if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mtx-scite'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to mtxrun.lua", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- todo: append to global properties else order of loading problem -- linux problem ... files are under root protection so we need --install scripts = scripts or { } scripts.scite = scripts.scite or { } local scitesignals = { "scite-context.rme", "context.properties" } local screenfont = "lmtypewriter10-regular.ttf" function scripts.scite.start(indeed) local usedsignal, datapath, fullname, workname, userpath, fontpath if os.type == "windows" then workname = "scite.exe" userpath = os.getenv("USERPROFILE") or "" fontpath = os.getenv("SYSTEMROOT") fontpath = (fontpath and file.join(fontpath,"fonts")) or "" else workname = "scite" userpath = os.getenv("HOME") or "" fontpath = "" end local binpaths = file.split_path(os.getenv("PATH")) or file.split_path(os.getenv("path")) for i=1,#scitesignals do local scitesignal = scitesignals[i] local scitepath = resolvers.findfile(scitesignal,"other text files") or "" if scitepath ~= "" then scitepath = file.dirname(scitepath) -- data if scitepath == "" then scitepath = resolvers.cleanpath(lfs.currentdir()) else usedsignal, datapath = scitesignal, scitepath break end end end if not datapath or datapath == "" then logs.simple("invalid datapath, maybe you need to regenerate the file database") return false end if not binpaths or #binpaths == 0 then logs.simple("invalid binpath") return false end for i=1,#binpaths do local p = file.join(binpaths[i],workname) if lfs.isfile(p) and lfs.attributes(p,"size") > 10000 then -- avoind stub fullname = p break end end if not fullname then logs.simple("unable to locate %s",workname) return false end local properties = dir.glob(file.join(datapath,"*.properties")) local luafiles = dir.glob(file.join(datapath,"*.lua")) local extrafont = resolvers.findfile(screenfont,"truetype font") or "" local pragmafound = dir.glob(file.join(datapath,"pragma.properties")) if userpath == "" then logs.simple("unable to figure out userpath") return false end local verbose = environment.argument("verbose") local tobecopied, logdata = { }, { } local function check_state(fullname,newpath) local basename = file.basename(fullname) local destination = file.join(newpath,basename) local pa, da = lfs.attributes(fullname), lfs.attributes(destination) if not da then logdata[#logdata+1] = { "new : %s", basename } tobecopied[#tobecopied+1] = { fullname, destination } elseif pa.modification > da.modification then logdata[#logdata+1] = { "outdated : %s", basename } tobecopied[#tobecopied+1] = { fullname, destination } else logdata[#logdata+1] = { "up to date : %s", basename } end end for i=1,#properties do check_state(properties[i],userpath) end for i=1,#luafiles do check_state(luafiles[i],userpath) end if fontpath ~= "" then check_state(extrafont,fontpath) end local userpropfile = "SciTEUser.properties" if os.name ~= "windows" then userpropfile = "." .. userpropfile end local fullpropfile = file.join(userpath,userpropfile) local userpropdata = io.loaddata(fullpropfile) or "" local propfiledone = false if pragmafound then if userpropdata == "" then logdata[#logdata+1] = { "error : no user properties found on '%s'", fullpropfile } elseif string.find(userpropdata,"import *pragma") then logdata[#logdata+1] = { "up to date : 'import pragma' in '%s'", userpropfile } else logdata[#logdata+1] = { "yet unset : 'import pragma' in '%s'", userpropfile } userproperties = userpropdata .. "\n\nimport pragma\n\n" propfiledone = true end else if string.find(userpropdata,"import *context") then logdata[#logdata+1] = { "up to date : 'import context' in '%s'", userpropfile } else logdata[#logdata+1] = { "yet unset : 'import context' in '%s'", userpropfile } userproperties = userpropdata .. "\n\nimport context\n\n" propfiledone = true end end if not indeed or verbose then logs.simple("used signal: %s", usedsignal) logs.simple("data path : %s", datapath) logs.simple("full name : %s", fullname) logs.simple("user path : %s", userpath) logs.simple("extra font : %s", extrafont) end if #logdata > 0 then logs.simple("") for k=1,#logdata do local v = logdata[k] logs.simple(v[1],v[2]) end end if indeed then if #tobecopied > 0 then logs.simple("warning : copying updated files") for i=1,#tobecopied do local what = tobecopied[i] logs.simple("copying : '%s' => '%s'",what[1],what[2]) file.copy(what[1],what[2]) end end if propfiledone then logs.simple("saving : '%s'",userpropfile) io.savedata(fullpropfile,userpropdata) end os.launch(fullname) end end logs.extendbanner("Scite Startup Script 1.00") messages.help = [[ --start [--verbose] start scite --test report what will happen ]] if environment.argument("start") then scripts.scite.start(true) elseif environment.argument("test") then scripts.scite.start() else logs.help(messages.help) end