if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mtx-update'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to mtxrun.lua", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- This script is dedicated to Mojca Miklavec, who is the driving force behind -- moving minimal generation from our internal machines to the context garden. -- Together with Arthur Reutenauer she made sure that it worked well on all -- platforms that matter. scripts = scripts or { } scripts.update = scripts.update or { } minimals = minimals or { } minimals.config = minimals.config or { } os.setenv("CYGWIN","nontsec") scripts.update.allformats = { "cont-en", "cont-nl", "cont-cz", "cont-de", "cont-fa", "cont-it", "cont-ro", "cont-uk", "metafun", "mptopdf", "plain" } scripts.update.fewformats = { "cont-en", "cont-nl", "metafun", "mptopdf", "plain" } scripts.update.repositories = { "current", "experimental" } scripts.update.versions = { "current", "latest" } scripts.update.engines = { ["luatex"] = { { "base/tex/", "texmf" }, { "base/metapost/", "texmf" }, { "fonts/new/", "texmf" }, { "fonts/common/", "texmf" }, { "fonts/other/", "texmf" }, { "context//", "texmf-context" }, { "context/img/", "texmf-context" }, { "context/config/", "texmf-context" }, { "misc/setuptex/", "." }, { "misc/web2c", "texmf" }, { "bin/common//", "texmf-" }, { "bin/context//", "texmf-" }, { "bin/metapost//", "texmf-" }, { "bin/luatex//", "texmf-" }, { "bin/man/", "texmf-" } }, ["xetex"] = { { "base/tex/", "texmf" }, { "base/metapost/", "texmf" }, { "base/xetex/", "texmf" }, { "fonts/new/", "texmf" }, { "fonts/common/", "texmf" }, { "fonts/other/", "texmf" }, { "context//", "texmf-context" }, { "context/img/", "texmf-context" }, { "context/config/", "texmf-context" }, { "misc/setuptex/", "." }, { "misc/web2c", "texmf" }, { "bin/common//", "texmf-" }, { "bin/context//", "texmf-" }, { "bin/metapost//", "texmf-" }, { "bin/xetex//", "texmf-" }, { "bin/man/", "texmf-" } }, ["pdftex"] = { { "base/tex/", "texmf" }, { "base/metapost/", "texmf" }, { "fonts/old/", "texmf" }, { "fonts/common/", "texmf" }, { "fonts/other/", "texmf" }, { "context//", "texmf-context" }, { "context/img/", "texmf-context" }, { "context/config/", "texmf-context" }, { "misc/setuptex/", "." }, { "misc/web2c", "texmf" }, { "bin/common//", "texmf-" }, { "bin/context//", "texmf-" }, { "bin/metapost//", "texmf-" }, { "bin/pdftex//", "texmf-" }, { "bin/man/", "texmf-" } }, ["all"] = { { "base/tex/", "texmf" }, { "base/metapost/", "texmf" }, { "base/xetex/", "texmf" }, { "fonts/old/", "texmf" }, { "fonts/new/", "texmf" }, { "fonts/common/", "texmf" }, { "fonts/other/", "texmf" }, { "context//", "texmf-context" }, { "context/img/", "texmf-context" }, { "context/config/", "texmf-context" }, { "misc/setuptex/", "." }, { "misc/web2c", "texmf" }, { "bin/common//", "texmf-" }, { "bin/context//", "texmf-" }, { "bin/metapost//", "texmf-" }, { "bin/luatex//", "texmf-" }, { "bin/xetex//", "texmf-" }, { "bin/pdftex//", "texmf-" }, { "bin/man/", "texmf-" } }, } scripts.update.platforms = { ["mswin"] = "mswin", ["windows"] = "mswin", ["win32"] = "mswin", ["win"] = "mswin", ["linux"] = "linux", ["freebsd"] = "freebsd", ["linux-32"] = "linux", ["linux-64"] = "linux-64", ["linux32"] = "linux", ["linux64"] = "linux-64", ["linux-ppc"] = "linux-ppc", ["ppc"] = "linux-ppc", ["osx"] = "osx-intel", ["osx-intel"] = "osx-intel", ["osx-ppc"] = "osx-ppc", ["osx-powerpc"] = "osx-ppc", ["osxintel"] = "osx-intel", ["osxppc"] = "osx-ppc", ["osxpowerpc"] = "osx-ppc", } function scripts.update.run(str) logs.report("run", str) if environment.argument("force") then -- important, otherwise formats fly to a weird place -- (texlua sets luatex as the engine, we need to reset that or to fix texexec :) os.setenv("engine",nil) os.execute(str) end end function scripts.update.fullpath(path) if input.aux.rootbased_path(path) then return path else return lfs.currentdir() .. "/" .. path end end function scripts.update.synchronize() logs.report("update","start") local texroot = scripts.update.fullpath(states.get("paths.root")) local engines = states.get('engines') local platforms = states.get('platforms') local repositories = states.get('repositories') local bin = states.get("rsync.program") local url = states.get("rsync.server") local version = states.get("context.version") local force = environment.argument("force") if not url:find("::$") then url = url .. "::" end local ok = lfs.attributes(texroot,"mode") == "directory" if not ok and force then dir.mkdirs(texroot) ok = lfs.attributes(texroot,"mode") == "directory" end if ok or not force then if force then dir.mkdirs(string.format("%s/%s", texroot, "texmf-cache")) end local fetched, individual = { }, { } for engine, _ in pairs(engines) do local collections = scripts.update.engines[engine] if collections then for _, collection in ipairs(collections) do for platform, _ in pairs(platforms) do platform = scripts.update.platforms[platform] if platform then local archive = collection[1]:gsub("", platform) local destination = string.format("%s/%s", texroot, collection[2]:gsub("", platform)) destination = destination:gsub("\\","/") archive = archive:gsub("",version) --~ if platform == "windows" or platform == "mswin" then if os.currentplatform() == "windows" or os.currentplatform() == "mswin" then destination = destination:gsub("([a-zA-Z]):/", "/cygdrive/%1/") end individual[#individual+1] = { archive, destination } end end end end end local combined = { } for _, repository in ipairs(scripts.update.repositories) do if repositories[repository] then for _, v in pairs(individual) do local archive, destination = v[1], v[2] local cd = combined[destination] if not cd then cd = { } combined[destination] = cd end cd[#cd+1] = string.format("%s/%s/%s",states.get('rsync.module'),repository,archive) end end end if input.verbose then for k, v in pairs(combined) do logs.report("update", k) for k,v in ipairs(v) do logs.report("update", " <= " .. v) end end end for destination, archive in pairs(combined) do local archives, command = table.concat(archive," "), "" local normalflags, deleteflags = states.get("rsync.flags.normal"), states.get("rsync.flags.delete") if true then -- environment.argument("keep") or destination:find("%.$") then command = string.format("%s %s %s'%s' '%s'", bin, normalflags, url, archives, destination) else command = string.format("%s %s %s %s'%s' '%s'", bin, normalflags, deleteflags, url, archives, destination) end logs.report("mtx update", string.format("running command: %s",command)) if not fetched[command] then scripts.update.run(command) fetched[command] = command end end else logs.report("mtx update", string.format("no valid texroot: %s",texroot)) end if not force then logs.report("update", "use --force to really update") end logs.report("update","done") end function table.fromhash(t) local h = { } for k, v in pairs(t) do -- no ipairs here if v then h[#h+1] = k end end return h end function scripts.update.make() logs.report("make","start") local force = environment.argument("force") local texroot = scripts.update.fullpath(states.get("paths.root")) local engines = states.get('engines') local platforms = states.get('platforms') local formats = states.get('formats') input.load_tree(texroot) scripts.update.run("mktexlsr") scripts.update.run("luatools --generate") local formatlist = table.concat(table.fromhash(formats), " ") if formatlist ~= "" then for engine in pairs(engines) do -- todo: just handle make here or in mtxrun --script context --make --~ os.execute("set") scripts.update.run(string.format("texexec --make --all --fast --%s %s",engine,formatlist)) end end if not force then logs.report("make", "use --force to really make") end logs.report("make","done") end banner = banner .. " | download tools " messages.help = [[ --platform=string platform (windows, linux, linux-64, osx-intel, osx-ppc, linux-ppc) --server=string repository url (rsync://contextgarden.net) --module=string repository url (minimals) --repository=string specify version (current, experimental) --context=string specify version (current, latest, yyyy.mm.dd) --rsync=string rsync binary (rsync) --texroot installation directory (not guessed for the moment) --engine tex engine (luatex, pdftex, xetex) --force instead of a dryrun, do the real thing --update update minimal tree --make also make formats and generate file databases --keep don't delete unused or obsolete files --state update tree using saved state ]] input.verbose = true scripts.savestate = true if scripts.savestate then states.load("status-of-update.lua") -- tag, value, default, persistent input.starttiming(states) states.set("info.version",0.1) -- ok states.set("info.count",(states.get("info.count") or 0) + 1,1,false) -- ok states.set("info.comment","this file contains the settings of the last 'mtxrun --script update ' run",false) -- ok states.set("info.date",os.date("!%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) -- ok states.set("rsync.program", environment.argument("rsync"), "rsync", true) -- ok states.set("rsync.server", environment.argument("server"), "contextgarden.net::", true) -- ok states.set("rsync.module", environment.argument("module"), "minimals", true) -- ok states.set("rsync.flags.normal", environment.argument("flags"), "-rpztlv --stats", true) -- ok states.set("rsync.flags.delete", nil, "--delete", true) -- ok states.set("paths.root", environment.argument("texroot"), "tex", true) -- ok states.set("context.version", environment.argument("context"), "current", true) -- ok local valid = table.tohash(scripts.update.repositories) for r in string.gmatch(environment.argument("repository") or "current","([^, ]+)") do if valid[r] then states.set("repositories." .. r, true) end end local valid = scripts.update.engines for r in string.gmatch(environment.argument("engine") or "all","([^, ]+)") do if r == "all" then for k, v in pairs(valid) do if k ~= "all" then states.set("engines." .. k, true) end end elseif valid[r] then states.set("engines." .. r, true) end end local valid = scripts.update.platforms for r in string.gmatch(environment.argument("platform") or os.currentplatform(),"([^, ]+)") do if valid[r] then states.set("platforms." .. r, true) end end local valid = table.tohash(scripts.update.allformats) for r in string.gmatch(environment.argument("formats") or "","([^, ]+)") do if valid[r] then states.set("formats." .. r, true) end end states.set("formats.cont-en", true) states.set("formats.cont-nl", true) states.set("formats.metafun", true) -- modules logs.report("state","loaded") end if environment.argument("state") then environment.setargument("update",true) environment.setargument("force",true) environment.setargument("make",true) end if environment.argument("update") then scripts.update.synchronize() if environment.argument("make") then scripts.update.make() end elseif environment.argument("make") then scripts.update.make() else input.help(banner,messages.help) end if scripts.savestate then input.stoptiming(states) states.set("info.runtime",tonumber(input.elapsedtime(states))) if environment.argument("force") then states.save() logs.report("state","saved") end end