if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mtx-texworks'] = { version = 1.002, comment = "companion to mtxrun.lua", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } scripts = scripts or { } scripts.texworks = scripts.texworks or { } local texworkspaths = { "completion", "configuration", "dictionaries", "translations", "scripts", "templates", "TUG" } local texworkssignal = "texworks-context.rme" local texworkininame = "texworks.ini" function scripts.texworks.start(indeed) local workname = (os.type == "windows" and "texworks.exe") or "texworks" local fullname = nil local binpaths = file.split_path(os.getenv("PATH")) or file.split_path(os.getenv("path")) local usedsignal = texworkssignal local datapath = resolvers.findfile(usedsignal,"other text files") or "" if datapath ~= "" then datapath = file.dirname(datapath) -- data if datapath == "" then datapath = resolvers.cleanpath(lfs.currentdir()) end else usedsignal = texworkininame datapath = resolvers.findfile(usedsignal,"other text files") or "" if datapath == "" then usedsignal = string.lower(usedsignal) datapath = resolvers.findfile(usedsignal,"other text files") or "" end if datapath ~= "" and lfs.isfile(datapath) then datapath = file.dirname(datapath) -- TUG datapath = file.dirname(datapath) -- data if datapath == "" then datapath = resolvers.cleanpath(lfs.currentdir()) end end end if datapath == "" then logs.simple("invalid datapath, maybe you need to regenerate the file database") return false end if not binpaths or #binpaths == 0 then logs.simple("invalid binpath") return false end for i=1,#binpaths do local p = file.join(binpaths[i],workname) if lfs.isfile(p) and lfs.attributes(p,"size") > 10000 then -- avoind stub fullname = p break end end if not fullname then logs.simple("unable to locate %s",workname) return false end for i=1,#texworkspaths do dir.makedirs(file.join(datapath,texworkspaths[i])) end os.setenv("TW_INIPATH",datapath) os.setenv("TW_LIBPATH",datapath) if not indeed or environment.argument("verbose") then logs.simple("used signal: %s", usedsignal) logs.simple("data path : %s", datapath) logs.simple("full name : %s", fullname) logs.simple("set paths : TW_INIPATH TW_LIBPATH") end if indeed then os.launch(fullname) end end logs.extendbanner("TeXworks Startup Script 1.00") messages.help = [[ --start [--verbose] start texworks --test report what will happen ]] if environment.argument("start") then scripts.texworks.start(true) elseif environment.argument("test") then scripts.texworks.start() else logs.help(messages.help) end