index, $index) ; if (defined $str && ref($str) eq 'ARRAY') { $str = "@{$str}"; } if (defined $str && $str =~ /^$req/) { show_command($str) ; return ; } } } sub insert_request { my ($self, $chr) = @_ ; # don't echo duplicate if $chr was keyed in in the (focussed) entrybox $request -> insert ('end', $chr) unless $self eq $request; handle_request(); } sub delete_request { my $self = shift ; # delete last character, carefully if ($self ne $request) { my $to = $request -> index ('end') ; my $from = $to - 1 ; if ($from<0) { $from = 0 } $request -> delete ($from,$to); } handle_request(); } sub new_request { $request -> delete (0,'end') ; handle_request(); }