if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mtx-install'] = { version = 1.002, comment = "companion to mtxrun.lua", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- todo: initial install from zip local helpinfo = [[ mtx-install ConTeXt Installer 2.01 platform repository url (rsync://contextgarden.net) extra modules (can be list or 'all') additional fonts (can be list or 'all') extra binaries (like scite and texworks) install context update context wipe the cache create list of files use curl for https ]] local type, tonumber = type, tonumber local gsub, find, escapedpattern = string.gsub, string.find, string.escapedpattern local round = math.round local savetable, loadtable, sortedhash = table.save, table.load, table.sortedhash local copyfile, joinfile, filesize, dirname, addsuffix, basename = file.copy, file.join, file.size, file.dirname, file.addsuffix, file.basename local isdir, isfile, walkdir, pushdir, popdir, currentdir = lfs.isdir, lfs.isfile, lfs.dir, lfs.chdir, dir.push, dir.pop, currentdir local mkdirs, globdir = dir.mkdirs, dir.glob local osremove, osexecute, ostype, resultof = os.remove, os.execute, os.type, os.resultof local savedata = io.savedata local formatters = string.formatters local httprequest = socket.http.request local usecurl = false local function checkcurl() local s = resultof("curl --version") return type(s) == "string" and find(s,"libcurl") and find(s,"rotocols") end local function fetch(url) local data = nil local detail = nil if usecurl and find(url,"^https") then data = resultof("curl " .. url) else data, detail = httprequest(url) end if type(data) ~= "string" then data = false elseif #data < 2048 then local n, t = find(data,"%s*%s*(%d+)%s(.-)") if tonumber(n) then data = false detail = n .. " " .. t end end return data, detail end local application = logs.application { name = "mtx-install", banner = "ConTeXt Installer 2.01", helpinfo = helpinfo, } local report = application.report scripts = scripts or { } scripts.install = scripts.install or { } local install = scripts.install local texformats = { "cont-en", "cont-nl", "cont-cz", "cont-de", "cont-fa", "cont-it", "cont-ro", "cont-uk", "cont-pe", } local platforms = { ["mswin"] = "mswin", ["windows"] = "mswin", ["win32"] = "mswin", ["win"] = "mswin", ["arm32"] = "windows-arm32", ["windows-arm32"] = "windows-arm32", -- ["mswin-64"] = "win64", ["windows-64"] = "win64", ["win64"] = "win64", ["arm64"] = "windows-arm64", ["windows-arm64"] = "windows-arm64", -- ["linux"] = "linux", ["linux-32"] = "linux", ["linux32"] = "linux", -- ["linux-64"] = "linux-64", ["linux64"] = "linux-64", -- ["linuxmusl-64"] = "linuxmusl", ["linuxmusl"] = "linuxmusl", -- ["linux-armhf"] = "linux-armhf", -- ["openbsd"] = "openbsd7.2", ["openbsd-i386"] = "openbsd7.2", ["openbsd-amd64"] = "openbsd7.2-amd64", -- ["freebsd"] = "freebsd", ["freebsd-i386"] = "freebsd", ["freebsd-amd64"] = "freebsd-amd64", -- -- ["kfreebsd"] = "kfreebsd-i386", -- ["kfreebsd-i386"] = "kfreebsd-i386", -- ["kfreebsd-amd64"] = "kfreebsd-amd64", -- -- ["linux-ppc"] = "linux-ppc", -- ["ppc"] = "linux-ppc", -- -- ["osx"] = "osx-intel", -- ["macosx"] = "osx-intel", -- ["osx-intel"] = "osx-intel", -- ["osxintel"] = "osx-intel", -- -- ["osx-ppc"] = "osx-ppc", -- ["osx-powerpc"] = "osx-ppc", -- ["osxppc"] = "osx-ppc", -- ["osxpowerpc"] = "osx-ppc", -- ["macosx"] = "osx-64", ["osx"] = "osx-64", ["osx-64"] = "osx-64", ["osx-arm"] = "osx-arm64", ["osx-arm64"] = "osx-arm64", -- -- ["solaris-intel"] = "solaris-intel", -- -- ["solaris-sparc"] = "solaris-sparc", -- ["solaris"] = "solaris-sparc", -- ["unknown"] = "unknown", } function install.identify() -- We have to be in "...../tex" where subdirectories are prefixed with -- "texmf". We strip the "tex/texm*/" from the name in the list. local hashdata = sha2 and sha2.HASH256 or md5.hex local function collect(root,tree) local path = root .. "/" .. tree if isdir(path) then local prefix = path .. "/" local files = globdir(prefix .. "**") local pattern = escapedpattern("^" .. prefix) local details = { } local total = 0 for i=1,#files do local name = files[i] local size = filesize(name) local base = gsub(name,pattern,"") local data = io.loaddata(name) if data and #data > 0 then local stamp = hashdata(data) details[i] = { base, size, stamp } total = total + size else report("%-24s : bad file %a",tree,name) end end report("%-24s : %4i files, %3.0f MB",tree,#files,total/(1000*1000)) savetable(path .. ".tma",details) end end local sourceroot = file.join(dir.current(),"tex") for d in walkdir("./tex") do if find(d,"%texmf") then collect(sourceroot,d) end end savetable("./tex/status.tma",{ name = "context", version = "lmtx", date = os.date("%Y-%m-%d"), }) end local function disclaimer() report("ConTeXt LMTX with LuaMetaTeX is still experimental and when you get a crash this") report("can be due to a mismatch between Lua bytecode and the engine. In that case you can") report("try the following:") report("") report(" - wipe the texmf-cache directory") report(" - run: mtxrun --generate") report(" - run: context --make") report("") report("When that doesn't solve the problem, ask on the mailing list (ntg-context@ntg.nl).") end function install.update() local hashdata = sha2 and sha2.HASH256 or md5.hex local function validdir(d) local ok = isdir(d) if not ok then mkdirs(d) ok = isdir(d) end return ok end local function download(what,url,target,total,done,oldhash) local data = fetch(url .. "/" .. target) if data then if total and done then report("%-8s : %3i %% : %8i : %s",what,round(100*done/total),#data,target) else report("%-8s : %8i : %s",what,#data,target) end if oldhash and oldhash ~= hashdata(data) then return "different hash value" elseif not validdir(dirname(target)) then return "wrong target directory" else savedata(target,data) end else return "unable to download" end end local function remove(what,target) report("%-8s : %8i : %s",what,filesize(target),target) osremove(target) end local function ispresent(target) return isfile(target) end local function hashed(list) local hash = { } for i=1,#list do local l = list[i] hash[l[1]] = l end return hash end local function run(fmt,...) local command = formatters[fmt](...) -- command = gsub(command,"/","\\") report("running: %s",command) osexecute(command) end local function prepare(tree) tree = joinfile("tex",tree) mkdirs(tree) end local function update(url,what,zipfile,skiplist) local tree = joinfile("tex",what) local ok = validdir(tree) if not validdir(tree) then report("invalid directory %a",tree) return end local lua = tree .. ".tma" local all = url .. "/" .. lua local old = loadtable(lua) local new = fetch(all) if new then new = loadstring(new) if new then new = new() end end if not new then report("invalid database %a",all) return end local total = 0 local done = 0 local count = 0 if not old then if zipfile then zipfile = addsuffix(what,"zip") end if zipfile then local zipurl = url .. "/" .. zipfile report("fetching %a",zipurl) local zipdata = fetch(zipurl) if zipdata then io.savedata(zipfile,zipdata) else zipfile = false end end if type(zipfile) == "string" and isfile(zipfile) then -- todo: pcall report("unzipping %a",zipfile) local specification = { zipname = zipfile, path = ".", -- verbose = true, verbose = "steps", } if utilities.zipfiles.unzipdir(specification) then osremove(zipfile) goto done else osremove(zipfile) end end count = #new report("installing %s, %i files",tree,count) for i=1,count do total = total + new[i][2] end for i=1,count do local entry = new[i] local name = entry[1] local size = entry[2] local target = joinfile(tree,name) done = done + size if not skiplist or not skiplist[basename(name)] then download("new",url,target,total,done) else report("skipping %s",target) end end ::done:: else report("updating %s, %i files",tree,#new) local hold = hashed(old) local hnew = hashed(new) local todo = { } for newname, newhash in sortedhash(hnew) do local target = joinfile(tree,newname) if not skiplist or not skiplist[basename(newname)] then local oldhash = hold[newname] local action = nil if not oldhash then action = "added" elseif oldhash[3] ~= newhash[3] then action = "changed" elseif not ispresent(joinfile(tree,newname)) then action = "missing" end if action then local size = newhash[2] total = total + size todo[#todo+1] = { action = action, target = target, size = size, hash = newhash[3], } end else report("skipping %s",target) end end count = #todo for i=1,count do local entry = todo[i] for i=1,5 do local target = entry.target local message = download(entry.action,url,target,total,done,entry.hash) if message then if i == 5 then report("%s, try again later: %s",target) os.exit() else report("%s, trying again: %s",target) os.sleep(2) end else break end end done = done + entry.size end for oldname, oldhash in sortedhash(hold) do local newhash = hnew[oldname] local target = joinfile(tree,oldname) if not newhash and ispresent(target) then remove("removed",target) end end end savetable(lua,new) return { tree, count, done } end local targetroot = dir.current() local server = environment.arguments.server or "" local instance = environment.arguments.instance or "" local osplatform = environment.arguments.platform or nil local platform = platforms[osplatform or os.platform or ""] if (platform == "unknown" or platform == "" or not platform) and osplatform then -- catches openbsdN.M kind of specifications platform = osplatform elseif not osplatform then osplatform = platform end if server == "" then server = "lmtx.contextgarden.net,lmtx.pragma-ade.com,lmtx.pragma-ade.nl,dmz.pragma-ade.nl" end if instance == "" then instance = "install-lmtx" end if not platform then report("unknown platform") return end local list = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array(server) local server = false for i=1,#list do local host = list[i] local data, status, detail = fetch("http://" .. host .. "/" .. instance .. "/tex/status.tma") if status == 200 and type(data) == "string" then local t = loadstring(data) if type(t) == "function" then t = t() end if type(t) == "table" and t.name == "context" and t.version == "lmtx" then server = host break end end end if not server then report("provide valid server and instance") return end local url = "http://" .. server .. "/" .. instance .. "/" local texmfplatform = "texmf-" .. platform report("server : %s",server) report("instance : %s",instance) report("platform : %s",osplatform) report("system : %s",ostype) local status = { } local skiplist = { ["mtxrun"] = true, ["context"] = true, ["mtxrun.exe"] = true, ["context.exe"] = true, } status[#status+1] = update(url,"texmf",true) status[#status+1] = update(url,"texmf-context",true) status[#status+1] = update(url,texmfplatform,false,skiplist) prepare("texmf-cache") prepare("texmf-project") prepare("texmf-fonts") prepare("texmf-local") prepare("texmf-modules") local binpath = joinfile(targetroot,"tex",texmfplatform,"bin") local luametatex = "luametatex" local luatex = "luatex" local mtxrun = "mtxrun" local context = "context" if ostype == "windows" then luametatex = addsuffix(luametatex,"exe") luatex = addsuffix(luatex,"exe") mtxrun = addsuffix(mtxrun,"exe") context = addsuffix(context,"exe") end local luametatexbin = joinfile(binpath,luametatex) local luatexbin = joinfile(binpath,luatex) local mtxrunbin = joinfile(binpath,mtxrun) local contextbin = joinfile(binpath,context) local cdir = currentdir() local pdir = pushdir(binpath) report("current : %S",cdir) report("target : %S",pdir) if pdir ~= cdir then report("removing : %s",mtxrun) report("removing : %s",context) osremove(mtxrun) osremove(context) if isfile(luametatex) then lfs.symlink(luametatex,mtxrun) lfs.symlink(luametatex,context) end if isfile(mtxrun) then report("linked : %s",mtxrun) else copyfile(luametatex,mtxrun) report("copied : %s",mtxrun) end if isfile(context) then report("linked : %s",context) else copyfile(luametatex,context) report("copied : %s",context) end end popdir() if lfs.setexecutable(luametatexbin) then report("xbit set : %s",luametatexbin) else -- report("xbit bad : %s",luametatexbin) end if lfs.setexecutable(luatexbin) then report("xbit set : %s",luatexbin) else -- report("xbit bad : %s",luatexbin) end if lfs.setexecutable(mtxrunbin) then report("xbit set : %s",mtxrunbin) else -- report("xbit bad : %s",mtxrunbin) end if lfs.setexecutable(contextbin) then report("xbit set : %s",contextbin) else -- report("xbit bad : %s",contextbin) end run("%s --generate",mtxrunbin) if environment.argument("erase") then run("%s --script cache --erase",mtxrunbin) run("%s --generate",mtxrunbin) end run("%s --make en", contextbin) -- in case we also install luatex: run("%s --luatex --generate",contextbin) run("%s --luatex --make en", contextbin) -- in calling script: update mtxrun.exe and mtxrun.lua report("") for i=1,#status do report("%-20s : %4i files with %9i bytes installed",unpack(status[i])) end report("") disclaimer() report("") report("update, done") end if environment.argument("secure") then usecurl = checkcurl() if not usecurl then report("no curl installed, quitting") os.exit() end end if environment.argument("identify") then install.identify() elseif environment.argument("install") then install.update() elseif environment.argument("update") then install.update() elseif environment.argument("exporthelp") then application.export(environment.argument("exporthelp"),environment.files[1]) else application.help() report("") disclaimer() end